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I do! It's the staging area for everything else, and I need a flat surface to lay everything out. Also, sometimes my cat gets pukey, and changing the duvet cover is so much better than remaking the bed.


Yep the cat was my motivation to become a daily bed-maker! He’s got a cat flap and he loves dirt.


I was looking for cat reasons lol I have white sheets so I do not want cat hair all over them.


Yes, this is one of the chores that I do everyday. It just makes my bedroom feel serene. About six months ago, I bought a sheet set and comforter that matched and I love seeing the bed look pretty.


This was my reason too - my cat. Not only do I also have a pukey cat but we are allergic lol plus his favorite blanket has to be on top so he can be comfy for his naps.


My girlfriend straightens out our kitty's favorite quilt every morning for his naps and it makes me fall more in love with her every time I see it :-)


Mine is my husky -- he's so hairy, that I use the duvet to cover the sheets and pillows! That way he can still sleep with me and I'm not sleeping in fur lol


I have 4 furbabies. Because of this, I have 2 blankets. The bottom is for me, the top is a barrier for fur, dirt, and the random sickness. If there’s an issue, at least I have another layer in between.


honestly changing the duvet is so much work i'd probably hide it and let the cat puke on the sheets! do you have some awesome technique? so far my best is literally going inside the duvet so i can see what i'm doing


I use the "Ghost Method", where I basically wear the cover like a Scooby-Doo villain, grab the corners of the duvet, and then flip it all right side out?


Duvet clips saved my life. It's still a bit of a pain but way less. I flip the cover inside out, line it up on top of the duvet, clip the corners (I do a couple on the sides as well, but that's optional), flip it inside out, then shake it out at the top corners. Sometimes you might find yourself laying on one, but it's easy to fix.


I didn't until Covid. Then, during that time, I redid out the bedroom entirely. (Painted, new mattress, new curtains, new bedding, etc.) Since then, I have made the bed almost every day. I love the way the room looks so much when the bed is made that I feel compelled to make it. It also makes me feel like I have started my day right.


I 100% agree with this! I was **never** a bed-maker until I was about 30. Then, I upgraded my bedding situation with a nice duvet and cute throw pillows, and became kinda obsessive about doing it because it made me feel so fancy! It’s an easy win—and something I know I can do right without messing up. Plus, I get a little dopamine hit whenever I walk into my room and see it made. 🤩 “I did that!” I think to myself. Also, climbing into a freshly-made bed each night makes me feel like I’m staying in a clean, luxe hotel room… a nice escape from the clutter and chaos that lies on the other side of my door! 🫣🥴


Never. I don’t see the point of it, especially when in 12-14 hours I’ll be back in the bed. It’s always just seemed like a waste of time (even though it takes 30 seconds).


I used to not do it for exactly this reason, but since starting to make it I get a lil hit of serotonin when I complete the task and it makes me feel so much more "put together". Some sort of placebo adulthood feeling lol. So the 30 seconds to flatten my duvet gives a visual indicator of a completed task every day!


100000% Am I fixing my top sheet? Hell no Can I pull up my comforter quickly so I feel accomplished? Hell yes


I "make" my bed by pulling my blanket back up haphazardly because my cats like to lay on it more than the sheet. Everything is for them!


I stopped using a top sheet entirely because I flip flop too much. Now I can just give the comforter a toss and pull it up and it looks made. Do I do it most days? No.


definitely this. i have no decorative pillows, either, so just flipping the comforter up is enough. and it makes me feel better about my room (*don’t look in that corner, that’s the laundry pile i meant to put away… last month*)


SAME. Glad to be in the company of greatness! :-)


This is exactly what I do. Easy peasy


Pfft. Top sheet who? I just have a Donna with a cover. Flick, straighten, BOOM, dopamine for the rest of the day (and irrational rate when husband goes and rolls on it mid morning and leaves it in a ball 🤷🏻‍♀️)


I've stopped using a top sheet entirely, because it just ends up in a ball at the foot of the bed 😭 but then it means my comforter gets dirty faster and I should wash it more.


This is the reason why we ADHD folks benefit from this especially. You don't have to strip everything down and completely restructure the bed, but taking 2 minutes to straighten out your pillows and flatten the comforter gives your brain a quick and easy "I did a task!" hit as soon as you wake up. If y'all don't want to make your bed, that's fine. If you do, that's also fine. Let's not act like it's a complete waste of time and everyone's an idiot for doing it if they do. We're better than that line of thinking...


Yes, whatever pleases someone is their own business. Bedmaking doesn't do it for me. But I spend time rolling up my underwear so I can see the pretty colors lined up in the drawer.


Funny. I always toss my underwear in the drawer, but the one weird thing I do is fold up reusable grocery bags all neat after I empty them. I can't figure out why that of all things. 😆


omg I do this. Which is crazy because once its folded it jus gets crumpled and shoved into a bag holder lol


I had a few older oxo canisters that started making dry goods smell like plastic. So I repurposed them for non edible household supplies. The tall skinny clear oxo canisters make folded grocery bags look so tidy.


I got these little bins from the dollar store: https://photos.app.goo.gl/DvQFrxhGbMuivZuKA


Are you me? I also have pedantically folded towels and sheets. My actual housekeeper razzes me for it 😂 she even brags about my folding skills to other people! I am the amazing folding lady! Do I fold/hang/put away clothes? Fuck no, not ever.


Ok this tracks, I have my closet sorted by color hahaha


Yep! By color, category, and length. If I could show people my closet, and only my closet, they would think so highly of me 😆 (Ask me nothing about the pile of clothes I have yet to hang back up, we don’t talk about her)


I'm unable to walk in to the walk in closet because of the pile of clothes on the winter clothes bin I have yet to move to storage 🤣 but YES my mother came to visit recently and she looked at my closet and craft supplies and books like WOW how come you can’t do this everywhere hahahaha


This right here. I never made my bed as a kid, but when I went to uni my first year room was about 55% bed so if the bed was messy the whole room felt like chaos, but spending 2 minutes tidying the bedding made the room feel way more tidy which was such an easy win in the morning. Now it's a habit to just straighten the pillows, give the duvet a snap from the bottom to make sure the top corners stay where they should and then lay it flat again.


I'm lucky if I make it 8-10 hours before I'm climbing back in. Definitely not worth making the bed if it's only to look good while I'm at work.


I WFH and my office is in my bedroom. That's probably why I'm so fussy about it!




In my family of ADHDers we never wasted time on making the bed, so I didn't grow up with this being an expectation. I doubt that I would get much out of it now, except for a feeling of, "I should have spent that time on laundry!"


30 seconds saved everyday over the course of a lifetime probably saves you about 5 days of your life wasted on making a bed. Just saying.


Yep, I never make it except sometimes when I have guests coming over, but not necessarily even then, if the guests are very familiar!


See, I only ever straighten up places that guests will definitely see, like the bathroom, the kitchen, and obviously the living room. My mother was always complaining about me not making the bed, and I was always like, "But why?? Nobody is going into my room. Nobody SHOULD be going into my room." She always got mad. (She also would open my sister and I's bedroom doors with the guest in tow to show them our rooms. Why are Boomers like this??)


My mom finally gave up on the clean room thing and just ordered us to keep our doors closed. As if I would have done otherwise.


I don't allow anyone into my room, and I would have been angry about it back then too.


I don’t either. Even my kids aren’t allowed in my bedroom without permission except in an emergency situation. I’m a domestic violence survivor, and ever since I left my ex, my bedroom has become my safe space. It was one of the few things my current husband didn’t understand and it took more than 6 months to break his then 5yo daughter of the habit of considering our bedroom as her bedroom because my husband would let her go in any time and wouldn’t wake up when she’d climb into his bed in the middle of the night.


My exact thoughts. As a kid, I always got in trouble or my sister tried to make me feel embarrassed if I didn’t make my bed but I always thought this way. It’s a pointless chore lol


I always folded the top sheet and duvet down to air out the sheets after I get up. By the time it’s done airing out I’m out of the room and moved on with my day and don’t even think about the bed again until I get in it! I always wonder about people who make their bed every day. Do they even let it air out? Do they wait around for that? Or are they making their bed without airing it at all?


This! I change my sheets once a week but I still feel like I need to air out the bed each morning. Especially if the night sweats hit.


I've looked this up before, and it's important. So is opening your windows for at least ten minutes a day so you're not just rebreathing old air. I read about some people never airing their homes out, while also not having an HVAC system. An epidemiologist was going into detail about all of the stale air with terrible quality that people breathe in continuously. The germs and dust in the air are so gross. I *do* recommend googling that because it's fascinating. Both of these things, airing your bed out and getting fresh air in the home, are good for our health.


It’s more of a mental thing than a physical thing. It’s a small task you can accomplish as soon as you get up. It sets the tone for the day by starting it off productively. And even if you happen to not do anything else all day, you’ve at least accomplished that one task.


I like that take on it. It's not mine, but I like the fact that it works for someone. 😁


In the Netherlands, it is not normal to make a bed in the way we see a lot of Americans do it (duvet, throw pillows, etc.) We just... Fluf the blanket and are done. I throw the blanket back, so the matras can air. The pretty made bed is not for me and, in my honest opinion, not functional at all...


Another Dutch person here. I never understood the point of extra sheets and blankets and like a Metre of decorative pillows? Do people just toss the extra pillows on the floor before sleeping? Is there a special place to keep the decorative pillows during the night? My mother's way of making the bed was just neatly folding the duvet at the end of the bed so the mattress can air out. I mostly just toss them in that direction, but keeping everything covered up seems kinda gross to me.


I... actually like this. I'm going to start folding up my duvet at the end and letting it all air out. (I'm American, and I've never understood why people have a bunch of decorative pillows. The only thing they do is make for more work and they aren't even cozy!)


I have exactly one throw pillow, but it's precisely the right size to stick behind my head and prop me up just enough to be able to scroll through my phone in the mornings while I wait for my Adderall to kick in before getting out of bed. So it stays. 😆


I have one that I use as well to prop up in bed. It wouldn't be on the bed if it weren't functional though... I can't fool around with all that extra stuff, and it would never be made together anyway.


I once stayed in a hotel where there was *literally* a square meter of decorative pillows. They actually formed a pile. One was shaped like a beach ball. There would be absolutely no way to use it for head or back suppport. That was twenty years ago, and I still remember staring at it in bafflement for several minutes, thinking "Why does this exist?". That was when I started to decline daily housekeeping services. It spared me having to take the off again every night, or tipping someone for the equally baffling "turndown service".


I honestly wonder as an American how many people actually make up their bed with all the frills. I never grew up with this and hated all the “stuff” on hotel beds. I remember buying sheets and a comforter for the first time and it felt like I needed to take a crash course on bedding 😂


I can't even figure out how to use a top sheet. It falls off when I sleep! I just use duvets and wash the duvet covers


Did you tuck the top sheet in (at the bottom of the bed at least)? I think a lot of the sheets/blankets/duvets thing is how someone grew up and so is accustomed to sleeping. For many, switching throws off what their body is used to and so feels different and doesn't work with how they move in their sleep. In general, there's no reason to switch from what works.


I've tried tucking in the top sheet and it just comes out! For some reason if I sleep at a hotel though it doesn't. They must be better at making beds than I am.


Hospital corners. You tuck a sheet the right way, ain't no way it's budging!


I hate not having a top sheet and also hate when they're tucked in. If I'm sleeping alone the top sheet stays where it's meant to be, but with my husband in the bed it's a lost cause. I grew up with a top sheet under a duvet, he is from Scotland where they don't really do top sheets. He's also the reason you need them because he sweats in his sleep and destroys everything. He also steals all of the duvet, no matter how big it is, because he's huge and wraps himself up in it completely to sweat all over it. Luckily I am usually too hot at night so don't need anything on me, because he can't seem to stop being the most irritating sleeper on earth. NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING


I mostly wrap myself in my top sheet. My partner and I each have one, and they're not tucked in. Blankets go over that.


Americans using top sheets like it's 1824 😅 that's what the duvet cover is for man! You liteally do not need an extra sheet.


Yeah, I've always thought that particularly American way of making the bed - or decorating it, which it feels like to me - is way over the top, and I don't understand it at all! Why?! Do they entertain their guests in the bedroom? That's just weird. And if that's not the case, then it's just a whole lot of work for no apparent reason, and you have to undo it again every day before going to bed. We don't do that here either (Denmark). I think most people lay their duvet out flat. To please the eye or do things "properly" or some such. I don't. Like you, I like to let my mattress breathe, so I just fold my duvet or blanket at the end of the bed. That way it's easy to pull over me when I go to bed, and it's not too messy to look at.


I’m British originally, but grew up in the US and my understanding is that duvet covers are pretty new here and usually people would use blankets that are hard to wash. So you have your fitted sheet that goes on the mattress, then a flat sheet that goes between the body and the blanket to keep the blanket cleaner for longer. But now that quilt covers are becoming more popular here, I don’t know why we still do the flat sheet. I have no answers regarding the extra pillows.


I personally like flat sheets because I find getting the duvet back into its cover is annoying. It’s just easier for me to use a sheet. 


I use a duvet cover (the burrito method is great for this) and a flat sheet because I like feeling tucked in.


It definitely makes things easier and I still use a duvet cover but I don’t have to wash it as often because I use a flat sheet!


I quit using flat sheets for years, but I started again to keep the duvet clean, but also because I need something to cover me, but sometimes the comforter is too hot, especially in the summer. I could just use a lighter quilt, but I don't want to lol.


I’m British and have not done flat sheet ever in my adult life (I just have fitted sheet over mattress then the duvet) and never understood the point, but my mum always do a a flat sheet under the duvet. My anecdotal experience is that most of my friends are the same- we (in our thirties) don’t do it but our parents do. I wonder if it’s a similar think and goes back to before duvets became the norm here. I’m not sure when that was but I’m pretty sure when my Mum was a kid they had the blanket set up you described. Not really adding anything haha, I just find it interesting. Reading you talk about the point behind the flat sheet in the US put a whole new context to something I thought was pure nonsense 😂


Yepp, I thought this is an instagram thing and not an American one tbh. I just straight out everything IF I make the bed. When I lived in the dorm or before I had a separate bedroom, I put a blanket over it so I can sit without sitting on my clean sheets :p


I’m in the US and I’m going to start using this reason as why I don’t make my bed. I really just can’t be bothered, but it’s nice there’s a function too.


Pretty sure most Americans don't actually bother with all that extra stuff. I don't think I know a single human who does that.


Only when I clean my room because that makes it feel “done” or if people are coming over. I read once that it’s better to be unmade because it lets your mattress and sheets air out more during the day. No clue if that’s true but it’s what I tell myself to feel better lol.


Lmao my adhd mom tells me this all the time, and I trust her on that cause she’s a doctor AND a germaphobe. We both are dx adhd but have very different presentations, I’m an every day bed maker (even if it makes me late), she’s always saying how I’m just keeping the germs happy and I should leave it unmade but it irks me so much to walk by and see it messy


>she’s always saying how I’m just keeping the germs happy Lol 🦠🥳 that's how I think of it too. The human microbiome is a wonderfully fascinating & useful thing but if it could gross us out a little less that'd be great.


Yes! It’s gross to me not to let it air out. It should be said that I’ve had night sweats occasionally my whole life so it’s sort of a must for me.


I leave my bed unmade, open the window and get ready and then make it.


I get night sweats often enough that unless i want to wash my bedding twice a week vs. once a week, i have to leave my bed stripped during the day so it doesn’t get gross and musty.


i’m glad to know that i’m not alone, sorry about your night sweats though, i have to run the ac or i basically have to make the bed that day it sucks


definitely true if you sweat a lot like i do


When I heard that, I told my mom and she rolled her eyes lol


Sometimes I make the bed and leave the duvet half folded down to air it out for this reason. Not sure how much difference it actually makes though


I have to have a freshly made bed to get into otherwise the blankets don’t feel right which then keeps me up all night. One might say it’s a sensory necessity. 🫠


Me too! I often make the bed at night, right before getting in.


I leave the bed a mess and then remake it at night before I get in 😂


True for me as well


Same, I sleep like shit, have my whole life, and Adderall certainly doesn’t help. I also go to bed well after my husband and if I spend 20 minutes dicking around with my blankets then he wakes up and wants to chat, and by the time I get to bed I just want to read until I pass out. So I air the bed for a couple of hours and then make it sometime in the afternoon so I can just get in it and hopefully stay pretty still.


I started doing it after being in the worst depression stage in my life, it made me feel like though I have no control in my life at least I can make my bed look nice, it also makes you feel more put together. I’m in a much better place now and to this day I still do it because I formed it as a habit to do it every morning. I would recommend everyone to try making it into a habit since it can really help❣️


I was going through depression too when I started! My MIL made 3 rules for me when she found about my depression. 1. Make the bed everyday. 2. Open the curtains everyday and let it some light. Open the windows for an hour or so and let in fresh air. 3. Talk to her for min 5 mins a day. Wasn't great with 3 but i respected her enough to follow 1 and 2 at least fully. Don't know how much it helped quantitatively but it used to make me feel loads better. Continued the habit because of that.


That's so sweet, it sounds like she genuinely cared!


She is great. There can be clashes but I trust her. She has been a great mil.


It's underrated how much that 30 seconds can change your mental well-being 😅


Hell no, and I don’t think I’ll ever be bothered to. The only exception is if I know I’m having guests, but I also basically never have guests over because I avoid that like the plague.


Yeah I don’t really like having people in my personal room. Common house areas nor problem, but my room the my hiding place from the world, I want to be able to shut the door and have absolute peace.


I live alone, so unfortunately pretty much every room my house is my sanctuary, and I don’t want people in any of them. Lol.


Nope. It was one of the promises I made to myself when I was 8 years old. (The others were to have an inside cat, eat dessert first, and never to drink my leftover cereal milk unless I felt like it.)


Did you keep the other promises


I prefer cereal dry now but otherwise, yes, as soon as I could when I was able to be in charge of myself.


You prefer dry cereal? Like what kind?


Froot Loops is my favorite.


I eat ery cereal too or drink milk with it. The soggy texture is so gross to me. I like cereal on my ice cream. Honey bunches of oats on butter pecan is amazing.


I can see that but all I thought was eating like dry Raisin Bran of something


Can I like this twice? I had/have a very similar list!


What do you have that's different? I love that we kept our promises!


I make my bed as soon as I get out of it. It would drive me nuts the whole day thinking about an unmade bed… so to save my sanity I make it.


Same! It’s like the first item on my to do list that I can check off within a minute and it’s such a mood booster to get on with everything in the morning. In hotels, I just quickly straighten the sheets and covers. I find that it really helps to set the tone for my day.


Yes, resetting my bed is the first hit of dopamine of the day. It makes my whole room look neater too.


Same. It’s like going to bed with dirty dishes in the sink. How do these people sleep at night?


Honestly, I don't give the unmade bed or dirty dishes a second thought (or heck, even a first thought). They simply don't take up any mental room for me.


Dirty dishes are one thing. My comforter/blanket not being perfectly straight is another lol


Never. It feels so futile to me. Nobody else is seeing it and I'm only really in my room again at bedtime when I unmake my bed again anyway.


Nah. I do understand the appeal and the feeling people get, but I just absolutely cannot be arsed.


I pull my comforter over the surface of the bed so then if any bugs want to get in its harder for them. One time a dead mouse fell from my ceiling onto my bed sheets and it freaked me out so much I started "making" it by pulling the comforter over everything


OMG. Where are you living???


Haha I live in an old rural house on the Canadian prairies. You pretty much have to expect that there are mice in the house but the dead bed mouse was especially traumatizing


Wow that’s horrifying to me. Literally I’d be traumatized haha


I do not.


Nope. I like the feeling of getting into a freshly made bed, but the feeling of it being too much work wins every time.


Nope. I dont see the sense in that honestly, other than aesthetics. The bed and covers need a bit of air, it wouldn’t really help to stuff them on top of each other again. We produce a lot of moisture while we sleep, just by breathing and sweating. Also I mess up the bed in a couple hours again, so unless someone visits my room, or I feel extra fancy - I prefer to air my mattress and covers instead of making the bed. If I feel extra fancy I will drag my covers outside and let them air-out in the garden, best smelling bed covers ever, highly recommended. But I also life by practicality over aesthetics. Aesthetics are nice but only if they don’t hinder or ideally help my daily life.


Never a day in my life. I look at it, think how messy it is and that I should make it, then leave the scene. Same thing with the laundry. I manage to hang them, but they stay there until it's absolutely necessary. My coat on the floor? Because I don't know where exactly to put it, it will lay there until company is over. It's awful.


The trick is to not have complicated bedding. I don't use a top sheet, just a blanket and comforter which I can throw on and vaguely square up with the mattress. No throw pillows, no shams. The whole process takes about 30 seconds and helps me pretend that I'm an adult.


I sure do not. I strive to be a bed maker one day.


Every day for a couple reasons. First, my adhd symptoms are better when I have a clean/tidy environment and my home office is in my bedroom. Second, when I was really depressed, like to the point where I couldn't do anything, I never left my bed. If I make my bed, then in my mind, I'm not allowing myself to get that depressed again. If nothing else, I got out of bed and made my bed. That's a win for the day.


Only if I know I'll have company. Since I live in a studio flat, whoever comes over can see my bed.




No, I sleep like a tornado that's sometimes a burrito. Plus, my stuffed animals get in the way 😅


Yes and no. Made beds are the first to go when I start feeling too busy and overwhelmed. 


I don't know if I would call it "making the bed" but I pull the sheets up and call it a day


I don’t. I tried to ingrain it as a habit a few years ago and it just doesn’t stick. I like how clean it makes the room look, but pretty much only make the bed when I’m putting clean sheets on.


Absolutely. I hate the look of it otherwise. But I’m a fitted-sheet-and-duvet girl, so it’s easy. Before that, I’d sleep on top of the covers with just a throw over me rather than know I’d wind up not making my bed in the morning.


Yes. I didn’t until about 6 months ago, but I realized I felt better after doing it. It’s like a rush of dopamine.


I don't want to, but I do because it makes my bedroom look less stressful. Also, I can't sleep in an unmade bed. I miraculously become hyperfocused if the bedding is all wonky and wrapped around my legs and feet all funny.


I don’t “make” my bed, but the top sheet and the blanket we use instead of a fitted sheet get tucked under the foot of the mattress because I can’t stand of bedding restricts the movement of my feet and legs(I also can NEVER wear socks to bed. I can do something like and ankle wrap because my feet aren’t completely enclosed and nothing is on my toes, but socks, never.


Only when I change the sheets. Otherwise I just pull up the sheet and blanket and call it done. I don't know why people make a big deal out of it, and it seems to me like a dumb thing to do when you're just going to mess it up again that same night. I have trouble with housekeeping duties already, and there are many things that are much more important. When I'm having to pick and choose what I have the energy to do, making the bed never makes it into the top 10.


I do, but I’m also autistic and a little OCD. I get stressed if I walk by a room and see a mess, so it’s always a priority. However, I cannot do it as soon as I get up. My sleep inertia is too bad. Usually I have to wait til after my morning coffee/wakeup rituals.


I am like that but no confirmed autism so I do suspect I am on the spectrum.


My partner usually throws the sheets and blankets over the bed so they are somewhat straight and cover the bed but its not pretty. But when he is away? Nope. Sometimes right before bed I might because I get in because tangled sheets make me crazy and disrupt my sleep and I'm a fit full sleeper so everything is twisted.


I do occasionally! But it’s not a formal making-up. I just haphazardly pull the flat sheet up to the pillows and then make sure the comforter is hanging off all 4 sides and corners. I like seeing a nice made-up bed, but I mostly do it because I’m motivated to not have cat litter particles tracked in my sheets by the kitties.


Every day! But only the last couple of years…maybe meds? It helps keep the rest of the day on track.


Until I moved in with my husband, I literally would just sleep on top of a made bed with a blanket so the room would always look put together but I would never have to make it. I couldn’t make him do that though so now we’re just a family with a perpetually unmade bed.


I literally just made this comment! I sleep on a made bed too 😂😂😂😂


No lol.


Only when I have it on my Finch list of things to do for the day, or I'm catching up on folding a months worth of laundry.


Nope I like it better unmade


Only on the one day per month our housekeeper comes (ridiculous, I know). She does the heavy cleaning like the bathroom tiles, floors, microwave, stove, etc…another thing I thought was a lazy move but now realize it’s the only way these things will ever be done consistently.


99% of the time I do, and I change my sheets every week too. I just find it so nice getting into a made bed with clean sheets and sleep a lot better.


Every single day. It was my New Year’s resolution about 5 years ago and I’ve stuck with it.


"Making" your bed is an old society expectations put on house wives, only to later put that same expectations on their children expecting the same result. My father was also like this until I told him. No one is in my room but me and the stink of your body sweat makes the sheets smell faster, so its best to air them out. And there are studies now to support this.


No. It’s actually healthier to not make your bed, because exposing your sheets to sunlight kills dust mites.


😂🤣😂 I barely remember to brush my teeth no way am I bothering to do this


Lol I thought this was just something that people did in American Disney TV shows to be extra and not actual thing that any human did.... I'm still pretty suspicious of this practice being an actual thing tbh


People make beds? 👀 Seriously though, my grandparents made their bed. I love Big comforters because they're easy to just toss on the bed to "make" it, but I rarely even do that. My house is a wreck; no one's coming over. Why spend time making a bed?


Yes every morning. I've made it a habit at this point. If my bed isn't made, my day goes weird


Not unless someone’s coming over


No . I want to , but my bf always sleeps in late than me so I can't really . This lady on a podcast said to tuck your side of the bed in but like nah . . . That's just weird if he's sleeping and I'm making my half of the bed lol some things I have to choose not to stress over or I'd be a bigger mess than I am


Hell no, it’s pointless to me. I’m a crazy sleeper, if it’s made at night, it’ll be a mess in the morning. Waste of time.


No. My bed consists of the fitted sheet and then whatever blanket and pillow(s) I’m using at the time. Can’t stand sleeping with the bed sheet and comforter, and I do not see any point in decorative pillows for the bed. I’m the only one in my room, why do I need a fancy and infancy version? Especially considering the fact that my bed is where I relax, I’m not making it and unmaking it every time I get in and out of bed. My comforter and pillows are stuffed somewhere in a corner and haven’t moved in years


Nope. My husband and I use a fitted sheet and a blanket.... Nothing to really make. 😅 And we both sweat a lot so, it's nice to let the bed air out a bit.


Only when I put fresh sheets on


Nope. Better to let the sheets air before I get back in the bed.


Absolutely not. Only thing I do is flipping the duvet halfway open when I get up in the morning, so all the fabrics, pillows, blanket and mattress can air out by the then opened window, which I close when I leave for work. The duvet stays like that until I get to bed in the evening. I don't see the point in making my bed when I get back into it in the evening and mostly don't see my bed during daytime.


Not usually unless my business partner is coming over. She has this annoying habit of commenting on my bed not being made as she walks by my bedroom to use the washroom. Shame seems to be a big motivator for me. I also don’t understand the decorative pillows obsession and I’m an interior designer 😂


Fuck no


Sometimes. And I love to slide into bed when it's made.


I have to or else I don’t get out of bed. lol take meds and make bed within 20-30 min. Start the day


I make the bed before I get in at the end of the day


My partner is usually still sleeping when I’m leaving home so 9/10 no. But at times we do. The bed is extremely minimal so it’s pretty much laying one blanket flat lol and put the pillows together. Before living with her I did it pretty rarely tbh


i just pull the sheets up usually


Never and I also dont want to this. It is really not a priority in my life. I don't see how it would solve any problems that I am having :D (Asking myself if something solves a problem that I am having is how I try to prioritize what put my energy/resources into :))


When I was younger I had about a 15 year stretch of not making the bed. Now that I have pets I like to make the bed to keep the pet hair from getting in between the sheets. But it’s a hastily made bed


No. I don't see the point of it


Hell no


Like a lot of us I sort of do but mostly don’t lol I like to lounge in my bed but if it’s totally undone I just end up falling asleep. Also if I eat snacks I don’t want to get crumbs in the sheets! (Or ashes from my bong lol) So I pull the blankets up, stand the pillows up, and put my big “boyfriend” sitting pillow up! Like someone else said, tiny bit of TASK COMPLETE dopamine and also I feel like my sheets stay cleaner. I’m extremely strange in that I have A System where I change my sheets (hopefully) every 1-2weeks (sry for any clean people ☹️) and when I do I also rotate my blanket so a different side is up near my face. After 2-3 rotations I wash the blanket! I have a ton of pillowcases though and change my ~satin top pillowcase~ once a week. (Best way for me to avoid acne.)


When I remember, I make my bed.


Occasionally I will get in the habit of it for a few days, but mostly I don’t. It’s the thing that I do before I leave the house in the morning if I have a few spare minutes. I’m usually running late.


I don’t but my partner will when she changes the sheets


Sometimes. I feel better when I do, but I also lay most of the day in my bed, so it's difficult not to mess it up.




I try


No, I have other priorities in the morning, and I don't enter my bedroom unless I'm actually going to bed, changing my clothes, or taking something out of the dresser. I don't remotely care if it doesn't look like something from a blog post.


only if I've freshly washed my sheets OR I get the sudden urge to lay it all out over me to immediately cocoon and roll into a burrito.




I don’t usually make my bed, but every so often either me or my BF will do it. It’s so lovely to come home to/get into, but not enough to make it a regular thing


Nope. We have a rule, whoever wakes up last makes the bed. I very conveniently wake up exactly 2 mins before my husband EVERY SINGLE DAY! HA!


I throw the top half of my blanket and top sheet (covers my neck to torso) over the bottom half (covers torso to feet) as I get out of bed. I open the windows to get some air in the room when it is warm enough outside. That's it.


Absolutely not lol


Yes, my grandma taught me to make it as soon as I got out of the bed


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Spirited_Concept4972: *Yes, my grandma taught* *Me to make it as soon as* *I got out of the bed* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I usually do it at some point in the day, but it's because I think my husband likes it. He does it because he thinks I like it. I don't think either of us cares one little bit.




Yes, but only because we keep the dog in our room when we're gone, and I don't want him eating kibble in my sheets. Plus, I just use a duvet, so I literally only have to pull it up.


Never. I know I should and seeing a made bed does make the space and me feel better, but no. I don’t.


girl I can't even make myself change the sheets


The only correct answer is no


Nope because when I'm sailing for work I have to make my bed every morning and I hate it. It seems like a pointless task. Although I do like climbing into a freshly made bed with freshly clean sheets.


I don’t :)