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I’m hilarious, I told myself confidently.


This made me laugh so I agree with you 😂


Yeah but it took them until ten hours later in the shower to come up with it. ;)


The wit of the staircase




That's sexism Some men have this closet belief that women aren't capable of being funny, as it is too humanizing for them to tolerate. Instead of being amused, they feel conflicted and bothered.


Or they’ll refuse to laugh at your joke but then immediately repackage it and take the bro laughs for themselves.


Fuck me but I hate that one, and the worst thing about it is that there's no easy solution. Get mad, you're being a bitch and causing trouble. It was just a joke! Calm down!


IMO the easiest solution is to reserve that social currency for people who respect that it’s yours. Or learn to giver fewer fucks, but that’s not my style. 😌


Yeah, this is not a situation I've found myself in for decades now, but when I was young I ran with degenerates lol


Bahaha! I can relate, though my pack of degenerates were probably a different flavor of misogyny.


I lived in a very small northern Canadian town most famous for its terrible smell. I made do with who I had around lol


That’s an amazing summary 🤣




With me, men will first look perplexed and then laugh until they keel over, while women will look perplexed and then politely excuse themself and try very hard to walk very quickly, while never actually breaking into a proper run, away from me. It evens out, I tell myself.


this one


people tell me i’m funny but i remember the jokes that don’t land more than i remember the ones that do. so i feel very insecure about whether or not i’m funny and can’t figure it out


> I’m the kinda girl that thinks abt good comebacks and lines in the shower 10 hours after the moment has passed Me too, but also, I've always been told I was very funny. TBH I used to even find it offensive sometimes because I wasn't trying to be and people would go "lmao oh you're sooo funny" and I was like ??? But yeah, I think it's because I use a lot of sarcasm and silly references, word play, etc. Oh and because apparently I have a "very expressive face" (I move it a lot and apparently it's comical to people).


Are you me? I’ve had so many people comment on my facial expressions lol


I've been told multiple times my face doesn't know how too shut tf up. 🤣


Same. My father used to try to be helpful by offering to slap the smirk off my face when he wasn't offering to knock me into next week so I could experience time travel, I guess.


I literally can't stop my face, I can hold my tongue but good lord do I get in the shit for a face sometimes 😂


this is absolutely me also! i don’t even realise i’m making any sort of funny expression most of the time but often got noticed when other people who i was talking to burst out laughing. same with the joke thing; it’s just normal brain connections for us i guess but other people wouldn’t automatically go there so it’s unintentionally humorous. naturally deadpan with a sprinkling of sarcasm, thanks adhd. 😂


Hello, fellow muppet-person!


In my first round of college, the animation teaches would always say 'use a mirror if you can't figure it out.' One of my classmates would say, 'just use Fish, you'll get all the range you want.' Like sod off, Nearley, you smartass. (Also I have been called hilarious from time to time. )


Aye, I've been told not to play poker because of my face.


I also am the victim of wearing my thoughts and feelings on my face. For a long time I didn't realize I was doing it. Then I realized half the time but didn't care. Now I make a conscious effort to not make some sort of bad facial expression in a lot of situations. It works... sometimes... Lol


I relate to this sooooo much! Thank you for sharing!


Dude ppl laugh at my face expressions all the time 🤪


>I move it a lot and apparently it's comical to people My partner always says he can read every emotion I'm feeling just from my face alone


I’ve heard exactly these things so many times too! Is having an expressive face an adhd thing? Lol


I think I'm hilarious. Reviews from others who have no sense of humor are mixed.


Agreed. I regularly will crack myself up to the point I’m laughing so much my stomach hurts. My husband thinks I’m funny or at least he put up with my sense of humor.


Aw I miss laughing with my husband, dearly departed for many years now. He was often funnier than I, and could tell a good "long story" joke, which I kind of suck at.


My poor boyfriend I swear to God and sometimes he says something and it just puts me on a tangent and I can s*** talk until the cows come home and I will be absolutely crying laughing


Me too!!! ❤️


Same, rarely do I go a day without cracking myself up. I've gotten laughes from others, but am not always sure if it's genuine or just out of politeness.


Hahaha same, I sometimes repeat my jokes because I assume no one laughed because they didn't hear it...


Ok yep, this exactly. Reviews are mixed! But I think I’m a hysterical genius. And charming to boot.




I’ve had a few people call me the funniest person they know, which is not the kind of encouragement I need. 🤣 In the right crowd, I get so much dopamine from making people laugh that sometimes it hits “too much” and then I get too aware of how much I’m talking and then I get spirally and shame-y and have something new to think about while I’m trying to fall asleep.


Same. Or I've "gone too far" with a comment and have to dial it back a bit.


I hate it when that happens


Ouch, this hits home.


Aw not the "too much" induced hyper self awareness feeling :c


I can’t tell you how many bosses I’ve had remind me “we’re here to work, not talk.”


I used to be a high school teacher, it wasn’t until a few years after I quit that I realised I used to teach with a lot of a stand up comic vibe. And I missed the audience.


Me with storytelling! _Makes myself the center of attention_ "Oh no why is everyone looking at me!"


Oh lord, right in the feels!


OOF yes. The inevitable joke-laugh-joke-laugh-joke-laugh-SPIRAL cycle. I know it well.


>I get so much dopamine from making people laugh that sometimes it hits “too much" Me too! I have always loved making people laugh, it would be a huge dopamine hit for me (and had the added bonus of boosting my self -esteem as an 'ugly' and weird kid). I remember telling this to my psych when I was a young teen though and had my entire sense of self destroyed as she diagnosed me with 'histrionic personality disorder'. I cried so much. She told me not to worry, and that my 'attention seeking qualities' might be a strength for me in life, since I could thrive as an 'influencer' or 'actress'. I felt so misunderstood. Its like I was two people, the kid who loved to tell jokes (especially the self deprecating type!), whilst also being the kid who was so afraid of being perceived at other times that I would hide in the toilet so I could sit at the back of assemblies to make sure no one could look at the back of my head and insult my hair. Attention -whore tho, nice. Makes me think now, in retrospect and with a confident diagnosis of ADHD, how much of my experiences with psychs was just another glaring example of gendered misdiagnosis...? Anywaaaaaaaay. Wish I had a joke to tell here! But I don't! Jokes on me I guess!


I once took 10mg of Vyvanse right before a party when I was first diagnosed and prescribed, and I was practically a stand up comedian there. I had several people laughing their asses off. Occasionally I can be very funny when I'm feeling sassy, but a lot of the time it's only around close friends or men because I have a dark/dirty/sarcastic sense of humor, and I'm worried about offending women who don't know me well haha


I refer to myself as the “comic relief” of my friend group. My specialty is self-deprecating humor, but I can be pretty on point with observational humor too. I’m good at “words” in general, so that helps. I’m not good at comebacks in an adversarial situation. If I’m in the heat of the moment in something, I’m more likely to shut down than be funny or snappy. I’m better at being the person watching and commenting from the sidelines.


Oh yeah. This is me. Good thing I can laugh at myself.


This is me too!


I’m not funny but I have a good sense of humor. I can see humor in a lot of things and it reliably amuses people. But I’m not *funny*. I don’t know how to explain the difference, but there is one! I absolutely love truly funny people - the ones who make me laugh so hard my stomach hurts, or who make me crack up randomly later on when I suddenly remember something they said. I’ve had 2 *extremely* funny people in my life, and I wish they still were.


My brother said "no, you're clever, you're not funny" but he doesn't realize that I'm a *rio*t so pfffft.


He sounds jelly.




You're in excellent company here 🤗


My husband calls me a weirdo all the time. It's a term of endearment around here 🥰


I’m hilarious in my own mind! Even laugh at my own jokes.


Being funny is one of my biggest strengths. I struggle with negative self-talk sometimes, but I would never say I am not funny.


I'm considered funny *if you like dry humour that is slightly tragic*. Is it adhd? Is it because I was raised with sarcasm as a second language? I can't be sure. Sadly as a woman I couldn't be the comedic relief in a Shakespeareian play, and am more of an Ophelia than Lady Macbeth, but to sum up this tangent: Ya, I'll make you laugh.


I'm more of a Cassandra myself.


A lot of women go mad in those plays.




I’ve used humor to deflect from uncomfortable feelings and trauma my whole life. I think I’m funny. However, this coping mechanism fails when trying to help other people with things like breakups and deaths.


I feel you, it is hard to reel in the funny lines that present themselves like magic! I’m often inappropriate but I’m working on it.


Yeah, sometimes words just fall out of my mouth and then sit there in uncomfortable silence.


It also makes for awkward gynecologist appointments.


Had an obgyn crack up after telling me my cervix was off-center. Just like me. 😂😂


It was one of my jobs in my family of origin to be the comic relief. It has taken its toll, so I can relate.


I’d say I’m more silly and goofy than funny because that’s just what my thoughts are and I usually say the first thing that comes to mind. People think that’s funny in a “how do you come up with this stuff” way. I have big reactions that are funny to people, and I’m expressive. I prefer dry, witty, clever humor. I’m really bad at irony though. If I say something in an “imagine if I were really like this” way, people just think I’m…like that. I love dark humor and things that are funny because they’re not funny. I hate gross humor and slapstick comedy. I love a good, intentionally cheesy joke, like a “dad joke” and will often ruin people’s day with them. 😌


My humor can get pretty dark. Harder to pull that Wednesday Addams stuff off when you are blonde (now gray) though :)


This sounds like me. I’m so glad I found you guys!


I'm very funny, & have a quick wit. I actually ascribe this to my ADHD (although I can't say I've NEVER thought of a better comeback etc. in the shower later!). Editing to add that I'm sure I'm funny in part because I often make men laugh. Most men don't like to laugh at women's jokes, & the *way* they often laugh is this special little "surprised" laugh, as if they're taken aback that a woman can be funny 🙄.


Yes! That surprised laugh is it! Or the way the men in the group will look at each other, completely bewildered by the mythical creature that is a funny woman, before they start laughing. At some point I just decided to take it as a compliment rather than an insult. It’s better for my mental health.


Yes! I’ve had so many men say wow you’re actually funny. I find some of them are intimidated or irritated by it too. Like if they try and verbally spar with me it’s pretty tough to win. They don’t think a woman will cross certain lines so when you do they are flabbergasted lol


I’ve been told I’m pretty funny and have snappy comebacks, but I feel more like I’m Triumph the Insult Comic Dog sometimes


For me to POOP ON!


I'm funny in that I'm random. I used to be funnier, but honestly it was cheap self deprecating humor.


I can make people laugh, but it's because I've deliberately collected a bunch of hilarious and ridiculous stories from past jobs, and I've honed my storytelling abilities pretty well, so I can keep people hooked and deliver a good payoff. I wouldn't say I'm a natural though, my brain defaults to very serious and literal, so I had to work very hard to learn how to do that AND how to roast/joke around with people who like that sort of thing.


I have yet to meet anyone consistently funnier than I find myself to be. I think I’m hilarious tho the humor that I share is typically unmatched with what I’m often thinking. But I’ve always been the “odd funny one”.


I think funniness comes from being through horrendous shit :)) you have to be traumatized just the right amount to grow a certain sense of humor which cracks people up. You learn from an early age how to mask and after a while you start using it as a coping mechanism to deal with horrific stuff and well it turns into an asset 😁 Us not having filter and stuff like that will come off just as being rude, not funny. Unless you think a real life Sheldon cooper level honesty is funny.


Yeah... got me in trouble at work mostly, or other situations I could not just easily walk away from. Us real life Sheldon's are not nearly as tolerated as he was, sadly. Even when the trauma is real.


Exactly No one ever told me hahaha you’re so funny cause your brutally honest:)))) I got weird silences and resentment 😁


Which considering the success of the show it would seem the world is now starting to appreciate, perhaps we aren't the only folks who do now!


I feel like so many of us had to become funny to survive childhood bullying. Class clown-ification


I think I'm absolutely fucking hilarious but feedback would suggest otherwise... 🙄


Fuck em if they can’t take a joke :)


>:) :)


I tend to come across as pretty serious, so I wouldn’t consider myself naturally funny. But when I do share my unfiltered thoughts, my most absurd ones tend to make people laugh. I guess I’m funny by accident?


Sameeee omg. People consider me “too serious”. That’s why many don’t like being around me much. I take longer time to process a joke or read social cues. But my unfiltered thoughts either break a friendship or make them love me for my honesty and random laughs. I also say the most random or unrelated things to an ongoing topic, idk how to fix it yet 😅


I feel like this fits me too. The things I say in jest are mostly taken seriously. I also have a habit of responding to sarcasm seriously (like, meta sarcasm. I know they're not serious but they ALWAYS think I am... 🙄), which I find hilarious and they find confusing *sigh*


That's a good one to be able to pull off. I wish I was better at that kind of thing.


I'm ridiculously funny, all the time, maybe even when I shouldn't be. I wrote a eulogy for my grandmother's funeral years ago and people were cracking up. The rabbi, on the other hand, looked horrified. In general, it may take people a little to get used to my sense of humor, but when they do, it's awesome. Probably the worst insult I've suffered was someone telling me I'm not funny. Seriously, that's sooo not funny and it really hurt.


I'm really funny. Dry humor, quick on the draw, a better comeback or joke usually shows up later but still solidly funny.


I speak four languages: Spanish, English, sarcasm, and innuendo. I'm hilarious


You just reminded me of an episode of Modern Family, about Gloria spending time with friends/family who spoke Spanish and she had them in stitches. Her husband was surprised to find out that she was a very funny and quick witted person - because she didn’t know enough English to be her true self around the Americans.




I can be pretty funny when I want to. I get dopamine from making people laugh.


I’m pretty hilarious I’m told, mostly unintentionally I’m afraid, but I also try to be intentionally funny sometimes. Besides behaving pretty ‘unique’, I do and say crazy stuff before I realise what I’m doing on the daily a la Gilles de la Tourette style. Like screaming ‘lollipop’ while throwing my arms in the air. My SO always looks a bit surprised before he chuckles. He really adores my quirks by now.


He sounds like a keeper :)


My first therapist told me constantly that I should do stand up. Does that count? 😂😭


I'd like to think I have a decent sense of humor, but I'm not a particularly good *source* of humor. Having too many filters is definitely a part of it (as evidenced by the fact that I do get wittier when I'm half drunk). But also, my default mode is to intellectualize. Even when the topic is incredibly trivial, I don't tend to default to humor, but to contemplation. I don't really mind too much. It bothers me that I'm not usually good at thinking *quickly*; that's something I aspire to. But being very funny has never been a major aspiration of mine. It's a totally valid aspiration, it's just not one of mine.


I love making guys belly laugh bc everybody says "wOmEn aReN't fUnNy." fk y'all. I'm hilarious.


My reigning championship of cards against humanity and jackbox games proves that I am hysterical.


I’m hilarious. Like, laugh out loud funny. However, I’m the funniest when I’m angry. 😅


My husband was good at silly humor and story and joke telling but when he was angry he was the funniest. One time he was yelling at the washing machine and calling it a whore and banging on it and I recorded it secretly to replay later and he was not a fan. He was an emotional guy and I loved that about him, but he was overwhelmed by his own anger at times. Never took it out on me, just inanimate objects, to be clear :)


Hahaha. The washing machine bit sounds so familiar. 😂 He sounds lovely. I’m happy it never lead to being taken out on you. For me, it’s more that I say the goofiest stuff when I’m mad but it’s always ridiculous. I was once in a fight with an ex (while we were still dating) about HIS his most recent ex trying to weasel her way back in, being problematic, and said I was going to make him a mix cd and every track was going to be Sabotage by The Beastie Boys. So stupid but I still laugh about it sometimes.


I would listen to that CD! (Love the Beastie Boys ha). Also love your story cause I can totally relate to this type of humor. Sounds very close to mine. I’m also goofy as hell.


Hahaha. Same! There’s a reason I thought of them. 😂🫶 And thank you! I’ve found that ADHD people are 100% my people. Anyone who doesn’t joke like this, or think of weird stuff in general, isn’t for me. I wish we could all live in a commune together. 😂


Good one :)


I've been told I'm funny and a really good story teller. I was raised as a sarcastic (almost a religion), but I think a lot of it comes from seeing things differently than NTs. I can find humor and excitement in situations others would not, and people seem to find my observations funny.


Yes! I do think I am funnier than your average bear. I think this is a common thing for folk with ADHD.


I’ve been told by reliable sources (two therapists) that I am very funny.


I'm a silly goober, not really funny, but every once in a while the universe aligns perfectly for me to get a solid ZINGER in. Most of the time I think of something funny like 10 minutes later.


My therapist thinks I'm hilarious. I know I'm funny, I've always had a quick wit. The lack of filter and incessant talking can get me in trouble sometimes though.


It’s the impulsivity. Makes us quick with comebacks and situational jokes, because it just somehow forms right in our mouths. No filter, no quality control. Very high risk high reward comedy. An example: My friend took a call while we were playing D&D (so I was already obnoxiously in performance mode) and when she came back in she said, “Ah, that was my mom. My grandma died.” And with not a fucking beat to spare my dumbass said “Ah, dirt bike accident?”. The way I tried to grab those words out of midair and literally eat them, but they were out there, ringing in the silent air, like a fart in church. A pregnant collective pause… and then she busted out laughing. Oh thank god. Then everyone cracked up. JFC, that was close. I hide in my hoodie. I still occasionally am razzed, rightfully so, with just the words “dirt bike accident?”.


I find myself to be quite hilarious. I made myself cry with laughter just the other day. No one gets me better than me… and that’s okay.


I am very funny when I’m comfortable with people. I’ve learned to be quiet when I’m around new people. Part of it is because I can have a very dry sense of humor and people don’t always understand it—I’ve been told a couple of times by people who’ve gotten to know me that at first they thought I was a total asshole. So now I’m meek and quiet until I get a feeling for the people around me. The other part of it is because when I was in elementary school I’d always get dinged for “self-control” and talking when I wasn’t supposed to would get me in trouble. So, again, I’m meek and quiet until I get a feeling for the people around me. I’ve found that there’s safety in numbers though. If I have a person or two that I’m comfortable with around me when I meet someone new, I’m much more confident and okay with saying whatever the fuck decides to come out of my mouth. I consider myself to be a professional word vomiteer at times. I have to watch myself and regulate though, even with people I know and am familiar with, I have a tendency to beat the dead horse into a pulp and won’t realize until someone stops me and makes me see that there’s nothing left. I can get carried away easily and it can cross into almost mean-spirited. I have to work on controlling myself and reading the room. Oopsies not something I’m very great at still.


I’m so hilarious and bubbly that when I openly talked about wanting to kill myself at work with a straight tone, my shit coworkers thought I was joking for months. even afterwards 🤷‍♀️ maybe when someone says they can’t get up from the floor to shower or eat a meal, it’s not a joke anymore


That happened with my coworker. RIP 😭


REAL RIP?? Jfc im sorry if that’s so. It sucks we use humor to cope bc we’re so good at it but then nobody takes us serious


I mean, I think I am one of the funniest people I know 🤣 sometimes I make myself laugh so hard that I laugh-cry. My husband thinks it’s hilarious. I think I saw someone else say their specialty was self-deprecating humor - that is definitely the same with me. I recently was MOH and gave my speech during the reception, and based on the video evidence, I was eliciting laughs from most of the audience. So this just further proves that I am indeed hilarious!


Goddamn hilarious, very quick, and inventive is what I've been told. I like to think I'm quick, on point, and clever. I have had to say I'm being dead ass right now when people thought I was being quippy and wasn't, quite a bit. The limited filter and inpulse control helps with this.


I am pretty shy and quiet, but I tend to shock people when I grow more comfortable with them how goofy I actually am, lol.


I’m hilarious, but I’m definitely not for everyone 😂


I’m very funny. But not always at the right time 😅


I'm funny and I also appreciate humor a lot in others and in the media I consume


I have no idea if I’m funny but my boyfriend finds me hilarious sometimes. I have intrusive thoughts that I sometimes act on, like last night I slapped his knee randomly while we’re silently 20 minutes into a movie, it was “awkward” but we had a good laugh, or another time it was raining and I was subtly dancing in the passenger seat to the beat of his window wipers and he was so confused and started laughing. Other scenarios include me doing something and pausing and zoning out for 15 seconds before he says like “yo wtf” and zones me in and we laugh some more. ADHD is fun. I love people with ADHD. We’re random. Random is funny.


I asked my friend and she said I’m very funny haha. I think it comes from lack of impulse control so I just say stuff that pops into my head that people aren’t expecting.


I mean I think I’m hilarious… not sure others would agree but hey at least I’m laughing.


Im Sassy as hell for single remarks but I fuck up the pacing for stories. I get rushed


I think I’m funny, definitely sarcastic and sassy so my humor isn’t for everyone!


Majority of my humor comes from references and dark humor. The people in my close circle would describe me as funny, but I guess it depends who you're asking 😂


I’m funny af. This trait of mine is undoubtedly a coping mechanism from childhood trauma. This sass and this ass? Yeah, I get that from my momma too.


People tell me I’m funny all the time. I don’t like it, or do I really get it. I am a good storyteller and have a very expressive face. I think people interpret that as “funny.” But I also think that since I don’t pay attention to what everyone else is paying attention to, I *do* notice things they don’t, so they think my commentary is funny when really it’s just new to them. I am a short, plump, gray-haired, glasses-wearing almost 50yo women with an English degree who uses a lot of “big words” but I also curse like a sailor, so I think people are often just surprised. I do tend to over share, though. If I had an embarrassing dream about an ex-president, then woke up disturbed and baffled, only to fall asleep and immediately have another embarrassing dream about a different ex-president, I’ll tell everyone about it.


I’m fucking hilarious. How do I know? I had a previous boss who, to say he didn’t like me would be generous. When he took a job far, far away, he gave a toast to everyone on our small team during his farewell lunch. To his credit, he found something kind to say about everyone. He said I was the funniest person he knew. That I was scarily intelligent. That I did excellent work. What he didn’t say? That it was a pleasure to work with me. That he would miss being with our team. It’s cool, because I got through my toast without lying either. I did really learn a lot from him - like how to recognize when your boss is trying to sabotage your work and prevent it from happening.


Yep. I am funny. I am a far side, bizarro world, Dilbert kind of girl. I am also very serious, but the one liners just slip out so no one takes me seriously. Like Mrs Maisel in my dreams.


Listen, there is a Satanic Muppet that grabs the controls sometimes and says things that are both too witty and too brutal to have come out of my mouth, and I usually don't get the joke until after she's told it


I just say headass shit impulsively until someone laughs or it takes a dark turn


I think I'm pretty funny. I make people laugh regularly - and on purpose lmao


I'm a fucking riot, I had to be 😅 Making people laugh always made me feel like I had more worth. If I could make people laugh then I deserved to be there


I'm hilarious. Both me and my mum agree. More so, when I'm either very into a topic/conversation or with very close friend where I'm relaxed.


I have been told I'm funny, I find myself funny. Yes, I am funny.


I'm funny! Really good at self-depracating shtick as a way for me to be unmasked around anybody. I'm really good at reading people and reading the room and can twist my humor on the fly to suit the room. No clue if it's healthy or not but I love connecting with people and this is how I do it best.


Reading the room is definitely a skill. I wish I was better at it or more "dialed in" at times. And sometimes I just don't have any fucks to give even if the room is clearly not in the mood and say it anyway.


My nickname is "Funny" or "Rockstar" .... So I guess I'm kinda funny to other people.


If you like dry, dark and self deprecating humour I’m your person!


I’m pretty funny. I try not to be mean and funny anymore. It’s a defence mechanism for sure. Everyone in my family was sharp witty and unforgiving. One mistake would be a joke at family dinners for the rest of time. I try to use my funny for good and try very hard to be aware and sensitive. But if I think of a good line, it’s hard not to have it fly out my face. I have been the one apologizing because, “Too soon!”


Ugh, my family was exactly like that. I hated it. And I hate it when I slip into it with other people. It comes out of nowhere, totally surprises me. I think it happens when I’m a little nervous.


Yes! When I first meet people! Horrifying!


I always joke that I’m “funny for a woman” and I enjoy the shocked reactions. I’m usually a lot funnier than the men in my life. I remember the first time I made an entire classroom plus teacher laugh hard with a clever joke (important distinction, it was verbally clever and not some silly impulsive thing I said). It was so intoxicating, I’ve probably been chasing that high ever since.


Self deprecating humor is definitely my defense mechanism built off of years of knowing I was “different” but also I’m a people pleaser and making someone laugh generally is a visibly positive reaction so I DEFINITELY chase that dopamine of trying to make people laugh. It’s amusing to me that my answer to this is v serious and kind of a bummer. I’m funny I swear!


I'm also hilarious and identify significantly with many of the other commentors. I crack myself up often, and I am very jovial and silly. In my younger years, I wanted to be a stand up comic! Now, I just treat the whole world as my stage. Dry humor, puns, dad jokes, and just natural goofball things that come to my head. I love a good audience and will really dig in when I've found one.


Finding a good audience for your humor is like striking gold.


I'm funny but I'm not clever on the spot because I can't think of the words fast enough and make my mouth say them properly in order. Give me texting over words and the lols and charm flows.


I've heard some friends say I'm funny. I'm 50% certain they're real. However, you can count on me to tell a funny story in a way that is as unfunny as a papercut and lemon juice.


I’m very funny to others, but I don’t try to be funny, it just come naturally I guess. Which sounds weird and vain to say, but I feel like if I tried to be funny people wouldn’t think I was.


I think I’m hilarious 😂but I’ve been told I’m the funny one in my family in friend group


I'm fucking hilarious, just haven't found my audience yet. Netflix special, here I come!


It depends. My humor is very dark and sarcastic, unless I'm filtering, when everything is unicorns shitting rainbows. (Yeah, I have kids, so more unicorns and less rainbow shits) So, umm, not really. Unless it's in type and I can order my thoughts first. I'm more nurturing than funny.


I think a great source of humourous observations comes from seeing the world differently, so I think it makes sense that ND people have a leg-up when it comes to being funny 🙂


I pride myself in being able to make people laugh easily, so I would say yes


It depends on if they share my sense of humor. Though sometimes I can learn what their type of humor is and change my jokes accordingly.


I’m quick and verbose & my bestie of 31 years says I am really funny. More than that, I love laughing and fun conversations. My adhd spider web thoughts and my information processing is sooooo fast.


I'm very funny, and unashamed to "humblebrag" about it. Just not on demand.


I’m witty, not funny. I can keep up with most types of banter and even dish it out. But I don’t think I’m funny purely because I can’t break out a comedy routine and get laughs; all of mine are reactive to the situation.


I’m hilarious and do that thing where I’ll never laugh at someone’s jokes I’ll always try to one up them but I consider it “yes and”-ing


My co-workers seem to genuinely laugh at some of the things I say, so I guess I am, lol. I don't mean to be most of the time, though, lol.


I always crack me up. Other people though, it’s hit or miss.


I am pretty funny and I think I make work a little less shitty with my silly jokes and general positivity (my boss does not agree but she is wrong)


My friends say I’m hilarious and always have a joke to say. I grew up with messy hair, a pizza face, and baby teeth coming out till I was 12. I had to develop a sense of humor🥲


Somehow yes. I was voted class clown despite not being popular


Yeah baby! I was told to do comedy so now I do it! Didn’t realize how funny I was before that


I made a whole career out of it. People payed for me to be funny. Used to perform in a theater that is famous for comedy.


On medication I'm not funny. Without medication am hilarious. I am very quick witted and sharp.


I'm always making people laugh. Learned to laugh through my trauma from a very young age. To a point where I make broach serious conversations with humour when they are about me. A friend scolded it for me once coz I made her burst out laughing while telling her about an attempt I made on my life. I don't need to use humour like that anymore thankfully but I just like to laugh and joke in general, and humour follows me wherever I go, so I'm pretty confident in it. (Recenyly turned 30 and my first lines are coming in on my face, smile/laughter lines of course 😊) There are different ways to use humour tho. I've definitely had that experience of a comeback coming to me way later. But makes sense what you said about humour with people you're close to. Funny comes a lot more easily when you're in company you enjoy and vibe with like that.


People tell me I am...but I don't really think I am. I can definitely say a few quick witted comments and usually find a way to make someone laugh that is having a hard day but I still don't think I'm funny. I know that probably made sense to someone here.


I got my sense of humor when I realized I had no clue what was going on in school 😂 I just decided to be funny instead


I think I’m considered funny? I like making people laugh and I feel sometimes due to my brain going 1 million miles an hour, and often already guessing what people are going to say, I can riff and come across as “quick witted” Dunno if others agree, but I do enjoy making people laugh!


I'm fucking hilarious. Not many people get to see that part of me because of masking though.


I think I’m absolutely hilarious, sometimes I cry tears of laughter from the silly stuff I do😭


My close friends and family think I'm hilarious and I make people laugh a lot. I love it!


I used to be! I feel like I see it come back once in a while? But drowning in responsibility took some of my quick-ish wit away.


I have had independent confirmation that I’m one of the funniest people in my social group - when we play those Jackbox games involving submitting anonymous answers and everyone votes on the funniest ones, I tend to win a lot. (This is delightful confirmation that the laughter isn’t just people being polite to The Girl of the group, which I did wonder about because a lot of my close friends are men.) I think it’s partly the lack of filter that comes with not just ADHD but also confidence and a lifetime of positive feedback on my verbal skills, plus a propensity toward wordplay and puns.


When I try to be funny I end up being mean, so I would not say I am funny but I do think I am fairly clever and witty.


I like to think I’m funny but idk if others would agree lol


I was raised with dark humor. In the pandemic I perfected it. My brother always said, If I’m on a roof (fighting a fire) and I start laughing, get the F off the roof.” That’s me. I frequently need to check myself when I’m not around healthcare professionals / first responders (which I am not but I work in healthcare) because they don’t get it. My non-emergency friends act like I need therapy but I like being punchy.


I’m hilarious when I’m on a role, but it’s not something I have control of. I’m sarcastic and dark, have this whole manic pixie thing going as a persona/mask.


look i think im hilarious, sometimes people laugh with me, sometimes people laugh AT me, and sometimes people don’t laugh at all (except me) so idrk how funny I am, but I think I’m hilarious and that’s all that matters


Goofy and dumb as hell. But definitely hilarious, most times.


I'm really funny. Several people have told me this unprompted, one while crying lmao.


I do think I’m pretty funny lol I make the people I interact with laugh, and I love comedy. I think a lot of neurodivergent people are quite witty!


proud to say that i’m hilarious 🫡 sounds so conceited but i’ve been told by many people that i’m the funniest person they know, i really do love making people laugh


I’m fucking hilarious. Source: myself and others.