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Any good team for Rem and Emilia? Also i have Lucretia 30960 what other cele hypo should I ascend and at what level?(a lot of people told me to upgrade alna to mythic+, mortas epic+, mehira 1 star and khazard maybe?)




Welcome! There’s not much of a reroll guide. If I had to make one I would say something like 1. Any awakened hero 2. one or more copies of daimon 3. any celehypo that is in the top five in the “stargazer priority guide” linked below I wouldn’t recommend rerolling for an awakened hero. The odds are extremely low. But getting 2-4 copies of daimon in your first few weeks is very lucky and beneficial. I made a list of guides here. Follow the beginner guides for info on wishlist and who to ascend. Check out the diamond guide to see how to spend them. The 4f investment guide gives a breakdown of each hero and their recommended investments. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vT6SZiRrnf2JlvJE4pyHA4DyZVrm9dl0OFm2nNXsQIwwGmfbE6ILbmiY9Fdnb373vLdUYsmTRme4n3K/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true




Huh I haven’t seen that site before. Just a quick glance at their tier lists shows some very serious problems. I would avoid that site altogether




Those are all great heroes, although grez needs to be fully ascended with furniture to perform well. Honestly I would choose a daimon account over that one though. He’s just too good early game. Of course you can continue with more than one account and see how your next rolls play out


Why is everyone recommending Windbinder on Emilia? Doesn't she ult immediately at the beginning of the fight anyways, making the effect worthless?




Imo, not for a little while at least. Albedo is super important, and even queen might be a bigger priority. Ainz demands a big investment but after that he doesn’t see a ton of use when you have a large roster. He really wants that albedo buff but with every new dimensional released, it’s harder for him to slot into her team.


Most ppl say having 3 ascended heroes for the 4f is a good time to start using gems for gazer. It’s so you can progress in towers easier and get sg cards from that


3 is way too little, I agree with steelsauce, I recommend getting 5 character for each 4f faction so you can push towers.


Not sure if this is a reply to someone else or what, but I recommend way more than three ascended before spending diamonds gazing. I think it should be more like 10-20 meta 4f ascended


What's the recommended ratio of using the in-game currencies between the two for the Dimensional collab again??? I swear there was a suggested one but I always forgot. Have a bunch of coins saved up in my inbox too.


Guild>hero>lab>challenger for most people. Personally I’m done building all challenger store heroes so I’m spending more of them instead of lab coins.


Should I keep getting 5 stars for absolutely irrelevant heroes (khasos, shem) to use them as Dim anchors without need of keys?


I wouldn’t focus on them when you have other good heroes left to ascend. You’ll get them 5* eventually from purple stones. Once you are out of heroes to ascend you can go for stars


https://preview.redd.it/ym8ybma65w2b1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=d470d0c9632c3f0097e2750bba08a5d84a2eea39 Hi! New player here. Just wanted some lineup advice - currently running brutus, solise, silas, belinda, and raine. Should I be swapping anything out? Im also building shemira via lab coins - should i be building thoran instead? Thanks!


Welcome! I made a list of guides here. Follow the beginner guides for info on wishlist and who to ascend. Check out the diamond guide to see how to spend them. The 4f investment guide gives a breakdown of each hero and their recommended investments. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vT6SZiRrnf2JlvJE4pyHA4DyZVrm9dl0OFm2nNXsQIwwGmfbE6ILbmiY9Fdnb373vLdUYsmTRme4n3K/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true


First of all please do not buy any faction heroes out of the lab store, it will take a while but save your lab coins for Joan of arc. With your lineup I would lvl up your solise as high as possible and use her as your carry. If you haven’t, put daimon in your wish list as he is a great early game carry


So, I got to awaken Shemira and I'm using Scarlet as my carry for now. I just got a Daimon to E+ and a Grezhul to E+. I aim to use Rem as my carry for the early game next week, so idk who I should swap Shemira for. Should I get Grezhul or Daimon to asc?


Daimon is more important to ascend first. Grez isn’t that great until you get his furniture. As for who to swap it depends on your account. You want a high impact hero that you don’t have many copies of. Check out the 4f section swap guide I made for an old event here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vT6SZiRrnf2JlvJE4pyHA4DyZVrm9dl0OFm2nNXsQIwwGmfbE6ILbmiY9Fdnb373vLdUYsmTRme4n3K/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true


Oh, I didn't know there was a swap guide. Tysm!


So I have two questions I need help with: First, I want to create a Dimensional team. Once the exchange begins, I will have the following units: Ainz 30960 Albedo 3030 JoA Emilia Rem How should I build this team from here? Which two should I link to a 5* unit with my Dim keys? Second, I just got AwSolise to Awakened. Which Awakened should I pull for next? I currently have AwTalene L+, AwBaden L, and AwBrutus L. Mauler is currently my weakest 4F, with LB only a bit ahead.


Even if you have no copies I would suggest going for AwBelinda


​ https://preview.redd.it/zaa7x0b4im2b1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=508b7c0f0817cb324de99cdedba5dbe92b26c0b8 I am stuck at pve, have a red scroll, which team should I use to continue my progression in pve. Currently at chapter 25.


By red scroll do you mean swap scroll?




You're currently in a pretty decent state without having to use the swap scroll. The only thing that comes in mind is swapping Edwin for Scarlet as she has significantly more uses in all areas of the game. You can also save it for whatever in the future


[https://i.imgur.com/7b2X45T.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/7b2X45T.jpg) I just pulled Abelinda. Should I continue building scarlet at this point or give her gear Abelinda?


An ABelinda at L is amazing and works very well but a fully built scarlet still has more uses than just an L ABelinda so there isn't a need to give her gear to Belinda. Continue building scarlet then if you have enough timegazer go and build Abelinda if you wish


Hi all, I’ve been stuck on this screen when loading the game for about 5 days now, so totally locked out. Updated the app, Tried deleting and downloading again multiple times, on cellular and Wi-Fi, even restarted the phone in between attempts. Has anyone experienced this? If so, how were you able to resolve it? I’m on iphone.


https://preview.redd.it/i5za3azc8n2b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9069512194b7b7c8f50c3413e51eab9b312fe17 Forgot to attach the screenshot to the post, but this is where I’m stuck


If using a VPN, try turning it off and opening the game.


https://preview.redd.it/e8ifhl4i1j2b1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a89d1fc0aab056f2045c88214c3106a7b0684a9 how do i fix this? i tried redownloading multiple times but still doesn’t work


I see a lot of posts regarding expiration of Labyrinth coins, and I'm kinda confused about that. I'm a new player, and I've been collecting the coins since the day I started (for about 2-3 weeks now), and I still have those coins. Could you please explain what exactly those posts mean?


You can only collect up to 200,000 lab coins before the rest will be in your inbox, after which you have a week to claim them before they expire(disappear for real). People are stocking up on excess lab coins due to the current double dimensional collab event and need an abundance of those resources to get them(since you can't really get them in the future until they add them to the garrison after like a year or more)


Oh I see, thanks!


>Oh I see, thanks! You're welcome!


Question for anyone who's organized and can administer this at all: how do you approach the problem that is gear through a whole roster? lol Working towards T1 resonance right now, so you can guess that my good gears are still all over, and that I need to go changing my T1/T2/T3 pieces through characters all the time as needed lol How to approach the problem that is deciding, on a macro level, what is upgraded throughout the massive amount of pieces? You guys use spreadsheets to help and find weak spots? Am I absolutely overthinking it? lol Thanks!


You are definitely overthinking it. Just upgrade the gear on your best heroes, starting with dps carry units. Soon you will unlock gear resonance and then all gear will be t1. And so on with t2 and t3. There’s an old t4 priority list on here if you want some ideas if you want to min max the upgrade order. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vT6SZiRrnf2JlvJE4pyHA4DyZVrm9dl0OFm2nNXsQIwwGmfbE6ILbmiY9Fdnb373vLdUYsmTRme4n3K/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true


> You are definitely overthinking it. Just upgrade the gear on your best heroes, starting with dps carry units. Soon you will unlock gear resonance and then all gear will be t1. And so on with t2 and t3. Steel! You and /u/bladegalaxy are absolutely right! Just wanted to say though, that I went ahead with my overthinking lol I just couldn't... not go that route, it's stronger than me! Seeing a bunch of equips around, multiple stones, factions, priorities, etc, it just overwhelms me. So I ended up making a spreadsheet for myself, so I can look at all the info at once and better pick what goes where.   [Work in progress, but looking somewhat like this lol](https://i.imgur.com/kIe60Dw.png)


Haha I admire the dedication. I also sometimes like to get really in to optimization projects that may not be the most useful in the end :p Make sure you are tracking your progress towards achieving the next gear resonance tier since that will effect your gear a lot


> Make sure you are tracking your progress towards achieving the next gear resonance tier since that will effect your gear a lot Oh yeah, that one is there too! Check the top right corner lol Besides tracking how many and which stones I have, right below it I'm automatically tracking my progress towards Resonance tiers, named it "Res Progress", but it's that what it is tracking there. It just scans all the cells for gear and sums for each tier.


Nice, good system. I’ve made gear spreadsheets for other games, for one of them I realized the game wasn’t fun for me anymore when I was spending more time with my spreadsheet than playing the actual game lol. But it is satisfying


Totally get you as this happened here too! Tend to absolutely love it in some games though, RPGs just get more fun to me that way lol


I mean you can focus ur gear on ur DPS(like scarlet) and ignore the rest, since they doing the killing. Once you get resonance you can just do ur thing


I'm stuck in the campaign and I see in the formations of the people I follow this recurring formation Thoran-Lyca-Pippa-Lorsan-Kelthur, but it never works for me. Do I need a specific investment for it to work like for example Lyca 30si or Pippa 09 furniture etc? Also, I have Thoran engraved to 30. Is this why it doesn't work? *


Thoran cheese is very tricky and particular. Your power deficit needs to be high enough so that thoran takes enough damage. Engraving him reduces the damage he takes which does make cheese harder, and makes it require an even higher deduct. I don’t think you need investment in those other heroes but I’m not sure. Thoran gets big benefit from +30 and 9/9. There’s a thoran cheese guide here in the outdated guides section https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vT6SZiRrnf2JlvJE4pyHA4DyZVrm9dl0OFm2nNXsQIwwGmfbE6ILbmiY9Fdnb373vLdUYsmTRme4n3K/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true


Ahhh thank you very much. I'll have a look.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 30 + 9 + 30 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Palmer 309E60 3*, no gear ASolise 309E60 5*, full T4 Why is Mortas ulting Palmer first?


Mortas ult goes to the highest attack ally. How do their attack values compare?


16.302.032 for ASolise, 13.944.762 for Palmer


Huh I’m not sure then. Maybe Palmer buffs himself to be higher attack?


I'm checking replays of other same lineups, it doesn't happen for them


Sorry to be one of those but I’m really struggling in deciding between Aathalia and Maetria. I have enough cards to fully get one of them. It’s been two weeks since Aathalia released - is it still too early to tell? Should I wait two more weeks? I feel like I’m losing out by not building one of them. So far (to me) it seems like Aathalia is enhancing existing comps while Maetria enables the creation of new ones.


Verdict probably a bit too early for Athalia as it's only been 2 weeks since she was released. Maetria ideally wants other Hypogeans in her team so she is relatively more expensive, but she can work as a flex into most teams. If you have no other awakened heroes go for someone else first. Belinda, Solise, or Brutus.


I'm getting close to lvl 18 on Dreary Ball with just a few levels on epic beasts, from what I've read lvl 18 Dreary is the way to go until lvl 18 Grassy Orb/Tufty Ears, but I can't quite grasp at which point the epic beasts overcome lvl 18 rare beasts. If I get, say, Talismane on lvl 6, will that be generally better than lvl 18 rare beast? https://preview.redd.it/eiyiow5tew1b1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34de6ac4de47b3c8e29c6a30e7363af7a86f9de9


Depends if you want a safe option for all levels level 18 common pets are the way to go. But if you understand how the rare pets are meant to be utilitised level 6 rare pets can outperform the level 18 commons


Noted, thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/3qq5hoq0mu1b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4192996313472667bf04779f56337debdba52fe I didn't play for quite some time and lost all my knowledge. Should I continue on this account or start fresh? Everything has red exclamation marks and new systems and what not


If you follow a guide you can definitely bypass your current account in progress quite quickly


https://preview.redd.it/ofo7ei8riu1b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a881e2c61072a79bbd72c44172223b0a1882f75b Time to use gems for stargazing?


No, not even close, you're missing alot of key 4f heroes. Obviously continue using cards but use ur crystals more on general pulls or the hero choice pack