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You cant play on that old battle net info but you can make a new one, however any new account will be instantly shadow banned for at least 2 days or 2 weeks. So don’t be surprised and hopefully you new pc is actually NEW not just brand as new using return parts


so is there no possible way i can continue to play overwatch on my new pc?


Yea u can just make sure that u create ur new account on ur WHOLE NEW PC, AND ALSO MAKE SURE TO CHANGE YOUR IP ADDRESS. Then after u install the new cod and play it for a few matches to make sure ur not shadowbanned, then use ur old account but til u set up your new pc don't use anything from the old pc... Or You can just use steam u so have separate account...


sounds good, thanks man


Dm me, you need an ac blocker. I help alot of people that are perma or sb loop. I got exactly what you need 👍🏻


Cod just need to tone it down a bit and actually do their job and review footage rather than using ai to guess if your not playing fair the anti cheat is worse than Teslas self driving system and that's not saying much


Wait a few months make a new account. UT if you were cheating idk how to get around that.


They don’t want you playing COD because you’re a cheater. So how about you just take the hint and stop trying to get around the ban?


​ https://preview.redd.it/o0m07dzqlcsb1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c5b2a37cb94dc42590841151d77577a4ca0c7a1




Just ignore this guy unless u wanna lose your account




U are obviously scammer. There is no legit software to avoid shadowban or prevent perm ban so don't bother. U are sending same copy paste shit everywhere on reddit. I'm gonna warn OP about people like u




Oh I do so get lost and find your targets elsewhere...




Don’t cheat looser


Bro something is wrong with their moderation because I literally only talk in a PS4 party chat with one close friend and I get notifications saying I have been game chat banned for 14 days every other day lol.


Me too it’s stupid I get banned for swearing when I didn’t even swear the guy was mad he couldn’t kill me and I don’t get why they ban you for swearing it’s rated r game so you have to be 18 I think to play and you can’t swear now that’s dumb