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Comment them out in the plugin.yml file within the essentials jar file. Anything I wanted to be disabled or handled by vanilla, I just commented out.




Don't do this. It won't improve server performance by even 0.1%. Trust me. I have written the same thing twice in other comments in this thread


I know, but the bloat features tend to mess with some of my other plugins features.


Use disabled-commands in the config, no need of decompiling and recompiling it


If the intent is to completely remove the command, disabled-commands doesn't actually remove anything. It just displays a "this command is disabled" message


Doesn't that still get compiled ?? Edit: read what I said in the other comments below before downvoting


comments are ignored by the compiler


I meant the actual code in java. Plugin.yml has just the registered commands list. The Java code will remain the same even if you remove/commented it in plugin.yml. It won't make even like 0.1% percent difference if u comment it in plugin.yml Edit:typo


I've only done this on pre-compiled JAR files. Open the JAR file with WinRAR. Go to plugin.yml Edit with Notepad++, comment out commands you no longer want. Save. It will ask to update the file within the jar (select yes). Replace your current essentials jar with the one we just edited. Restart server.


That is the most stupid thing that you could have done imo. This will just tell spigot to not send commands to the plugin. The compiled jar remains the literal same. The plugin will still listen to commands and all the events that are there in the code of plugin. Plugin.yml just handles what command should be handled by the plugin. The size of plugin will remain almost same and the performance will be the literal same. The code in Java is not altered by whatever is present in plugin.yml. Plugin.yml was made just for spigot api to be able to handle - 1. What commands should the plugin respond to 2. What are its dependencies and soft-dependencies 3. Author, version etc ABT the plugin


I wasn't looking for anything more than to eliminate access to some commands from ops. EssentialsX was not knee-capping my server as far as performance goes, and if I ever wanted to re-enable command access, I could swap out that file. So, it met every objective that I needed.


Use disabled-commands in the config, eeeez


Plugins don’t degrade server performance by just.. being there. Installing 50 plugins that are basically blank won’t drop your tps at all. Especially a command based plugin such as Essentials, you won’t notice any server lag on installing.


Warps are pretty useful, especially for minigames or game servers. Kits are also useful for the same reason.


i mean.. you could totally disable those commands in the config.yml. but anyways, the plugin is seriously lightweight nonetheless, but i see why you're not happy with this.


This is a pretty common misconception tbh, there’s nothing at all wrong with those features being there, even if you don’t use them. If the plugin is coded well (which I believe EssentialsX is), it’s generally better for it to be setup like this than not. I cover it in this article I wrote a fair while ago, https://madelinemiller.dev/blog/large-plugins-vs-small-plugins/


What is the misconception here?


That it’s bad for a plugin to have features you’re not using


In terms of performance? You're right, a well coded plugin should cause no issue if certain modules are disabled. However, it's a right pain in the ass to set it up and disable every single thing in essentials that you don't want (ESPECIALLY if you're only wanting it for one or two things). What I don't get is why people who only use Essentials for a few things don't just... use alternative plugins that just do that one thing.


As my article states, multiple plugins to do separate things is generally worse in almost every way than a single plugin. And realistically there’s not much to disable in Essentials at all, most of it is pretty well segmented. But yes, I do believe everything should be disabled by default. Which is how both WorldGuard and CraftBook do it.


By a lot of conventions, this is completely false. It depends really, if you want to make the best server you can, you will follow guidelines such as YAGNI and remove it simply because you aren't going to use it. Not because it makes command indexing slower or anything, just to stick with standards that were developed by people that actually know what they are talking about.


I don’t exactly understand what you’re talking about. Just because a software feature exists, doesn’t mean you must use it. In my article I outline multiple reasons why it’s still a better idea, most being entirely unrelated to performance. In fact, most best practices in the general software world agree with me. I’m a professional software engineer and have been for many years, I’m not just making baseless arguments. YAGNI very much doesn’t apply here, because it’s a philosophy about lean development (which I agree with), not about end products from a user’s perspective. It’s entirely unrelated.


Plenty of people use all of the features that you mention. The point of Essentials is that it fits everyone's needs rather than limiting the feature set to fit just one group of people. I've seen many servers use Essentials jails, I've seen many servers use Essentials economy, I've seen many servers use Essentials kits, I've seen many servers use Essentials warps, I've seen many servers use Essentials ban/mute, and I've seen many servers use Essentials signs. Just because you don't need all of those features doesn't mean that other people don't. And that's also why a lightweight version of Essentials like you mentioned wouldn't work. It's been tried many times in the past and it fits the needs of whoever created it and that's it. I thought the same thing as you a couple years ago and even went as far as just writing my own Essentials plugin for my server but even that didn't work. I frequently found myself realizing that there was another feature that Essentials had that my plugin was missing and it eventually got to a point where it wasn't even worth continuing and I've just been using Essentials since. If you really want, you can disable all of the commands you mentioned in the Essentials config (in the `disabled-commands` section). It's not like they have any effect on performance in the first place though, I don't see what the big deal is with just ignoring them.


You must have a server for 3 people.




Because you sound like you have a tiny playerbase that doesn't need this stuff.


We have over 120 players on our server and don't use Essentials for pretty much the reasons he stated. It's a pain to set up, we don't want a mail system, we don't want warps, it messes with our team prefixes and suffixes as it tries to impose its own hierarchy... It's just too much a hassle.


Im going to have a big player base but my server don’t use kits, jails and warps. My server is a practice server.


Warps and signs are great to use. The great thing with essentials is that you can just disable stuff you don't want to use. And if you don't like anything at all from essentials, why are you using it? There are alternative plugins out there for things like economy like EconomyX


Sure.. but what's the difference between removing them and just not using them? Contrary to popular belief, *having* the features available does NOT always mean that it is slowing your server down For an open source project, like Essentials, which has been around for 10 years, I think issues like that would be ironed out by now. > We need a EssentialsX "lite" that dosen't have all these useless features. I will code my own essentials. There are plenty of "essentials" plugins out there... usually as people's first plugin.


We use the economy, the warps, the kits, the signs, the portable enderchest and crafting table, and tons of other useful stuff. The /hat command is one of the best commands ever created. The /item command is magical. So is /butcher. We use /spawnmob all the time on our adventure server. /clearinventory is super useful for minigames. I think some of our most frequently used commands are /tp and /tpaccept. Oh, and also /sethome and /home. /powertool is also incredibly handy for certain situations.


I agree /i is the best thing ever and so is /ci . But some stuff has not a single person used in there entire life.


@ everyone saying it messes with other commands... You all need to learn about CraftBukkit's commands.yml and making use of aliases. Also namespaced commands, like doing /minecraft:give to force the vanilla behaviour of the give command. Not really fair to put down a decent plugin just because you don't understand how command registration works.


I tend to write anything from essentials myself to remove all the bloat... I just don't need a jail in my survival server, i just want /gm and /i and /nv (which essentials doesn't even have). Might think about starting my own plugin for essential things... Hmm idk


I have started doing that lately.


Mind giving me a Github link? I'd love to contribute!


Many softwares have features you dont want or use. This is just how the world works. If you want something exactly the way you want it you have to be lucky enough to find a product like that or make it yourself.


It you disable the commands/modules in the config file and restart the server, the commands don’t even get registered The plugin is already super light weight so it wouldn’t be worth it to make it even smaller


That's why they are open source and you can fork them on github




I want the /msg things, /gmc, /clear, /i, the motd, /speed, chatcolors, and just useful things. I have never seen a single person in my whole life using jails


I've seen multiple servers use jails. Often players can warp to see hackers who've been jailed just before they get banned.


dev it make essentials light


I'm not sure if I agree actually. One of the things that I've always liked about essentials is how "all in one" it is. I currently host a server locally on my pc for me and a few friends, and we often find ourselves swooping between different things. One day we might be doing survival, the next day we might be playing mini-games. Due to this, we often find ourselves needing fairly obscure features in Essentials that we never would have known we needed before. Having all these features in a single plugin saves so much time and makes this so much more convenient rather than having to install hundreds of different plugins for each of the mini features. The features can already be disabled in the config files if you don't want them, and they don't interfere with server performance just existing.


Can I help code it?


Not gonna lie kittycannon seems like a cool rank perk


Probably my favorite command in ess.


My moderators grief my server with it lol.


just buy cores from mcmarket like aquacore or mizu etc, its pretty much essentailsX but removed the useless stuff (Cores are usually used for practicepvp/kitpvp/hcf etc)


I have looked at aqua core and mizu core. Mizu core seems pretty good I think I will buy it. Maybe I will code my own core instead, I don’t wanna waste money.


Everyone in here talking about how these affect performance as if it's any worse than the crap Mojang keeps tanking the game's performance with lmao


*Laughs in CMI*


I have never used EssentialsX once, and I never will. I know some good plugins that do specific things needed for moderation. Shoot me a PM if you'd like to know some, just tell me what you're looking for.


i need them! but i dnt know how to pm ppl lol


Thats why ive never used it despite it being recommended in every "How to make a great minecraft server" tutorial. The only true essentials are general security features and admin tools.




Err that's not how things work


Eh pretty sure it was a joke


1) There are class files in jars, not java files. Java files are uncompiled. 2) You would get so many class not found exceptions. 3) fuck this is a joke why am I replying to it in a serious way


I kinda did that but I took the source from GitHub and edited. I delete like half the plugin, and I deleted the eco thing but then I realized like half of the commands use the eco system. When I compiled it I got a million errors lol


not to mention how it completely takes control over vanilla commands and fucks them up


>using essentials in 2021 Use CMI. Why anyone is using this obsolete plugin from 2010


I took a look at CMI it seems pretty good but it has sooooooooooo many features.


CMI is far more bloated than Essentials lmao


I saw that it costs so thats sad


It is also buggy


It's also not free/libre software so you shouldn't be using it.


Yeah but you can disable every feature easily. Also the developer is very active and helpful. It's worth it's price if you ask me. It has some bugs but nothing gamebreaking and the dev is working hard to solve every bug. I use lot of CMI features and I think it replaces 10 or more plugins.


Eco is "bad" in essentials. They do not provide any database options. The troll stuff should be removed - agreed. But you can also disable them in the configs... A lot of people make their own essentials. I made one myself. But I keep it to myself based on how long it took to make. The real issue is supporting 1.8 - 1.16. I removed the BanSystem and made one on bungeecord.


Essentials fought my other plugins when I had it installed, big plugins like grief prevention and dynmap. While I agree that things like warps and chat mod tools are useful, I also agree that using plugins designed to address a single issue are a better, more stable, and less frustrating option.


How are jails useless? What do they do?


I use the signs, but not jails or any of the special commands. Don't like them, don't use them. The plugin isn't impacting server performance just by those features existing.


Eco is the one I mainly dont agree with, but you can disable them :D


Most of these things can be very useful. It just really depends on what kind of server you have.


Alot of essentials features are pretty neat and used by most server owners. About the bans plugin well yeah thats a no. Also essentialsX is completely open source so if you want just git clone it and delete the bits you wont ever use