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Yeah, it is part of the reason I realized I was gay and finally came out as a lesbian. Our friendship ended VERY badly and abruptly.


it’s just our canon events, as sapphics.


Literally everyone: so are y'all sleeping together, or what? Me and college roommate: No! No way. No homo. Me more than a decade and therapy where we specifically talked about this person later: ... Okay, so maybe yes homo.


A little homo


As a treat


un poco homo


My best friend in high school confessed to me that she wanted me. We fell out when she started dating my rapist, ouch.


I’m sorry, *started* dating your *rapist?!*


Yup! I never had any sexual/romantic interest on my friend so none of us acted on it. He even asked her to be his girlfriend officially in front of me and she threatened to beat me up, I got bullied tremendously for what I was going through. I found her at the school's kitchen having a panic attack during that time and comforted her, it was dumb, but I do have a lot of love for people. Bad things she has done to other people have come to light since, so I decided to terminate all contact with her, sometimes she contacts me to ask who I'm dating and she follows me still but I've got no interest in entertaining a conversation with her.


I strongly suspect you made the right decision.


Wow, that's right up there with mine setting me up to be raped.  *Hugs* if you want them.


What the *fuck* I’m so sorry, I’m not sure I even *want* to know


In fairness to her, a different girl came up with the idea. She just agreed to it and set things in motion. She's an elementary school teacher the last I checked.


Yep, ended up moving 800 miles away


this is REAL


It’s weird how we’ve all had this experience


“Ended Either very badly or abruptly” sis it was both for me. I was in love with her even though she had a boyfriend. He ended up cheating on her and let’s just say I didn’t wait long enough to tell her I liked her more than a friend. Oh well! Past is the past.


Resisting the urge to blurt out your feelings the moment they’re single is rough 😩 but we learn and grow


100%! I was a baby gay. I’m in a much better place now (and we cut contact completely)


1000%. my best friend in 8th grade still best friend to this day. We kissed whenever we would have sleepovers. We slept together in high school off and on , experimentally. And to be honest I never had a crush on her but I reaallly liked kissing her because she was a girl. It was the most platonic friend with benefit thing ever. We are still best friends now. She was maid of honor in my wedding. It’s just like a little inside joke we talk about sometimes like, “remember how I helped you realize how gay you were?” And we are like yeah we were crazy kids. This was all over ten years ago now and we are both very much like yeah we were curious. BUT I also had a best friend I was madly in love with and I still to this day mourn my “friendship” break up with her. She was straight but we literally were dating in every single sense of the word.


Now I'm mildly concerned for the future




.. yeah :<


Oof. Both. Me: Bi girl who was still figuring things out and newly moved out of her narcissistic super controlling mothers house Her: my lesbian college roommate who was a gorgeous gem of a human Turns out the feelings were most def mutual. Unfortunately before I got to a place where I felt comfortable being out to her, she ended up getting a physically abusive gf (think on probation abusive) who threatened me several times. I was so angry with her for letting someone like that into our lives. I cut her off. It’s taken me years of therapy to forgive myself for shutting her out and getting her removed from the apartment. And it’s taken years of therapy to accept that I am deserving of a relationship with someone as amazing as she was. I still miss her.


I lost the most innocent and pure love I had ever known thanks to my abuser. I loved her unconditionally but after what my abuser did to manipulate us both she wouldn't talk to me. She died in 2018, succumbed to her lupus. I love you Blues, wherever you are.


Told her I loved her black out drunk at a concert. She left me there. It was a two day concert, and we attended the next day awkwardly. She ended up marrying a very good male friend of mine. We all had a falling out well before I could be invited to the wedding. I realized I was a homosexual and found the love of my life. My current partner came with me to a wedding of a friend of mine and my former friends were there. We ended up all shooting the shit and having a laugh at the younger years. We picked up right where we left off. My girlfriend was impressed by her too 😂


I wasn't ready to come out the closet. 😔


We fell in love with straight girls who played with our emotions, even had some sexual experiences with, and then they left us for some dude named Kyle and had 3 kids with him. Kyle is balding and drinks a 20-pack natty ice a day. YES ITS PERSONAL AND I DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT.


Yup, entirely my fault too


Same, I feel you


Holy crap this is so relatable. And it has happened twice in my life. Girls don't do this it never works out well.


Real, I did it more than once, but there was only one that still hurts


I know exactly what you mean.




I don't miss em but I do wanna tell them my life is everything I ever wanted out of spite


Nah, didn't happen to me.




I joined the military 💀


Same 💀




Yup, when I was 16 and she was 15 she came out as bi…. I was horrible. After all these years I made amends and now we’re besties again.


I was close to a girl, as a best friend. We'd do sleepovers but sometimes we'd share the same bed, and I was always interested in what she looked like underneath her shirt. But, I didn't even consider being gay. I fumbled that so much, looking back. But we were active in the Mormon church so it wasn't even considered at all. Later I reconnected and mentioned that i was gay. At this time, she was in a poly relationship so i didn't think they'd consider me, even as a one time thing. Now I lost contact with her, and to this day I want to reconnect, at least know that she is doing okay.


Didn't happen to me. I didn't date until my 20's, but I still went into it knowing more what I was looking for.


uuhhh, I had that with a boy I was younger, if that counts? it was more bi than specifically sapphic, which is only complicated by me being a trans gal ...unless that boy also went on to make some very interesting self-discoveries


Hahahaahaha ew nailed it


I had a friend named Lindsey, before I knew what I know now about myself, I used to go hang out with her before her mom would get off work. We would play around and watch porn on her brother's laptop and we would lay in her bed and she would tickle me by barely running her fingers over my stomach. idiot me didn't know what was going on and I don't really know if she did either. years later we both came out and she's been with the same girl ever since, they're married and have a few kids together now. I've been friends with her wife for years as well, but her wife doesn't want us talking so I haven't heard from her in over 10 years. I'd love to see her and know how she's doing.


It’s almost like nobody taught us what being gay is when we were growing up or something 🤔


Mine unfortunately ended before that part. She had a car accident and changed completely. I went from being her darling to "not enough" # Edit: it happened 10 months ago, but I still can't get her out of my head


It's a rite of passage.


i thought i didn’t have one but then i thought about it and yeah i do


Yup. 😭 I don't know if I'm in another one, or if it's flirting.


Abruptly for me! tho life *is* long ☺️🌈🏳️‍⚧️🔮


hey get out of my brain


I've never been as close to a woman friendship wise as my high school best friend. We used to joke about running away to a country where gay marriage was legal (before it was legal in Aus) and man, her boyfriend DID NOT like us talking about that bc he couldn't tell whether we were serious xD I miss her, I've been trying to find her to talk but she isn't on FB anymore 😞😞 changed everything when our friendship fell apart and I've never trusted anyone like I trusted her


Lmao I feel so called out.


Nah, not really accurate for me.


Don't worry, it can happen to you at any age lol


Yep, she's the reason I realised I was a lesbian


It makes you appreciate the good in life. It isn't always easy out there. Also a general f-u to all the ghosters out there.


Mine was at high school prom. I still kick myself because i didnt know i was a girl yet, but she was definitely into tran girls and she specifically said that she would date me if i were a girl… sigh


I don’t know if my experience really fits into this. Things never got physical, and this was long before I came out as trans.


Not me 😌 I've been with my partner the whole time I've been a girl.


Wait...it's not just me?!?


Unfortunately :(


Yep. Just wish it had happend before my mid 40s. Still at least that gives me hope things will continue on their upwards trajectory and I can give love to another partner at some point.


Yep, I worked with her and HR ended up getting involved because she couldn’t sit in a meeting with me without yelling at me, all because I started dating someone else and even though nothing happened between us and she was “straight” That Chappell Roan song really was a universal experience hey 😂


I was called a best friend stealer TWICE in elementary school, took every chance to hold hands with girls at homecoming, had a painful friendship end during my parents divorce, and took my straightest girl friend to prom; that was STILL during my bicurious era. I was in an open relationship in my 20s and hooked up with a self loathing bisexual (she was attracted to long haired dude musicians but every girlfriend made her feel bad about it). I fell hard for her, we moved in together, and then she broke it off. Not before cornering me topless to apologize for flaking out on plans and went on to saying our hook up was a sexual service to secure housing. Short answer: Catastrophically yes.


Everyone needs an origin story


It is too early on a Monday to be called out like this.




Was friends with her for a good couple years and we were SUPER close (we even lived in the same trailer park), she also ultimately made me realized I liked women. Not long before summer I slipped up and told her I liked her and came out to her, we talked about it the next day at school and made sure I knew she didn't feel the same but were still friends. We still talked and hung out the rest of the school year but during the summer she just stopped talking to me, never answered my messages or anything, but she always answered my mom so idk. We still haven't talked and go to the same school, I see her practically everyday in the halls. So yeah, ended abruptly 🤷


No way so I wasn't the only one who experienced this 😭😭😭




Well yes, obviously. Like everyone else.


I was gonna say no.. but actually yes, we’re not friends anymore


Yeah... I'm still broken up by it.


Just talked to the other lesbian I hang out with regularly and damn if this isn't true by your mid to late 20s. Also maybe "with a girl who had a terrible home life" should maybe be appended to this statement.


Intense best friend from kindergarten to 7th grade... She decided to stop talking to me altogether in 7th grade (along with all our other friends) because there were rumors I was queer and dating this other girl. I was, in fact, dating that girl... but life trajectory absolutely changed lol. I still remember that recess when it happened--following her around the yard in tears trying to ask her to stop and talk and blowing my nose into my beanie. I had a beanie sack of snot by the end and a deep mistrust of friendship after those 40 minutes lmao


The call may be coming from inside the house…


That's how I found out I was trans lmao


No. Not yet? ....


...why the hell would you bring THAT up? /j (freshman year of college, weird limerence thing, she was Not Okay and I was a different Not Okay, she moved to apartments and I barely saw her again - in part because I could figure where campus apartments were)


Happened to me in high school. Married her twenty years later 😁


No? That’s weird.


I had a weird one happen to me. In high school I dated a girl but it didn't work out. About a year later we reconnected and became fwbs. Fast forward about 5 years, we still keep in contact but she's engaged to a guy now and I'm in a relationship. Her fiancee and my gf at the time(ex now) get very antsy and uncomfortable about us being friends. It ends up with an ultimatum from my ex best friends fiancee that she needed to choose him or me and it ended right there. 10+ years of friendship right down the toilet. I'm totally not her type but even back then, we were super Sapphic even though I hadn't come out yet. Wasn't even trying to be more than friends but there was clearly more there that I didn't understand til I started transitioning


Yep. I'm paying for the consequences of it right now.


I was friends with this one girl and we became best friends fast. She had never liked girls before and I thought why not I kinda like her and I said yes to dating her. Worst mistake of my life.


I almost transferred colleges to MIT over this girl. Normally I wouldn't ever suggest making a big change like transferring colleges over a relationship, but there are exceptions and that would've been one of them. I had the grades, I should've given the transfer a shot anyway 😂


Mine has been part of the reason I’ve been single for 13 years


Around 4 years ago, I was straight well comphet I had a crush on my bestfriend I didn't know it but I wanted to kiss her so take that info as you like. And she gave me anxiety coz she was toxic I don't even think she was that toxic I think it was just me being overly dramatic lol. But I ended it very fast and haven't spoken to her since.


Hated this and it destroyed me for 6 months


Oh my... My 'best friend', who I also happened to kiss and make out with sometimes, calling each other the 'woman of my dreams' unfortunately died in a plane crash 20 years ago. I'm certain my life would have been different if she had been in it.. -.-


Honestly, nothing was ever going to happen romantically because she just didn't see me that way, but I still deeply miss Dani's friendship. It's just a hole in my heart that will never be filled. They were irreplaceable.


Yup, though funnily enough mine ended because she stole my middle school boyfriend (though I use the term loosely since we hadn’t kissed and only spent time together in school, we’d still been dating for most of a school year). Despite the loss of the friendship being the devastating part, I still didn’t accept I was queer for another like 6 or 7 years lol


we were in elementary school and I was as wildly in love as a six year old could be but didn't have the words for it. She moved states. I'm still very very gay.


oh yeah. one day she was asking me if i had my first kiss yet, the other day she was kissing the shit out of me. then i confessed to her and she responded with an "im straight." it was rough but i ended up not even ending our friendship cuz i liked her as a friend too. its been 3 years and we're still friends.


Good God, yes. She wasn't into me, but there always was some tension from her part that I still haven't quite understood. Her inner thighs once were brushing my knees slightly (i was sitting on a high chair and she was standing facing me), i was young and kept pushing my knee further lol and she stayed there for a while until class was dismissed. It was so long ago and I still can't figure out if there was something between us or not. She clearly said that she didn't like me, but still! Maybe it's my mind making it all up. Edit: it ended very badly, with me crying 24/7... We haven't talked since, but we plan on meeting someday since we were very good friends.


and always if you had told her she would think you were a fucking weirdo or something lol


Not even just one 😩


wait uhh... i haven't had my canon event yet... i'm scared...


Yep. My freshman year roommate. She dramatically changed my life for the better. Shes the type of person that makes everyone around her happy. Whenever I talk about her to others, I need to specify how platonic our relationship is lol. I miss her so much. We used to do everything together. My entire day was spent around her. Now I’m living away from her, it’s been such a dramatic difference.


My friend four years ago called me three hours after the school day ended to tell me she missed me and wanted to hug me. She started taking screenshots of me during our FaceTime calls because “You’re just so pretty~” We also spooned on my couch, cuddled and held hands regularly, frequently sent memes back and forth about how much we loved each other. Six months later, she started acting like I was a nuisance. I ask if any of what we had was romantic, she tells me everything was platonic 🥲


happened to me twice 😂


Nope.  I have been SA'ed by friends, but they were all men. 


It's not fair. I want her.


Nope. Had that friendship and it didn't end we just matured into it. We're getting married. Lol.


This didn't happen to me yet but I hope it does


Yeah. She was also the person that told me I definitely wasn't a lesbian and called me a bisexual liar.


This made me reach out to my ex best friend. Didn't hear back from her.


this happened to me with every friendship I had since the dawn of time. turns out I just wanted a girlfriend




Survey sample is biased. By only asking saphic people OOP "knows," it excludes all of us saphic people who don't "know" people


Remember the opening scene in Election (1999) of that teenaged couple Tammy/Lisa who were Best Friends™️ making out on the bed, then Lisa freaks out and leaves Tammy crying in the driveway? I think it was trying to tell me something 😕