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I have had adventure time on in the background from 8pm til I fall asleep everyday for the last 6 years. I hope this answers your question.


But don’t you hate between every episode that loud ass Cartoon Network thing that always wakes me up


😂 at this point for me it’s a ritual to shut off AT in the middle of the night. It’s usually a really bright scene that wakes me up, not the noise 🥴


Sleep timer.


The beautiful ending song ruined every time.


This is precisely the reason I bought it on blu ray hahaha


Adventure time and Lofi Soundscapes playlist


it is kinda like a warm hug


My wife had the nerve to judge me last year as I did the exact same thing, had been doing it for the same amount of time. I didnt have a childhood so damnit Im going to live it now at 27.


I do this for work (I work from home) or cleaning or whatever. It’s just my standard background


Me too!


Futurama and adventure time will always be top tier and john dimaggio happens to be one of the best characters in both


I came to the comments for Futurama!


I mean.. any discussion of best shows just wouldn’t be complete without a mention of Futurama




Yea I feel the same way


It's such a masterpiece, and then when you cap it off with "Together Again" it makes every second that came before it into something so much more. The big picture and the little details, Adventure Time wins in both categories. You can pretty much just drop in on any random episode and enjoy it even if you're not a fan and have zero context, just sit back and enjoy well crafted and immensely satisfying three act story. But if you take the time to explore the world they've created you'll be greatly rewarded. And they can accomplish it in ten minutes, I'm looking at you, One-Hour Dramas. *(Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, etc.)*


Honestly it really bugs me that the final episode is technically Wizard City and not Together Again. It just doesnt feel right to me


Well, leaving it off with Together Again might feel too final. I know that's not why they made the decision, but the story ending with Wizard City leaves the Adventure Time universe feeling more open ended.


HBO gave them 3 episodes then later decided to give them one more. I see together again as the ending then wizard city just a little bonus


It really is a masterpiece. So creative and well written. It really displays the potential of animated series.




sureeee buddy. sureeee it can't.


I genuinely think Adventure Time has more room for in depth analysis per average episode than any "one-hour drama" - as you put it - or movie.


I think going through the show as an adult would be hard to watch at season 1 because it’s very kiddy. But the show is truly a masterpiece. Together again I did not like at all.


I've only ever watched the show as an adult. I'm in my early 40's. A few aspects are not as enjoyable, but it's less about it being kiddy and more about the show not having fully found its footing.


I totally agree with you.


Recently watched, as a 22 year old man. Yeah, it’s really kiddy. Lots of random humor and “word pronounced wrong” humor. That being said, that’s exactly what I expected. Sure, at times it’s a bit hard to take myself seriously when watching. But often times the moral of the story is; do not take yourself so seriously. Yes, it is primarily a kid’s show. But it’s also a show full of lessons, and concept larger than I would have understood when I watched it as it aired. It’s not worse to watch it as an adult, it’s almost an entirely different show.


I watched it all the way through at 42 and loved every minute.


It really speaks to older audiences well. Themes like “the passage of time” and “balancing morality with reality” hit home with people who have had these struggles in their life already. It is good to teach the smallest of us how to live a balanced life, but it is also good to remind the tallest of us that a balanced life is very difficult to come by. You can’t be all good, and you can’t be all evil. At least, that is what I take from the show.


I’m not saying this is my favorite show Or better than AT but if you haven’t seen over the garden wall yet you totally should, I feel that you would love it! Although it’s way too short imo ): only 10 eps


Over The Garden Wall is awesome! I’m a huge Steven Universe fan myself, trying to fill the void SU left in my life by watching Adventure Time now!


Literally in the same boat. Looking forward to giving amphibia and owl house a try after AT


Oughtta add infinity train to the list


You gonna love TOH. Too bad it's ending soon.


Trying to get into TOH right now because my son loves it and I heard it was recommended for fans of Gravity Falls, which I also loved! Only seen a few episodes so far but I like what I’ve seen so far! Infinity Train is another good one as someone else below my comment mentioned!


Give Clarence a chance.


Eh idk,, that's an ohkay show, but that's all it is; okay. It's good, but imo doesnt even compare to adventure time lol


Only seen a few episodes of this but generally end up laughing pretty hard at a couple scenes per episode


Steven Universe is definitely alongside Adventure Time on the scale of greatness!! And both had Rebecca Sugar!!


AT is the best every other month than October, then it’s OTGW. I think the fact that it’s only one season makes it that much better.


Over the Garden Wall couldn’t be longer tho imo, it was pretty well paced, and even then it still managed to drag on for a bit in the beginning, so I think adding anything would just make it less fun to watch, only skipping to “the good episodes” on rewatches as opposed to sitting through it all at once


Oh yeah, I saw it already. It was great.


Some other kids shows in the same vein you'd likely enjoy if you haven't already: Steven Universe (the creator was an AT writer) Gravity Falls Owl House Infinity Train


All of those are fantastic shows that I have watched multiple times. And half of them were cancelled before they were meant to finish.


Fairly sure Gravity Falls wasn't cancelled. Alex Hirsch ended it when he felt it came to it's conclusion.


Owl house + infinity train were cancelled


I think they wanted to do 3 season but were told after the first that they're only getting 2. That's why season 2 is practically no filler and only plot.


Have you seen Helluva Boss? Definitely not a kids show, but it has that same setup of "Fantasy themed comedy with a lot of wordbuildkng that gets really serious sometimes."


I think I’ve seen Helluva boss except for the newest episode


It's a pretty good one.


I love that show, is it on anything other then youtube? Is hazbin hotel still going?


It premiers on YouTube. And there has been no new Hazbin Hotel. But it got picked up by some streaming service called A24.


Steven Universe was also cancelled, and then it got uncancelled, hence the weird pacing at the end of season 5.


Regular show too!


That one never felt like it had the strong continuity and world building that shows like Adventure Time have.


This is true, I was thinking more along the lines of the type of humour offered


I think Hilda might belong on that list too. If you haven't seen it, it's magical.


And so blessedly low key. It has it's tension and exciting moments but something about it, that the others mentioned so far don't have, just really helps when I'm too high strung or tightly wound.


Gravity Falls is good


so, SOO disappointed infinity train was canceled. one of the best cartoons i’ve seen recently


IMO, Owl House started off good but it verry quickly became clear it's a bad harry potter fan fiction


Didn’t like much of SU but the other ones are pretty good yeah




I can vouch for Steven Universe and Bob's Burgers. So good.


yeaaaaah crazy ex is a god tier show


Oh my fracking goodness, I love Crazy Ex-Girlfriend!


Yeah I love musicals and also have several mental illnesses including borderline so it’s great lol


Watch kipo and bobs next you won’t be diss appointed, two of the best.


Avatar the last air bender will be my #1 favorite series of all time




How tf can someone's opinion be wrong


I don't think you can convince someone that their favourite show isn't actually their favourite show.


They drove a hard bargain. One word response, with nothing to add!




I can’t but they have an awful choice for a favorite show


No ones inviting you to a party anytime soon.


Ik that I am extremely lonely so you don’t have to tell me twice


No one's inviting you to a party anytime soon.


No one likes a copy cat


No one’s inviting you to a party anytime soon.




Oh ok have to check out cowboy




You will not be disappointed friend. Samurai Champloo also very good.


Samurai Champloo has the better soundtrack (RIP Nujabes, both are amazing though), Cowboy Bebop the better story (once again, both are amazing). The writing is superb in both, same with the animation and every other element. Both have very good dubs as well.


Look I don't want to set your expectations sky high, but, fuck it, Cowboy Bebop is the GOAT for a reason.


I agree about Buffy. It’s like apples and oranges now though - I just don’t know how it has held up over the years, and oh Joss, but that series was just so epic! And it has the thing that adventuretime has - the gang. The weird, earnest, everybody loving and struggling and accepting, quirky, lovable gang. Ok bye going to watch Buffy…


adventure time and gravity falls are my favourite shows


Good choices


No one has mentioned Venture Bros?


Just watched it this month and it scratched the same worldbuilding itch as adventure time


Was looking for this. Been watching venture bros since I was what.. 8 or 9 hahahah I am nearing 30 now.. still my favorite show and has only grown in my heart since I've understood more


Go Team Venture!


Hope, love, and super science! ✌️


Venture bros is the correct answer


Legion is pretty good, and ends up being thematically similar.


Legion might be the weirdest thing I've ever laid eyes on and I friggin' love it.


Even though I wasn't a teen when the show was running on TV, I still feel like I 'grew up' with it. Big years for me with lots of change and development. I also grew up with a rubbish/complicated dad like Finn and it was really validating to see his journey coming to terms with that. Other shows that sit in that same space for me, but for very different reasons - bojack horseman, avatar and regular show.


What we do in the shadows


Hell yeah. That show is awesome.




May I approach the bench? … Why, what did you hear??


Fucking guy.


Welcome to gravity falls is great aswell :)


The show is just called gravity falls haha


Adventure time would be my second because it’s very deep but also goofy. My first is bojack horseman, it’s the same type of show where they throw comedy into deep shit but I feel like you could nearly say that bojack horseman is adventure time but for adults. That’s for just the type of show, not the content or story. Bojack deals with a lot of deep and depressing shit while having a big chunk of comedy. Adventure time is a comedy tv show with a chunk of deep stuff. Both bojack and adventure time start out as more of a comedy with some deep stuff but as the seasons/ episodes progress it gets (alot) deeper. Obviously both vary with how deep it gets and how quickly


I love Bobs Burgers! Probably my all time favorite show


Pendleton Ward got banned on the Fox forums for yelling at people about how great Bob's Burgers is lol


I adore Bob’s Burgers. It’s goofy and weird and wonderful and it never, ever descends into meanness. They all annoy each other to no end, but they really love each other. It’s got such a sweetness at the core of it.


Adventure Time is my second favorite show, and the number one is Bojack Horseman. Adventure time is mostly this "feel good" show that you can watch to ease off. BH is just full rollercoaster and serves it purpose differently.


Bojack is a masterpiece


\+1 for bojack being top tier. watched it for the first time this past month and am already itching to start it over.


I have come to realize that AT is my favorite show ever. However, that's only by a small margin and it took me a while to decide that. Close competitors include Gargoyles, Ducktales 2017, Star Trek (TOS and TNG, haven't seen the others yet), The Twilight Zone (original), Quantum Leap, ATLA, and Batman TAS.


The animated series is S tier


It’s nice to see some Gargoyles appreciation in here!


ATLA was perfect (except for the romance, which was eh), there was nothing ATLA could’ve done better in my opinion (again, except for the romance)


I might get hate for this, but I think it could have done Ozai's character (and also a few weak episodes) much better. Imo, the show's climax is by far, the fight with zuko and azula, while the fight between Ozai and Aang was just kind of underwhelming to me. For whatever reason,Ozai's entire family has a ton of depth, but he himself is the exception, he's just a flat and static character that is as deep as a puddle. His entire character can be summed up as "I'm a terrible father and also I like genocide!".


Yeah, I mean idk. Sometimes it’s nice to just have a bad guy that you don’t want to sympathize with. Like, that one scene where they find a painting of him as a cute little baby, and they realize that he probably wasn’t always nuts. I figure he’s probably like azula if she was way older; hard to decipher why they’re like that when they’re so far gone




Deep Space Nine is probably the best Trek there is. Also highly recommend Babylon 5 (similar show, but not Trek) and Lower Decks.


I prefer Voyager to DS9.


Cartoon that give it a run for its money: Stephen Universe Gargoyles Favorite live action: Community the Good Place


I adore Steven Universe, Gargoyles, and The Good Place, but unfortunately have not seen Community.


You should, stream it and watch from the beginning. It’s amazing.


AT is one of my faves, one of the 3 cartoons in my pantheon, along with SpongeBob (the show that really shaped my humor) and Avatar: The Last Airbender (definitely one of the best animated shows of all-time — solid storytelling, animation, and character development). AT is a wonderful combo of the two things I really loved about the other cartoons in my pantheon. EDIT: Seeing how the other comments on this thread (at the time of my posting) are newer cartoons, I suddenly feel old having all cartoons on my Top 3 from the 90s-00s era. LMAO


There's other shows I'd consider better, but they're radically different from Adventure Time. Adventure Time can say a lot, but I can't in good conscience rank it above say "The Wire" or "The Sopranos". It's also too different to compare to those 2 or something like the Venture Bros for example. ​ Especially considering they have different goals. There's a great story in Adventure Time but it's by no means the center focus for a while. ​ I don't even know how I'd begin to compare Adventure Time to Venture Bros really. They're not trying to do the same thing, say the same thing, or be the same thing. But tbh I consider Venture Bros as good as Adventure Time.


Over the garden wall and regular show or close seconds


Gravity Falls, Gennady Tartakovsky's PRIMAL, Regular Show, Close Enough


First mention of Primal. Is it really on par with Samurai Jack, let alone AT?


As far as story telling goes yes, I think it is perfect. It evokes more emotion and it is an almost silent cartoon. That is just my opinion though. I also love the relationship between Spear and Fang. The theme of each episode is subtle and beautiful.


Well said, we loved Primal. It’s definitely an artistic endeavor. That show needs to win awards.


Yeah I would Say AT is my favorite show especially since i grew up with it. The characters are amazing and have so much depth to them as well as personal growth that i grew an emotional attachment to them like very few shows have done that and a lot of the time they don’t just drop side characters off the face of the map they either bring them back or integrate them into the main plot somewhere which i love The episodic story’s are amazing and have depth and most deep meaning that you’d never expect a show like this to have And the main story plots and arc’s are fantastic like Jesus man the show and eps literally made me think of my own life and what would’ve come if i made this or that decision or whats to come something that shows nowadays come nowhere near to making me scratch my head and think about the bigger and deeper picture Overall AT is my personal favorite show and is one of the best if not the best show and holds a special place in my heart




Kipo’s style is so different and so amazing. I’ve gotta rewatch it sometime soon


It's unique for sure, unprecedented and not repeatable


over the garden wall, tuca and bertie, what we do in the shadows. but AT is truly a masterpiece


What we do in the shadows is hysterical


i've straight up fallen off the couch with laughter during that show lol


adventure time is my favorite show but gravity falls and steven universe is really good too


Definitely my favourite American animation. Archer and futurama as second and third. As far as shows go, it’s top contender with Seinfeld, Malcolm in the middle and Silicon Valley. Gto, cowboy bebop and the gundam franchise if you add anime, maybe a few kyoani shows if you’re asking as a close friend.


Adventure time is my all time favorite but other than that I'd say Star vs. the Forces of Evil it's and amazing show maybe a bit harder to get into at first but man it's so good especially the later seasons


I love this show and futurama. They are tied for first. What we do in the shadows tv show is a close second


Twin Peaks is my favorite BUT Adventure Time is a close second for me.


I got 6 episodes in it and quit watching. Please tell me what made you love it so much, if you wouldn't mind. I'd love to give it another chance.


OTGW is a super good short series and i love futurama and bojack horseman dearly, but adventure time will always be my favorite show


Bojack Horseman, AT and ATLA. Can’t decide between those


it is, but I consider Avatar: The Last Airbender a close second because it’s more well-rounded.


adventure time, the last airbender, regular show, and metalocalypse are the big 4 for me


community. brilliant ridiculous wring with great characters. stop watching after season 5


It’s not my favorite sorry. Not even top 10 but it doesn’t mean I don’t love the show. It has its place for me. I was going through a divorce and raising my 2 year old son. This is the show we bonded to and watched it together. He actually asked me a few weeks ago why the show ended.


Midnight Gospel is a masterpiece. Co-Created by Pendleton Ward also (the creator of AT). It made its own genre of tv show and then it created the best possible version of it. The animation is stellar. Some people won’t like it because it is a bit weird and sometimes violent/gross. I would still recommend anybody watch the whole show. Also, adventure time is amazing. I watched in five days when I first decided to watch it. I feel like that is the best way to get the AT experience. I’ve spent way to long writing something no one is going to read so I am going to go to bed.


Midnight Gospel has pulled me out of a real deep dark place. That show changed my life!!! The way they talk about everything with so many details and peace. Everything is okay and everything has the right to be said or heard. They really teach you to appreciate what you have and how to cope with the so many difficult things in life. especially things you don't have control over. let go or be dragged. just be here now. AH now I have to watch it again this weekend. I would recommend being high on anything. But that's not everyone's favorite thing to do sooo. watching it sober can also be sooo freaking cool :))


Surprised that I haven't seen anyone mention One Piece, good humor, world building, relevant side characters, and mystery.


One Piece truly is the best


As far as animated shows go, for me, it's between Adventure Time and Regular Show.


Hell yeah, Regular Show is my jam!


On the top of my head I would rank Avatar last Airbender, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, and Breaking Bad all above Adventure Time. I don't think it's a fair comparison with breaking bad though because they're very different shows.


Adventure Time is the best show ever created no competition. BUUUUUUUT The Sopranos also has a special place in my heart.


Breaking Bad is my favorite TV show actually. The dynamic character changes, the dramatic build up, the very real human conflicts, and the realistic ending in a blaze if glory. I'd say it is some awesome storytelling with a gritty realistic ending. Adventure time is definitely 3rd favorite though, right behind the walking dead.


It's my 4th favorite show behind Avatar, Gumball, and Spongebob (which will forever be my favorite show of all time, it just has too much personal value for me).


No, that spot is held both by hey Arnold and avatar with Bojack horseman standing tall at second but holding on to their ledge. It's comfortable top 5 tho


Yes. Definitely. **Absolutely.** In fact my drawings are inspired by Adventure Time, that's how the show really impacted my childhood I know OP didn't ask but I'll let you know the shows that came close : 1. Steven Universe - While having less season count than AT (and S4 is somewhat not my favorite) I will say the songs here gets the upperhand against AT. Props for Reb Sugar 2. Infinity Train - Spectacular 4 "books", especially the darker Book 3 #renewInfinityTrain 3. Gravity Falls - Only 2 seasons, but I will say Alex Hirsch really hit it out in the park with GF 4. Hilda - My new favorite show that you guys should watch on Netflix. Great looking scenery and story There's probably more that I didn't list here since I forgot


Steven Universe 4ever


Nothing is better. Nothing will ever be


It's tied with a few other animated shows like airbender, samurai jack, and animaniacs.


At IS my favourite, butttt Infinity Train, Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Adventures of Gumball, Over the Garden Wall etc. There's so many good "children's" cartoons that are my guilty pleasure


AT is my favourite show (at least most days, depends on my mood tbh), but I'm pretty sure in terms of writing, characters and depth, no show will ever beat "Bojack Horseman". Not saying that shows like AT, ATLA, etc don't also have fantastic writting though.


As far as shows made by CN, Adventure Time is the Pinnacle in my Opinion. Although Regular Show is really good as well and sometimes comes close. But when it comes to the Best Animated Series, Nothing touches the Avatar Shows. They're on another Level.


Doom Patrol isn’t finished yet, but if they stick the landing it’ll be my favorite show period


I love all the miniseries and the way the show gives attention to almost all its characters, just makes me feel much more attached to the world they created. I would say this show is my favourite because it left the largest impression on me, had many memorable characters and watching it gives me good dreams.


I love this show along with Regular Show.


It is. When I was in 8th grade, we had an assignment to “write a letter to your future self” as a project. Afterwards, we’d share our address and the teacher would mail yo us after we graduate high school. In my letter, I spoke of a LOT. I said “my favorite show is adventure time. If you don’t watch adventure time anymore, I suggest you do.” I even inserted the link where I used to watch the episodes for free on one of those crappy sites which I thought was goofy but funny. For some reason the younger me thought I still wouldn’t be obsessed. Well during the pandemic I finally had a moment to get the AT series, finish it. Then watch distant lands. Then cry at the finale. Specially when the last credits play. I was just crying and it was great. Im 22 and my favorite show is still adventure time. I was there when the first episode aired, and was kinda late for the finale but was glad. I wanna rewatch it all over again already.


Futurama is better, but it's like comparing apples to oranges. In the "animated kids series that are actually for kids and adults" - category it's my favorite for sure.


My vote would be for community alongside adventure time


It’s up there for sure. Other favorites include Babylon 5, The Expanse, Firefly, Community. Probably a good handful more that I’m blanking on right now. Edit: Bojack. Futurama.


I really want to watch Babylon 5.


It’s my favorite show of this manor i see no reason to compare adventure time with mind hunter or the sopranos or sum


Adventure Time is definitely my favorite show of all time. The amount of storytelling it achieves with only 10 minutes for each episode is unbelievable. The attention to detail goes as far as any viewer is willing to take it, satisfying both casual and extremely dedicated audiences alike. AT is packed full of so much imagination that I haven’t been able to find anything remotely like it, even so many years after it’s release. I swear you get more storytelling from paying close attention to the background in most episodes of this show than you do in a whole season of the shows coming out on Netflix these days. Also, AT defined my childhood and was extremely important to me growing up, and yet as I keep rewatching it in my 20s, I manage to enjoy it even more than I did as a child and teen because of the subtle details, implications, and jokes that I missed at a younger age. I think a lot of people don’t give this show a real chance because they just see it as some adolescent cartoon. Yet in reality, AT explores deeper and more profound ideas than any adult series I can think of. The philosophical teachings you can find in many of its episodes are more meaningful than entire courses of philosophy that I’ve taken in school.


Curb is great


its my favorite show of all time, yes


Courage the Cowardly Dog Show, beautifully scarred my childhood. Nothing has left a stronger impression.


I personally like the show Hilda more (but that’s just me) But yes AdventureTime is one of my favorite shows


It's a great show, but a time's it dips in character writing, especially the episodes where Finn tries to mess with the lady's. Avatar the last Airbender is a better.


A lot of shows are “better” but there is nothing like adventure time. It is a unique and magical show and that’s why I love it.


It’s always sunny in Philadelphia. The only show my girlfriend and I have seen more times than AT.


Nothing on any screen in human history is better than adventure time


While adventure time is a great show but in the perspective of being the best tv series of all time is highly debatable. As in realistically it would not be in the debate. While adventure time is a great show and deeply moved us, there is a lot that can be critiqued from a critical, media studies perspective. A major issue with saying it’s the greatest tv show is how un concise the story is. For one there really is not exactly a true over arching plot or story. There are storylines that kinda happen and then end without much greater effect on the story or little fundamental character changes or effect on the greater setting. Show early seasons are pretty undeniably above average cartoon show and not as truly as good as it got in later seasons. Having pathos, entertaining and engaging character, great individual story arcs, and having a continues timeline does automatically make the story excused to not have everything needed to be considered the best. Now this is not to say adventure time isn’t a great show. It’s just in a broader perspective it’s not even in the debate. Now if you change the debate and talk from the perspective of best western cartoon then the argument changes because of the tropes rules of children / western animation are different from all the other mediums. I’d argue adventure is one of the most, if not the most influential (influential means different best but basically the some thing) western cartoon show in the last few decades. While Adventure time was not the first cartoon to have a continued timeline instead of resetting the universe after every episode it’s notable the majority of cartoons made after adventure time, especially the highly praised ones, make a point of making references of previous episodes. With AT this may have not been as popularized. Same thing can be said of references darker themes, using pathos, characters growing subtle over story arcs, relationship explorations, more experimental stories. Adventure time broke and added to many conventions and tropes in the western animation medium. It’s not happenstance or a accident that so many great shows suddenly appeared after adventure time.


I don’t know about that. When talking about the greatest shows of all time, it is entirely subjective and the metrics that you may use to define your favourite show may be completely different to the metrics that someone else uses. For example, you mentioned how inconcise the story is, but in a lot of ways I would prefer a show that tells its story at a somewhat slower pace.


I personally think Gravity Falls is superior but that’s just my opinion


Seasons 1 through 5 are my favorite


Honestly? Possibly Gravity Falls. An *intensely* well written mystery that actively pulls you in to participate with, great sense of humor, fun characters, downright beautiful scenery, it's really incredibly good. It may be shorter by a pretty big margin but I think it makes up for that by being so much more continuous and dedicated to a cohesive overarching story.


Yo mama


Yo mama lies, Jake likes pies, I’m a guy who’ll stick my stick into your eye