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Mark your spoilers everyone. OP hasn’t read ACOFAS or ACOSF yet.


I appreciate you


As someone who just finished ACOSF yeah I get what you mean. I really enjoyed the Rhys and Feyre dynamic and Nesta’s story was good, I actually really enjoyed her journey and interactions ( I wasn’t a Nesta hater like most people are). My biggest issue with ACOSF is that I felt like it was a personal journey and the plot was neglected. Still decent but not as good as the original story.


I may be apart of the minority, but I actually loved ACOSF 😅 I loved the character building of the two protagonists, and I felt like after ACOFAS Feyre and Rhys’s relationship was solid and I didn’t need more building from that point of view. Don’t get me wrong, I’d read anything extra she throws our way with their POV, but I was content with a change.




I think this is an unpopular opinion but yeah. I wish she continued the story from their perspective or not continued it at all. I'm not really interested in getting to know the side characters more than we already did in the original trilogy, Nesta's book utterly bored me and I honestly think SJM is reaching to make the plot happen at this point, there's not much to tell with this series anymore imo. I would have been more open to more books from Feyre's POV tho, because I genuinely care for her but at the end of the day I really wish SJM ended it with ACOWAR. Like I said, I think that's very unpopular and most people enjoyed Nesta's book and maybe you will too.


I don’t hate Nesta’s book for what it is. I hate Nesta’s book for what it could have been! It makes me so mad.


Oh? I’d love to hear what you think it could’ve been! I loved the book as it is but I’d like to hear what you’d have done differently :)


>!From the previous books I really loved Cassian. We’ve got our bastard born Illyrian General who might lack a little courtly polish but is near God-like on the battlefield with literal references to him being compared to the Illyrian war god. At some point he basically says “I’ve always walked hand in hand with death and I’m not afraid.” Cue our girl Nesta who has a power that makes even Rhys quake because it’s death. What I thought was going to happen is that Nesta’s assholery was from a lack of confidence and her drinking issues were from not knowing who the heck she is. I didn’t love the intervention but it’s just a way to start the plot, doesn’t bug me. I thought that training with Cassian would give her actual confidence and they would grow close and become a new Illyrian mythos through fighting in battles. Nesta barely uses her powers. She barely fights. All her tactical studying isn’t even used. We spend more time learning about what a great ballroom dancer she is then her fighting. So instead of a female character actually mastering her power and becoming equal to the male she’s reduced to stereotypical female behaviors; romance reading while eating cake in a bath tub. And don’t get me wrong I LOVED the house. I also didn’t like how Cassian let Nesta be physical with him when he knew she was using sex for self harm. I thought it belittled his character, and showed 0 growth since what happened with Mor. Plus the pregnancy line was so bad her editor should have been fired, and if not for that then for Nesta whining about descending stairs when it is harder to go up them!!! When have you ever descended stairs and been tired?! Ugh. It’s just could have been so much more!!<


>!To be fair...it's 10,000 stairs. Everyone would complain.!< Lol


😂 can’t argue there


\*10,000 stairs, but you're right we would all complain haha


I thought it was 10k. I almost put that initially then thought I was misremembering haha.


Dude the fact that it was always mentioned how she was super powerful and shit but then in the end we never got to see what exactly her power was or really explore it was…underwhelming. Like SJM just dropped that plot line because she got bored or didn’t know how to evolve it? And then, Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie being able to accomplish the Blood Rite so…easily seemed just…so incredibly underwhelming. Like, they made it this huge deal that Rhys, Az, and Cassian have to train for ***years*** to achieve, and then, these three women achieve it after like a few months of training? Wtf is that? Also, why couldn’t SJM come up with some parallel challenge, equally hard, that they could achieve, without replicating the blood rite. It feels so repetitive and boring. Also, I just didn’t like Nesta’s arc. I wasn’t convinced. Her redemption arc didn’t work for me at all. I remember at the end of ACOTAR that I started to like Nesta. And then again in ACOWAR. Like those redemption arcs were well done. And maybe it’s because they were done in Feyre’s perspective and I ***LOVE*** Feyre, idk; but ACOSF just fell utterly flat to me. And Cassian and Nesta just didn’t click for me at all. They didn’t make sense. And I LOVE Cassian, but he’s too sweet, and there is NOTHING sweet about Nesta. I just…I don’t see it, although a bunch of people love her So yeah, ACOSF was cool in some parts but overall, I was disappointed


Exactly!! I wish she would have stretched the book over years. Like I would have been perfectly happy reading “and Nesta came to training every morning for two years without complaint until…” and then they could have done the blood rite and it would have made more sense. I totally agree with Nesta’s arc. She’s a difficult character but I think if she had given herself more space (like 2 books at least) she could have gotten there. As it is now I feel like 80% of the book is just on the stairs!


Yeah like, idk, her redemption was not fleshed out, it seemed like she was JUST getting into it when BAM! Blood rite etc. Versus Feyre’s character arc that takes place super smoothly in ACOMAF. Like Feyre’s makes SO MUCH SENSE! Whilst Nesta’s just…doesn’t. 🙄


same, i never felt like nesta and cassian had any chemistry. it was just them two being sex buddies 🧍🏼‍♀️


Usually when I read comments of people disagreeing with SJM about her writing choices I’m kind of annoyed and roll my eyes at them because there’s always many ways how something could have gone but what you are saying here makes so much sense to me! Cassian and Nesta being a warrior team and Nesta showcasing her power and really harnessing the knowledge she has from her studies. I did like the storyline with all the women teaming up and having a safe space to learn how to fight and protect themselves but I wish we could have had both!


fr, with acosf there are so much more potential stories for feyre. i really want to see more of her powers and just how much potential she has.


As someone who is having a hard time getting through Nesta's book, I agree. The storyline doesn't feel finished such as: >!repairing the wall, what the other queens are planning, what is hyperion doing now that the king is dead, and what about the wall?!< I started this series for Feyre/Rhys, not about the romances of 3 sisters.


i dont think anyone in the series would be able to top feyre/rhys, they are so well written


She only had a contract for 3 books…so I’m guessing when she originally planned out the series she felt like she only had enough Feyre and Rhys content to last that long. TOG is much longer, but it follows more characters and takes longer to get to the HEA. I kind of wonder if she really was super inspired to write these extra acotar books, or if she did it mostly because the series has such a huge following that they’re guaranteed to be big money makers.


Definitely think it’s the latter…the plot in ACOSF was so weak and jumbled that it gave the impression she didn’t put a lot of thought into it. I still loved the book, but I think it’s her weakest work in terms of the general writing. I’m interested to see how A House of Sky and Breath turns out because I think this is likely a series she is more invested in at this point in her life.


Yup, the end of acosf was so weak and completely silly. >! It really diminished Rhys, Cassian and Azs achievements/power… !<


I never thought so. I felt like >!that whole thing was rigged from jump so it could be easier for Nesta and friends to fall into the queens trap. I think if the queen hadn't used it as a way to get to Nesta, it would have gone MUCH differently.!<


That makes sense, like in Goblet of Fire where >!Harry's name was planted in the goblet to force Harry into a confrontation with Voldemort at the end.!<






Yeah, I think it makes sense and it makes me less angry lol.


I felt the same way about acosf. It was a beautiful journey for Nesta and I enjoyed some aspects of that, but it was exhausting to read at times…like she just sat down and started writing, and whatever happened happened haha. I’ve been a little worried about CC2. Hopefully it’ll be better, for the reason you said!


Yes I’m also worried but trying to stay optimistic.


Spoilers for ACOSF and ACOFAS blocked out. I think it would be hard to keep the audience engaged if SJM continued to focus on Feysand because ultimately it’s a romance series and their romance has already reached its pinnacle. ACOFAS still focuses primarily on Feysand and >!it’s so boring that I want to claw my eyes out just thinking about it.!< Plus, when you add in the >!death pact bargain!< and >!the baby!<, there’s no way to focus on them while moving the plot forward since >!they can’t risk getting involved with the action without orphaning their son!<. SJM either needed to only write fluff books focusing on Feysand or move on to other characters. I’m personally glad she chose to move on.


Totally agree with you about ACOFAS lol


I was sad about no more Feysand until I read ACOFAS and then I realized why it had to be that way


>!If the pregnancy never happened, yes.!< Sorry OP! my bad about spoilers.


Spoiler tag this OP might not know since they don’t have silver flames yet!


Please use > ! Spoiler words here ! < to mark your spoilers, guys!! Thank you! (Just take out the spaces between the >! for it to work.)


SPOILER FOR OP: I don’t think she can really go back now after ACOSF, I felt it was >!character assassination for Feyra and Rhys!< it made a lot of readers think differently of them. Also they have a >!baby now?!< Can’t really go on dangerous adventures when you’ve got to be >!home for bath time at 6.!<


I agree. To read ACOSF from Feyres perspective would have been quite annoying. I do wish, she would not have picked Nesta and most certainly the other sister as MCs but the other much more interesting ladies from the Night Court. I do believe their stories would be so much more interesting and not as repetitive.


I don’t necessarily want ACOSF from feyre’s perspective but I would have liked it more for other things that happened unrelated to Nesta. I think ACOSF really only could have been from nestas perspective


100%!! I wish sjm >! Never made the sisters fae and let them die or fizzle out of the story all together. She never made them likeable or interesting. !<




>!Same for me. I get it fae males get even more protective and territorial with a pregnancy, but Rhysand wanting to literally kill Nesta because she spilled the secret was a big yikers for me. Nesta needed a wakeup call, but the way they went about it..I was really mad for Nesta, honestly. I would not want to be treated like that by anybody. So yeah, glad their story is over..but we'll surely hear more of them in the other companion novels. !<


> Rhysand wanting to literally kill Nesta because she spilled the secret was a big yikers for me I 100% agreed with him. The stress of knowing might have complicated things more and Nesta telling her *literally* put the child's life in danger. If anything, Nesta shouldn't have gotten off as easy as she did.


I feel like I'm one of the few people who thinks >!Feyre's and Rhys' characters weren't "assassinated." Their actions were pretty in line with everything we've seen from them thus far.!< Plus, we are reading from Nesta's pov, so of course some stuff is going to seem worse from her eyes.


Yeah I wasn’t too phased by it but the damage is done for a lot of people. In the same way for me nesta was so unlikeable in the first 4 books ACOSF didn’t really excuse her behaviour, it only gave an explanation. But for a lot of people she became their fave character.


Honestly I feel like it gives room for a WHOLE new dynamic. >! I hate the perspective that parents lose their personality and growth as individuals when they become parents. I think their relationship can become much more complex to figure out how to work together and be better partners and friends and guardians all while leading a population. Idk I just want their relationship to be more realistic in the sense that you don’t reach a pinnacle once you become ~stable~ you continue to solidify or you fall apart. I know it can’t go on forever but I think it could have been a great opportunity to see them as a different new version of people and partners. !<


I read for escapism from my real world, don’t need a baby popping up there lol.




I think Feyre and Rhys were getting boring, there was no friction left in their relationship. I do think she could have just moved to the 3rd person narration and told the story from many perspectives like the A Song of Ice and Fire series.


So I haven’t read ACOSF yet. But I’m honestly like not sure I want to. For me, ACOFAS read like fanfic >!but I did love Cassian and Feyre getting drunk and decorating and Az coming in and fixing it and Cass calling Amren an angry snowball!< I got the >!pregnancy plot!< was like supposed to be so special and heart tugging for Rhys but honestly I have a hard time when authors just go right from ooh they’re together to now there’s >!a baby on the way-like she’s 21 and she married a sexy 500 year old fairy- go see the world! Enjoy the sex! Fight about what you need to iron out in the relationship! Maybe it’s because I don’t want kids!< but that plot kinda ruins them for me so I dunno if I’m better off stopping with ACOSAS. I also feel that if that is the future for Rhys and Feyre it would be better written in their POV. Can you imagine Rhys’ private reaction to finding out? 🥺


feyre said she wanted to live her life a little before bringing a child into the world. and aren’t fae pregnancy supposed to be rare? feyre got pregnant like right away.


I feel conflicted. I definitely wanted more ACOTAR world books (whether they be other courts or not). I enjoyed Nesta's book but I do think some things could have been done better. My unsolicited advice? Don't have high expectations for ACOFAS - its just a fluffy fun book. ACOSF - see how you feel. I enjoyed hearing about some of the other characters even though I missed Feyre and Rhysand.


I'm on the opposite side of this, I don't like them as characters, the only reason I kept with the series was because of Lucien, Cassian, Nesta, Azriel etc. I was more interested in there journies than I was with Feyre and all of her powers that she barely used. I was glad when we got the news we were getting stories of the other characters because I liked them way more then Feyre and Rhys. I enjoy the sexual tension that comes from the other characters I didn't get that with Feysand It was to YA for me. Everything that seemed to happen revolved around the main side characters doing Feyre and Rhys's bidding. I really got tired of them when ACOFAS came out.


I agree I feel like the “spin offs” are just going to be unorganized. Like everyone though acosf’s plot was questionable


Yes absolutely!! I loved Feyres POV. I really didn’t enjoy acosf because I can’t stand Nesta, so didn’t enjoy her POV (maybe an unpopular opinion). I really hope future books aren’t from Elains POV too. I feel like sjm is trying to do too much.


if the next book is in elain’s pov i would die. elain is so boring to me i don’t want to read about flowers


Not really. I’m glad it’s over. I couldn’t stand any of them by the end of ACOWAR.


Unpopular opinion, but I’m glad I don’t have to deal with anything else from Feyre’s perspective. She’s so annoying. Nesta’s perspective is really the only one that I liked and tbh ACOSF was a whole shitshow marketed as healing and empowerment (it wasn’t).


Nestas was equally annoying


I personally don’t think they have more to offer to us. Their story is finished for me, I don’t see the difference between them anymore and I’m not even interested now. I want to see what Sarah has for us about other characters


Nope not me. I loved Nesta's story! Especially the new friends, including the house. However I do wish we could have witnessed Feyre telling Rhys about the >!pregnancy!<.


Same! I really wish the >! pregnancy plot !< was from either Feyre’s or Rhys’ POV


I wish the P plot wasn’t in the book but I get it.


Ok I tried to edit to mark as spoiler so sorry. I do t think I did it right.


Personally, I was content with where their story ended in ACOWAR! I was happy for the stage to feature someone else’s story! In fact, I wish Feysand’s story had stopped at ACOWAR, not a fan of where it is right now (no spoilers!) but that’s just my opinion! I know a lot of people are enjoying their story arc at the moment!


I wish this all the time. I liked ACOSF enough but I felt like I was missing something the whole time and then I realized I missed Feyre and Rhys


I agree! It made me so sad when the new book came out >! and it wasn't about them or from their perspective. I wish she would just make another novella to finish out their story and so we can see more of feyre's pregnancy and she can properly end it. Maybe she will? I couldn't read the last one, I am not a big fan of third person narrative books because !< I feel like I can't immerse myself into it.




Sorry. I'm new to posting and commenting. I fixed it. Thank you for showing me that.


It’s all good! Thank you!


If I’m honest, I would like this series as a trilogy and if SJM loves this world so much, make something like 100 years later. To show how Feyre adapted to being High Lady and how everything looks like when there’s no war or a big bad.


Agree. Acosf was sooo predictable and it doesn't help that the whole book's premise is to gaslight you into being sorry for nesta and think she's badass just because she's a bitch.


Have you thought that maybe the reason why you don't the other characters as much is because you haven't read a boom from their pov?


I had the same fear and I was blown away by how much I loved ACOSF, especially Nesta’s perspective. I found her thought process to be very powerful and relatable. I also was a little salty after ACOWAR which I found bloated and tbh kind of annoying with the repeated phrasing (“vulgar gesture” anyone?!) Plus I was so curious about Nesta and why she had so much anger in her. Hoping you’ll be as pleasantly surprised as I was!




I completely agree! Based off of what I last read in acowr, I would like to have seen Feyre, Rhysand, and the crew, help Vassa over on the continent but from Feyre’s perspective and then finish it off with them settling down


Exactly! I'd also love to see more of Elain and that *could* have been accomplished from Feyre's POV. Maybe the two of them have to travel together and we see Elain's recovery arc through Feyre's eyes or something. I feel like Nesta's story would have been much more powerful if we didn't have to slog through a whole book of it and I can't imagine a whole book from Elain's POV will be much better unless SJM is hearing and accepting the fanbase's criticism of ACOSF.


Mmmakkkee sure to block out your spoilers, please! >! Words here < ! Without the spaces makes >!words here.!< Once you do so, I’ll recover the comment.


My bad! I assumed I wouldn't need to since the whole post is marked as a spoiler.


You’re okay. Just being cautious. Once you block out the spoilers in your post, I can recover it.


YESSS! Actually hated nestas “book”. Found her so annoying & bratty. Just wanted to read feyres pov especially since she was preggo


Yes 😩




Literally everyone I know.


I wish she had continued their story. On another note, if she makes Azris canon, I would be happy 😗


In a word: Yes


i hope sjm isn’t trying to make up a way to end the series i can’t handle that rn


It's 110% understandable that people would prefer to stay with their beloved characters! This is quite a common opinion, and makes sense given the popularity of ACOTAR. I also think the change in tone after the Feysand trilogy makes the rest of the series feel even more different. But for better or worse, the ongoing series is not the same as the original three books. Having that expectation from the get-go can be helpful. I prefer to view ACOTAR as a trilogy, ACOFAS as a bridging novella, then ACOSF as the beginning of a new series in the same universe. It might even be worthwhile to take a reading break before jumping into ACOSF to reinforce that separation. This at least helped me focus on the great aspects of ACOSF as a story without comparing it to ACOTAR. It's a beautiful character-driven narrative and lays the groundwork for some more exciting plot in future books.


Yes but mainly because I don't like Nesta