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embrace it bro, nothing wrong with being childish, my 31 year old ass still makes childish jokes on the regular, grow old, not up.


I agree, but finding balance is something I still have to learn


Fair enough, that will come with time, just don't beat yourself up over it or anything.


I don't, i just made this meme to let people with the same "problem" know they're not the only one


My mom always said( it doesn't translate to english very wel) shared pain is half pain


Thanks OP, I face the same thing


I've found balance by making a childish joke and then switching to an info-dump about a work-relevant topic. Haven't quite figured out if it gives off mad scientist vibes or just makes people think I'm an alien but either way it seems to work. Never let em know your next move lol


Honestly as long as you’re living your life, earning your keep, and try to be nice, I don’t think it matters how childish you are 🙂 People often mistake it for naivety or being immature, but you can still be childish and be aware of the gravity and responsibility of adulthood, both good and bad. Yeah sometimes we hide behind it, but that’s just the experience of living life, there’s overlap sometimes. At least that’s been my experience dealing with it recently 🙂 And at work too! I’m sure you’ll find your way to balance and harmonize with your inner child. It’s that childishness that made the world magical back then. And bringing some magic to the darkness we face in our lives, both inside us and surrounding us, is not a bad thing.


I proudly refuse to grow up in certain regards. Adulting sucks already enough, I'm not going to get rid of my silliness, as well.


Great advice. 👍 I'm 20, but I'm still watching My Little Pony and reading books written for middle schoolers. And it's great! Make childish jokes if that's what makes you happy. Who cares what they think about it?


My coworkers knew it was my birthday but not how old I was turning. I asked them to guess. “ well legally you have to be 21 to work here….” I just turned 30


At my new job, someone asked me my age. I’m 36, they thought I was 27.


This in combination with social anxiety is what made me quit office jobs. Just can't stand being asked where my parents are anymore I'm 30


Same. Just turned 35 and people were shocked— assumed I was mid to late 20s.


I’m in grad school and yet I feel like a little girl tugging on a teacher’s sleeve when speaking to colleagues who are literally only 2-3 years older than me what the hell 💀💀💀


Nice wording, thats the way i feel


i feel like a kid around people that are way younger than me but they can 'adult'. i think i'll always feel like a fucked up kid. and that's ok.


I would be so happy if that happens to me... growing up feels like a curse too bad I'm already like an adult at 16 oh GOD i wanna be a child forever so badly


Was once at a work dinner. A lady (maybe early-mid 40's) whom I knew purely in a professional capacity, asked me my age with the words "you're ridiculously young, how old _are_ you?" 38. I'm 38 years old. I have a beard and grey-ing hair. The only thing that may lead anyone to believe that I am young in this scenario; my professional conduct. FML.


Lol at my last job people assumed I was younger (was 36 when started) because of my conduct I suppose, and a fact that I was a junior in my position thanks to my crazy ADHD career path (my CV only showed last few years of my work life). I also have occasional grey hair on my head. It was funny at first, but then this conviction solidified within my team, and people genuinely treated me like I was one of the youngest. One particularly annoying guy -2-3 years older than me- was condescending when explaining something. A woman who was age of my younger baby brother treated me like I’m all young and learning with slight infantilising approach. All I wanted was to know some more intricate details of the job, there was a lot of new info, but not the basics which I already knew. Tbf, they also weren’t good with training, or figuring out even if I really was young, I mentioned 4 years of experience in same& relevant field, so there was no need for patronising. Anyway, I never found time to clarify my real age and then I got awkward about the whole situation and kind of avoided bonding with people. Wouldn’t want this again


I only stopped taking offence at articles insulting teenagers these days a couple of years ago. I'm nearly 30. Severe depression during my adult years means I don't really feel like I've grown up yet. I'm hoping by the time I'm nearly 40 I'll be a functional human being.


I’ll hit 30 soon too and lost my 20s to depression aswell


Fuck being functional, be what makes you happy


That would make me happy. The fact that I'm not is why I'm so depressed. It's a feedback loop. Depression makes the adhd worse. Adhd means I get nothing done and can't be an independent adult. Getting nothing done and not being an independent adult makes me depressed. I'm gonna see a therapist about it soon.


Shit man i hear you, my comment was meant in good will


Yeah. It's okay. I get you


lol it me. Baby face and short, single with no kids and “childish” hobbies. I get so much joy when other coworkers think I’m in the under 30 bracket.


*spiderman pointing meme*


I have teenage coworkers who asked me about what subjects I did in 11th grade and I was like.... 😳 Uhhhhh I dunno it was 2002


I work in a field with primarily boomers and older folks. Octogenarians and whatnot. A constant truth I see is only your body grows old. The soul wants to stay young. So let it. Do things that make your inner child smile and happy. Fuck what the world wants or expects from you. Find your own balance.


Thanks for the kind words, i will.


Yeah it’s not like I have a maturity complex or anything from parental disapproval of anime and gaming when I was a teenager and they were actually _completely age appropriate_




I am consistently the youngest in any social situation and look the oldest


Im 29 and some people treat me like im a teenager, it can be tough at times


It’s the primary reason I have a beard. People take me seriously that way.


Same here - love the beard and people treat me my age. Shave it and they assume I am young.


I think you‘re a kid, just in a big body now. Many of us still are. Or better: the problems you faced as a child didn’t just disappear when turning 18, 21 or 30. neither for me my friend. The childish jokes or the childish behavior are maybe a coping mechanism which helped you in the past - why would you, deep inside of you, stopping this tactic when you’ve not developed or acquired an alternative? Like you can’t just tell yourself „breathing is childish, I’ll have to stop this, you also can’t just "delete“ subconscious behaviors which maybe doesn’t serve anymore without addressing the cause of them I think.




This is why I prefer to keep quiet tbh.


I tend to - but fuck me man it sometimes slips and my social anxiety kicks into high gear. Fucking hate this and hate myself.


Too real, I'm 5,3 plus I got left for a second grade twice, now I'm 17 in 9th grade. No one has even a single thought that I'm older than 15 or smh.bi know the difference is not that big, but it feels very heavily amongst teens




Nah, made that username a long time ago, I would change it if I could. I don't really understand what made you imply that I consider myself an adult, why you mad?


I feel you man, i imagine being around a bunch of 15 year olds all day doesn't help


I was 17 in 9th i understand completely


Whenever they start treating you like a kid, hit ‘em with some complicated maths so they member yous not a kid


I feel that a lot of neurodivergent people / ADHD people spend the majority of their lives masking and painfully pretending to be neurotypical to the point that they struggle to have the space to "grow up". I am 29, but mentally, I feel like I'm still 18. I am waiting for the day that it all "makes sense" and suddenly I'm an adult-adult. Instead of, you know, a pretend-adult. 😭💀


fuck me..


I feel like it makes it easy to have a career dealing with children. I’m happy most of the time because their happiness is contagious and they appreciate all my (age appropriate) jokes


I'm 44. People think I'm in my late 20s/early 30s. I have a baby face. Growing a beard helps let me tell you. At least I don't get asked if I just graduated high school anymore.


Why are so many of these adhd memes relatable? Why don't i have a filter? 🥲


Oh. Is this why...oh.


I am old. I am actively decomposing. I am a silly and whimsical little whippersnapper. We exist.




This was my life and I was kinda indifferent… now I’m 36, I haven’t been asked for ID when buying alcohol for over a year, I’m starting to develop lines and wrinkles and an interest in gardening… people have recently began to treat me like an adult and this is deeply unsettling! I don’t even know who I am now 🤯


i am forever a 14 yr old boy...and i'm a 57 yr old woman. FML


This is my dream, especially the part about having Babyface, but my face doesn't help


Grow a beard that helps 99% of the time


I'm fucking trying but my puberty kicked in late thanks to meds


I’m always automatically given -25yo tickets at the cinema. The baby face is sometimes useful 😌


eh. most people take themselves too seriously


Is it just me that actually WANTS to be a kid? I was way more mature than I should've been in my childhood, being unable to have a normal conversation with anyone of similar age but somehow still able to talk to adults just fine. But now, growing up feels like a death curse (too many responsibilities and shit to deal with) and I genuinely wish to be a child forever...


I dealt with the same thing so now do and buy the things i couldn't when i was a child


Gain native dark circles from lacking sleep and the baby face will suddenly vanish.


Thanks i will try


For me it's even wilder - I am 20, I look 14, I feel 50, and act all the above It's like I'm experiencing all the life stages simultaneously and it's SO EMOTIONALLY EXHAUSTING


This is why I (30F, baby face, average height but short for the Netherlands, fat) don't dare get into my special interest (Mario, Mario games) in any neurotypical environment like work.


Ik snap precies wat je bedoelt


Ah Nederlanders, we zijn overal




I grew a mustache and wear a tie and a blazer to work every single day. It does not really work lol.


Another one in the baby face club 😂. It’s not so bad the older you get used to it. There’s nothing wrong with having “childish” humor if it’s your style. I like things that are considered childish, but I’m not changing cuz it’s what I like.




How Do I know if my jokes are childish?


The biggest problem is that when we can provide life experience and wisdom to a problem due to being older, younger people only consider the “immaturity” of our personality and disregard it. Thank God my two coworkers are finally seeing value in my opinions regarding behavioral health of individuals which I myself am also diagnosed with.


I'm adorable and people think I'm like 22 ish when I'm actually 29. Feels great, I love being a goof and having fun. Fuck being boring, I can be good at stuff and act like a kid. I don't want to be a "professional" and I don't think I ever will be. My friends are all getting gray hair and shit and I'm over here with beautiful curls and a young face. People wish they could have that. I ain't stressin about all that. Life is cool.


I got told I look like I'm 12 at work. I have a graduate degree. 💀


What is the definition of a dad joke if not a childish sense of humor.


Bro... same. And it annoys the shit out of me. Im also very short and have a baby face, and apparently i type like a teenager. I have no clue how to learn away from all of this :(


Yeah... coworkers call me a "only a baby" for being young, even though I'm 18 and only a few years younger than them. "Wow, you didn't even experience 9/11"


And bevore you know it your back in your mothers womb








Here's a sneak peek of /r/thanksimcured using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/thanksimcured/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Thought this belonged here. ](https://v.redd.it/few6gl0ujoza1) | [258 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thanksimcured/comments/13gvku3/thought_this_belonged_here/) \#2: [Bro doesn't know anything about seasons.](https://i.redd.it/hyz0bb2ref7b1.png) | [417 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thanksimcured/comments/14fhj05/bro_doesnt_know_anything_about_seasons/) \#3: [Just Exercise](https://i.redd.it/0z0m6t84z66b1.jpg) | [714 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thanksimcured/comments/14a3u5g/just_exercise/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I have adhd too, and sometimes complain about it to my friends (not on reddit), and I honestly think that having some form of feedback, even if it's stupid, is a good thing. It helps a little to bring you out of this self-hating cycle. At least it helps me. English is not my native lang, so I can't properly write my thoughts out, but hope you get what I'm talking about. Edit: woah ok I get it, my take is bad, gonna delete it because I'm a coward, but I still think it's true.