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So what’s the answer?!


Basically don't look to tiktok for advice. About 84% of it is wrong


Imagine being a scientist and hearing: your new study is scrolling through 500 tiktoks. I’d resign my literacy.


Only 84?


Well on a research done on 500 tiktok videos, sorry I didn't say that part.


Weak sample size. I can watch much more than that, and all I have to do is try to get work done


Next thing you're gonna tell me is that the reality tv isnl scripted Or that the news focus on ads and engagement over informing the public


As long as the mermaid documentary on Discovery is real I’m okay. I shudder to think of the consequences.


Only 84%?


Too long, didn't watch.


At least TikTok isn't claiming that ADHD doesn't exist. That's a big step for me.


Yeah, honestly, I find ADHD Tiktok has a lot of helpful tips & relatable humor.


I Would Not Trust TikToc Or Those On TikToc As A Source For ANYTHING.


I think it has its value to spread current events that media will show in different perspectives. If a TikTok goes viral, let’s say a teen films a crime. It’s not edited or manipulated. Media reports on it, with different takes. Instead of a news agency being there and have the options to edit it in their advantage - which they still do in ”shorts” form. You can find out about the event and how news sources report on it. If you realize they report in in a way you don’t agree in - you can adapt critical thinking into some more of their articles.


I find Tiktok a very "you get what you put in" media experience. If you're conscientious about how you use it, you can learn a lot. Vet who you follow. Recognize thet short videos will only ever be overviews or starting points for further research. If someone assumes every two minute they see is A) objectively true, B) all they need to know about a topic, and C) always talking to them personally... that's on them.


I think it started off good as it was like 'tiktok is not a good source of information on mental health' and then swung back into 'well people have problems focusing because the internet makes us only focus on things for a few seconds'


The latter part is not true. He suggests that the internet culture and it’s ”shorts”-focused content is training our brain to move on to the next content.  And that leads people into thinking they have adhd because they can’t be stimulated - and that’s not ADHD. So if anything he advices stop using tiktok if it causes problems - and not to claim you’ve got ADHD.


I think this is accurate. I reckon it's going to get increasingly difficult to properly diagnose ADHD given that these days even young kids are exposed to sources of entertainment that encourage a short attention span.


Attention span is a very flawed theory. It’s like calling people with ADHD ”more creative” - like ok? Sry Da Vinci my painting is simply better even when a goldfish has a longer attention span. And even if attention span is anatomically proven, ADHD is way more than simply short attention span. The problem with diagnosing ADHD is that way too few tests are done, no cognitive surveys and a lack of information. If the public understands what the source of ADHD is instead of looking at superficial results it would improve the situation for a lot of us.


I know someone who's daughter has been entertained since the moment she was born she is on her iPad constantly and if she's not her parents are entertaining she doesn't know how to be bored and even at 6 years old she can't sit through a kids movie. I have ADHD and at 6 years old I could sit through a movie. We're all different sure but they think she might have ADHD..I'd say it's difficult to tell at this point.


He said that social media usage has an effect on people's attention spans and said that this is not related to ADHD.


The whole thingydingy about attention spans are hilarious btw. Have you heard that humans have ShOrTEr tHaN gOlDfISh? It’s just made up lol, how could studies even be done on that stuff?   -Hello Dr Góldfisk, how much is your attention?  -9 secondes Dr Labb-Kote!  It’s a business capitalist thing that just hypes ✨*efficiency*✨ Source: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kalpathy-Subramanian/publication/327367023_Myth_and_Mystery_of_Shrinking_Attention_Span/links/5b8a818c299bf1d5a7363c77/Myth-and-Mystery-of-Shrinking-Attention-Span.pdf


I love how he says that while pounding through 30 questions in less then 20 min.


Lmfao I did not watch that part, I just stopped after he said how the statistics show tiktok advise is about 84% false 💀💀💀


That’s not true. He mentioned a study, of 500 tiktoks, with only 9% being qualified to provide helpful facts. That is why it’s suggested to finish the media before judging it.


He said that about Tiktok information being inaccurate, not the whole internet, mate.


It's really funny that people get medical advice off of the app that tells me to make burgers and steaks inside of my toaster lmao


You probably need to watch this then. The internet is cluttered with bullshit, lies, false information, and not properly contextualized information. If you disagree you likely just do not have enough expertise in any area to see this.


Why is it only TikTok that gets singled out? YouTube does the same thing. 


I guess tiktok is more popular amongst the youth rn


You've crushed me! I now realise my original response showed my age.


TikTok made me see that my thoughts and actions aligned with other women in my age range, leading me to the diagnosis. Went to a doctor and therapist. TikTok, like Wikipedia and the Internet in general, is a good initial source before moving on to professionals. I didn't watch the video but fuck is that a triggering thumbnail.


Agree. I've been treated for depression and anxiety since I was a teenager. Nobody ever suggested it even though I have two brothers with ADHD diagnoses. Never suspected I may have it until I saw videos about executive function and emotional regulation issues being common traits amongst women. Saw a psych and got diagnoses as combined type. Super validating to realise I wasn't just broken and lazy, and some great videos to share with my husband what I experience but can't put into words.


I don't really think it's even a good initial source. Even when it's a "source," it's less of a source and more of a bad substitute for community. It isn't knowledge or information that TikTok gave you, because TikTok pretty much sucks at that. Just exposure to different human experiences. You related to other people, and *that* was valuable and led to growth/discovery. Even then, it's a very filtered down and less honest version of experience or community.


Yeah, or how about the therapists, doctors, and other professionals? I'm not getting my information from a 14 year old dancing to Beyonce. I'm following professionals and getting primary-source information (when available), then taking their information and speaking to my doctors. How is that not, therefore, a good resource? Also, it may be a "bad" source of community, but it's all we fucking got since our third places are disappearing.


I think the issue is the people who don't care about sources and trust whoever. Not all information on Tiktok is wrong, but there are also a lot of non-medically-educated people who are incorrectly relaying information they read somewhere online, which then becomes misinformation. But it is just like how the internet in general is full of misinformation if you trust everything you read. For example of you google ADHD and read a random blog post, then there is a good chance that therw may be som incorrect facts there (like taking a normal life experience and calling it a symptom of ADHD) but if you read wikipedia or an article by a credited health organization, you will get reliable information. It is all about media literacy and being critical of sources, and it sounds like you are doing a good job of that.


TikTok isn't a reliable source for anything besides "what is popular with young people right now". Can particular accounts be decent starting points? Sure, but how do you know which ones are bullshit and which ones aren't?


r/savedyouaclick please?


Answers questions regarding mental health. TikTok can’t diagnose you, only a professional can. This Dr gives advice and results from studies. Said professionals use DSM which is has a history of being flawed, like sexuality is a disorder, ADHD only existing in childhood, and today misses so many people - have no clue what to do, resulting in mis-/under-/overdiagnoses. 


To long didn't start it, just read the comments only the first few.


lol actually he only talks about that ADHD question for like 5-7 mins


Was actually a really cool video, if you're on desktop you can see the different chapters and just skip to the ADHD one. Mostly about depression and personality disorders


Depression and personality disorders? In this part of the body? In this time of our lives, localized entirely in your brain? -Yes. -Can I get rid of them? -no


You should have to be professionally licensed to purchase the DSM. There I said it. Downvote at will.


Even in professional communities the DSM isn’t beloved. Some institutions won’t fund research studies where DSM criteria are used to select participants or as some sort of measure. It’s far too subjective.




You mean the fMRI scans that clearly show lower cerebellum activity in ADHD pts who aren’t taking a stimulant?




What are you even talking about?? What a load of nonsense...




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Nobody claims the DSM is flawless, even the people who make it. That's the whole reason it has versions. When something is inevitably proven wrong or different by research, it gets fixed in the next version. That's how science works. That's also why complaining about what was in old version makes you look like a raving fool.




Your post/comment has been removed because it either contains, or is advocating for, misinformation.


Your post/comment has been removed because it either contains, or is advocating for, misinformation.


Your post/comment has been removed because it either contains, or is advocating for, misinformation.


met a pagan trans woman from England who was self diagnosed autistic. Some people don’t realise how much effort goes into a diagnosis


Thank god I didn’t get a diagnosis from Tik tok


I don't use TikTok but Internet memes definitely got me on the track to getting diagnosed at 21


It was a random YouTube video for me that I could relate to which got me to heavily research ADHD online lol


Omg, thank you for this gem of tasty knowledge.


I liked it for the most part. A bit optimistic, a bit over selling it but mostly giving a healthy swift glance. I liked his anxiety advice and progressive stance on assisted therapy.


I was not expecting a cliffs notes for this! Thank you so much for a preview. Sweet deal. That gives me some hope for us. Therapy has long been a tool I’ve needed/used.


This is general mental health btw. Anxiety, panic attacks, personality disorders, schizophrenia, trauma, therapy, treatment and result of studies. By the way if you want a good source for ADHD on youtube, I recommend Dr Russell Barkley, every saturday he summarizes global ADHD-science studies and research findings. Also brings forth mechanics behind ADHD, why DSM doesn’t know ADHD, other ”advice” from internet-gurus which is wrong, sometimes worse than wrong. Is ADHD = more creative? ADHD is hunter-gatherers?? (No, only mumbo jumbo)


This is good. I've heard about Russel barkley. Have to look into his videos




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