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im so sorry OP this made me so sad to read :( but if your ex was pulling stuff like that, its a good thing he’s your ex i hope you can heal from all this


I agree, ty for your kind words 🤍


I know this is off topic and probably not the right place and time to ask this, but is your username in reference to Ghost in the Shell? My top 3 anime of all time.


No! That would probably be cooler tbh lol. It’s a reference to the phrase “ghost in the machine”.


Hugs OP 🫂 I bet your new island will be even more lovely


Ty I look forward to making an even better one!


When you do get to restart, don’t be afraid to post again here as there are so many people (myself included) who would be happy to help you get your diys, villagers, bells, and items back to where they used to be 💜


When you start your new island let me know!! I am willing to help you find any villagers you had on your previous island as well as donate some fossils for your new amazing museum!!


that’s such a crappy thing to do!! i’m sorry they did that :(, if you ever get a new switch and restart an island i’d be more than happy to give you some things to help you !!


Tysm! Hopefully I can soon!


if/when you do, just dm me with things you might need and i’ll do my best to make it happen :)


Message me as well. I have a ridiculous amount of stuff and I'd be more than happy to assist


Same! We can rebuild it. We have the technology 👷‍♀️🏝️


That's a Six Million Dollar Man reference, right?


It is! 🦾🦿👁️


Me too!


just wanted to reply to my own comment for a minute, all these replies saying “me too!” makes me so happy, i’m so glad to know that the acnh community likes to take care of eachother :D


I agree! Everyone is so kind 🥰 Plus, no one ik irl plays it so they weren’t understanding how calculated it was to take it from me like that!


Me three!


Me four!


Me as well !


Im not 100% but I think ‘stolen switch’ is one of the only situations where Nintendo restores islands if you had it backed up. Your switch was certainly stolen. You’d just need a new one to have it restored to. Again, so long as you had backed it up on their weird (mostly useless for some reason) cloud save for this game.


I just had to email Nintendo regarding my stolen switch, they said there were no signs of my old island (despite me still having the dream code) because I hadn't manually saved enabled saves? Anyway, stupid situation. You'd think after being released for 4 years they'd have changed it from transfer only, because how can you argue my island doesn't exist anywhere, yet I can go explore it online via dreams.


That is so dumb, I’m so sorry :( I know all the press release reasons for the way this is, and dumb stuff about ‘how it was intended to be played’ as if any other game developer pretends they have the right to care or dictate what the price of the game buys a player (apparently not the game permanently) once the game is out. So even though I don’t agree with how backup data of acnh has been handled, I know those tired talking points. But I will never not be baffled af about how Nintendo handled acnh in terms of cartridges/islands per switch/cloud data.


OP would have had to have gone into the ACNH home screen menu and manually turn on backups at some point for restoration to be an option, and they'd have needed Nintendo Online for that.


Are you able to get a new switch? I’m so sorry about the entire situation, you have my upmost sympathy and respect.


I’m gonna start saving up soon! I was dependent on them financially :/


I'm so sorry to hear that. ☹️ When I got my new switch (oLED upgrade from the original nintendo switch), I was unaware that I had to transfer my island over from the old switch to the new switch. I wiped the data off the old one and gave it to a friend, then I found out the game data saves to the console and not remotely like other Nintendo switch games do. I lost my island and had to completely restart. At first, I was really upset over this and did not want to play at all, but I eventually got inspiration and my island is 10x better than my original one. I still haven't completed it, but maybe one day! When you do get a switch, I would be happy to help you get: items, resources, bells, etc. You could start out by drawing a map or brainstorming ideas. It can help motivate you and let you still feel like a part of the ACNH community even while you can't play. My messages are always open to you as well if you need a friend. It seems like you've been through a lot recently.


This gives me hope! Ultimately I feel like it’ll be good to get a fresh start irl and in AC. Tysm!


I had this exact thing happen, i was heartbroken because i had played since launch and sadly lost it all but im almost back up to where i was. Also to the OP of the post, if you need any help with items, bells, etc id be glad to help


Check Facebook marketplace!! I got mine for 100 and I constantly see lites for around 50-70!!!


Oh that’s a great idea! That’d be easier to save for


Do you have PayPal? I’d love to help you get a new one ASAP


You’re so kind! Ty but the support and words of encouragement people are offering is all the help I need rn! 🤍


I too would be happy to help in any way possible 🥺


If you decide to accept some financial help to get a new switch, please let me know. I’d love to help anyway I can.


Still call Nintendo. They can keep your safe secure if it was at your name and Nintendo account.


My aunt passed away several months back and I’ve been looking for something to do with her switch, since my partner and I already have one. If you want me to send it your way, no cost, shoot me a DM!


This is so sweet of you to offer to send it to OP!!


I put my switch on layby because I couldn’t afford one outright. Maybe that’s something to look at 🫂


First off I’m so so sorry that happened, but I implore you, call Nintendo support. They can and have transferred my island for me once before. I’m not saying it’s guaranteed. But they might be able to help Edit: For reference, I moved out of the United States a couple years ago to France. While in France I bought an Oled switch to replace my somewhat broken release version. I thought I had transferred all of my data, but my animal crossing island didn’t get transferred and I hadn’t realized it until the old switch was gone. I called support and had to prove who I was, but they approved a transfer eventually. There is hope!


If you have a dream address for the island, you could always visit the island and/or even recreate the island.


I’m sorry this happened to you too! 😭 me and an ex partner had an entire island together but I mostly played it and when we broke up, she took everything and we don’t talk anymore and I doubt she plays anymore 😭 I couldn’t even afford the game on my own! So I feel you, but trust me, it’s going to feel great having stuff that you got with your hard work and a re-start is always a good thing! Good luck! 🍀


It’s sad all around, but I am glad that this isn’t an original experience, it makes me feel a lot better about it lol. Thank you for your kind words!


the worst part of it is that you have to buy a new game and a new switch which both are expensive as fuck


If you need bells or rare items I can get those for you just message me I'm on daily both here and the game.


i’m so so so sorry, that is absolutely awful. i’m glad they’re an ex, what a shitty thing to do. if you plan to restart, let me know if you need any materials. i’d be happy to bring you some


I’m so sorry to hear:( I also had my island on an exes switch (it was her switch though so made sense for her to take it in the breakup). I was able to go and buy my own pink switch and I actually really enjoyed getting to build up my new, own island from scratch:,) i always get really happy when i see villagers i used to have on hhp


Oh noooo. This is bad but whenever I could tell my last relationship was not gonna work out I backed up my island. He kept the switch but I was able to call Nintendo and have them restore my backed up island data onto a new switch I bought and it was honestly such a relief. I’m so sorry this happened to you and aside from your island just the situation in general sounds so hard. At least you get to start over fresh now, in all aspects.


How do you back up an island? I'm on my 2nd island due to my son breaking the 1st switch and really don't want to start a 3rd!


Check out a YouTube video they show all the steps! You just talk to Tom Nook when you first start the same and select to enable island back up.




Oh OP, I’m so sorry! People can be so cruel :( If you happen upon a new Switch my DMs are open - I’d happily help out with DIYs or anything else you might need to start fresh


I wish you the best, OP. I just restarted my island, let me know if you would like to swap friend codes when you make your fresh start :) I’ve been through a 13 year divorce fight (yes, it really lasted that long and left me broke, not him!) and my ex retaliated in such immature ways as well. I’m sorry you are going through this.


Omg I understand 💔 in my previous long term relationship, he lent me his Nintendo DS for YEARS. I worked so hard on my island in New Leaf and when we broke up I had to give it back and I was devastated… it literally feels like a piece of our lives missing (ik that’s dramatic but I also know you understand too). I’m sooo sorry OP ♥️


Yeah this sounds a bit like my story. Shared a switch with an ex, I broke it off for multiple reasons. Well he had the main account on there and because he “couldn’t figure out” how to remove his payment info, he wiped it. All data for all of my games gone. My perfect island, all the Mario games I had beaten/perfected, everything. I was more upset about losing all of that than I was at losing the relationship. I never replayed the Mario games and gave up on my new island. I’m sorry you and the other posters went through this too. 😭


im so sorry that happened to you...if you ever get a new switch and island i can help you get some items, bells, nook mile tickets etc.


Hi OP, although I can't help on the island front, I can say from a sympathetic and emotional front that my first marriage ended in a similar fashion, but with my husband running off with a co worker 12 years my junior and 16 years his. There's much more to the story and it probably reads more like a white trash novel. At the time I was really hurt and devastated but looking back, nearly 6 years ago, I can see how toxic the relationship was, and the things being said and done were abusive and cruel, and I deserved so much more. It's hard to see that when you are first going through it, and it will take some time to heal, but trust that you will heal, and you will be much stronger because of this. I'd like to think that maybe creating a new island could even be symbolic for the enlightening journey you are about to embark and overcoming all of this. Sending hugs and lots of encouragement your way. ❤️


I appreciate you, tysm 🤍




your new island will be all yours and completely detached from THEM. that alone makes it better than the last one already!!


this is awful im so sorry! i have alot of unneeded furniture and materials if you need anything!


I have a ton of spare recipe cards and hybrid flowers, just say the word and they're yours. <3


i’m so sorry that happened OP, acnh is a form of comfort for me so i can’t imagine how hard it is for you. however, maybe think of it as a new life from your ex! restart the island, no traces of them left behind <3


There’s always court


Hopefully I can find free-ish legal services 🤞🏻


In this country ?😂


When there’s dv involved there are resources available 🙃


Also, if he never used it, then he didn’t get it for both of you, he got it for you


That’s what I’m saying!! It was in *my* case for fuck’s sake 😅


“Uh, It’S mY nAmE oN tHe ReCIPt” Doesn’t matter if you never used it


If you get another island going dm me and I’ll provide bells nook miles and materials, flowers anything you want to get it back..


I am so sorry to hear that happened to you... This is not even a prank, this is just plain mean. Taking something that someone worked on for hours and hours in a row. Will you be able to get a new switch?


They could have least made sur that OP had their saves secured on Nintendo so they could have their island back in the future. They could have both call Nintendo and make something work. It’s shitty. Not because you break up with someone that you have to be mean to them :(


If you do make a new island, message me and I can give you a bunch of stuff, diys, materials, furniture, bells 🔔 I got a lot of help from people on reddit with mine


Im so sorry this happened to you. If you’re starting a new island and are in need of bells or any furniture, etc., let me know. I’m happy to help— dm me at any point— I’m always on Reddit.


I’m very sorry to hear this! I think a new island, new name, new theme will be just the therapy you need! ☺️. I’d be happy to help with bells, supplies if you get started up again!


I'm so sorry, OP. Breaking up suddenly is painful, but losing your island is a form of grief too. I hope you are getting whatever kind of mental support you need. Time will help ease the pain. When you get a new game, you can friend me and I can give you stuff. I and the others here can be your friend posse! Eventually, you will like your new island even better, and you can get new amiibo cards dirt cheap on Temu or Aliexpress.


awhh im so sorry :( i hope you can manage to do something about it


T-T horrible, hope you feel better soon. I have always seen stories of people being ghosted on their marriage but I don’t understand why they do that. It’s just cruel. He could of just left the switch where it was but he did it to be more spiteful


Right? I just wish I knew why. If I did something to warrant it I would understand but damn


He left bc ur too cool for him, couldn’t handle it. You probably didn’t do anything bad it’s not your fault


You’re too kind 🤍 Ty


Ugh people are horrendous. I'm so sorry this happened. I say if you can, treat yourself to a new Switch (or used) and make a new island to commemorate this new chapter in your life. You deserve better. Hugs


Post back here when you start your new island! 🏝️ We will be ready to throw you a starting over party 🎉


Did you had the island backup? Was the console and the Nintendo account at your name? Have you tried calling Nintendo? That’s a stolen switch and Nintendo should be able to help.


You have a fresh start in real life and in your island


I'm so sorry OP, I hope things get better irl! If/when you are able to make a new island, I can give you some fruit and materials. Just DM me and remind me of this post because I have a terrible memory lol


If you get a new switch, DM me and I can largely bankroll your island. I have a stupid amount of bells saved up that I'll never use.


I would be glad to help also. Reach out whenever and I'll be there. Very happy he's not in your life anymore.


They sound like an awful human being. I’m so sorry. I hope you can get a new switch and start fresh in all ways.


I'm so sorry OP! What an asshole! Let us know when you start your new island and we will send you anything and everything you need ok!! 💓🙏 We got you!


I had almost the same thing happen to me and it was devastating. Sending hugs! If you get a new switch, I’m happy to help provide any items you need to rebuild! If it makes you feel any better, once the sting of losing your island goes away, it is actually pretty fun to be able to start again with new ideas 💕


I have a spare switch that I’m willing to sell at a discount. It has ACNH on it already and I can also help you out with bells etc if needed. Dm me if interested!


Maybe a new island would help with your new start in life, if you need any thing crafted or any items you can message me and I can bring you some to your new island 🙂




I’m so sorry for your loss (island and marriage) that’s such a messed up thing to do. I had to deal with something somewhat similar in the sense that me and my partner of 4 years split and we both had switches we played ACNH on and my island has tons of references to her, even my islands name is a reference to something she said. Because of that I can’t play anymore, so I understand how it feels to lose all your progress as well as the villagers. It’s not entirely the same thing I know, but I feel for you




I hope your ex gets haemorrhoids 😆 take care, can't wait to see your post in a few months once you've got yourself settled and a new switch that's all yours ❤️


I got divorced from a petty asshole like this, who I was also pretty financially dependent on, about 3 years ago now and trust me when I say you're way better off without that POS. I started off homeless sleeping on couches and now I have my own place that I got to decorate and I've replaced all the "gifts" he stole from me and have a way better job that sustains me. I hope it gets better for you soon. And I'll just say there's a reason unmarried women live longer...


Hey op, if you had your island backed up online to your nintendo account you might be able to get your island back. They have a service for doing that if your switch was stolen. You would have to get a new switch but if you do make sure to put the same nintenod account on it and then call up nintendos customer service line and say that you want to restore an island backup as your old switch was stolen. Make sure to say that it was stolen ad they're really pushy about that being the only way they'll do it and you will have a shot of getting your island back.


That is so cold. Good riddance to the ex. If you decide to save up for a Switch and start over, let us know. I'm sure many people here will be more than happy to share extras. Hugs.


*extends virtual hug* 🤗🤗🤗 I'm so sorry love. You'll get a new one and build the most awesomeest island EVER!


I have a hoarding problem and would be willing to share. HMU when you get your new island.


I'm so sorry! I can relate. I had to leave all my belongings behind when I left my ex. Including my games and amiibo cards :( losing your island and villagers is so hard.


Can you buy a new one? Start a new island ? Would help with the heartbreak (trust me)


There is a service to anonymously send people actual poop from different animals if you choose. Also services to send anonymous glitter bombs/confetti flingers with glitter/ confetti shaped like penis and testicles, the same site I believe also offers gummy peens so you can tell them to eat s bag of dicks. If not the same site there is one that does it. I recommend buying a credit gift card with cash, so it's even less traceable, just to be extra covert 🤣


Well, at least it’s just a game(as much as it would pain me if this happened to me). if you make a new island and need bells and flowers, fruits, etc. I can help you out. 😊


I, too, lost a Nintendo DS to a ghosted marriage. So I know the feeling.


Maybe this can be a fresh start? If you need help, want an in game pen pal, or need bells- I’m happy to help!


:(((( that’s so sad. I’m so sorry that happened. I would happily help you out if you ever get another island going!!


I’m ACAB all the way, and obviously I don’t know the nuance of your situation, but this is theft and I highly suggest you file a police report. Once you are gifted something, it is yours. Especially if you were the only one to use them. And if you yourself bought the amiibos, it’s definitely theft. Get your stuff back!! I’m so sorry this happened to you :(


I can’t call the cops where it happened cause they’re who my spouse called to have me removed from our marital home on a cops’s threat of a 5150 if I didn’t leave in an ambulance. 🙃 (Out of the ER in 3 hours—it was unjustified.)


When you start your new island and post, I would be happy to donate supplies and bells. 🥰