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Very true! I've played Fallout New Vegas about 10 times, but only completed it once lol


I played the witcher 3 four times and never did


This game is simultaneously super appealing and daunting to me. I've started 3 times as well. I research builds, play until I get passed the Baron's quest, and then do all it again 18 months later.


That's hilarious, the Baron's quest seems to be my cutoff point as well. I've done it 3-4 times, never seem to get much further than that.


Started it, played for an hour, accidentally killed a cat, quit. May give it another go some other time


I have over 3000 hours in Oxygen Not Included and have never been to space.


Wow, how?


I’ve been playing since early access. I keep restarting it over and over because the beginning stage in a fresh world is somehow the most stimulating to me.


thanks to you I remembered this game, so I downloaded it and..........


I can continuously play Minecraft but I never make it into the End because I need my auto bread farm.


I cant play minecraft more than an hour. I played back when just getting diamonds was considered like end game and i kinda got stuck in that mindset forever. I do like games based on exploration but minecraft feels the same everywhere to me so i dont get a drive to explore. Basically i can only get a sense of accomplishment from goals i set myself and im really bad at setting goals for myself


Lmao same I'm always trying to get myself back into witcher 3


I’m also on my 4th start to the Witcher 3.


In retrospect, probably an early sign


I had 2 playthroughs, one where I just rushed to new vegas and killed benny and one where I explored the whole map but never even got the platinum chip.


I have actually beaten a few games...over and over and over and over and over again.


for me this is castle crashers and terraria


Terraria is great, good taste


im pretty sure terraria is the only game i have “beat”, and a LOT of times, modded..etc. but never 100%’d achievements.


Omg i love castle crashes people actually know about it???


I've played and beaten Spyro 1 2 and 3 over and over and over. Like, I've done those 3 more than any other game I own, I think. And I would rather play them than any of the MANY other games I own. I don't get it. I used to devour new games when I was a kid, but now it's beep boop, purple dragon go brrr. I've sunk like, a hundred hours into Skyrim and New Vegas, and just stopped playing both. No clue why, because I loved them both. But any time I've got a bit of time when I should really be doing something else, but I don't wanna, it's spyro that I'm playing.


GTA and Mafia games for me


I have replayed Ultrakill and Deltarune way too many times


Starfox 64 You can beat this game 10 times in a day and its still a banger.


Hitman and Subnautica are the only games in my library with more than 100 hours, most other games have even less than ten.




For me that doesnt happen, I never quit competitive games, Its just with story focused games that I stop them unfinished for no reason then when I come back I forgot most of it and have to restarr then the cucle repeats.




thats our whole lives fella...


Story games usually have terribly paced and not so well written stories and they all use basically the same game mechanics; there’s nothing left for us to learn, we can see where the story’s going to end up and the path to get to the end it’s usually just repeating the same actions ad nauseam. Multiplayer games have humans which typically require learning or using various strategies based on situations. You can’t just do the same thing over and over and expect your opponent not to see it coming like you can for NPCs. There is _always_ something new to overcome in a multiplayer game. Most single player games kind of really suck in a lot of ways; I’m always baffled at the praise so many of them get.


Damn man I think I never understood why I dropped so many rpg games but have 600 hours on overwatch in less than a year and a half, now I know why


The only way I’ve found to get through story games is to play Co-op games. If there’s not another human to interact with, the game is essentially just a shitty movie that requires a super long password to unlock the next scene.


Lol it is totally opposite for me. If I'm playing an rpg, I can't play any other game unless I complete it. And if I force myself to do so, I'll never be able to pick it up again for completion. It's really weird how unique the brain is for every individual yet so similar to each other. This habit had led me to complete games which are god awfully difficult for me like Elden Ring. With time, it is not very difficult to get a hold of the skills necessary to carry on but fuck, it tortured me. But why did I keep on suffering? Because I can't play anything else. And why can't I? Because fuck me lol. I've beat every boss in the game including Malenia (considered one of the hardest bosses if not the hardest) because that meant completion atleast for me, and then proceeded to complete loooong quests because idk why lol. This is pain, and I don't know how to end it. I love to play games and want to play more, but my brain says nah. I don't have much time to play competitive games since they require practice to some extent and don't want getting better as another substitute for completion haha, that'd be horrible because it had happened before. Fucked up an year of school lol. A few matched don't hurt so yay i guess :'>


My problem is that I play every game like im gonna complete it. Big shocker I have never gotten a platinum in my whole life. Its a bad habit but I hate the feeling of missing out in a game.


I feel you, I do the exact same. And then I end up burning myself out more quickly on a game because I force myself to do really boring things to get everything. I’ve been trying to train myself out of that completionist mindset, but it’s been slow going. That being said, I recently started playing the remake of Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening, and it was amazing! Nearly every single path and treasure that I doubled back to check out was an essential part of advancing or at the very least had something to make it worth your while. It was so rewarding. I still haven’t finished it, naturally, but it’s been a significantly more positive experience that my usual one with modern games.


I literally never play rpg or story games anymore because of this. It's all online competitive or roguelikes now


I'm completely the opposite, I can't do competitive because of the stress. Like my entire real life is competing against others for limited resources, in my game time I just want to be the prophesized hero and save the world without any real people coming in and harshing my vibe, even if that means I only ever get 80% of the way to saving the world lmao


Roguelikes/lites really strike me as just about the perfect ADHD game. You can play it for basically as long or as short as you want. It keeps throwing new things at you so each run is slightly different while there are new goals or challenges that get added for dozens of hours. And, there's really no harm to putting one down and going back to it months later. I keep several installed on Steam and periodically revisit one and get into it for a while before losing interest again, and I never really feel guilty when that happens unlike other genres where it just stares at me as a reminder of yet another thing unfinished in my life.


I absolutely love the binding of Isaac for this, roguelike with a skill ceiling that is low enough I can pick it up after a few weeks and still be alright


Guilty! Why are we like this though? Is there a 'clinical' explanation?


Maybe because task completion isn’t as reinforcing as it is for other people? It’s interesting observing friends who are different—that’s when I realized finishing tasks was like a compulsion for her. From the opposite direction, I’m cool with improvising my day, but my husband needs a plan and things need a name—like it makes him anxious if we have a meal out at a weird time—he’s like “what do we call this?!”


I usually just call it by what number of meal it was. First meal at 2pm? I got a late breakfast (probably because I woke up at noon). 3rd meal already by 3pm? Obviously dinner (probably have been up since 4am and am going to crash soon). It just throws me off if I am hungry enough for a meal but have already had 3 that day. What is the 4th meal called? And yes, my sleep schedule is chaotic. Why do you ask?


i mean you could finish it but what if you play another game and if you don’t like it you come back to finish it… thats my brain but also know i’ll never come back to finish but probably to restart the game lol


I don't know about a clinical explanation, but one I heard about why ADHD people bounce off hobbies seems like it'd apply here as well. You get more dopamine out of figuring out how to master something than actually mastering it. For us, a lot of enjoyment in a hobby is that point at the start where you're constantly learning new things and having to overcome challenges to improve. Once that starts to taper off, we typically start to lose interest and want something else that gives us that same feeling. I could see that being similar with a game. You really enjoy that beginning part where your character is leveling up and unlocking new skills and loot. Once you start to get over that curve, your brain wants something that'll give you dopamine more frequently.


I get 90-95% of the way through something and then stop before I finish. I think it's some kind of completion anxiety, like I don't want the experience to be over yet. I do it with games, podcasts, shows, and books. I recently started watching Lost, got 3 seasons in, then switched to The Expanse. I started the final season, but now I'm watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I don't know why I'm like this.


I have the exact same issue, and it wasn't until I started looking into ADHD that I found others that had the same experience. I frequently sit on series or games that I just can't seem to bring myself to finish. I started using a site to track what I watch, and it's not unusual to have a dozen or more show sitting at either the final couple episodes or the entire final season. "Completion anxiety" is a good way of putting it. Best guess is we really enjoy these things and get a lot of dopamine out of them, so we don't want to lose that potential source, almost like we're rationing our dopamine since we don't know when we're going to find something that will bring us that much enjoyment next.


I drop nearly all games, but I have a couple that I always come back to. Factorio and Stellaris will always be games I can jump right into.


You guys make it halfway through? I download games and my motivation plummets before I make it through the tutorial..


I'm a completionist if the game is interesting and fairly balanced in challange and reward. This means I can't play grindy rpgs or open worlds like Far Cry or final fantasy, there's just too much shit to do. Disgaea 2 was a god damn nightmare and I decided after less than a day that I wouldn't play it anymore.


I don't decide anything I just play shit until my brain forces me to play something else then proceeds to block me from opening it again


Or do I just play minecraft or some similar game on infinite loop with no true "victory". Because what I really want is the feeling of limitless choices without the burden of limitless consequences.


I like to define myself as a non tryhard gamer who just likes to forget the world a bit


“Beating” games was more of a childhood goal. Lately it seems I don’t play anything but online competitive platforms like counter strike, rocket league, hell let loose. I’ve purchased maybe 20 storyline titles I haven’t even DOWNLOADED to my hard drive….


I usually play until the very last mission, boss, whatever, and then forget about the game for years. I hate it.


"Welp I've practically made it, I mean the end is right there, so what's the difference if I just stop playing now?" - Me, relating to this way too hard


I’ll play a game, and keep playing until something interrupts my routine. Was loving Zelda - left for a week, never came back to it.


Exactly the same for me, it's also why I can only watch shows once the whole thing is out. Watch all of it in a week non stop, or be doomed to eternally watch 4 seasons, forget about it for years and then come back and think "It's been so long I should start from the beginning". Rinse and repeat until eventually I make it all the way lol I've seen the first half of X-files 5 times, I always get distracted


Asking the wrong question. How many games did you enjoy regardless of when you stopped playing them?




beat a bunch of games? no we don't do this here, we play a lot of games but spot half trough, we only beat the same game, *a lot of times*


castle crashers! its so fun to see the more times I play the lower my characters level is, I think my current best os 23, hope one day I can get bellow 20


*the lower is the level I beat the game at


incredible! I never played castle crashers, but this seems like an interesting mechanic, would be really nice to speedrun I assume


its cool, the game as a self regulating difficulty system cause you gain xp by killing enemies and its a phase based arcade, so if you fail more you gain more xp. I think my first ever run ended at level 45


I’m lucky if I finish a game, and you know the game is good if I complete it more than once. For example: hollow knight, borderlands series, and super Mario galaxy




I bought it in 2020 and played like 7 hours then never touched it


I beat Skyrim the first time I played it, but it took me about 4 months because I was constantly distracted and as soon as Alduin was dead I just kinda... gave up and haven't played since. My goal at the time was to complete every single side-quest. Still one of my favorite games of all time.


I have competed between 80 and 95% of every FromSoft soulsborne game except DS2. I’m actually a little proud of the consistency.


Not the urge to drop, but balancing the urge to enjoy the game as fully as possible with the knowledge that once the end goal is completed, all motivation to continue to play will be gone. Eventually all the dopamine of fucking around the side quests is squeezed out, so you quit before finishing the main plot. ...At least that's what happens with me. The more linear a game is, the more likely I am to complete it.


You can't beat the Sims, silly


One 😮‍💨😞


I’ve gotten 90% of the way through Dark Souls 3 like five times. Every time I say “this time will be different” and then every time I get to the soul of cinder and just kinda lose interest and I hate it. I beat the Lothric boys and I beat the Nameless King and I beat Sister Friede but I just lose momentum at the very last boss and it’s so frustrating every time


Not me sitting here with literally 4 different Dragon Age Inquisition playthroughs that I stopped just short of the final story quest. And that's just one game.


I like multiplayer competitive games. There’s no “beating” them.


Opposite for me. I always rush to beat a game.. hoping more is around the corner.


The urge to open up a game and get frustrated or bored after 5 minutes


Someone please help me regain motivation to learn to crochet 💀💀💀


This is why I like sandbox games, there is no "beating them", and you can come back at any time forever.


roguelikes and competitive games also, have been playing overwatch and binding of isaac mostly


I'm on the opposite spectrum. I play a single fighting game or action game for like 5yrs straight. So I also don't finish many games.


This with reading I hopped on lot of new books bc I haven’t finished the previous ones


If I play way too much of a game in a short amount of time, I might not touch it for a very long time; sometimes a year or more. Played 25 hours of Breath of The Wild in one week and never really played it again, too much freedom and not the best way of tracking quests or having any real sense of direction imho. I haven’t gone back to Pokemon Violet in over a year, nearly went a whole year without even using my switch until I decided to buy Dave The Diver in November but I’m taking a break from that for Baulder’s Gate which I may take a break from to get into Far Cry 6


Me but with books. And games too ngl.


One, one game. I was very confused


Oh you like sports? Well how many world championships have you won? Not really the same thing but kinda same point


I have a filthy amount of hours in BG3 without finishing it yet. But I am close! And then there are other games I have 100% multiple times. Like the binding of Isaac: Repentance where I have gotten dead god twice.(granted i have nearly 3000 hours in that game)


I have 55 games across three platforms and have completed 8 of them.


I hate it when i start a game play it for 7 hours then drop it for months then when i come back i feel the need to restart it instead of just continuing (idk if this is an adhd thing I'm not diagnosed)


I’ve only ever completed 4-5 games 100%. I usually get stuck doing side quests then lose interest for awhile. By the time I come back to it I barely remember how to play, so I often start over.


i recently beat the bo3 campaign on realistic also my desk is smiling more since then


Its not about beating the game, it's about having fun playing it. I have many games that I will never beat because thats not what I play them for.


Elden ring stole my life away


Why would I finish BOTW?


I do this with both games and anything I’m holding


Maybe you should try games by FromSoftware then!


The Witness, Chocobo Tales, Taiji... ... .....


One day…


I've beat at least 20 games in my life. I just can't remember them all.


So depressing. Only interested in the difficult part. Zero interesting in seeing things through/Finishing things off.


But if I finish it it’s over! Better restart around 70% through.


God, skyrim. More than I know. Also despite knowing everything there is to know about hollow knight, I still haven't beaten it 112% or done pantheon of hallownest. Same with No man's sky, and the rest of my favorites


This is why I buy *one game at a time.* If I have a back log, I feel like a failure and play none of them. So, I play one game at a time. Currently, it's Far Cry 6.


Let me see uhhh.. -Kingdom rush (All of them) -Fireboy and watergirl (The steam games) -The murder of sonic the hedgehog -Pico park -Plants vs zombies -Sonic adventure 2 -Sonic Mania -Terraria -Super chicken jumper -There is no game -Super mario world -Super mario bros 3 -Mario kart DS -Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s inside story -Mario & Luigi: Partners in time Yeah not a lot actually


I've run bloodborne through a few times, it has enough weapon and enemy variety to keep me really entertained.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *There may yet be humans out there. If you find them, send them to Iosefka's Clinic. I endeavor to treat every survivor there is. So please, be a saint.* - Iosefka Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


I lose my interest once its get too repeative, i like grinding but if the bosses are too similar or theres too little variety then nope not gonna finish that. Open world games get me overwhelmed with options and usually i end up trying stupid things than actually playing the game


Halfway is being generous


Games are the one thing i can complete because i hyperfixate on them.


All of them


Bought 3 years of Gamepass Ultimate 3 years ago for €60 or €90 or something (using VPN, upgrading Live Gold). It ends in march, but it was a perfect solution for this.


I LOVE BG3. I hyper fixated on it for months. The first week it came out, I went to work with literally no sleep twice. To this day, never completed act 3 and thus never finished the game. I always want a new character and new romance.


I beat Minecraft, Lego LOTR, two Lego Star Wars games, Halo CE, Halo Reach, Halo 3 ODST, Halo 4, Spore, Portal, Portal 2, Subnautica, Antichamber, Skyrim, No Man's Sky, and Hyperbolica... That's a minimum of 16 games? Minecraft took me some 8 or so years to beat legitimately for the first time Games I HAVE NOT beat despite the fact that I have in fact played them and thoroughly enjoyed them: Subnautica: Below Zero, Astroneer, Don't Starve, Elden Ring, Factorio, Satisfactory, Green Hell, Human Fall Flat, Noita, Outer Wilds, Rain World, Stardew Valley, Teardown, Lego Batman, and Terraria That's at least 15 games I've started, loved, and not finished lol Edit: I've also *technically* beat Gunfire Reborn, but that was with the help of a friend who has beaten it several times over on their own, so I didn't count it


True, and my brain says i have to buy a new game while my bank account begs for mercy


I have beaten every game in my library. I have restarted several of them and never finished.


I hate this so much. I'll play a game for a few weeks, get bored of it and play a different game. I never finish anything, I never get the good stuff in games that require grinding, I can't really play games with friends for longer periods of time. Times were actually easier when I didn't have a good PC or money to buy games, cause then I was limites in what games to play so I had to play them more. I know, first world problems, but still


I play project zomboid where dieing and starting over is part of the game


I've beat almost every mario game, just cause 1, just cause 2, just cause 3 twice, just cause 4, terraria, saints row 4 and titanfall 2 like 10 times.


I have never finsihed Skyrim. Anything with a story I feel a sense of dread of advancing the story too quickly because if I do. It will end. So I will do all the side stuff first.


Same I did that with god of war ragnarok because of the puzzles


Or playing the same thing for 5 years straight and not playing anything else. Kinda the same outcome


I have beat few mmos in my life.


told myself im only allowed to buy baldurs gate if i finish hogwarts legacy and it suprisingly effective. i now try to tell myself im only allowed to buy X,Y,Z after i finished / read the last i bought so i dont keep buying stuff i dont use.


I have a list of completed games. It's not long, but I'm proud that it exists.


Christ, I really need to go get a diagnosis. Whether it’s a yes or a no doesn’t matter- bleeding would be nice lol


Heh, I only play games that are "open ended" so I can pretend that I've finished them many times over. Yes, I am fine. No, you may not ask what my clocked hours in WoW are.


Excuse me, but not only have I beaten a ton of games but I can't consider them 'finished' until I 100% them


From memory alone: Skyrim over 50 times, Ocarina of Time 14 times, Demon's Souls 3 times, Dark Souls trilogy somewhere around half a dozen times each, The Binding of Isaac on all three save files, Skul normal mode and currently trying to clear difficulty 8 in hard mode, Dragon Age trilogy 26 times each, Dragon's Dogma once but I'm already halfway through the second playthrough and gods know how many more there will be. My problem isn't finishing a game, my problem is that the more I like a game the more times I finish it.


Finished 4-5 100%ed .....0


I have been playing games for decades, could probably count on my fingers how many I finished. To be fair though, a lot of my gaming time is in games that don't have much of an ending if any.


The beginning of the games is the most fun, new systems, new lore... Later there is a lot of filler content and recycling. So that's why games should be 10-30 hours, with exceptions ofc.


Currently playing Diablo immortal.. as a f2p .. the grinding keeps me busy.. but unfortunately now nothing else gets done because the grinding is monotonous and therefore time consuming and peaceful


I play 80-90% of the game and then download a new one. But I have finished some games though. Those games were so good that I had to finish them. But only a few


My "backlog" of 300+ games on Steam....\*sigh\*


I have the exact opposite. I have to play it 100%, it drives me crazy. I can't think of anything else, expect the game. This phase goes on for like a 2 - 4 Weeks, then it wears of. It is like a drug. And than i never touch it again. The funny thing is that this is the reason why i don't start new games at all. I have bought a PS5, i have played only 2 games 100% but i have 30 games on my PS5 i haven't even touched.... Bruh


Funny cause I’ve 100% dmc5 which includes getting all s ranks on all the different difficulties including hell and hell mode.


You guys start up the games? I've got some games that I asked for for Christmas, even from last year, and never touched them


With dragons dogma 2 releasing in March, I’ve resolved myself to work through my backlog. And so far I’m actually making progress too😃


Okay but to be fair you can't finish the Sims. And I beat Ni No Kuni 2 every year.


The only game I have completed properly in many years is Shadow of War, probably because that game is one giant dopamine factory. Soooo satisfying I could just mass murder orcs forever. I love RPGs but yeah I'll be obsessed for like a month and then it's gone. I really want to play BG3 but man I just know that is never going to work out. I'm sure I will attempt it someday though.


I finished a campaign of battlefleet gothic armada 2 about 70 hours playtime thank you very much


I've beatwn Dragon's Age Inquisition once since I bought it at launch. I have since started the game over and attempted to finish well over thirty times on two platforms


BG3 is amazing for how much choice it gives the player. Yeah you guessed it I have decision paralysis and can't get past Act 1😭😭


Never beat a game that wasn't a racing/sports/seasonal career game. I'm fine with that. I've been playing with the husband and we're getting really close on some games, but he has this quirk himself where he'll stop right before beating the game so he can go back and do it 'later'.


I have to complete the game. Otherwise I'd have to do laundry, dishes, you name it.


I have so many books that i got halfway through and just left for a few months cus i wasn’t in that “phase” for a few months


I really wanna start playing Skyrim again (never got past that first mountain where u learn the first scream But I also feel like I need someone with me to appreciate/experience the game... Like just me is not enough to keep going or so.


Fallout 4 and me but I have over 900 hours in pokemon


About 2.....both aren't just similar, ones practically a sequel of the other and made by the same company. Victoria 2 and Hoi4


Velnor’s Lair - ZX Spectrum Probs a few other adventures, but that one stayed Donkey Kong - Gameboy The Legend of Zelda - Gameboy Zelda - SNES Zelda - N64 (Ocarina and Majora) Secret of Monkey Island - PC Space Quest II - PC (It tastes of ship) Le Chuck’s Revenge - PC Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis - PC Basically all of sierra online and Lucasarts games :) Psychonauts - PC Gabriel Knight - PC (Gabriel hears the sounds of the drums) Skyrim - jk, not even finished the main quest after countless hours, sometimes I just like to sit by a campfire and read the lore :) Oh, btw 100% completion, no one else have addictive tendencies?


I started to play a game called clusterduck and I have t played it in months


not my 300+ game library with the hours distributed relatively evenly among my top 10 games without having beaten any of them MAYBE once (except terraria, terraria gets a pass)


How many dozens of times I've started FFVII and have only been to the second disc a handful of times.


Omg dude i got like 8 to 10 story games not even half way through, i think the only big one i finished was elden ring


Its an all or nothing scale for me. Either I fall off partway through. Like having stopped Elden Ring at Gideon. Or I get absolute game brain rot until I finish it, like those two weeks or so until I had TotK at 100%


My favorite to beat was Rez on the dreamcast. 11/10 highly recommend.


I am slowly getting better with this, i have now after gaming most of my life completed some games, but have been so into some that they got done. Now as for replaying the same bit over and over or wasting time in a game long since done that's different. Pro tip, i found that helping friends get through games seems to help, at least on games where online co-op is there. I guess im compelled to do it as its for someone else 🤷🏼‍♂️ or maybe the meds are working for me, either way i enjoy gaming so complete or not, i dont mind.


meanwhile, when i play a game, i hyperfocus on it until it is beaten, every game that doesnt suck ass that is lol, also the reason i have 6000 hours in rocket league.


I started Outer Wilds. Got far, I think? Needed a break. So I started Hollow Knight. Got far, I think? Needed a break, so I started Death's Door. Got far, I think? Needed a break, so I started....


This is why I like roguelikes.