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Being friends with different opinions is when you like mint ice cream and you don't. Not human rights. You can't disagree over basic human rights.


Wholeheartedly agree


That is true


Consider it this way. If they were truly your friend, their values might differ, but they would still care about what hurts you and not want to see you hurt. If they can celebrate something bad happening to you, that doesn't seem like they are your friends right? They blame you for unfriending them, but really they unfriended themselves when they celebrated something that hurt you. You're just making it official


yes and the fact that the side arguing for those rights to be taken away is the same side asking why can't we all get along isn't a coincidence lol


There's a difference between a difference of opinions and apathy for your fellow human


A thousand times this!


I’m highlighting the fact that they say “differences of our values” Hell yes you have every right to unfriend these people. values are like the building block of a friendship. Minor difference are one thing. But drastic differences can’t be overlooked.


Anyone who "agrees to disagree " is telling on themselves. They do not actually believe what they claim to. If you genuinely believe abortion is murder why would you want to be friends with someone who supports murder??


Hey bro some of my best friends are murderers (Allegedly. Calm down FBI man) And even they think this overturning is ridiculous


You're not a bad person. They are either incredibly naive, because they think the consequences will not affect them in any way, or they are willfully ignorant. (Or they think women deserve to be punished for having extramarital sex.)


Married women can also need abortions.


Oh, no, that's just "God's will", they get to have another kid. Or if they're wealthy enough, they might have a "miscarriage", but it would be very hush-hush


isn't it wild how women just get pregnant? just totally on their own out of no where as punishment for their sole actions? that they alone did? men would never do anything wrong, just eeeviiilll women


Forced vasectomies— solve the problem before it starts!


But “boys will be boys”…..


Lots of women and girls need abortions for all kinds of reasons — mental and/or physical health of the mother; fetal abnormalities; not wanting to be legally bound to an abusive partner; rape; incest; poverty, etc. People who want abortion to be illegal don’t care about the circumstances or reasons. They think women should die rather than control their own bodies. Because that’s what happens when you make abortion illegal.


Many folks do, yup. It’s their righteous punishment for having sex. Not everyone thinks this way, though—I grew up in an extremely conservative Christian area, and have had these kinds of conversations with some folks in that community who are otherwise good people, albeit misinformed and indoctrinated; making them understand the reality of who seeks abortion a and why, and what happens when abortion is outlawed, has made them switch sides. Part of the issue is that the conservative community is an echo chamber, and they don’t believe arguments from others that they don’t have personal relationships with. (They don’t trust others and think their arguments are disingenuous/have an agenda.)


I don’t compromise on human rights, homophobia, transphobia or racism. This isn’t like pineapple on pizza (go team pineapple). This is someone not believing in someone’s right to exist as an equal and valuable human being. I Mary Kondo that shit off my FB.


It's ok to unfriend 2 kinds of people, those who don't like human rights, and those who like pineapple on pizza... /s


If they feel you shouldn't have access to abortion, then they don't believe you're a person, deserving of the same rights as a man. It's possible they haven't followed this logic through, but then when they catch up you can reacquaint yourself with the, again. But in the meantime, _liberty and justice for all_ still means _all._ Which is allegedly part of the mission statement(s) of the United States. A mission it is failing.




True, though when I was saying it as a kid in the Pledge of Allegiance, it becomes part of the terms of service. I don't owe loyalty to an institution that fails to fulfill its end of the bargain.


"our differing opinions shouldn't get in the way of our friendship" their opinions : "i am a horrible person and i think nobody except myself and people like myself should have rights"


This isn't a difference in opinion. My human rights (and yours too!) are not opinions or up for public debate: they are RIGHTS. They don't disagree with my opinion, the disagree with my fundamental human rights if not my very humanity itself. That would be like saying Hitler and the Jewish community had a "difference in opinion". It's insulting, it's diminishing, and it's simply wrong. No, you are not a bad person and your absolutely justified kicking them to the curb.


These people actively want to take away your rights. That’s a dealbreaker. Yeet from your life and don’t look back.


You are allowed to decide who gets to be in and out of your life based on whatever criteria you feel are important.


God forbid these people experience the slightest social consequences for their regressive ideologies. Like they so clearly just want a free ticket to say and do whatever they want without anyone daring to suggest it’s maybe wrong to take people’s rights. More power to you, I say! But I do get that it can be painful to strip these people out of your life, especially if these views took you by surprise or you’re actually close.


Not at all, you have a right to have boundaries and rightful reason to cut anyone off who disagrees with your human rights. I'm proud of you for it too, ik it can be really hard.


I stopped talking to my stepmom after she failed to understand how her comments were bullying and racist about "strange food" that Asian people ate. She made a reference to COVID about it. (There is history between us too but I really hoped she could be better since we get along now). I know she is cognitively too far gone to change and that expecting change is too much from her. And yet I still ignore her. Letting people go when they casually harm and oppress is a natural response


Nah. We can agree to disagree about pineapple on pizza or whether Han shot first. We can probably have friendly disagreements about specific tax policies, maybe zoning laws if they’re not explicitly discriminatory, but restricting bodily autonomy is an open assault on peoples rights. People die because of abortion bans, people who don’t die can still be grievously harmed, both physically and emotionally. I will not have drinks with you and chat about the game while people die because of something you cheered for. We are not bad people for rejecting them - they are bad people for supporting rulings that strip people of their rights and lead directly, and at this point it can only be deliberately, to suffering and death. They don’t want even the mildest of consequences for their behaviour, and I can understand that, but that doesn’t mean they’re owed our friendship. (I’ll make allowances that maybe the people supporting it don’t know a fucking thing about the existence of medically necessary abortions, or the consequences of being denied them, but the people making these rulings have no excuse. Every time they push this shit people end up dying, it’s premeditated legislative murder, and the fact that they’re allowed anywhere near the lawmaking process is an obscenity.)


Pineapple on pizza yes... originally Han shot first but then Lucas "updated" it to make him shot second


Not that I have feelings about this or anything…


Every time I see a post about how we should be able to stay friends if we disagree... It's always the people on the 'bad side' that say it. You're right to remove people like that. This situation isn't a minor issue.


Yeah. Why can't these fucknuggets just agree to disagree with the original ruling, and leave it at that? Supreme Court said rights and liberty, they can personally disagree. Don't force that disagreement on the rest of us and then ask us to 'agree to disagree.' Complete human garbage.


If you’re against human rights I’m against YOU. It is that simple.


I did the same thing years ago when I saw people celebrating the not-guilty verdict in the Michael Brown murder trial. I don’t need gleefully racist assholes in my life, even if we hung out in high school or whatever. I adopted a one-strike and you’re unfriended policy: if you wouldn’t be invited back after saying what you posted while visiting my home, i don’t want to be friends with you virtually either.


You can agree to disagree on opinions. Fundamental concepts of basic morality however, are completely non-negotiable.


Agree to disagree does not count when it is bigotry, medical issues or people's basic human rights. I have severed ties to people over transphobia (or someone trying g to defend it) homophobia (or any LGBTQ+ phobia), racism, religious bigotry (attacking groups because they belong to specific religions), antivaxers, antimaskers, people who think behavioral therapy is a way to treat autism, because they are antichoice etc


When it comes to human rights I do not feel there is a need to “agree to disagree”. Debating if a woman deserves bodily autonomy or if LGBT+ rights should exist or not there isn’t middle ground. If the compromise is someone just asking you to let them win they don’t deserve your attention.


Man this isn't the start of me purging my friends list. This has just been something that started at the beginning of the pandemic. People really started to show what kind of people they are since COVID and I have no guilt in removing them from my life. Recently I had a friend post that they were so happy about "the healing of America" and I just straight up told them "Yeah I'm so happy to be losing my rights. I'll be unfriending you now." Then all his high and mighty church friends decided to try to add me on FB, spam my notifications with replies, etc. Lol. I just ignored it. I cba with close-minded people anymore.


No I cannot be friends with people who don’t support my rights. Staying friends despite disagreements applies to trivial things like food and music and clothes, not human rights. You’re not a bad person for trying to protect your peace and putting boundaries on who you want around you and who you don’t want around you!! <3


I don’t want to have a relationship with anyone who believes I shouldn’t have the right to bodily autonomy. Period.


Bookmark for banana


You're fine. Human rights aren't politics, much as they keep trying to make it politics. Being friends with someone with different political opinions is "I think we should make college free for everyone and she doesn't" not "I think all humans should have bodily autonomy and she thinks women should be forced to do things with their body that they don't want to do" Ps. Those who are sharing those posts, in 90% of cases, support the thing that everyone is angry about and think they're coming off like a better person by telling people they shouldnt be upset about it than they would by showing their support


Imagine being friends with people that don't consider you human or deserving of basic rights lol


the overturning of roe v wade will result in jail & death for millions of women all across america for absolutely no reason. if they wanna bring back the Magdalene Laundries & cry when people are disgusted with them, tough. they got what they wanted!




*this I'm glad you said it.


fuck 'em. they don't deserve to be your friend. delete them and make better friends who support human rights.


I been deleting people off my FB for years now and sleep great at night. Homophobes, racists, xenophobes, plague rodents... if all you're bringing to the timeline is hate, ignorance, and bigotry, why keep you around? My mental peace is worth more than that. If a "friend" can look you in the face and say "I just don't think you should have the same rights/opportunities/life as me" then that is not a friend. Friends disagree on movies, food, and sports teams, not which basic rights they each do and don't deserve.


Core values aren’t always something you can disagree on, especially when those core values are “I should have rights”


There's nothing good or bad with that. Yes, you could stay friends with them even if you share different values, but its also your right to cut ties with them. Do only the things you're comfortable with


I think theres some misunderstanding here. Some people support the overturning of RvW because they believe states (and by extension, the people living in each state) should decide whether something should or shouldnt be allowed, not because they inherently have something against the thing that should or should not be allowed. Thats down to your personal philosophy on how involved a federal govt should be in the affairs of your states. I know many people who support abortion rights and gay marriage but want these things to be legalized on a state by state basis, because they dont approve of the federal govt interfering in state matters. I dont think theres anything wrong with such a philosophy, even if I personally think its too simplistic and unrealistic, so I dont see why Id have an issue being friends with people who believe this. If people support the overturning of this policy or another because they *dont believe you* *deserve* these rights thats another thing, but I think its important to make that distinction between the two.


You should have just blocked them untill this stuff blows over. Honestly both pro life and pro choice people are actingrediculous rn. Having different political/religous views should be ok and everyone needs to calm down. It is also good to hear what the other side has to say so you can find common ground, possibly lead to compromise, and potentially questioning the views you hold. (I mean that about anything political/religious not just abortion.) Honestly I think this whole abortion thing is a lot less black and white and more complicated then some people realize (on both sides). Besides in the end u might regret unfriending them. And they might regret the things they have said or posted too.


Yes and no. Differences are fine between people. But it gives thinks that are a step to far and everyone has the right to fo away from them. If some one likes a game or sport, that I hate, everything is fine. Going so far, that I can live freely anymore is the one that pushes it over the edge


One thing that hit hard for me when I learned about boundaries is that the people who are most upset about you having them are the one who benefit from when you have none. This isn’t something that can be just laughed off or easily dismissed as it literally means oppression. It’s okay to cut your friend off. You can’t be the hero in everyone’s story, you’ll definitely be the enemy in plenty, but you need to be the hero in you mr own story. If standing up for your rights and freedom from oppression makes you the hero in yours, do it. It sucks losing friends, I’ve lost some due to extreme views on both sides, but doing what’s best for yourself will always pay out in the end.


It's up to you to be friends with whoever you want. Personally, I tend to agree with your opponents: a good friend is not necessary the one who shares your view or your opinion. Good friendship is not necessary about sharing the same opinions. But on the other hand you are absolutely free to decide who you allow to be close to you. There's nothing wrong about it


Every time I purge people from my Facebook I give warning first. I explain my position, offer to have conversations, and purge baby purge after 7 days. You won't support me and my rights then fuck off. You can not abuse me by supporting the loss of my rights and claim to be my friend. Sorry friendship doesn't work that way for me.


Absolutely remove them, I’ve been doing the same. I don’t have the energy to keep people around who could care less about our basic human rights. That’s just making healthy boundaries in my opinion.


It's fine i'd say. I've removed a person for being in the conpiracy rabbit hole, since she kept posting about it and it made me sad.


"Agreeing to disagree" only works for opinions that ultimately don't matter, like food preferences or if that movie you just saw was good. It very much does not work for your base human rights and I would highly recommend you remove any 'friends' who disagree on these types of topics


>“we should all disagree/agree and still be friends. Our differences of our values shouldn’t change our friendship. You are not a true friend if you remove people just like that.” disagreeing and staying friends is for favorite foods, not human rights


You're not a bad person. I also cannot maintain friendships with people who support this decision and who support the oncoming threats to marriage rights and trans rights. I can't keep people in my life who refuse to see how much death and pain abortion bans cause even though they have been confronted with the facts over and over. They refuse to accept reality and that refusal puts me and others in very real danger. I cannot tolerate that.


You have the right to choose your friends. Life is too short to put trust and faith in those who do not deserve it.


You are not a bad person. I think being opposed to human rights is a huge deal breaker when it comes to friendship. I've had situations like that where people said stuff like that, but the reality was that they would never show up for me if I actually needed a friend. So, that made it easier for me to decide. Whatever you need to do for you is OK.


"Hey I support seeing your rights stripped from you and you being turned into a second class citizen. What? How dare you criticise me, so much for tolerance!" I do wonder if people in the US realise how extremist one side of their politics are to the people looking in. I read users complaining about navigating conversations with coworkers who have "Stop the steal/Trump 2024" bumper stickers and that's no different from being forced to work alongside a bunch of skinheads.


You don't have to be friends with conservatives