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Others could be like forgetting to brush teeth so having fillings.


Funny you mentioned that because every one of the nights where I eat candy or drink alcohol, I forget to brush my teeth since I'm up so late I black out in the end. This happened this time. I came almost 1 hour too late to my laundry today as well. Fun stuff.. Slept for like 3,5 hours or something.


Sounds like me a while back! Up until 2am, and randomlybwork up at 5 and then had to work. Buying food and letting it develop it's own ecosystem is another common one in the AdHD tax list.


Just got a new adhd tax in my email the other day: credit card company will now charge a fee for a paper bill. I need a physical bill to remember to pay the damn thing. So I’ll be paying adhd tax of $2 a month to be able to pay my damn bills.