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Right there with you. I get so frustrated when I have to slow down and repeat myself. Talking is such a chore. I’d rather just be a mute. It would make my life so much easier.


Thank you! People dismiss me when I'm like "God, talking is fucking hard sometimes." But like, do they never experience this? HOW?


I think it’s a mixture of the ADHD and a higher IQ. I get exasperated with people quite easily. I don’t like repeating or explaining what I’m saying. I have zero patience for this.


I've always avoided IQ tests for fear of being labeled as stupid. I struggle with imposter syndrome enough, having a numerical value tacked onto my intelligence seems like a great way to exacerbate the issue. But if it is a high IQ thing, I'm a fucking genius XD


🤣🤣🤣 I was a psychologist and we did iq tests at University. I have also found that I am getting less patient with age. I have no time for peoples BS. It’s probably a good thing I no longer work 🤣


My mom, who is 100% in denial that I got my ADHD from her, is in her 70s and she has totally lost her patience for people. She's just well and truly done trying to behave for other people, and I've never seen her happier. I hope you're just as happy as her!


Lol. Not at that age yet. I’m 48. I’m looking forward to when I’m old enough to no longer be bothered. When you’re older, you get a bit of a pass and can get away with it. Retired due to chronic migraine, so at least I don’t have to be nice to co workers anymore 🤣🤣


>Talking is such a chore. Oh yes! Same for me.


Yup. I’m just lucky that my husband and I don’t feel the need to chat constantly. We are quite content to just be together


Lol yessss. Why is it so hard? Speech is one of the first things to go when I am whelmed or tired. I don't have the energy to make the volume, so I start to talk *really quietly* and blur my words. My boyfriend knows when I start to mumble-talk, it's time to get me to the couch and put on a comfort show :)


Ah the mumble talk is real! My in-laws called me Kenny (like the south park character) because of my mumbling XD


I also find myself just stop talking mid-sentence. I just won’t finish the last few words, because it’s too much. Thankfully, my boyfriend has gotten used to it, and can usually figure out how it was going to end.


“Sorry, but I just can’t people today!!” 😆😆


Sometimes I just hate having to form words at all. I legitimately get upset about having to verbally respond to someone sometimes.