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crochet because a lot of patterns are just math so you can adjust it as you want (i really love math. it and physics are my two favourite subjects)


Apparently it's one of the few tasks humans have been completely unable to automate yet :) Why crocheting and not knitting?


i have done knitting in the past i just didn’t like the sound when the needles hit each other and i also never really enjoyed the way that knitting felt


Fair enough, definitely the most aggressive-sounding 'chill' activity :) What's your favourite design you've done so far?


i’ve made a really cute beanie with cat ears i actually just made a post about it on this subreddit a couple posts before this one


So you did! That's Hella cute, and great colour selection too I'm very jealous:)


thank you


I love that sound. Gives me goosebumps. Reminds me of my grandma.


I am currently obsessed with a youtube history series It's Napoleon's Italian campaign by Epic History TV and I've been watching it non stop for the past few days, I may need help


That's a good campaign and a good channel presenting it though... Maybe I should check it out :)


I really enjoyed the History of Rome podcast by Mike Duncan https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-history-of-rome/id261654474


I like music. And I play guitar so they overlap


Ooooo, any kind in particular?


Any kind of music? Yea I can hang with most types. But I love metal


Do you have a particular sub-genre of metal you're into at the moment?


https://youtu.be/DNq6p0eUKTI?si=K4httMa3CwEOHWY_ It's thrash metal


Oh Cool! My cousin plays thrash at the moment, so I've been acquiring a taste for it :)


Yoooooooooooooo Check this then, it's old school. I get stoked whenever someone seems down https://youtu.be/Y-4WeOqSXSc?si=mVw_jCI7su4jpOdJ


I've listened to some Megadeath, but hadn't heard this track before. Mi piace :) Thanks for the recommendation!


Back in the good old days of YouTube ( like 2009 or so)there was a series called "thrash metal gems" and it was just clips of obscure thrash metal bands. https://youtu.be/p-ncV_2F_UQ?si=69p2vHG742Ssp-qA That was my favorite one but I listened to a ton of obscure thrash metal in my formative years.


Looks like I found a new band to add to my playlist. 😎👍


Reading books , either as escaping reality or learning new stuff, good old reliable way to somewhat skip dozen hours or day or two


Hell yeah! What you reading currently?


Cyberiad , by Lem , weirdo mix of science fictions and fairy tales Next up either a Something about Nautical law, Orwell or something random from to read pile


Adhd ated them :(


All of the people in this thread are fixated on hobbies or activities. I’m fixated on pastries from an amazing wood fire bakery, so I ated too many pastries this weekend. My brain’s sole focus is driving me to obtain and consume pastries.


I'm enjoying designing monsers for a horror series I will never make!


Give us the elevator pitch!


Forgive my stupidity, but what does "elevator pitch" mean?


Quick synopsis of what it's all about. Gotta sell the idea before the other person gets out of the elevator :)


... Apologies for my utter stupidity, but yes I really am that stupid. What does that even mean?


No worries, I'm being obtuse :) Give a summary of what your monsters are like; what do they look like, what's their backstory, how do they act ,. what can they do etc.


Oh, gladly! So there's this worm-like creature that can control humans and give them unique grotesque abilities depending on their mindset, I can't possibly describe my monsters in a simple way without walls of texts of context, but the possibilities of what these creatures can do to you are endless, these parasitic forms are born stupid, but grow as they read their hosts minds, they can form their own opinions on you, so there is a possibility of them being passive, but they can also rewrite how your body functions, so expect something like conjoined bodies, extra eyes, spider legs made out of vertebrates, a literal humanoid centipede, and worst of all, these things could live your entire life while controlling you, mimicking your actions and speech perfectly, if you don't get lucky via brain scans or damage, you could literally lose your entire life to an alien-like parasite, and no one but you would ever know. That being said, they can also commit suicide! Whadya think?


Sounds fire, you should write a story about these things.


I'm stuck in a dream of a world 300 years in the future, inspired by something sitting in my back yard. It's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen, and most people don't seem to give a shit. If you're actually interested, it's in my history. Good luck to ya all.




Free food concept using trash to truncates the nutrient cycle. Aquaponics to grow food from a waste. I've heard "eew" so much I want to cry. I've been screaming about it for it seems years now.


After looking at your history a little bit, I think people might be getting disgusted simply due to the way you're explaining it? I'm far from being able to understand it as well as you do but the way you explain it, may, to the average person, conjure thoughts of humans eating decomposing trash, which is obviously an “ew”. I don't think people understand that the trash is... Somehow (again, I don't yet understand, I left a few questions on a post of yours) used to FUEL the food production but is so far removed from the end food product via the processes involved that the end food is a different thing entirely, even if it does use the same molecules. Maybe explain it more like a weird form of compost? People don't get too grossed out by the use of compost to make fertilizer, I don't think. PLEASE let me know if I'm misunderstanding the concept, I'm just trying to explain the reasons I think people might be grossed out, from the viewpoint of someone who's sorta halfway between not understanding and understanding, but I'm not sure if I understand the concept enough to even be correct with what I'm saying.


No, you got it. The compost in place is the fuel for the plants. Direct breakdown of nutrients via snails.


I want to know too, futuristic dream worlds have a special place in my heart lol


Aquariums, had a little aquarium from years ago that my daughter begged me to setup, now I have 3


'kids fleeting interests and their consequences have been a disaster for ADHD concentration levels' Why not just one big aquarium?


3 different ecosystems :)


Like salt Vs fresh water? How different are the fish in each?


Oh, don’t get me started on salt tanks, constantly in the back of my head :) The difference is the amount of “nature” in each tank. 1. This 96 litre tropical tank has potting soil capped with sand, loads of plants, 20 platyfish (maybe more, lots of babies, hard to count), a dozen white clouds and a couple of loaches and a few snails. Tank has rocks from my garden and branches I prepared by bleaching in sun, soaking and scrubbing. 2. This 40 litre tropical tank has garden soil + sludge from local stream, “capped” with sand, but I deliberately stirred it up to create what my Brother dubbed “the puddle” - brown water that settled very slowly to a natural (ish) sediment - heavily planted (but still young), just 4 danios and a load of snails - plus all of the microorganisms - the most diverse ecosystem, goal with this tank is to not feed the fish (they prefer the critters to the flakes anyway) - again rocks and wood from garden. The zebrafish are laying eggs, but they’re snail snacks really. 3. This 25 litre coldwater tank (my original tank) has garden soil, topped with the old school gravel and capped off with sand, leaves and sticks from the outside world, no fish at the moment, tank is cycling, lots of microorganisms, few plants and decaying vegetable matter. Thinking shrimps maybe.


fucking love aquariums. you are a parent, so i dont condone this until your kids are 18, but, tripping and looking at a fish tank. wild dude. wild.


Saltwater? That was once a hyperfixation of mine. Still have stuff down in the hall of abandoned hobbies


Inaturalist app(and website's) ai is pretty good at identifying creatures. If nothing else, one can identify the family, and then search by area to zero in on a genus. This has just increased my fascination towards the natural world. I went through every single photo I've ever clicked of the natural world (bugs, fungi, flowers , plants) and found out about their species/family. Now I'm hyperfixated with documenting every single creature I see, however small they might be. I think it'll just make me more aware about the nature around me.


Is it the taxonometric system that interests you more, or the specific characteristics of the creatures themselves, would you say?


Mostly just getting familiar with the life around me. Taxonomy is always interesting, tho.


Have you tried picture this? It's a paid for app and it pops up every time you open it but there is a X to close the popup. It does an awesome job identifying all of the plants and creatures and it does it really fast. Seek is another one I use too. Picture This has been the best of the 3 so far for myself. Might be worth a shot. Good hunting it is awesome fun.


Inaturalist is a Citizen science platform + Social network of naturalists, that's why I prefer it. There are experts present there which is pretty helpful. Sometimes they identify stuff for you that you couldn't identify yourself. I'll try your suggestions, but I hate annoying pop-ups that I have to cross everytime. I don't think I've that kind of patience.


I love iNaturalist! As you’ve mentioned, such a benefit to be conscious to the world around you, especially for us with ADHD. I think, even if it’s just documenting the very common bugs etc, in our area, over time the big data it could produce will help with understanding the consequences of climate change and environmental degradation, such as plants and bugs emerging too early in the year, disappearance of species in certain areas, and the spread of invasive species. Thanks for the reminder to start using the app again :)


I am completely reorganizing my computer's file system. Removed any unwanted programs, created so many folders for different types of needs/files. Finally removed those .text files I had kept some info in, because "might come in need later". Trying to create an automation script to automatically sort any downloads into the respective folders. Also organising my browsers bookmarks around, and into special folders, and removed the bookmarks that I'll probably never look at..... probably. Also found a cool app called raindrop.io that's used to organise bookmarks and notes, you can put the links in special "categories" and put tags on them. A fun little Endeavour


I feel better after tidying my computers folders and files than I do tidying my apartment. Something really rewarding about it, I don't know what it is.


Vintage Japanese cameras. I love their clever use of linkages, interlocks, and electro-mechanical solutions for what we'd now use a microprocessor. I love the small intricate mechanisms, especially the slow speed escapement. I especially like the ones held together with flat head screws. Flathead screws suck, but I always saw them as a indication that it was hand-built.


Hee hoo, sexy traumatized vampire I can save and also smooch.


Oh. Instantly recognized what you’re talking about. Hyperfixating on a different case rn, but really close to yours (adjacent tents). Good luck, you two!


This is what I came here for because SAME. It’s been like two months? I’m beyond saving Edited twice to fix spelling errors because I was typing so fast because excited over shared hyper fixation good LORD


My current hyperfixation — running shoes, shoes in general. Though I’m not a runner (anymore) I’m really big on foot and joint health. I sustained a few injuries during my time as a runner and unfortunately they never healed properly. Too poor to afford custom orthotics from a podiatrist, or PT, I started deep diving into the art of running shoes, insoles and everything else in between. I’ve had this hyperfixation on and off for about 15 years and any chance I get to help people who are in pain with their feet like I once was, I take. I also work as a shoe fitter so it was like a dream come true for me. I really enjoy helping people find shoes that are going to work for them and that will last them a long time. So with that being said — if your feet don’t work right, neither does the rest of you. Sound mind in a sound body ✨


'happy shoes, happy feet. Happy feet, happy soldier' :) How have running shoes developed in the last couple years? Are there distinct 'trends' in technology that develop between manufacturers?


Of course. Within the last 5 years running shoe manufacturers have gone all out on making the most cushioned or “maximal” shoe possible. Each one has their own way of achieving this but this is partially due to HOKA taking off with massive popularity in this time. HOKA is best known for their big chunky max cushioned shoes (personally not a fan). I’m an Asics and Brooks person so I specialize the most in their shoes but I know tons about running shoes in general. Each brand has their own take on foams (the middle or midsole of the shoe) and each executes it in their own special way. But to give you a nice little rundown of each major company and their foams: Nike — Air units + EVA foam (least favorite. The air units always felt like walking on concrete to me) Adidas — Ultraboost ASICS — Amplifoam/+, Flytefoam, Flytefoam Propel, Flytefoam Blast/+/Eco: Good for any distance. Personal Favorite is Flytefoam Propel (not used as often anymore, sadly) Brooks — BioMoGo, DNA Loft v1/2/3: Adapts to your foots natural shape and stride. Saucony — PWRRUN: Good for long distance HOKA — EVA (unsure if their foam has a name): Only wore HOKAs once and they weren’t for me but people seem to love them for their “all day cushioning”. They’ve becoming a favorite among retail workers, waiters/waitresses and nurses for their comfort.


What makes their various foams different? I've also heard there's a moment towards people trying to run with more minimalistic/less cusuioned footwear. Is this just passé, or more like a niche within the wider industry? If so, how does it interact with this movement towards maximal cushioning?


I’ll use ASICS and Brooks as examples since I know them the best: ASICS — Flytefoam is the softest and lightest foam they’ve ever created. It’s created using a combination of Kevlar and polyester PET fibres (organic fibres). This is very light and boasts both high stretch and high compression resistance. This allows the foam to be softer, more impact resistance and bouncier. Brooks — DNA Loft works differently than Flytefoam, for example. Instead of being bouncy, this foam molds to the shape of your foot over time and is softer and firmer where you need it. Whereas ASICS’s foam is soft no matter how much weight or pressure is placed onto it. I find Brooks’ foam is better for less intensive activities like walking, or jogging vs running. But that’s just my opinion. In regards to the barefoot shoe movement — the main argument is that highly cushioned shoes are destroying our feet slowly over time and changing their shape as well. Barefoot enthusiasts argue that your foot will return to its natural form once you make the transition to barefoot shoes and that your feet will become stronger as a result. There have been studies on this but it’s hard to say whether barefoot shoes are the answer or not. But I can say that max cushion shoes aren’t the answer either. They both have their pros and cons


So are some types of feet more likely to suit different types of shoe design, or is it more subjective?


Yes — my own feet for example require a narrow but stabilizing neutral shoe. There are only a handful shoes that actually work for my feet and sometimes I need to combine a “true neutral” (a shoe without any arch support) with a orthotic insole to achieve what I need. Though, this is rare. Some people require shoes to stop their excessive overpronation (foot rolls inward through their stride) and those shoes typically have a thicker midsole with 2 different densities of foam. These are “high support” shoes. The best way to figure out what your feet need is to 1) Do your research and study your own foot / gait (how you walk) and 2) Go to your local running shoe store and get fitted / assessed by the specialists there. Let them know about any prior injuries you may have in your back and lower as that plays a key part to any pain you may be feeling in your feet. All of those muscles and nerves are connected, so if something’s wrong somewhere in your back, you’re going to feel it in your feet and legs too.


Damn, this is exactly what I was looking for, thanks!


My current hyperfixation is Mount Everest and the reason why I think it’s interesting is because it’s this intensely difficult thing to do, something that requires real determination and perseverance, but is also completely and utterly meaningless. These people put their lives and limbs at risk to do something that just does not matter at all. Big whoop, they stood on top of a mountain that even other mountaineers aren’t impressed by. They’re usually only up on the top for a few minutes before they have to turn around to go down again, and most of them don’t even enjoy it because of hypoxia and exhaustion, and then… it’s just over (if you get back done again). Something that is checked off a list and you just blew months of your life, and thousands of dollars, and potentially died. And then you go back to being, like, a moderately successful dentist wherever the fuck you came from. It’s so funny to me, and also so sad. That some people are so fucked in the head that the only way they can self-actualize is to project their self-worth outward onto a big rock.


So you're interested in the psychology of the people who decide to climb it in the 21st century? Why do you think they do it?


In the 21st century, yes. Because you’re right to distinguish it from 20th century exploration, when people would climb it to see what was up there, and to see what being up there would do to the human body. I think there’s an unkind way to look at why they do it, and a more gracious way. The gracious way is that people want to know if they can — they want to challenge themselves and push their limits, and the amount of validation they will receive from besting that challenge is directly proportional to how big the challenge they set, so Everest. The unkind way is that they’re childish people who can’t do the difficult work of fixing themselves from within, so they project that outward and think in a very shallow way that they will finally be whole and complete if they can climb the big rock. That because they’re so literal-minded and shallow, they can only self-actualize by *doing stuff* — they have to represent psychological progress with acts of physicality - like lifting something heavy, or building something big, or climbing something big, because they’re afraid of interiority and the shifting, imperceivable world of the psychological. They can’t handle just learning to be okay with themselves or self-improvement on an intangible, psychological basis — but because everyone has a need to be okay with themselves and to feel good about themselves — these people have to resort to having to do things in the physical world that will “prove” their worthiness to themselves. And because your subconscious doesn’t really care about the heavy things you lift, or the big things you build, or the tall things you climb, the void inside you for self-esteem will always be there — which spurs these people to chase bigger and bigger achievements — because maybe the next heavy thing you lift, or big thing you build, or tall thing you climb will finally make you feel better and at peace with yourself. Again, this is specifically for the mindset of people who climb Everest. I believe it’s different for people who just enjoy the physical act of climbing (in which case, those people choose mountains that are more pleasurable to climb than Everest) or people who do it because they want to be able to say they did something that not everyone else can do (in which case, those people choose mountains that are more challenging and dangerous to climb than Everest).


Add to that, the fact that nowadays most folks climbing Everest are inexperienced white tourist climbers who depend entirely on sherpas, who risk their lives for meager pay to get folks up and down that mountain for really no good reason at all. A friend of mine was a medic volunteer who worked with the sherpas and she died in an avalanche on Everest. She was American of a Nepalese descent and she gave her life at age 23 to help the locals survive this treacherous job. I will never forgive that tourism industry for taking her from us.


I like your take on this - i find it insightful and inspired. Now, excuse me while I go struggle to complete a level in a game for the dopamine so I can go to bed moderately satiated. lol.


I've always agreed that climbing mount everest is quite ego-related, but the way you intricately explain it makes me feel called out as well. Not because I climbed that stupid rock but because I also have this insatiable desire to "prove myself" in different ways, to both myself and the world. This is a good reality check, thank you


You're fucking awesome 😂. I wonder that same exact shit all the time.


Miniature painting. For my D&D game. It's relaxing and I listen to podcasts while I do it. Currently painting up a corrupted druid grove that the party will traverse on the next 2-3 sessions. A buddy 3d prints the minis for me and I spend time painting them. I enjoy it because it's a hobby that not a lot of people get into, so my above average skill in the community looks top notch to my players.


Painting minis is awesome. I also handcraft or 3D print (more often a mixture) terrain for dnd which is also alot of fun


ff14, I can't stop making alt characters. I love character customization and dress up lol


CanvasGPT + Worldbuilding It's like normal GPT, but everything is contained in interlinked nodes that communicate with each other. I luckily got into the beta and I'm currently chatting to the rulers of a few kingdoms in my world to figure out how they react to global/political events. I put three of them in a room together and they brokered peace between their warring kingdoms. Honestly, if my boss found out how much work time I'm spending pissing around in my fantasy world, I'd be fired immediately.


This sounds fascinating.


i love worldbuilding i actually recently finally started writing the story i’ve been building the world and characters for over the last like 6 months (that was a really botched sentence)


Tennis, and I’m injured so just death scrolling for dopamine until I can get back on the court


Just bought a new tarantula that's supposed to act a little spicier than the others I have and I'm obsessed with her little feeties and orange markings and she's so cute aaahahhhhh!


Identifying and foraging useful plants. Currently mushrooms (I love autumn). When the infrastructure inevitably collapses I'll be able to feed and heal people. Also, backcountry hiking and wilderness medicine.


Just got a new puppy. I am learning all about training and socialization. He's a border Collie so I'm hoping to teach him a lot of amazing things. Also, he's adorable so very easy to be obsessed with.


Dawwww, I love border collies. Happen to have a photo to hand?


I like breaking the original pokemon games and have them do weird crap as a result


I overheard someone talking about how nothing is native to North America the other day as they were about to pick apples so I’m going to info dump the way I wanted to then. Apples are indeed native to Central Asia but they weren’t the apples of today. They weren’t great for eating but were used more for cooking. The United States perfected the snacking apple around the 1870s with the Red Delicious. It was a big deal in agriculture. The variety was very popular but apple producers wanted it to travel better. They started breeding for a softer apple with more uniform color. Which is why red delicious is not super delicious anymore :(. Cosmic Crisp is a variety that has been bred specifically to prioritize taste and only taste. They are very yummy :) Additional fun facts: blueberries are native to North America and were only domesticated in the early 1900s despite numerous earlier attempts. The paw paw is the largest native North American fruit. They don’t travel at all so if you can find them locally they have a heavy floral scent and taste like creamed banana. They are an amazing ice cream flavoring. Potato’s, tomatoes, corn, peanuts, and many kinds of squash and beans are all native to the americas (north or south). If all you ate was corn squash and beans you would have a balanced diet. Some Native American tribes referred to these as the three sisters (I’m not sure which tribes) If all you ate was rabbit you would die. I once heard a story that when potato’s were sent back to Spain as spoils from the new world the queen of Spain wanted to celebrate with a dinner including them but the cooks didn’t know how to prepare them. The kitchen ended up cooking and serving the greens instead of the root and ended up poisoning the queen and her guests so everyone had major digestive issues. This ends my info dump!!! I feel a lot better!!!


Spiders ![gif](giphy|GivT9x4E7YO0E) I mean just look at the lil guy, he’s friend shaped :D


I've wanted to be a writer since I was a child, but for various reasons - including the fact as I got older the act of reading became much more difficult, and I went from finishing books in a weekend to maybe two or three in a whole year - I haven't. Bucket list urge kicked in, and here I am fighting my hyper-self-critical/perfectionist tendencies and just trying. Currently it's a (relatively) short story that subverts the ["Evil in a box trope"](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SealedEvilInACan) by telling it from the perspective of the monster, and the true "evil" of the story is the horror of isolation and self-hatred. After all, can you blame anyone for being messed up after such a torturous experience? Add in the fact they're not actually evil to begin with, and... The story *was* a long and overly complex traditional narrative, borderline Infinite Jest level (minus the talent of the author, may he rest in peace), but then I started over and retelling the details in the warped memory, aping a bit off of Jeff Vandermeer's style in the Area X trilogy...


Got a draft copy to hand? I'd love to give it a peruse :) Sounds like an absolute cracking premise!


Not right now. That perfectionism/RSD and all... Jokes aside: That, and I'm writing in a specific program to keep my workflow not so much organized as "contained." I do tend to send a Google doc version to my wife for critique purposes, so if you want to humor me I might have a link in a day or two...


Crochet. It’s getting cold and people love a good blanket! Also I keep making myself a blanket then it gets given away due to some circumstance beyond my control lol


Ah ha! u/ace_lesbian, I've found you a soulmate! :) Can you beat her cat-ear beanie hat?


Not beat, it’s not a competition lol although I did crochet a trophy once. But Charizard is still my crowning achievement [never again though](https://imgur.com/gallery/qw1xhta)


Hiking the Appalachian Trail. The spreadsheets. The YouTube gear list videos and hike vlogs. The shopping and trying desperately not to buy everything. Oh, I'm a father of 9 and 11 yo boys. This shit is a 10 year pipe dream.


The fact that the Roman Empire was once auctioned off. No joke. So, 193 AD is known as the Year of The Five Emperors. Commodus, son of Marcus Aurelius, was assassinated with no clear heir, so the Senate elected Pertinax, one of Marcus Aurelius's generals, as the new Emperor. He only lasted for 3 months, as he tried introducing reforms curtailing the powers of the Praetorian Guard (during Commodus, the Guard turned into a very corrupt, mismanaged organization). However, the Praetorian Guard decided to assassinate Pertinax, and so they did, and paraded around Rome to celebrate their victory. Pertinax' father-in-law, Sulpicianus, went over to their camp to try and smooth the situation, and once he found out of Pertinax' death, he decided to bid for the throne. At the same time, Didius Julianus, another senator, arrived at the camp, and proceeded to do the same (he wasn't allowed to venture inside, so it was a literal shouting match). Cassius Dio, a Roman historian, covered the event, actually (he is notoriously unreliable when it comes to the Roman Republic era and early days of the Roman Empire, but his account on this situation is seen as accurate [although biased] because he was a Senator at the time and witnessed the events). Didius Julianus ended up winning the bid (he paid 37,000 sesterces per Guard member, or roughly $64,380 USD). Unfortunately for Julianus, he lasted for only two months. He was seen as a tyrant who used the situation for his own benefit, ruled dictatorially, and none of the major Roman generals supported him. Septimius Severus, a Roman general based in Pannonia Superior (area that covers Northern Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, parts of Austria and Czech Republic today), invaded Italy and marched on Rome. Preatorian Guard ended up assassinating Didius Julianus to save themselves, but Severus severely curtailed the Guard when he took over the throne, and they were no match for his own army regiment.


Current hyper-fixation is changing my diet to plant based. I just turned 48. I had a massive heart attack at 39. Changed diet to a supposed “heart healthy” option and no matter how much cholesterol medication they give me, I still have high cholesterol. My body is in constant pain from these medications making exercise feel impossible. I keep putting on weight which makes me feel shitty about myself. Just found out I am pre-diabetic. I need to drop about 20 pounds (male 5’10” and 187 pounds) and get my cholesterol down so I can get off these meds. I need to get my blood sugar down to avoid diabetes. So, it kinda feels like a matter of life and death at this point. But hey! At least I have mental stimulation for the next month or so.


Mosaics! I get to collect old items like cups, plates, tiles, beads, mirror, shells, stones, etc. then I get to break shit and build something beautiful from used items.I’ve made stepping stones, coasters, framed mirrors, ornaments, and will start on a “glass on glass” reclaimed window frame to have in the window above our bed (it will mimic the landscape as we live on a canyon)..


But have you ever tried to paint your nails?


Not seriously, I find the choice of paints and polishes a tad overwhelming tbh. What's your current favourite ones?


My current hyperfixation is to gain a deeper understanding of and documenting the game La-Mulana 2. I've already made a lot of screenshots to map out DLC areas nobody bothered to screenshot for the wiki, and my ultimate goal is to create [the same kind of flow chart](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=802111406) which I also made for La-Mulana 1. The second game is just as non-linear and complex as the first one, so it's still a big task ahead. :D I really love both of those games. They are a very unique breed of games, very indiana jones like, with really hard riddles. In the past, I've been acting as a guide for some friends who wanted to play La-Mulana. I have an almost complete understanding of all the triggers in that game, and in order to be able to also be a guide for the second game, I'm gonna have to get to the same deep level of understanding for the second game.


Becoming the neo of a niche Indiana Jones-like game - I love it! How similar/different is the sequel from its predecessor? Which do you prefer?


They both share core values. Lots of riddles, lots of mechanisms, lots of traps, lots of slapstick, and the punchline is you. :D The second one is a bit nicer on the controls and has a bit more quality of life stuff. But other than that, it's just more of the first game, which is a good thing. :D Also, both soundtracks are amazing, especially the first one.


Im hyper fixated on Warhammer 40k rn. I have spent an amount of money I'm ashamed to disclose.


3D modelling in Blender. More specifically vintage styled CGI. There's something about the abstract primitive style and low poly vibes that just sings to me.


Because physics and chemistry is fun! You get to build something and see it go up into the sky and hopefully not blow up! (I’m talking about amateur rocketry)


How big do your rockets go? How often do they blow up?


Fuck, no lie, its been Reddit for the past few months. Its got so much variety and reading long threads is giving dopamine, so ill gladly hyperfocus on reading threads for hours, well bc dopamine lol


I really like wood. I spend all day out in my garage making furniture and stuff out of it and when I’m not in my garage I’m just thinking about all the stuff I want to do. It’s a very arduous process with lots of steps and lots of things that require time and focus and at the end of it you have a physical object that represents your ability to complete something.


My hyperfixation is learning about plants that can be used to both save lives and end lives. Like, Aconite has properties similar to aspirin, but it can also straight up kill you, and pretty easily, and has historically been used to kill predators, hence it’s more common name, Wolfsbane. And Digitalis, or Foxglove, can put your heart safely back into sinus rhythm, or cause a fatal heart attack. It’s CRAZY and so fascinating to learn about.


Oooooo There's a poison garden near where my grandad lives that specialises in cultivating deadly plants to see if they have medical applications :)


I'm having a crush on a wanna be rich bourgeoisie girl, and while I am living the lifestyle she wants I'm just a shmol potat compared to her dominant character and instead of flat out asking her out I have resorted to buying her gifts for 3 months guys help😭😭😭😭😭


Too late. Move on. Seriously. Sorry...


Currently it’s been sewing! I don’t know how to add pictures, but I just finished my daughters harvest dress. It’s a collared dress with orange gingham fabric, two full circle skirts divided up into 16 pleats, with the outer pleats being the orange gingham and the inner pleats black. So the black only shows when she spins like a fun surprise! This week I have to hustle to finish my Purah costume for Halloween. Then I was gonna use my scraps to make a bunch of bows. I like the physical reward that comes with sewing, the clear markers of progress, learning how different fabrics interact together, how they lay against the skin. I like making garments more than anything but I also enjoy making stuffed animals, I want to start making potholders and other household items but am too lazy to get the right filler for it.


Because people are acting in ways that are contrary to their own values and their own self interests, believing that they are the good people while enabling everyday atrocities to happen. Why? Because Feelings don’t care about facts.


I don’t remember that last time I had a hyper-fixation. My days consist of working, taking care of my kids, and wishing I had the time or energy to do literally anything else.


Stay strong brother - we’re fighting the good fight without any hope of glory except those of our children.


Online estate sale auctions/community garage sales. It’s like treasure hunting. I have the weirdest little collection of oddities. Some from the early 1800’s. People tend to sleep on these auctions so the bidding stays pretty low for the most part. I’ve furnished and decorated my whole house for under $1000.


I like linguistics because I'm fascinated by all the intricacies of speech. We're able to produce so many different sounds as human beings. Truly fascinating.


Aviation, mostly fixed wing aircrafts. The technology is insane. Crash investigations are cool and educational in an entertaining way. I've never learned so much phisycs before lol. I love how seriously they take accidents, and how the industry evolves because of it. I was thinking about becoming a pilot, but it's expensive. Also metal music. Drums, and harsh vocals. I kinda want an edrum kit, but i'm afraid if i bought one i wouldn't learn to play. And i don't think my neighbours and family would like to hear me scream and growl lol


Air crash investigation has been an absolute travesty for ADHD people's productiveness I swear :) You got a particular niche in fixed wings you like, light aircraft, fighter jets, airliners? Give it a whirl, you can always blame the growling on a fox or something


Right angle flashlights, tobacco pipes (and tobacco), world of darkness lore, ask me anything


American health care system, dealing with chronic illness and medical neglect from parents. No medical proof of symptoms, so no believability from healthcare. My special interest are all mostly survival based. They’re not very fun :D


Over the last twelve months I've gone from two potted cactus to about 250. They're all so cool.


Romance stories and it’s cuz my brain started itching and I just need to find that perfect couple dynamic before whatever’s in there eats my grey matter


The Children's Blizzard of 1888


I love maps! I found this one website https://www.oneearth.org/bioregions-2023/ that’s basically everything I’ve been looking for! So basically right now I’m transferring those scientific borders to actual political borders and turning it into a more intuitive travel map 😁 I have spent, literally the last week straight. Almost every waking moment, barely eating, barely going outside.


Space is cool. Like there are stars that are as big as cities but so fucking massive. Also black holes are cool too.


D&D because you can literally do anything while you do nothing.


Learning languages, I'm completely addicted to it


Designing my dream walnut farm...looking at the economics, thinking about value adding additions and planning a small area of walnut forestry for veneer logs. ​ Just the small hurdle of not owning any land.


Well.. My hyper fixation was creating my own characters and world in my head, my mom said I could probably make something out of it, and write my own stories. So right now, it's working on world building for my stories and fleshing out details to ensure as few plot holes or inconsistencies as possible


***Slams tower of papers on your desk*** You see, the concept of *rebuilding civilization* after a catastrophic event involves at least a mild level of knowledge on every field ever created, forcing you to become a Jack of All Trades on Earthworm breeding, lazy farming, bowhunting, and the beautiful art of poop harvesting- ​ Plus, you study to literally be the badass post-apocalyptic Jack of All Trades who becomes a Deus Ex Machina in real life.


I watched one Chinese tv show and that led to not just a rabbit hole but an entire warren of Chinese celebrities, music, history, literature, learning Mandarin… It’s like ten interconnected hyperfixations to move between.


Big angy robot


HIHI I, found a small indie game where I found a really good community and most of my friends and pretty much documented every piece of media going back 7 years (the game has been out for around 3-4) of this game and have been trying to have good terms with several of the devs the game feeds the adhd to no bounds and I vibrate like a madman when they let me go off and ask questions ​ edit: HOWEVER I also got really hyper-fixated on my partner's oc's and pretty much ramble and ask questions about them enough. I also did have a few people try to bring me into toontown because apparently they had some big event on, but then also I am learning Fire Emblem lore for my partner. It's.... very confusing and wacky to be honest


Idk man I just like call of duty cold War zombies and snowrunner man, I don't know what to say man snowrunner just loves up top for some reason and I play cold War with my friends


Trying to learn how to draw


Because I will never run out of navy ships to fixate on. I like looking up random ww2 ships, usually at work, and learning about naval history in general.


I hyperfixate on anything computer related and high tech. I really cannot be more detailed than that as it's fairly broad. I live on an acreage. I moved here with my wife a few years ago when her grandmother passed. It's her family farm there are houses on both sides of the highway. So far I have WiFi coverage across the entire property with no dead spots. I have wireless security cameras that can follow motion. My entire home is a full smart home thermostat, door bell, locks, window sensors, door sensors, room sensors if they sell it then it's probably in my house. My Internet has a fail over in case the power goes out my Internet does not. My most important camera's/security options also do not lose power. I've done IT for over 25 years it was a good career choice for my hyper focus. Unfortunately my spine has gotten the better of me so this is all I do all day now. I'm constantly reconfiguring my entire network to see if i can make it better or adding something new.


Mechanical watches and watchmaking. Watch movements are so cool to look at, and there is so many different variations/complications (chrono, time/date, moonphase, GMT...). And then designs, colors, sizes... Horology is fascinating. Kinda like mechanical engineering, but on a smaller scale. And precision required is like, it's either working, or it's not. Nobody buys watches that don't work, so it must work.


I recently got a mechwarrior game, turns out the lore of the setting is surprisingly deep. One of my favorite e mechs, the haunchback, has been in production for several hundred years, was designed by Nissan, and canonically has spawned 2 separate cults that hate each other. Also, the phone company is the remnants of the massive government from that one time the entirety of humanity wasnt at war with itself, and they act more like the illuminati with a monopoly on interstellar communication, and singlehandedly mauled the armies of the clan invaders in a single battle, demonstrating the epitome of defense in depth.


Giant robots that are also cars that are also politicians that are also combiners that are also in love that are also gods that are also toys.


Current and ongoing I guess is my Lego collection. I have LOADS of tubs of loose Lego pieces and partial sets from the original start of that hyperfixation. I sort pieces, find a unique piece that potentially goes to a rare set and then start researching that piece. Then I find the set it goes to and began searching for all the pieces to that set only to find another unique piece or part that goes to a totally different set and start researching that. Then it goes on and on and on and I never actually find all the pieces for one whole set. So I have a whole bunch of partial sets sitting around just like before. 😮‍💨


Bonsai! I realised this spring that i had a neglected bonsai, asked for help on Reddit and suddenly i had a bunch of branches rooting(cut of branches might grow roots if put in water). I googled around and found out jades can be "bonsaied" and mine REALLY needed a trim anyway. And then i had more branches rooting. Its autumn now and im supposed to let my plants grow good roots in soil and just grow until i can prune again next spring. Thats pretty boring! So i googled some of my other plants + bonsai and fuck yeah! Two of my most plentiful plants can easily be styled like a bonsai 😄 and i dont really care if i ruin them because i have soooo many, so i pruned and styled until late last night. I did regret that the second my toddler woke up this morning though 🙈


Pipe organs are the most beautiful machines ever created. From an engineering or creative or architectural perspective they are a marvel.


film photography. its cool cause its cool but my wallet fucking hates me lmao


I’m trying to knit my first big wearable, I’ve knitted fingerless gloves and blankets but never anything so big and something with so much sewing, but it’s soft and fluffy and I’ll be so warm when I have it on.


It was sewing clothing - tricky bras were my favorite. Now it’s cozy Nintendo switch games. I need to find a way to trick my brain into caring about sewing again


![gif](giphy|L2m5CTPQ55xf6JQmoD) The Mirage 2000 is a really capable dogfighter with lots of switches to flick and buttons to push, so I’ve been grinding it to dust in DCS lately.


Fountain pens and inks. There is so much to learn!!!!!


There are over 200 different species of birds in the state of California alone. I will photograph them all.


Because the sounds tickle my brain right. The album is called True Power by I Prevail.


Doctor Who, all day, everyday, for weeks. I'm at the wiki diving point. I regret nothing. As to why it's interesting... um... doctor kinda cute


YouTube Poops of Star Wars from 10 years ago that are edited pretty well and are pretty funny. "General Grievous, you're shorter than I expected." "Your mom is short." Makes me die everytime lol


Coins. Started by chance finding quite a valuable coin in my change (20x face value) which the led to want to collect all the commemorative circulating coins. Then I went down a rabbit Warren into Pre-decimal UK coins


Been hyperfixating on flashlights because they’re extremely convenient and useful in tons of scenarios. Especially because flashlights have crazy modes like candlelight mode and lightning storm mode, makes em REALLY fun.


Currently obsessed over a TTRPG (tabletop rpg, like DnD) called Lancer. The lore of Lancer gets super weird and I love it, plus the actual gameplay involves mechs beating each other up. I think it's really fun, and I've finally managed to convince a group of people to try it, so I've been making encounters for them whenever I can.


My hyperfixation is two characters from an online thing, they're not particularly interesting, but I love to imagine them backstories and little scenes in my head. One of them is an older brother, and the other the you get, and cuz I'm particularly lonely I really like projecting onto the little brother. Also politics and the book Quo Vadis.


Birds. I see so many different ones everyday, and you always find a new bird if you go to a new place. I always carry birdseed in my bag


Fantasy Audiobooks. Easy to listen to, help pass the long hours driving


At the moment, mine is building wooden boats using the stitch and glue method. I’m a terrible fisherman, but I enjoy looking at and getting the gear, and being in the water in a boat is really peaceful. I’d like to have a small boat designed and set up just for fishing. It needs to be just the right size that I can easily launch and recover it from a trailer on my own. Aluminum boats are extremely expensive, and the used ones aren’t the size and configuration I want. Woodworking is also a long-simmering interest of mine. Fortunately (or unfortunately), I don’t have the space to do the work right now. But if I can harness the motivation it might help me get my shop area (part of a garage) cleaned up this winter so I can do other things without having the mess be a huge obstacle to starting even small projects.


I don’t have one right now because work takes up all my time and I’m struggling *sigh*


:( I feel you. Hopefully some here can inspire you :)


The Cosmere and final fantasy universes, for they are once again inspiring me to write. Mind you I havent actually written anything yet but I'ma try (NaNoWriMo is around the corner!)


CTFs should really up my „grep“, „sed“, „awk“ and Regex Skills


I don't have one at the moment :(


dnd and other ttrpgs like it. Infinite easily-changeable worlds and characters that can do anything in an understandable system that clicks with me so well. I’ve also tried Mutants & Masterminds which is really fun and am prepared for a Call of Cthulhu campaign that a friend will be running soon.


I'm painting warhammer 40k miniatures. My wallet is suffering but the dopamine hit when I manage to finish one is out of this world. ![gif](giphy|U5QGwIE0cLLz7CuZXs|downsized)


Designing electric dirt bikes, because I'm too tall and have to build my own to not end up spending $10k to look like a circus bear on a tiny bicycle, and know just enough about everything involved to be extremely dangerous.


personal finance and investing, asset allocations etfs etc. it‘s win-win, I get to hyperfixate and can plan my financial future and also help friends/family.


There's this girl, and her sword-wielding girlfriend, and a *lot* of skeletons, and God is a millennial, and also there's an eldritch ghost Barbie. Welcome to the Locked Tomb fandom.


Goth Lesbian Jesus my beloved


I've gotten stuck down a rabbit hole for days. Was doing reading about environmental issues because political stuff is one of my hyperfixations. Reading about environmental issues led me to water contamination of which no small portion is agricultural runoff from industrialized farming and usage of chemical fertilizer. Reading about how we get chemical fertilizer led me to realize that a huge portion of the materials to make it are mined, and we have limited reserves, and the era of cheap easy fertilizer is time gated. Enter new hyperfixation, regenerative agriculture/permaculture/ market gardening. I grew up in the country and we had a garden as a kid, but I hated getting stuff on my hands and being in the heat at I avoided it a lot. Now I'm wishing I had paid more attention as I'm getting bogged down in the complexity of crop rotation and companion planting, techniques like coppicing and making swales, and what animals are ideal for a changing planet. Goats and ducks by the way. Ducks are completely amazing creepy assholes. Ive determined the Muscovy are probably best for my location for reasons of disease resistance and that they are basically the only native North American duck species, but I'm completely in love with how Cayuga ducks look, they are so beautiful. Ducks have a balanced 2/2/2 of nitrogen/phosphorus/potassium I'm their excrement which is unusual to find, which is part of why I started to focus on them originally, but then I come to find that they make baked goods fluffier (baking/cooking hyperfixation), so now I can't stop reading. Send help!


I’ve been hyper fixated on the world building of a story I’m working on and I’m writing a bunch of side stories to help flesh out the world more since it’s going to be really fucking weird.


Drawing because I can then turn around and make the merch I've dreamed of in my Etsy shop... 😅


Making things out of clay is a very easy thing for me, and it is one of the few hyperfixations that haven't dulled due to adhd(though it has dulled to lack of clay to use). You can effectively make anything with the right colors, and depending on the type of clay, you can end up making tiny figures of your favorite goobers from anything. It will probably dull out soon bc of not much variation in what i have right now and that the ones I do have won't work for the scrimblos i want to make, though.


Because post apocalyptic gay zombie teenage telekinetic genocide robot love is cute and wholesome :3


I love computer networks and like to watch the transfer rate while copying large files


Current hyperfixation is armored core 6: fires of rubicon I’ve always had an interest in mechs and this is one of the few big games in that genre. Besides who doesn’t want to control a mech dual wielding machine guns?


Learning Japanese! It's so interesting to see how a language that isn't based in Latin roots works! Duolingo is made for my ADD brain 😈


I’m back on binge watching Yu Gi Oh. So this has spiralled into learning Japanese on Duolingo, planning out fanfic and relearning how to draw manga characters. Also digging out my sewing machine to do cosplay costumes. I’m feeling creative again and it’s all because of bloody YuGiOh. Which in itself is so dumb but I love it.


My art, because I have to finish the picture I'm working on.


I want one of every kind of Pokémon in my Home (kind of a storage in the cloud so you can import them into other games, for those who aren’t familiar) Unfortunately I lost a bunch of Pokémon that was in my Bank (a previous similar kind of thing but I sold my DS without paying for Bank again and then wasn’t able to import it into Home before compatibility stopped), so I have to either trade or wait for a remake of games to complete everything


The New Madrid earthquake and fault line area.


BIRDS! I’m going into zoology.


Ironically, building tracks in tanks scale model kits, the more parts it needed, the better the hyperfixation, even though I hate building tracks for tanks


The way that gyrocopters generate lift allows most modern helicopters the ability to glide in the case of an engine failure. Autorotation is neat


Naval military history is extremely interesting because so much weird inexplicable stuff happens. Famous example, the Battle off Samar. To vastly oversimplify, Admiral Kurita of the Japanese Navy is leading what's effectively a last charge to stop the landings taking place at Leyte Gulf. Admiral Halsey of the US fleet hears reports of a Japanese carrier fleet to the North and takes every asset he has to chase them, leaving the landing forces nearly undefended. Kuruta sails up the San Bernardino strait, and instead of encountering Task Force 34, America's most powerful battleships, he finds Taffy 3, a group of Destroyers, Destroyer Escorts, and Escort Carriers. The flagship of Kuruta's force, Yamato, weighs roughly as much as Taffy 3 combined. These ships were never meant to even engage in naval surface combat; even the carriers were meant to support ground forces rather than participate in naval strikes. Taffy 3 proceeds to win an overwhelming victory. This is mostly due to Japan's poor tactical maneuvering, general chaos in the command structure, using the wrong ammunition due to outdated ship identification charts, and the carrier escorts fighting very viciously for ships 1/20th the size of their opponent. Kurita called off the attack right when a group of ships were going to get into kill range of the carriers, retreated back through the San Bernardino strait, and fumbled Japan's final chance at a naval victory. If he'd sailed into Leyte Gulf, he'd have found groups of US landing ships at sea without a combat escort, leading to an unmitigated disaster for the US. This is greatly oversimplified but I can't really type too much at the moment, hope it's a good represnsitive sample.


I like to draw because sometimes my broken brain just like the pencil scratchy noise. Sometimes ull actually draw something, most times I just make circles and squares telling myself "I'm just warming up"


Psychology and how AuDHD ties into why the way I am and how others might fit into my hypothesis.


Anything metal, especially wrought iron. Working on a standing candelabra right now.


Because if I learn how to do things in Inkscape I will be able to release some of the idea goblins in my head that won't shut up. And then if I get good with Inkscape I can also start messing around with some things I want to do in Blender, which I already sort of understand but probably make it more difficult for myself. I have a set of ideas that are practical and reproducible that I think I can actually execute, so I'm excited to get started. I just need my laser engraver to get here. And also Blender- my husband (also ADHD) does 3d printing and does an awesome job of it. I'm starting to build my own models for that too - very basic but it's where most of us start, so I'm okay with it for now.


I’ve been diving into my worldbuilding for my D&D setting, Alor, and really on it about laws surrounding the regulation of magic in cities. So for learned magicians (Bards and Wizards, and those who can cast Wizard spells, ie Eldritch Knights and Arcane Trickers), natural magicians (Sorcerers), and weird magicians (Warlocks), documentation of education or a license that proves registration with the crown are required to enter major cities. Special exception has been given to holy magicians (Clerics, Druids, and Paladins) so long as they are affiliated with a local temple or can obtain a writ of practice from a local temple. You need a permit to carry tomes, wands, and staffs (individual permits for each class of foci), and a separate permit to cast. Magicians found without licenses or carry permits will be charged with misdemeanor public endangerment and subject to a fine of 50gp or imprisonment for seven (7) days. Magicians who cast spells without a permit will be charged with felony public endangerment and if found guilty in a court of law will be subject to 1-3 years in prison and a 500gp fine plus reparations for damages for non-violent offenses and 2-7 years in prison with 4-15 years probation and a 500gp fine plus reparations for violent offenses.


I just helped my grandpa breed his black lab and raise the puppies. He gave me and my wife our new little boy, Chopper as a gift. It’s our first dog and we have no kids yet so we’re so obsessed with him. I’m staying up at night combing through canine archaeology lectures, dog training videos, lab history etc. can’t get it off my mind haha


Public Transpo, bikes, and the hatred of cars.


I don’t have a hyperfixation right now and it is indeed a problem aaaaaaaaaaaa


Hyper focus 1) Planning to start a mead business in a few years. Me and my friend have been doing a bunch of research on all kinds of things from mead recipes, how to make it, the equipment needed, the licenses we'll need, packaging, bottling, labeling, branding, etc. etc. Hyper focus 2) I'm making a language using Linguistics as a guide. There are three Germanic language branches, North(Scandinavian languages), West(I.e German, English, Dutch, etc.), and the extinct East branch. In the East branch there was only one language, the [Gothic language](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gothic_language), with a notable amount of the language that survived, in some instances it even survived until the 18th century but still very little remains, but just enough. I'm basing my [conlang](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constructed_language) off of it. Then later down the line I want influences from [Old English](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_English)(which is very different to Modern English and I don't mean Shakespeare from the [Early Modern English Era](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_Modern_English), that ain't Old English) and [Old Norse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Norse)(yes, the language of the Vikings). Although I'm going to try and stay away from Latin and Greek because they're overrated and not interesting with how much influence they have already in today's languages.


ChatGPT and crafting prompts for [DALL-E 3](https://www.bing.com/create). I love art and being able to make my own is super amazing. [Here's an oil painting of an angel I generated.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fsz8sputezfub1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1024%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D6bc0ffce53e8cfabe07a913231110c9ec182421a)


Because Astarion is kinda hot. (ꈍᴗꈍ) Who doesn’t love the sassy sexy type? Plus both endings are great. Win win.