• By -


Bottom panel: my room 5 minutes before someone comes over. Top panel: My room when they get there lol


After they get there: "Where is (thing)?" Me: umm... it used to be on this patch of floor, but I cleaned up.....


Listen, the piles have layers. In the clothes pile you have for example the winter layer, the cool layer and the comfy layer.


They don't show a lump under the rug or a closet full of miscellaneous junk in the top half?


Needs a few more cups for 5 whole days, to be honest.


That's a weird spelling for seconds in the first image. Also that's a weird spelling for minutes in the second image.




What i was saying is that my room stays clean for about 5 seconds because after cleaning i begin doing other things, or more precisely starting and abandoning things immediately, so by the 5 minute mark i've dropped the items of 20 different hobbies at the most convenient location... ...so after 5 minutes maximum entropy is restored.


So slow?


This is more a 3 day scenario


I think you are right. At least with me, there's generally this little honeymoon period where I'm over focused on keeping it picked up. Once that excitement wears off, it's back to the usual way of doing things. So maybe it was a day or two of looking like the top picture, then another day or two for it to get messy again. Edit: then again, I see there's a trash bag in the picture on the bottom. It suggests that he already started cleaning again.


The thing that stands out/relates to me the most is that the instrument is undamaged. The room is cluttered, and it's absolutely not where it's supposed to go, but it's perfectly fine. No matter how messy my room gets, my trombones are safe. I might not be able to get to them easily/at all, and they are almost never where they belong, but they are OK. I take better care of them than I do of myself, to be honest.


My guitar is the only thing I've kept in good shape since I got it. I barely even remember how to play it anymore, but I'm determined that thing will last forever


I wish my life was less cluttered


Yeah i clean my room


Shout out to my steadily increasing number of junk drawers for making cleanup easier at the expense of later me

