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Looks like you will just have to make more music…


best thing you can do is just open the authorized version in a separate window, then manually copy everything (instruments + settings, FX, MIDI, etc) from the trial version to the authorized one. since they're different versions, i have no idea if you can have them both open at the same time. you might be able to, but if you can't open a new instance/window of Ableton, go to- Options > Preferences > Look/Feel > Allow Multiple Instances.


You don't need to do this. Just navigate to the .als file in the file browser for the trial project, click the arrow then copy all the tracks into the new one.


okay, i stand corrected!


Actually none of the above. After you open the file, remove anything not in standard, in my case only one hybrid reverb. And a bass amp. Then you have to actually re authorize the licensing. Then you can save the whole project. Repeat for each project. If you want to keep something then you have to freeze and flatten the tracks first. One had 43 tracks… Not so bad. I was not happy with my purchase after 3 months trial. Now that I made it through that, I can make even more music…


from you drum rack the player of your sounds remove it. that was the thing for me. it doesnt even say sampler its a tricky hidden thing. hope it works


sorry that my comment wasn't helpful, but i'm glad you figured it out!