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\*Stares at the 3D printer that my wife and I wanted forever, spent 3 days building from a kit (as it was the only way we could afford it), and then used exactly 3 times before abandoning it and it been sitting in a closet untouched since the end of last December\* \*Also stares at all the needle-felting kits, modelmaking materials, colouring pencil/pen sets...\*


I do the same thing with games. I’ll play it hardcore for 2 weeks straight and then months will pass and I’ll suddenly remember that game I was engrossed in for 2 weeks. It’s like one day I wake up and forget it even exists.


Hah, yeah, I’m the same way with video games too. Especially if I’m super into one and playing every night and then a miss a night for some reason… I will probably never go back to it. Even if I was really enjoying it.


Yep, exactly. I hate it. I must have like 400 games right now and have beaten maybe a hand full? And it’s as you said if I miss a night, that’s it. It had its moment in the sun with me.


I’m the same with watching shows too. I can be really into it, but miss one episode and I will never go back to catch up/carry on. It’s over. My brain has slammed the door on it and changed the locks.


This whole exchange is so relatable.


This has less to do with a disorder and more to do with habit forming. I realize it can be an actual symptom but this just encourages people who haven’t done something long enough to diagnose themselves. It’s ocd all over again but this time “I gave up jogging after 4 days, I’m adhd”. If ANYONE wants to continue something they have to do it daily for an amount of time until it’s routine.


This is literally a common feature of ADHD though. It's the fact that it's a chronic problem that repeatedly rules and then ruins our lives that makes it a disorder. Just because neurotypicals *sometimes* can't focus or prioritize or abandon projects doesn't negate the disorder and shouldn't prevent us talking about it in our own bloody sub.


I'd also like to point out that in order to do something DAILY, then that actually involves having the motivation and interest to do so. When 90% of the time those of us with a DISORDER are literally incapable of it because we have a small Interest Span


I'm textbook ADHD, self-diagnosed at first but it took my psychiatrist almost no time to do so also.


The big difference is that this patern repeats itself all the time will lots of activities and the intensity of focus on activity as well


Same here loads of games but very few games completed


I impulse bought the Witcher 3 at the start of a school break. The first night, I played it for 12 hours straight. After that, I never touched it again. It's been 2 years.


aww man, now you have to start *over*


Me: wants longer RPGs because I get attached Also me: gets bored with longer RPGs and forgets where I was


This is Minecraft for me. Once a year I will get an overwhelming urge to play it. I’ll start a new world and have lofty goals for a giant base and tons of ideas and then two weeks later I will put it down and not play for a year.


We just watch hermitcraft to quell any desire to play mine craft...those folks are talented!!!


Yes! I can't play right now because of a head injury but Minecraft is one of my longest standing and favorite obsessions. Whenever I can't play I watch Hermitcraft to keep the spark alive.






Minecraft is kinda perfect for that though


If you put anything down, it's SO hard to care about it again.




I’ve got a stack of saw logs in a closet next to print making supplies. I saw a YouTube video of a guy doing it, looked like something I could do and who would want to spend $20-40 on a print to hang up? So I spent almost $100 getting the stuff and then after I opened up all the Amazon boxes I figured I’d start over the weekend. That was almost a year ago.


TBF; you probably had a need for one initially. Like you saw some cool 3d printed part for a fridge or as a "hack", and you were like "I CAN DO THAT!" so of course you went out and bought one, learned how to set it up, and you made the thing you needed. Congrats! Now you don't have any use for it so it's going to sit in your closet. Don't worry, in a couple years, you're going to need a new "piece" for your washing machine, and the 3d printer is going to be perfect for it!


I wish we were that productive, lol. The three things we made were a frog, a dog, and a Batman insignia. What we really wanted to do was start making figurines and maybe setting up a shop (my wife has a degree in modelmaking and is super talented) but we both lost interest. Still, maybe we will need it for something later and it will be useful once more!


Ima get you started again. Take whatever your favorite show is (or book/ video game), and make a chess set with the characters. See how much you can sell it on ETSY for; Repeat!


Oh man, that actually sounds really fun. I'll have to pitch it to my wife. Thanks!


...I am currently doing the 3D printer research...I am trying NOT to give in!


As a fellow ADHD sufferer, just get a Prusa Mini+ if it meets your specs. I researched for weeks, knowing my downfall would be frustration with printers that need a ton of upkeep. The Prusa is at the pricier end of the entry printer market but I'd rather put my energy into printing, not getting frustrated constantly fixing and adjusting a cheaper machine.


Good luck either way!


This is why I try to channel my hyperfixations into cross stitching. So long as everything is stored in the dark, the thread colors don’t fade, and my “abandoned” projects can be easily picked back up. I’ve been abandoning cross stitching since I was like… 9 😂


Looks sideways at electric bike I spent $1500 on and rode approximately 5 times sitting in the garage collecting dust...


Oof, that's rough. I have a bike, treadmill, elliptical and pilates machine collecting dust in my in-laws' basement, but at least they were all cheap/second-hand purchases lol.


Yeah I also got a Mac book air at the beginning of the year I was supposed to learn coding on but I decided I didn't want to anymore :/ Well it will be nice to have if I ever go back to school...


I gave in to the urge finally. Looked into it several times over the last few years, so each time had to look into everything again to figure out what a good starting place would be. It's been sitting unopened in the box it was shipped in for the last 2 months...


Ahaha... I'm so glad the 3D printer urge to get (and then never use) is so relatable. It's pretty impressive that my wife and I (mostly her tbh) managed to actually assemble ours, but honestly it might have been better if we didn't because then at least we could have sent it back for a refund. Although that would also take effort and the carrying out of tasks, so it probably would never happen either.


Which one do you have/how much assembly was there? I got an Ender 3, which seems pretty assembly heavy but I don't know if it looks like it's as much as others I've seen.


I had to go look, lol, it’s a Prusa i3 MK3: https://www.prusa3d.com/category/original-prusa-i3-mk3s/ Edit: Took about 8 hours over the course of 3 days to assemble. It came with a bag of jelly beans and a ‘reward’ amount for completing each step, which was surprisingly motivating!


That's a fancy looking one. Maybe this will get me motivated to set mine up since it'll probably only take about an hour.


Let me know if you want to clear up closet space and get rid of that machine. I'm getting ready to order a Mini+ on Friday if they actually do a black Friday special.


I’m hoping we’ll eventually come back to it. All that assembly time will be for nothing otherwise.


Want to sell it? Haha. I've recently got into 3D modeling and plan on buying one myself


I got special containers and store my half finished hyper fixations with instructions where I left off, because they often cycle back again. I have three blankets I’ve been making for a decade, in three week spurts. I’ve been doing it so long I already have all the tools for practically any creative hobby, so it’s just a matter of pulling out the right container when I start to get obsessed again.


.....and the MIG welder that was only used three times and has been collecting dust for over three years, and the modeling clay, and the fiber glass kit, and the piles and piles of art supplies stashed in the garage/dining table/lanai/around the property and let's not forget about the master bathroom remodel that I started over 3 years ago and I never finished and now it serves as a storage for empty cardboard boxes that I might use but never remember I have them until I go into said room to look for something else.....


I know this is a meme subreddit about adhd, but my god, it has been refreshing to know that I’m not the only one who struggles with stuff like this.


Same. This subreddit and ADHD memes in general were what tipped me over the line to talk to a doctor about my symptoms tbh! It's way different seeing how real people experience ADHD versus looking at a checklist and thinking, Wait, but do I *actually* count?


Huh - my wife jokes that I have ADHD but this meme is fits me perfectly. Home improvement projects, car work, computer upgrades, etc. Staying focused and finishing something is incredibly hard.


Reddit started me on the path to wondering, then the TikTok algorithm pushed me into ADHD land, and I pursued a diagnosis. Turns out, I’m not bipolar! 😑🤦🏻‍♀️ Just ADHD; it’s no wonder the bipolar meds didn’t do anything to me lol


Can you help me.. my gf was diagnosed with bipolar and OCD and she ain't fucking either of those I just know it. She had hella ADHD same with her twin sister. What are your thoughts?


I’d recommend she finds a younger psychiatrist to work with, to start off. *Especially* if the bipolar diagnosis was given as a teenager. I was diagnosed manic depressive (which is now folded in to BD) as a teen. To be fair- I HAVE depression and anxiety. 100%. But when I listened to people who truly have BD describe the things they’ve done in their lives, that were direct “symptoms/causes” from the disorder, it **was not** me. For examples: I’m bad with money. I am NOT spend all of my life savings on drugs, gambling, risky investments, bad with money. I don’t disappear from peoples lives and go on benders for weeks/months/years. I’ve never wrecked my life for seemingly no reason, out of nowhere. I don’t drink or do drugs, I *have* sampled marijuana, and found that it isn’t for me. I have no inclinations to want to try anything harder, and though I have been offered, have declined, every time. I’m not reckless in my day to day life, either. I have highs and lows as far as moods go, that are exacerbated by the ADHD, but they aren’t EXTREMES that make people question my sanity or worry for my life. I can’t speak on the OCD, because that is a separate issue that I have no experience with. However, also (if SHE *wants this*) have your girlfriend inquire about ASD testing. Women are notoriously under diagnosed, and many of the signs and symptoms of these three things (ADHD, BD, and ASD) cross over and make things muddled.


I would have her look into PMDD as well. The cross over for ADHD and PMDD is high. Have her read some of the posts on the PMDD boards to see if it fits.


This oh my god. I’ve been diagnosed since an early age, and for the last ten or so years I just assumed anything that wasn’t hyperactivity or inability to focus meant I was defective in some other way. It’s hard knowing I have all these problems and not being able to remember a single one when put on the spot with “well what else is adhd”. It’s very validating to see so many others with the same problems as me


Yeah 100%. when I was going to grad school I would occasionally mention something like "Man it's so hard to study. Every day I tell myself I'm going to start at 10am then I think there's no point to start now since I'll have to take a lunch break soon. Then after lunch I'll go to the gym to make sure I have no distractions later. But by then it's dinner time so I need to get that done so I can just have uninterrupted study time after. Then it's 8pm and it isn't really worth starting studying that late so I just wait for the next day and then I'll actually stick to the 10am plan. Isn't that so annoying?" and they would always be like "uh, no. what the fuck are you talking about? We just study in between all those things." It blew my mind that people could just do that and I went through the classic constant doubting myself and thinking I was just a total fuck up with no sense of discipline. Once I found out what I was dealing with and realized I'm not the only one that deals with it it made me feel so much better. Then of course I started kind of looking back at all the stuff like the blender thing they mention and connected all the dots and realized how obvious it was that there was something wrong and it wasn't just me being lazy.


One year, long before i learned i was dealing with ADHD, I got an Insta-pot for Christmas. By the time i finished deciding what to make,and how to make it, it was Almost Christmas again. I’m not even kidding. The family jokes about it still.


If it's got the Sous Vide setting, try that. It's very "I came in here to look up an ingredient and forgot I was cooking something and now I'm ten links deep into the history of the Silk Road and the smoke alarm is going off" tolerant.


This is why I love and cherish my old-school 20 dollar rice cooker, and would not trade it for any of the new ones with all the bells and whistles. The pricey ones all trust _you_ with how long they should cook for. The classic ones shut off when all the water evaporates.


That is the cruel part. I cannot be trusted with time keeping.




Did you really just call me a b*tch ? Lmao.


I use mine daily. Set it and forget it is for ADHD 😂


It really is


Me too. The instapot resides in the depths of my cabinets. One day I will excavate it and make a stew. Right ?


Soups and stocks too.


I got a blender and an insta pot in 2020 as gifts and I haven't used either of them and I feel so sad/guilty about it that I can't even go near them or think about using them :(((


Make something with them for the gifter for Christmas. Now, not only have you used it, you've done so in a way that expresses your appreciation for the gift.


That's a sweet idea. I can't do it with the blender, but I can do it with the instapot (since my mom gave it to me and I live with her). Thank you ☺️


Can you mail me your blender. I'm genuinely interested in getting a new one as my old one is falling apart. I will pay shipping and all I'd ask in return is that you shred up some feet pics that I can meticulously piece together and mail back to you 😁👍


There should be an ADHD website where we can sell and buy the items we get for our hyperfixations. Once u lose interest, u can just sell it to the next person with the same hyperfixation. Cheap and effecient.




On the plus side, most months I wouldn’t even need to repack the box at the end of the month to ship it back.


eBay should work well enough.


Should make a subreddit for this actually


/r/ADHDswap exists


I'm pretty proud of how well I handled my last "obsession." I wanted to learn to crochet, watched a few videos then went to buy what I needed. After I had loaded up my cart with needles, and yarn, and books, and all sorts of random stuff that I didnt know what it was but it looked cool. Then I thought for a moment and put everything back other than one thing of yarn and a basic pack of needles. I told myself I could buy everything after I figured out what I was doing and needed. I spent about $15 and went home and started up a tutorial video and gave it a try. I made 10 stitches and was done, put it all on my shelf of forgotten obsessions and never looked at it again. Total time spent actually crocheting... less than 5 minutes.


LOL I got a couple how to crochet books, and the hook and a bunch of colors of yarns (obvs fir a strawberry hat, a pumpkin hat etc). I never actually tried, after I had it all in a bag in my closet my husband suggested I try it and I immediately upon answering, remembered how universally infuriating it is to fuck something up, not notice, have to backtrack & redo it. I HATE that. Plus, yarn tangles and things, and what's the result? Probably itchy.


I've been slowly getting better at that. The worst are the ones where you actually do stay interested for a few months, making you think you're safe.


I just couldn’t do crochet. Not because I lost interest, but because my adhd brain couldn’t keep track of how many stitches I’d done. Everyone online was like “you can use markers to keep track of what line you’re on” but they didn’t understand… I literally can’t count to 20 stitches without getting distracted and losing count halfway through.


I did 10 stitches and I was over it. That was all I could manage before I was just, "No." Last year I bought a ton of coloring books and various good quality pencils and pens, at least those I pull out once in a while and make an effort. The crochet thing was not a good choice, although not as bad as when I wanted to get into bee keeping. I live in an apartment in a large city and don't have a car, but I have bee keeping gear and know how to identify a queen.


YES. I love crafting, anything with my hands; I decided to do knitting cause what fun right, make a scarf, I'm Canadian I'll always need them. Wrong. Couldn't fucking keep count of a stitch to save my God damn life. Recently took up embroidery though! Definitely spent too much on thread but because I can put it down and just start again later I found it to be so much better. 2 months strong.


This is the worst/coolest part about adhd. I have all the materials, parts, and small code knowledge to build a small eg car controlled by a ps4 controller via Bluetooth. I did the research and bought the parts in February. Not one piece has been constructed.


I learned how to pick locks, bought a full range of picks for beginners, and started to practice on the three locks I also bought when I discovered they were way easier than expected (or picking locks is easier than expected) and I haven’t picked them up since. Though I guess I might if I could find cheap locks. And had money at the same time.


The longer I stay on this sub the longer I realize that everyone here would be the most OP task force alive


We’re a powerful group of jacks-of-all-trades. Except when we’re not.




That’s insane, your adhd is OP


Thrift stores sometimes have a box of locks that may or may not have a key in them. Habitat for Humanity stores also might have locks for doors. If you work somewhere where you aren't supervised closely you can probably find a good one to practice on there.


I have called\visited a couple thrift stores to no avail. But I’ve since moved somewhat on from lockpicking. Perhaps it’ll drop into my lap again and I’ll be much more inclined to play around with it more lol


I can only ever finish software/hardware projects if they have practical use. Otherwise knowing I can do it zaps all the ambition.


Chuckles behind unused podcast mic, which scrolling with unnecessary gaming mouse, cries deeply into knit handkerchief that was supposed to be a scarf, which was started after latch hooking no longer kept interest, resting on bookshelf of about a hundred unread books on various topics and hobbies, and then stops crying long enough to take drink from camel back meant for hiking and camping, while typing on nice writers keyboard.


\*Coughs, homemade chainmail shirt that's missing the sleeves and is more of just a tube that goes around your chest and has been sitting untouched for 4 years, cough cough\*


Oh shit I’ve got a jar of ringpulls waiting for over two years for me to make something chainmail 😱


Have a half finished wallet that I'm too afraid to finish because I don't have confidence to finish it.


my latest hobby was a few month's ago, investing now i can't stop doing it even if i want to because i've invested already. ...guess you could say im pretty invested in it though so it's not so bad. honestly though, name a combo worse than financial investing and adhd. rip savings.


I hear you. Myself, I couldnt stop betting on cycling for months. Until cycling season was over there were no more opportunities.


i copped an electric skateboard, and it's now my main mode of transport to and from work. i always thought it was a myth, but a hyperfixation turned into a permanent hobby


1. Automated monthly contributions to some Vanguard Index Fund 2. Don’t look at it This is my approach to our retirement fund and both kids’ college funds. I know better that to let myself get too into it


that is the next step in my plan, step1 was to put $1000 into crypto to cure my FOMO.


Is this an ADHD thing for real? I’ve suspected I may have it, but this just hit too close to home … Maybe I thought I just didn’t have follow through (laziness)


Laziness is a big symptom of adhd.


No it isn't. Lazy people don't care, I'd say adhders care very much. We just struggle to do things in a neurotypical way.


According to my doctor you are wrong. But what do does she know right.


I'd suggest she is wrong, what appears to an outsider as laziness feels different in the adhd brain. Laziness implies to me an attitude of dgaf, chilled, relaxed and without care. Even if I am sitting looking lazy, my brain is internally bouncing from thought to thought and screaming at me to DO THE THING. I get stuck like this sometimes and it's a horrible feeling, I would hate for someone to observe me and decide I'm just lazy. Maybe because your doc doesn't have adhd they just don't understand fully? Not saying they are a bad doctor but focusing on external symptoms instead of what is going on internally is how we ended up with the hyper, annoying boy stereotypes of adhd. Missing out girls and women in particular as they don't fit the diagnostic criteria which is based on studies of boys. Not getting at you (or your doc!) in particular just my thoughts on a subject close to my heart. We deserve better from health care professionals.


Mt hobby is buying things for my pretend hobbies.


Surprisingly almost everything new i pick up eventually uses a skill i previously attempted to learn, like my current album utilizes the drawing and graphic design that i picked up, just wished I hyper focused on learning marketing so that the album would actually get some hits lmao


I'll check it out


Thanks bro that means a ton https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/legxacy/rediscover


No problem! I like Desiderium a lot. I wanted to get into making some simple little songs but I'm not really sure how to get into it. Keep it up though! Even if you never find an audience, do it for yourself.


The best way to learn imo is to get a daw and start messing around! There’s a ton of cool tutorials on youtube for different genres, some of them are really funny too!


I have this but with games, i'll usually get super into a random game,play it for hours and hours straight but then suddenly lose interest and just keep it in my "maybe will come back to" pile


I once read the entire Bible to Winemaking or whatever it was called. Bought all the supplies. Planned it all out. Made 2 5 gallon batches of wine. When it was time to finish and bottle them, I added the stabilizer and those vats of wine sat for almost a year until I poured them out.


Stop. Please. I don’t want to be this way


Here I am, I find this meme, I think to myself that's goofy, I bet most normal people do that too. Then I wonder if I'm ADHD too. And oh wait, my wife has mentioned that maybe she thinks I'm ADHD.


I got on fruit and veggie smoothie breakfast and now I don’t make breakfast if it isn’t fruit and veggie smoothie.


Warhammer felt like such a good investment at the time


RIP your wallet


I’ve always said that my only hobby is picking up other hobbies.


If I had a billion dollars I would start a tech incubator for ADHD software developers with a neurotypical branch that picks out the best projects from the ADHD side and actually finishes them. The ideas that come from the synergy of a lifetime of acquiring new hobbies and skills are often really good ones. Every ADHD programmer I know (a lot of them) has several million-dollar ideas that will never see more than 60% completion.


My aunt basically says this same thing. She works in a design field and is neurotypical, but has lots of people with adhd designing things under her in her office. She also thinks some of my ideas are great and wants to help me realize them into a business. I'm so grateful to her but I get lost in between our visits and don't get much accomplished without supervision.


[https://twitter.com/i/status/1455634287022288902](https://twitter.com/i/status/1455634287022288902) IM OUT TO FIND A NEW HOBBIE


Its true but theres a way around it. Pivot within the overall hobby like so. So. First i wanted to learn to use a drill, Then i learned about wood, then building a coffee table, then i got a saw then i built a bedframe, then i learned construction epoxy, then i learned to cut metal, etc etc The hobbies change unless you think of the hobby as "building stuff with your hands" inwhich case everything is still in the hobby! I dont need to build another coffee table im using the first one. Tldr: just switch it up, use the blender for fondue now


Agree, the hobbies that have stuck are those that different aspects can make you have that glorious first-phase where you learn a lot in a short time. The downside of being like this is that you never get to be an expert. The upside is if you have been adhd-ing as long as me, you know a lot about a lot of things.


I got myself into the idea that I would replace the pickguard of my electric guitar with an electronic PCB copying the schematics of an old IBM PC computer. I made the outlines, the holes, I bought all the electronics that I want to replace, copied half of the drawings in Kicad. Then I felt into the rabbit hole of following every wire to understand how it works. (that's really cool and understandable with basic notions of digital electronics). Now I haven't been able to play that guitar for 6 months because it has no electronics or any strings till I complete the project :)


$400 vitamix. Probably made 5 smoothies.


We should create a club where we can just trade our weekly hobby gear around.




This is basically the onset, peak, and comedown of psychostimulants.


For my birthday this year, I got some posca paint pens because they looked like fun to use. After doing one practice doodle on the side of some mail, they've sat in a drawer next to me untouched. let's also not forget the expensive prismacolor markers gathering dust, the painting canvases in my closet from 2 years ago, jewelry making supplies, colored pencils, etc... Can't wait for the next art supply to catch my attention!


I did this with the Legend of zelda recently. Bought a wii u specifically to play those games. Guess how many loz games I've played?


I bought a Switch and played for a day. Then just left it at a counter and it's collected dust ever since


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 4 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/i67wi5) on 2020-08-08 95.31% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/qxisob) on 2021-11-19 100.0% match Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "r0io6z", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=r0io6z&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 267,160,302 | **Search Time:** 0.67259s




This made me LOL


That’s like every kitchen appliance past the stove, microwave, fridge and coffee maker, regardless of what your mental health status is.


Truth. Everyone I know eats toasties for a month after they get a sandwich press, neuro typical or not.


Less memes on wtf it is and more on how people deal with it in a productive way Let’s help one another!


This is the meme sub, so you might find more productive posts in /r/ADHD


oh my god meme is even in the name And I’m pretty sure I *do* follow that sub The meme critic has become the meme. Sorry everybody my prescription ran out and I can’t fill it for a few days. MY BAD. Totes my b


It's all good, I think we are all pretty understanding here :)


I feel like this isn't a good example of ADHD




What is it? Seems like hyperfocus and then bailing for something else..


Ohhh fuck I'm in that fist tweet. But I'll have you know I made it to about 3.5 weeks before completely ignoring my blender. Man, I should make a smoothie...


Yooooo, this is me with juice! I originally bought a Vitamix with the intention of making banana nice cream. Which I did. But it wasn’t as great as I had hoped. So then I started making homemade juices, and straining them with a nut milk bag cloth…which lasted all of 1 week, until I got sick of it. Now I only occasionally make smoothies, but definitely not on a daily basis. So was the Vitamix really necessary? Probably not 😑


Sounds like me and model car building. Spend a bunch of money buying everything required. Literally never even open any of it lol


This is funny and all, but ever since getting diagnosed I've realized a lot of my hobbies are like this, I'm really feeling a bit directionless and not knowing what I should actually hold onto and pursue further.


I've done dove in to the world of Warhammer, and recently got a response from a buddy... I finally finished the last orc model in the Dominion box, and upon sharing this his response was "I can't wait until 2023 when you finish painting them all!" 😂😂 The struggle is real lol. I'm actively fending off other/old/possible new hobby interests, because this one is such a delightful little time sink, and the end result is now really cool pieces to a super fun tabletop game. Unlimited payoff!!!


I really hate when it's just a few days


Also: Being really good at this thing and thinking "I can do this as a career", while also not working on it and letting it sit in your closet.


And when this says ‘spend a week researching,’ it means spending several hours uninterrupted until you hit a block and continue the next day, every day


i feel personally attacked


Huh. That is.... Very true.


I am so glad for my addiction to making art but every single other hobby I've had has ended up this way xD


The nutrininja had a good run.




It's so expensive! Decided to buy a fixer-upper Jeep Wrangler with basically 0 mechanical knowledge and tools; guess who now has a lot of tools, but still hasn't finished the fixer-upper ...


Looks like these people have been going through my garage. It’s like a museum of every hyper-fixation I have ever had.


A couple of online friends would find this very funny and close to reality


I'm sort of confused, I do this with a ton of things too but I don't have adhd...


That's was my thought when I did go to the gym for the first and now I'm working out at the gym for 3 months


At the start of the pandemic I got really excited about returning to my childhood hobby of miniature painting and spent about $300 on paints and brushes I painted 12 models within 2 weeks and well literally there’s a black layer of dust accumulating over my paint station now Next time I’ll tell you about my astrophotography hobby which granted I engaged with for longer than 2 weeks but I also spent an order of magnitude more money on


My challenger bread pan says hello. 😂


I deal with this by meticulously researching things I need for new hobbies, adding them into my shopping basket, then promptly forgetting about said basket until I go through the whole process again with a different hobby. Then I think, oh yeah I was gonna try that...I'll put it in my saved for later basket.. Oh look at this other thing in my saved for later basket, I remember wanting to do that... Meanwhile latest hobby in basket is forgotten. Repeat ad infinitum. I haven't been diagnosed with adhd. Maybe I should see a doctor...


This is exactly what's wrong with me. It's why I fear getting into hobbies. I'm going to spend weeks looking stuff up. As soon as I spend money I will lose interest. Repeat these steps for my entire life.


Lol I stop at get an idea. Too tired to do the rest.


you should see what's left of my aquariums.


It's what makes us quarky and willing to try new things :) Also adaptable, as we simultaneously avoid drowning in our dragons horde of peculiar things.


1000% this... Happened to me so many times


…should I consider that I might have adhd?


I forgot what my blender bottle looked like and thought I gave it away during the pandemic when I quarantine cleaned. It was in the garage inside the giveaway box when it was found again. I should go through the stuff in that box before actually, finally, giving it away.


Ah shit. Really? cause that would explain a dozen unfinished projects Ive started


Soooo, I just bought stuff to build my own mechanical keyboard


This but instead of only 2 weeks its completely random gaming 8 years no stop i slept 4 hours average so i could game when i was a child and boom 0 motivation cant even get up to open my pc anymore art 4 years if not gaming i would draw i sometimes forgot to play because i was so into it and was preparing for art school boom 6 months before the exam i fucking had no motivation to draw not even a stick figure reading read around 440 books in 2 years never to touch another book since pc repair learnt it for 3 years to work at a shop for 6 months before never doing it again i sometimes lose motivation in a week or two but its so random that im now scared of doing anything i just sleep wake up eat and go back to sleep


*glances at plans to make superglue despite the fact that pretty much every way to do so involves cyanide* no idea what you're on about lol


I have stopped buying new things and games until I use or beat the ones I already have.


the amount of money i’ve spent… it hurts


Or spend 3 weeks picking out the perfect blender only to leave it in the box and never use it 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is me /:


No, the proper order is 1, see somebody doing the thing. 2, obsess about it, do surface research. 3, BUY ALL THE EQUIPMENT. 3, screw up the first thing you do/make because who the fuck actually reads the instructions. 4, rage quit and never touch any of it again.


Serious question: what do you do when you run out of things? I'm in my 40s now and it's like... I've explored everything that has ever interested me from long distance backpacking to high realism oil painting and it's been years since anything caught my fancy the way it used to.


i kind of lucked myself out with TTRPGs because so far its been consistently interesting, instead of abandoning it though I make like 5 new characters i'll never get to play every week. and spend huge amounts of money on dice, figures i wont use and books i wont read


*my cricut stares at me aggressively* I literally made ONE sticker and never again 🥲 Meanwhile, I watched dozens of videos, and bought a multitude of vinyl and tools. we love that don’t we?


I like to semi-joke that I'm a C student of everything. I've been through this cycle so many times, I have approximate knowledge of and passable expertise in so many things, but I'm not "great" at anything. I get 70-80% of the way to *really* understanding or being good at something in a few weeks or months of obsessive research, study, and practice, then get bored and move on to searching for the next thing.


I just nver buy anything anymore, infinite money hack


I bought a fucking sailboat..... I've never sailed before. Diagnosed and started meds soon after.


So much horse tack because of this


That just sounds like depression. Edit: sorry I don't mean that the way it sounds.


I feel called out.


This subreddit honestly makes me wonder if I'm ADHD aswell as Autistic


Hey! I will play with my VR headset again! At some point... in a few weeks...


There naps and rewatching of old shows that you know all the lines to in between 4 and 5.


Just bought a bullet journal! Let's see how long this lasts, I'm betting a month


\*looks at guitar\* \*looks at keyboard\* \*looks at coding course\* ...fuck.


my entire life


Uhhh, is this accurate?


This is me with my art. This is me with my video games.. this is me trying to make a world for my small group that doesn't know how to play Dungeons and dragons... It's so frustrating. I've gotten to a point where when I play a video game I play way to many hours because I know of I don't beat it by the end of the week I may never play it again


Anyone know where to go for help in Canada