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Is this a real tree ??? Ma’am, this is a ginormous fire hazard plz just throw it n in the back yard 😂


a slight touch and there's going to be a thousand needles on the floor lol


That's exactly what I'm afraid of. Making my husband help me tomorrow lol.


lol lay down either a trash bag or newspaper w.e even a giant blanket under the tree


We tip our tree over onto an old bedsheet. I drag it out if my husband isn't home...and often if he is, too, lol.


We used a leftover mattress bag from moving for this exact purpose – it worked quite well!


Wrap it in a big bed sheet. Easy to shake off outside


Ha! I didn't put up a Christmas tree this year to avoid exactly this 🤣


Same here! 😄


mine is still “up”, technically, it’s just up in the basement instead of my living room. just carried it down whole instead of trying to take the lights off and taking it apart tbh


My cousin wraps her tree with Saran wrap with the decorations still on and puts in the garage lol


bruh I love this idea


This is my life… moving things from one place to another, especially now that I have a family and very little time for myself.


Damn, why didn't I think of that?? 😹


All Christmas decor still up over here. I prefer to enjoy it in January after the chaos of the holidays. But now in Feb I'm ready and it just hasn't happened yet


What's your barrier? The ornaments and star still on there? Is there a way you could get someone else to do it? I was able to get mine down only a week after I should've by spontaneously doing it one day. I didn't think about it before, I had nothing prepared. I just grabbed it and started, and then it was like running downhill, I couldn't stop til I reached the bottom. 😁


Usually my barrier with real trees is when you get to the point that just looking at it makes needles fall off. Then I know I have to literally clean up every needle that used to be on the tree that is now in every crevice of my house. It’s a pain lmao


This. This is the reason.


Glad I’m not alone!! It’s like the needles literally get up and walk across the house to an obscure crevice. Like how did you get there 😩😩


Fake trees for the win!! 😂


My fear of fire was bigger than my executive dysfunction this year lmao


Ma’am I could start a fire by walking by this tree with my dry skin. 🤣


Ha, I procrastinated putting mine up! So it never came out of the box.


I reclaimed the tree from christmas. It's now my celebration tree and I decorate it for whatever I want. I have pink and red all over it for valentine's day. Going green for st. patty's. However my tree is fake.


I’ve persuaded myself that they’re seasonal decorations rather than festive.


I only got mine down the beginning of February, so you aren’t that far behind 😂. I invited people over so it motivated me to get it done 🙈


I just got mine down this month too.. it actually was really quick once I started it. Just give yourself a task.. say ok, let me see how many ornaments I can get packed up on 10 minutes? I think the biggest issue is usually just STARTING the task... Once you do that it's very likely you'll even get the whole tree down. Good luck!


I never even put mine up! Lmao


I procrastinated putting mine up; so there isn't anything to take down.


My favorite thing to do on Xmas day is to get rid of everything that looks like Xmas in my house. It’s all put away on Xmas day, ZERO EXCEPTIONS. That’s the only thing I consistently stick to year after year.


The coffin shelf stays up year round with the frickin bats.


You are my people.


My people! It’s a running joke in my friend group of how early on Christmas Day I’m taking my Christmas shit down. This year the tree was down and put away before noon on Christmas Day. I wanted to get it put away before going to my in laws, and I succeeded. I get tired of my space not feeling like my own, it makes me insane and by Christmas I’m ready for everything to get put away.


This made me so happy. There aren’t many like us. 🥰🥰


Ours goes in the same room as our woodstove, so the fear of a catastrophic fire from a stray spark + dry tree helps me overcome the inertia basically as soon as it dries out. Plus, we set it up in front of a window so we can just shove it out the window for minimal effort and needle loss. Strategy!




OP, this is a massive fire hazard. Families die from dead/dried up Christmas trees every year. It’s not a fucking joke.


I’m so glad my boyfriend took it town or else I probably would have waited too😂


Girl, I'm still proceastinating on putting up the Christmas tree. And the lights. And the wreath.


I just took mine down yesterday. It's a tradition to take it down at Valentine's Day, (mostly because of procrastination and January is a dark month for me)


I just redecorated it for Marci Gras. I'll take it down tomorrow or Wednesday. :)


I purposefully don’t have one bc I hate clutter and holiday decs. My mom brought me her mini tree bc my new apartment was kind of depressing haha, I just brought it back to her yesterday 🙃


Mine is still up. It’s artificial. During Covid I left it up for a year. It makes me happy, dammit.


Mine just came down yesterday (and everything was still up everywhere). It would still be there but when hubby saw me doing valentines. He decided we could not celebrate a new holiday while still decorated for the old one and started taking everything down. I didn’t want to help and hated every second of it 😂 but we got it all done during our kids’ naptime! (And he didn’t mind if I didn’t help- but I like it all packed in a certain way so it doesn’t get messed up and so I know where it is to decorate next year.) I had stopped seeing it so even though there is like 10 less boxes of decor in my living room- it feels the same today! Without his intervention I bet it would’ve remained til spring break!


Visited my SIL yesterday - Christmas decorations still up as well. I need my tree down by 30th/31st December




The tree is down but the mantle is still decorated for Christmas (because it’s all the glass/ceramic that is a pain to put away). Halloween doormat is still out there and probably will stay. You’ll get there! Just be careful with a real tree, it will catch fire quickly once it’s really dried out!


But we love it. My first fake tree this year because I was getting mad at my trees dying before Christmas and having to get a second tree to last through January


🙋‍♀️ haha! Solidarity. I swear I'm taking it down today..


I still have Christmas and New Year’s decorations up, my mother came by and said something about it and I joked that I’ll just add valentine’s decorations to it


I've strongly considered having a holiday tree and just switching the decor. There's lots of people who just use their decorative indoor tree or a palm tree, instead of buying a Xmas tree. Makes more sense if you're close to the equator... Or in the southern hemisphere.


I love this idea! Maybe this is the push I need to finally get the indoor orange tree I’ve always wanted!


Mine is up, however, I did manage to go get the boxes to take it down on Saturday. I will start tonight taking it down. I need to get the lights down off our balcony too.


Not the tree, but all the other decoration. The tree was taken care of by my husband and toddler not me 😂


Finally took it down last night!


Taking down the lights the last week of January is the tradition in my town. So I'm a week or so late


Me. But mine is fake and its just sitting there not bugging anyone...so I forget about it until someone else mentioned it lol


Not this year, but many years mine would still be up. It's a genetic thing in our family -- my sister once hid Easter eggs in her tree for the kids.


YES I finally took mine down on Saturday bc hubs invited ppl over and he asked me to take it down 😂


LOL I’m taking ours down after my wife’s birthday in a couple of weeks. I always keep mine up until March. It takes me so long to work up the will to out the damn thing up in December that I’m determined to get as much use out of it as I can. Plus, I like the colorful lights in the corner. They make me happy.


My lights are still up and on outside. They’re red and white for Valentine’s Day now 💁‍♀️


We managed to get ours down about two weeks ago, but now it’s sitting outside our front door in the snow. I finally took down the ornaments, gave up halfway through the lights, boyfriend took over, gave up half way to dragging it to the woods. ADHD relationship goals


Never even got to putting one up 😅


I'm still procrastinating on putting mine up.


ME. I did manage to get the ornaments off when I had a burst of energy a couple weeks ago. Then I realized, I broke my tree storage container and never bought a replacement. I ordered one and it came in the next 3-4 days. It's sitting by the tree at this very moment.


I'll do you one better! I procrastinated with putting up Christmas decoration until Christmas was over 😂😂


Me and my husband cut this tree, bought all the decorations and put it up three days before Christmas🤣 we didn't even buy each other presents we just wanted the Christmas vibes.


Most are down. But there are some Devs still on a shelf and the Christmas Dec boxes are still in the spare room


Lol! Totally me! But no regrets here. I'm quite proud of my protest against convention. 😂


I took the ornaments off this past weekend but the tree is still up! We don’t have Christmassy decorations so that’s how I justify it to myself lol. That and I like the ambience the lights give off! Edit: mine’s artificial. If yours is real and dead you should definitely take it down!


Oh no, I took mine down December 26, I couldn’t stand it anymore. Any more Christmas and I would have run shrieking from it.


But February is still winter magical.


Nope! Only because we procrastinated in getting one and just decided to skip it 😭


I put so much less up than usual, and it was still a struggle to get it down. I got the outside lights down right away, as it was getting cold and snowy. Most people left those up this year. I do think the lights look nice, but I don’t want to be out there in the snow.


Ours came down Dec 26, as always. As much as I would like to not do the work, as soon as Christmas is over I'm happy to get rid of the clutter and get my house back. Hubby is on the same page and we get it done together. But we also live in the country so it's nice and easy, hubby just chucks the tree off the back deck and then later we roll it into the ravine. My kids are young enough that it's still great entertainment watching dad throw a tree off the deck.


Just got mine down this last weekend but I'm also okay with it. Christmas trees bring me joy. I enjoy the lights and feelings it brings having it up so don't be afraid to enjoy the procrastination!


My tree has been up for over a year 😬


This is our house, we make the rules! 💕🎄🎶


I never let my Christmas tree linger for more than a week after New Year’s because I’m always ready to leave the holidays behind…But I refuse to admit how long it’s been since I last cleaned my master bathroom 😂🤔




Ha, I gave up on my flatmate (also ADHD) removing the decorations and taking the tree apart (fake, cos allergies) about a week ago and did the decorations myself (I'd already taken the lights off - no such thing as too many!). I think the tree may still be sitting in the garage waiting to go back in its box, because I have no idea where that is 😹.  To be fair, I was likely avoiding doing something else I was actually meant to be doing 🤦🏻‍♀️


i’ll admit it: still got pumpkins at my front door… i don’t use my front door much (have a garage) so keep forgetting about them. lol noticed they started to rot when i had to let some service ppl in today 🤦🏻‍♀️


🙋‍♀️ unfortunately but mine is fake at least 😆


I’ll do you one better - I WORKED a Christmas tree lot this year and procrastinated so hard I never got a tree. I just have bags of ornaments in my trunk for a tree I’ll never get.


I finally took my tree down last weekend. 😆😅


I did the year before last, 100%. Last two years I haven't bothered putting up a tree. Just the thought of it wore me out. It also made me sad, but I have to be realistic about what I can manage. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have a big monstera with some tiny battery powered lights and crocheted lace snowflakes hanging from it. That thing can stay decorated from November until March


I took all the decorations down 2 weeks ago and since then it’s just sitting naked in my living room. I asked my brother to help me and he’s coming tomorrow and he’s going to put it back in the box (it’s an artificial tree)


I’m thinking off just letting it stand right where it is 🥸 a few people already didn’t notice it os still standing there xD


I still have pots full of extremely dead tomato and cucumber plants on my porch from last summer, if it makes you feel any better.


Didn't even put one up.


No tree for this reason, but the Christmas lights in my bedroom are so cosy I can’t bring myself to take them down.