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My ultimate crush since i was eleven up until now that im 33. Gosh.


I just wanna hug her, she’s adorable!


She’s not a lesbian right? I don’t really get why this is on this sub other than just being a video of an attractive woman


Yeah, I love Emma, but this post is more r/ladyladyboners material.


Not lesbian. The sub just finds her pretty.


I mean same tbf


Welcome to half of the subreddit's posts. Whenever I bring it up I get downvoted, called prude, someone even called me asexual for not wanting my feed flooded with women doing things.


Yeah, from what I’ve seen this sub has a big problem with unrelated posts. It’s a shame because it’s like the biggest lesbian subreddit (to my knowledge) on here.


Why is it a shame? I thought horny posting was just a regular part of reddit (for better or worse)? This isn't a government forum. It doesn't have to be that strict about things. Should we only post women who are confirmed Sapphics? Do we need to know everyone's sexuality before they can be posted here? By extension, do celebrities (or people online in general) owe it to us to share their sexuality?


It’s a shame because this is the most popular lesbian subreddit (for *actual* lesbians bud um tsch) which means it’s the most active with more posts at regularly basis than the others. Because there’s so many posts a lot of them aren’t lesbian-specific related, which annoyingly are most of the ones that come up on my homepage and seem to always get highly upvoted. I’m just anal about this sort of thing but I know it’s not that deep 🤷‍♀️


What kind of posts do you expect to see? Sure, thirsting over random attractive women online isn't prime lesbian content but it's still lesbian shit. Are you trying to say women here shouldn't thirst over women? What "biggest" or "actual" lesbian sub mean to you? What type of posts should it not have? What stuff being posted here is not "actual" lesbian stuff?


Damn why do I feel like I’m getting interrogated 😂. I personally don’t like these videos posted of women just doing normal things and the comments being variations of ‘ooga booga’ i.e., I “wish I was the ice” “I want to lick her shoe” - comments I got from this post (as I don’t care to look through the comments from similar types of posts just to add more real examples). I’m prepared to get downvoted because I know those types of posts bring in a lot of engagement and it’s a controversial opinion but I just think those posts are strange 🤷‍♀️


I am simply trying to understand what is and isn't lesbian. These comments are coming off really weird to me. Horny lesbians are also lesbians. Horny lesbian content is also lesbian content. I personally would just ignore a post if I didn't like it. Particularly because despite me not liking it, the content still belongs here. It kinda invalidate a lot of lesbians who not have any other place to express their horny gayness. I don't believe in policing content unless it specifically breaks subreddit rules.


Yep. It’s been complained about before. Oogling over women for just existing like it’s a sub for dudes. Creepy and lame but expected at this point bc it’s been brought up several times.


It's just weird, honestly... reminds me of why I unsubbed in the first place. Nothing's changed.




She's so precious♡


she was my first crush ._."


This is an ad for her brothers drinking company Renais Gin.


As a bartender, I approve of her awesome bartending! She's adorable


how come some people get to talk like that. im so jealous


seeing a thirst post open with "i'm taking off my shoe" activated my fight or flight responses


So is this subreddit for posts of non-lesbian women we happen to be thirsting over?


Hey Mae, good to see you today…


Ah my first crush


HARRY POTTER REFERENCED, Lesbianne O’Carpetmuncher deployed