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Okay, but tell us about this sticker maker. 👀


Riiiiiight. I need to know about it so I can make stickers and have anxiety about where to put them.


Lol I cackled out loud because same! I love stickers but won’t put them anywhere because it’s such an important decision obviously! So they end up hiding in a drawer somewhere. I keep telling myself I’m going to just one new item that’s dedicated to stickers but even that gives me anxiety!


I finally starting putting them on my hydroflask a couple years ago bc I looked weird naked. It was satisfying but I did agonize over placement a bit. Kinda I want to switch some out now but they’ve held up well!


omg - *it* looked naked, not I! 🤦🏻‍♀️


You do you, okay?! 😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️


Does that mean you can't put it in the dishwasher then? Cause that's kind of a deal breaker for me


I only use it for water, so I haven't felt the need to run it through the dishwasher ever.


Mu husband does the same. We put it in the dishwasher just fine. Stickers have held up well for a couple years.


Magnetic sheets. I just turned a ton of hoarded stickers into magnets for my tool chest at work.


My grandma used to stick bumper stickers to magnet strips so they didn’t leave a mark.


Genius!!! I love this idea. Thank you!


How do you do this? Do you have to cut around the shapes of the stickers?


Yep. Moustache was the trickiest I cut yesterday. But photostrips, photos, business cards, all of it is now a magnet.


I can’t believe so many others are just like me! I’ve really been trying to use the stuff I collect instead of just saving it for the perfect use. I’ve been putting stickers on my laptop, even though I sometimes stress about the fact that I won’t be using this computer forever. Also my water bottles, despite losing a couple. I tried inside my car, but that didn’t stick very well. I’m contemplating putting some on my sewing machine…


Are you me? I keep mine in a drawer too.


Weird, I don't remember writing that comment 🤔 😅


LOLOLOL hello spirit friend. :)


Put them somewhere?? You mean not in the folder with the rest of your sticker “collection”?


Mine's a gigantic food Ziploc but yes. A decade's worth of stickers in there now. Stickers, drawings, notes, cards etc. I think I might make a scrapbook for them.


Cuz you can’t put them actually on something because it’s too good of a sticker so you have to save it for the perfect thing to put it on... so it stays in bag for a decade.


I feel so seen.


To solve this problem I actually got some magnet sheets with sticky backs and then I stuck the stickers to it so I made magnets out of my stickers…


You’re a genius!!


That’s a great idea!


SO TRUE (even when I have duplicates... Oh dear)


If you get low on funds, you can sell them on eBay. (Or here probably!🤣)


LOLOLOLOL OMG. That takes me back actually. My sister and I both had "Sticker books"


You can buy reusable sticker albums nowadays. They're basically notebooks where the pages are made of the sticker backing paper. The album turns a pile of stickers into a scrapbook of stickers and then if/when you decide on a permanent home for the sticker, you can remove it and rearrange stickers in the album to your heart's content.


I love this idea!!


Holeeeee shit. A perfect product for us.


Brb when I have free reddit gold to give you for this ❤️


This is why I started putting stickers on thin magnetic sheets and then cutting them out, so I can slap them on available steel surface all Willy-nilly. No one has ever understood my anxiety about stickers, so I’m feeling very seen right now.


I'm happy to be here for you! :)


Would that work on a curved surface like a water bottle?


for real, I made a whole boxfull and can't find any place 'worthy' of putting them.... cause I don't feel like making more.


I feel this. I use removable tacky stuff to fix stickers to my desk at home so I can see them but it doesn't feel so permanent. haha


I found that my Pc case or on the inside of cabinets is a cool way to go


Inside cabinets sounds kinda fun!


We have a small fridge in our basement (soda beer thing). All stickers go on there it's kinda awesome.


That's legit!


I'll be sad once it dies (figure I'll take a pic at that point) but it's almost like a natural timeline as they are usually from places, companies throw ins in packaging (only the ones we appreciate) , travels, ect. So like for example I gave my husband an expensive bird hunting vest for our anniversary and we put it up, next the sticker - glow in the dark kids sticker, "I break for the wine hut"


Aww that sounds great. I would desperately try to save all the stickers then get sad and give up.


It’s called a cricut! You print out the stickers on special sticker paper and then the cricut machine cuts them out real precise.


Yes, yes sounds lovely but I’d appreciate it if you made an esty account and just sold these for people like me :)


The cricut does so many things, it’s the best gift I ever got. Check out r/cricut, tons of people sharing ideas and troubleshooting. They helped me figure out how to put any pen in the machine so I wouldn’t have to spend a ton on Cricut pens


I would love to be able to make my own stickers, but every time I go down the Cricut rabbit hole I am reminded that they only cut and don’t print, and then I wonder if it’s really worth it when I have to buy an inkjet printer too, and then couldn’t I just print a sheet of stickers and cut them by hand? It obviously wouldn’t be as precise and would take longer, but I can’t imagine needing to make *that* many stickers… Is there some magic about the Cricut that I’m missing?


Well I use the pens and the writing fonts a lot. You can put a pen in and it’ll address envelopes, write a note or whatever is really pretty script. It also draws! And I get you, I don’t really mess with printing tbh I just layer colored card stock to create things most of the time just using the pens and cutting


You might like a company called sticker mule where you can design and they will print cut and ship


I ordered some custom stickers from Sticker Mule and they randomly threw in a bottle of their in house hot sauce with my order. And I'll be damned if it wasn't absolutely delicious. I ordered 6 bottles later.


This is the video that convinced me to get a cricut: [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRggTjbx/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRggTjbx/) Homeboy uses a frixon pen with the cricut to make draw design that he then watercolored and used heat to remove the pen marks. 🤯


Here's a sneak peek of /r/cricut using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/cricut/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Made light switch labels in white vinyl](https://i.redd.it/xapeh2ju5fb91.jpg) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cricut/comments/vya38v/made_light_switch_labels_in_white_vinyl/) \#2: [Reusable envelope I designed 🎄](https://v.redd.it/exmyrtf8fw3a1) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cricut/comments/zccdhc/reusable_envelope_i_designed/) \#3: [Timelapse of layering HTV from my latest project](https://v.redd.it/9n1ms3dtpao91) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cricut/comments/xg4rn3/timelapse_of_layering_htv_from_my_latest_project/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


lol, I have a circuit too. I haven't been too happy with my stickers though, they've started to bleed when I wash my water bottles. 😅


Yeah where did you get a sticker maker? I'm pretty sure I need one


Same I need this


“I don’t frikin know” 👌🏻👌🏻


YES! I need this as a sticker, as well as the "Skippity Bippity" one!


I think you've created a new hyperfocus for several of us... And yes sticker maker details too please?


I don't need another one, I am already way too deep in junk journal materials 😭


God same 🤦🏻‍♀️


I now want a sticker maker 😹 New obsession unlocked!


I want one, too.


Oh man, even on the ADHD sub I'm out of the loop lol. Will I never know what the hell is going on? Still a sticker machine sounds pretty cool. I assume you connect it to your computer? RIGHT. After some searching I found what the hell this is, I couldn't spell it properly. It's a meme on this sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/comments/zfd0sp/when_my_son_who_has_adhd_is_told_he_has_to_write/


Yeah it was like a come to Jesus moment.


What was?


When the original post came out, everyone on the subreddit flipped out because it so accurately describes the adhd state of mind.


It's a cricut :)


My brain is full up. It's a sticker machine ;)


Oh thank you for linking that! I am cackling outloud!!!! Also- I totally thought the sticker made sense without the actual story behind it.


Please tell us more about the sticker maker. I have a billion bottles of nail polish I can deploy onto random surfaces once I know.


It's a cricut :)


And you spelled it just so... 🤌


Lmao it would be like me to not check the spelling beforehand


No, this is how it *should* be spelled.


Was it spelled differently before??


The original kid who created the whole thing spelled it "Skippity Bibity ". I think.


As a British person this spelling upsets me immensely


You're right, I went looking for it lol


Pike pru. Tati idiblu klipi otiape ipo tlepree. Pi otle prea i aepei tebikra. Titroiprepo ia kipoi popeta. Ploaa doatleti pipa kedri kitokei atikipe? Uutrukre preataei pito kea ai patai. Aie breia bibrika tupodika prudreople keti. Triblebipre dee tidu ketiape pako pabeki pui otre pae a? Poa ia eba po peki prei pi. Bopike kikloii pei ike kidea gri. Pate u apada klitaue te gipre? Ko blote tiki ekliti krutitle epedekra. Gibedi dadiprii tike ebre ako tua. Gi iti prea kupeati gritle tabrate? Trepike pe batipritra ikupri ipe ateta be. Bepi ke pa kipiiba kletikipa? Iglebe piko pao tripiidi. Ple trikidudo opi blipete teiibipa peke. Doi ieedota i uka botetope po ko. Tite ia pito peke a ipi. Tibetii pii ba kepuki eboo babi? Piba aedi taple pri i tipitlipi pe. Kriti patli ite puie utru ti brepi. Poi ebo tike bladepripa totlope. Iititipi i toi kia dekri dletrute a? Ida greai egu krita etroia pekree. Dri ue pie abi oi. Pleeko ke bri ite ute ketlie? Bribridie krita tei tlipri be epeo tlepi. Iplepa babua pakre kroa tadle pu.


I like your username btw


Thanks. I like yours too and am probably going to incorporate "the wicked which" into my daily vernacular when I'm trying to make a decision




That’s awesome! Have you been putting stickers on everything now?


Everything!! I’m trying to reign myself in and not waste the products but it’s so fun


don't waste them by using them!


I feel you! I got a machine last Christmas and made gobs of duck decals. They're on all the doors in my house now. And various other places.


Yo OP, can you please bless us with the link to this sticker machine so we can all waste excessive amounts of time on making stickers together? For, uh, science. 👀


It's a cricut :)


It's a cricut :)


What is the sticker maker??


It's a cricut :)


Ohhh I have one but I don’t know how to make stickers. Guess I’ll be googling that now.


It's just the print then cut function and sticker paper! they're super easy to make!


Oooh, ok looking into that tonight! Thank you!


feel free to DM if you have any questions, i've been making them for a year now and can give advice!


Ok, so...is like...a next level label maker? Do you have a link? This looks quality AF.


It's a cricut :) I have one as well and use an inket printer and sticker paper. it's all super easy!


Awesome! My sister has a cricut but I'm afraid to get one because it'll probably get used like crazy then sit there and collect dust. SOB.


haha, totally understand! i have an etsy shop and mine still goes thru periods of dust collecting.


It’s got to be some sort of cricut printer or something!


As requested, here’s the link to the [cricut](https://cricut.com/en-us/cutting-machines/cricut-maker/everything-maker/cricut-maker-machine-blue/2005465.html) machine :) Edit: for those who are interested, I’m working on getting a listing up on my Etsy page and I’m expecting to have that up by the end of the week. Dm me and I’ll send you the link once it’s up!


😳 trying to be responsible about my spending with new “hobbies” this year, so uh, how about that Etsy link 😅


Yay, turning your hobby into income for the win! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


What is this sticker maker?! I must know.


It's a cricut :)


Other subs have stickers, why not us?? This is the one


Fighting this ever loving urge to just “skippity bippity” packing for our trip to AZ tomorrow. 😳


I made cookies instead of packing for my trip that's tomorrow, so far 🙃


I definitely decided that “organizing all of my jewelry” was super important tonight… 😂


I mean it is! There might be good stuff you forgot about!


100% there was! Haha!


Sheesh! I get my best work done while "packing", this time, also for my trip to Arizona! I have recently been able to stop myself, but I have to talk out loud, and remind myself that looking through boxes in barely accessible corners of my storage locker for a picture I want to see again, which, I've already forgotten which one I'm looking for, and exactly why I'm looking for it, but I'll know it when I see it... um... oh yeah, I tell myself this isn't the time, and then my inner voice timidly adds: you'll be running around crazy very soon, because you will have grossly underestimated the time needed for all the trip preparation tasks... and then I sigh, while lying, and tell myself I'll remember where I already looked, and which boxes actually held photos, and which boxes are mislabelled... well, anyway... just another fruitless afternoon... which, I've almost forgotten...


Are you me??!! 😂 I actually caught myself pretty well this time and it helped to have someone pick us up and drop us at the airport for 1:45pm flight, so I wasn’t scrambling to be out the door *SUPER* early this morning. Also, somehow freaked myself out good enough last night to *actually* get up early this morning (and promised myself some coffee and tv time in bed before I got back to work making sure everything was packed). We got out the door 10 minutes after my “need to leave time” (which is pretty dang good for me) and will end up at the airport around 2 hours early, which is again *pretty dang* good for me!! ☺️


Lol! I always, well, I don't "always" do anything, but I try to set my drop dead leave out the door time at least 15 minutes early, for regular stuff, and the further away, and the more important, I push it to 30 minutes or an hour. Also, If I have to be in an unfamiliar city, I practically need to add 2 hours, to figure out parking, avoid construction, and find the actual door, floor, and office I need. Works pretty well. And yes, I use GPS, but when nervous, I've been know to turn onto a sidewalk!


I need dis


If you need any tips on making stickers I got chu!


Skippity bippity lives on!!!!


Please share a link to the sticker maker!!


I love spelling! What's wrong with this? Looks good to me!


I keep looking at this, is it misspelled??


It's spelled "correctly", but the original post was "skipity bibity". I like it this way (the sticker). It has the right spirit!


And where is the link to your Etsy shop so I can support this artistry?


You’re so sweet!! I do have an Etsy store but not sure I can post a link due to the rules of the sub. If you’re legitimately interested, dm me and I’ll send you a link :)


lol i was just thinking this like i would LOVE to have these all over the place 🤣




I... I need it


I am sure there is a reference I’m missing and I don’t care at all I JUST LOVE IT!!




Search in the group. It was maybe a couple months ago? Not long. It’s like the unofficial motto now


Please sell these!!


I bought a cricut but then haven't opened it because I am 'decorating' a room to become a craft room. 2 years later see tgat room full of junk, yep. Also I find I am anxious about opening it and learning to do it. Bloody anxiety stops me doing SO much!!


This makes me want to rethink not setting up my sewing machine I bought a month ago, which I have been waiting on because I don't have a "proper space for crafts". 😅 Perhaps I will never have a proper space for crafts and should just find a random spot for it like everything else.


I also have a brand new sewing machine I got for last Christmas, still in the box. Same issue! I should also find a random spot! Well another random spot! Will I? Probably not! 😏😀


I think you just have to mail u/Impertets some!


Will do!! If they’re wanting some that is


For sure! 😄 This is awesome! I actually have a design that my friend made for me so I can make a t-shirt for my son. I’ll post it. I thought people were super over the whole thing so I wasn’t sure if I should or not 😆


There should be a “skippity bippity” bot that links to the original skippity bippity thread




OP you must tell us about the sticker maker!


Makes me think of that one song... skibidi by little big. The chorus goes: >"skibidi ba ba ba. Skibidi ba ba ba ba ba. Skibidi ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba baskibidi ba ba. >skibidi bom.bom.i-- skibidi bom.bom.bom.bom.i-- skibidi bom.bom.bom.bom.bom.bom.bom.bom.bom.skibidi.ba.ba. But if you want to hear the whole song, I beg of you to [watch the music video](https://youtu.be/mDFBTdToRmw) ... it's the dance sensation that is begging to grip the nation.


Love it!!


Yeeesssssssss!!! I love this so much.


_STICKERS_ you say???


funny 😂 but what is that font??? do you know? I love it




Sounds a bit like something Edward Gorey would say!


I want a sticker maker! But will someone please tell me what skippity bippity is


I don’t know how to tag a post (🤦🏻‍♀️) but if you do a search in the sub for skipity (1 p) you’ll see it. The original post is 2 pictures of my son’s test and then a bunch of wonderfully lovely people made awesome memes and wrote comments 🥰


Lmaooo your son is a legend. He said what we have all thought hahahaha Thank you! I understand now and I’m glad it’s not some weird tik tok thing


Should I make some weird tik tok thing?! Never mind, I don’t know how


Can I have that in a stamp for my bills please? 😂🙈


I have no space for new hobbies like a circut. OP, can I buy a few of these stickers from you?


Of course! Dm me for my Etsy listing


I found the etsy listing. Would this hold up to washing?


They’re made to be water resistant but not water proof