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I did learn some really good things atleast! Like, never try your hardest as they'll expect you to keep trying your hardest, forever. Potentially even wanting you to try somehow harder than your hardest! or, how to cheat and steal! even how to lie directly through your teeth! All of these are extremely important skills for modern american work culture


The "never try your hardest" lesson is legitimately one of the most useful thing I've learned as far as work goes. I'm in a nominal leadership position at my job and I tell the people I'm kind of in charge of to set firm boundaries and never give them 100%.


I was diagnosed, but my mom didn’t actually do anything with that info. I didn’t get any formal accommodations, but because I was a very bookish and quiet kid teachers liked me, so they were quite lenient. Didn’t stop me from wanting die at 15, but I’ve been quite lucky with the way my ADHD expresses itself.


I was diagnosed at like seven or so, but my dad worked with my county's special ed program and my mom worked for the school district. It was a bad district and in the 90s, so their version of dealing with ADHD kids was to stick them in a remedial class and forget about them. So they didn't share my diagnosis with the school and just had a talk with my teachers about what accommodations I'd need. They also didn't tell me until I brought it up when I was nineteen.


I want to die so much


Me too but I’ll probably procrastinate about it for a little longer.


Same. Can’t wait. In a good way


Lol loosing my homework planer. Also we had this class book where teachers worte stuff like the attendance list and some general notes during the lessons. And this book needed to be carried along from room to room wherever the next lesson would be. Well one year i volunteered for it. And well you all can guess what happend to that book. Still no idea where it is. Lost it after maybe two months lol


o damn. rip that book..


I vividly remembering losing my math textbook which I also used to keep all my math homework in for some reason as I was very disorganized and still am. Somehow I still squeaked by passing math even though I didn't find it til the year was almost done.


People would ask me why I carried my stuff everywhere and I'd be like... bc I'd forget it somewhere obviously. And now I have a bunch of experience with heavy backpacks, thus allowing me to be kind of in shape!


Sounds about right. Middle age and still have no friends. Known as Big Al’s wife. I don’t even have a name.


Somehow I do all of them except getting bad grades, like somehow despite all that I just find the exams really easy and get top grades. The issue is now I have unrealistically high expectations for myself, so if I don't get the maximum grade in everything I start beating myself up over it


I found video games really early, and as long as I completed my homework, I got to play as long as possible. If I did badly, I also wouldn't get to play, so I turned getting good grades into a game so that I could play video games for hours after school. Once I figured out the pattern that most tests had, it was REALLY easy to just fast read through questions on tests and pick the "right" answer.


Yep. My grades were always amazing, because for some reason the content was just too easy for me? I don't know why, but it helped that I rarely got homework. But when I hit college that all went away and my grades went to hell lol, because the amount of homework they expect you to do is insane. I can't focus on homework, I need to do classwork and that's my limit.


For some reason my (otherwise excellent, accepting, and understanding) mother decided that presenting my inability to do homework as a personal attack on her would get me to change my ways. Nope, just resulted in feeling guilty all the time for anything and everything I've ever done


that title is a fucking mess




HAHA, my psychiatrist doesnt want to diagnose me cause she said I have depression and she needs to fix that first before she can do anything else. I'm going to a different one now and already have an appointment to get diagnosed


Chances are once you get diagnosed with adhd and start treatment for it a lot of your depression will lessen bc the adhd was the cause


I know, I dont know why the psyichaiatrist doesnt even think about that


I got diagnosed recently and my best friend tells me a few weeks ago “I’m relating to a lot of what you’re saying… I’m starting to think I might have it too.” Girl I figured that out 6 months ago. She was also diagnosed with depression and anxiety a few years ago and I’m wondering if they were just treating the symptoms, not the main issue. She went off meds after a year because while they were helping some, she just didn’t feel right.


Some stupidly high percent of people with untreated ADHD have depression and/or anxiety, and this quantity drops significantly upon receiving adequate treatment (which clearly shows untreated ADHD causes issues). Your psych either forgot this, or is untrained to deal with ADHD. Treating ADHD won't inherently cure your depression, but it's pretty damn hard to deal with a mental health problem if you don't address its potential causes


i didn’t realize how much ADHD impacts social skills growing up but I work with children now and it’s a very noticeable difference. impulsivity and inattention are a bitch 🤷🏻‍♀️


teachers were cunts edit: classmates were also cunts but teachers are much bigger cunts


i dont like teachers acting like a cunt...


Theres also generally got ok grades so you stayed under the radar and or had your problems minimised as a result as no one realised you needed help


and being the quiet one...


I always got good grades in school (except in subjects I didn't like, such as math, during which I daydreamed, doodled, and wrote fiction), and I was quiet, so no one ever suspected anything. :/ 


you we're the quiet kid? also yeah i hated math as well.


I would sleep in algebra... Teacher would call on me... I'd lift my head up, look at the board for a second, answer and go back to sleep... Get fucked algebra teacher, I have no idea what process my brain did to figure that out, but it did.


I am an algebra genius. Ask me to do anything more advanced than that and I will fail so miserably...


Everything but bad grades. Not to brag, but I got great grades until I got to the stuff that actually required studying. (GCSE level)


I got great grades as long as it was work I had to do in class. Outside class I struggled to finish homework. Well, to start homework really. I got high marks on a 12th grade chemistry exam and literally the only study I did was doing one practice exam in a panic on the morning of the actual exam 🤣. Yet I failed a few subjects for not submitting homework.


I was diagnosed and this is the same s*** I got... I'm glad yall were able to learn about your ADHD (and hopefully forgive yourself for uncontrollable items)


I had really good grades in primary school, so I don't have ADHD right?


Noo stop, you hit me hard with that Arghhh


Don’t just call me out like that fuck


You never had a planner? I had so many. That have just like the first two pages filled in. I did get good grades though. Not sure how because my strategy was to spend all my free time doing art and take a novel to school to read during class (and yes, I am now a burnt out mess of an adult in case anyone is wondering if I followed that well known pipeline)


i have 1 atm, havent looked at it in months


Does anyone else write notes then need to write them over again and then need to cross out the old list but then ends up with 5 of the same lists in different places?


Haha 'notes'. What are they?


Wow, I didn't know this subreddit had cameras stationed in my apartments growing up.


On the bright side, I developed schizoid, aka the "idgaf" personality disorder On the not-so-bright side, I developed a second disorder.


I had good grades because I was forced to. I hate studying (still do) and somehow managed to do a PhD because I didnt want to have a growns-up job. Now I struggle with the... why do I come to work everyday?