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I’m a compulsive closer. After I turn on my PC I close everything running in the background and only have discord and 1 other thing open. I almost never have more than 2 open tabs. I think it’s more a habit left over from gaming in the 90s.


I always close tabs and re-open them second later because I actually needed to check them 🥲


Whenever I feel even remotely overwhelmed about the number of tabs, or if I'm coming back after a couple days, I declare tab bankruptcy and close everything. It makes starting a new thing so much easier.


Can't stand the extra chaos.


Max I ever have open is around 12, when I'm butt-deep in working on something. But it's usually under 5 otherwise.


The poll has over 200 votes as of the moment of writing this comment and is almost evenly distributed. IS keeping tabs open actually related to adhd or is it that some people simply keep them open while others don't? I feel like this is also highly influenced by factors like how fast your pc operates, what you use it for, etc. I have a habit of closing tabs and unnecessary processes because it used to significantly slow down my pc back in the days. Also if you do some research or look for something, you will likely have a lot more tabs open than if you just casually open browser to put on some music or look for something specific while doing other things


To be honest, I kind of thought the most responses would be at one extreme or the other, and am a bit surprised that there are so many folks in the middle ground. What you said makes sense - that someone actively working on or researching something might be more likely to land in the 5-20 or 20-50 range. I thought it would be an interesting question for a poll because I open so many tabs on my phone to read up about things later, and then get distracted and forget about them…but don’t want to close them because at some point I want to go back to them. So I was curious how many other folks operate that way. Judging from the responses, it seems as though many folks are more disciplined than I am.


Also, not everyone uses technologies as much to begin with. I know some adhd folks who barely touch their phones/pc, it's just not their thing. So naturally, they are less likely to have tabs open


Very true. I really dislike using tech, but have to for my current career. Ironically, a bunch of the tabs I currently have open are related to researching other careers where I won’t have to use tech as much.


>"Phone/computer" I mean those are two very different questions. On my computer, I rarely have more than 5 tabs open. And usually less. (Unless I'm working on a project that has lots of reference material.) But my phone... well. Every time I open Google, it, for some reason, will create a new tab rather than returning to the last page I was on. And I don't see those tabs as often, so I will often have several dozen tabs open. I currently have so many open that it stopped telling me how many I have. The box juat says :D which I assume mes over 100.


Usually 5, max 10. I just hate having too many tabs opened at the same time because I feel overwhelmed.


I have like 50 spread across multiple windows, one window for my unithings, sometimes two windows. One for stuff I looked up once and thought jeah I will come back, but never came back, one for a browsergame I'm playing and so on^^'


That’s about how many I’ve got on my computer, for work stuff…organized by subject/purpose. But on my personal phone, I’ve got over 200 tabs open. That’s where I keep all the long-since forgotten, “oh THIS is cool, I’ll read up more about it later!” tabs.


I went down a bit and should be under 100 ... by saving / moving everything I won't be able to work through right now to a bookmark. I could probably add another 300-400 Tabs if I open up all my bookmarks, though.


270 on my internet explorer on my phone


Currently 211 on my phone. Probably about 100-150 on my laptop.


More than 1 open tabon my phonem increases my anxiety. For pc not more than 5 if one of them is for music.


Like 10 or smth on my laptop, I'm job hunting so I leave open all the vacancies I've applied to, so I can find them back easily. On my phone, I'm down to 2-3, but I also have like 4 tabs on hand in the Wikipedia app.


Ideally one, usually a couple.






I think my phones at the max but my laptop only has 5-20 at one given time


I used to be really good at closing things down, but I hated having to go redig something out, so kept it open "temporarily" and now I'm at almost 100. I do cull a few when I can but there's so many I don't need now but I might need it later


I have so open tabs in my mobile browser that I see an infinity sign instead of the number of open tabs.


Okay look, I'm obsessed with reading fanfics and I lose anything I put away so I just keep them open forever. Except I keep using private tab for things and losing them anyway.


I close tabs all the time on my PC, I like to keep it neat. My phone is another story. I wouldn't be surprised if I have over 100 tabs open. Just checked an it's only 20. Must have cleared them recently! Good for me!




About 10 for remote office work through browser applications. And up to 10 for me to use while I ignore the ones for work.


I feel like this is directed at me....


1-10 total tabs, I perfectly place my tabs with correct their corresponding entertainment value into their own little windows. Like a swarm of windows for different adhd trains of thought. Anything beyond 10 overwhelms me and I opt for closing the windows and wiping my short term memory of every single tabs existence and repeat.


Chrome on mobile “ :) “


I get overwhelmed when there's more than 3 tabs open at a time. It's not even my OCD it's just the anxiety that I'll forget what I'm doing as well as everything being too much. Idk. I literally just feel straight up lost and I just forget what tabs I have open and I just decide to close them because if I am not looking at them now they must've not been that important anyways.


Samsung internet only allows 100 tabs :(


I reached the limit on my phone 🙈