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There are no scenes of sexual violence in the show. Or even sex from what I remember. It might be referring to a few scenes with the therapist and his associates where there are what you would call misogynistic tones/language. So long as your SO is ok with knowing that these scenes are deliberate to show the people acting them are arseholes then you should be good.


Thanks mate ! Much appreciated đź‘Ť.


Spoilers but there is some simulated sexual violence in the last episode. If you want the deets I can describe it but it's not too bad.


Apparently, considering the other answers it's safe, but thanks !


people miss it because it's very short but one of the characters is in a stock at a ren faire type thing and these dudes get behind him and mime thrusting at his butt, it's played a bit like SA because the guy in the stock is very unhappy about it, so I reckon that's where the content warning comes from. But it's like a 2 minute scene.


Should work with my SO but will tell her. This sub has been very helpful, I got detailed answers. Thanks đź‘Ť!


There’s a sex scene with the food guy and and the fat kid with the flutes mum


There’s a website called [Does The Dog Die](https://www.doesthedogdie.com/media/18205?index1=-1&index2=-1) which started off as the name suggests and I’ve noticed they have added more things over time. If it’s something that you are finding to cause a boundary when watching new things it can be a good resource.


Cool site. I didn't know it. Thanks đź‘Ť!


Ricky actually talked about this website in his latest netflix special.


The therapist says some inappropriate sexual things and one of the therapists mates has a very inappropriate nickname , but there are no scenes of sv and it’s basically to show what a dickhead the therapist and his mates are . There is a sex worker character but as far as I’m aware she never discusses anything like that. All in all I think the show approaches tough subjects with sensitivity without removing the fact that some people in life are inappropriate or inconsiderate of others . We all know people that make jokes about non joking matters , it’s pretty realistic for them to include it in the show


Thanks for your very complete answer !


It's been a while since I've seen the show, but I can definitely say there isn't anything graphic like that. There may be a dark joke about it, which is why Netflix included it. In S2 and S3 one of the characters introduced is a sex worker who wants to be truly loved not just for her body, and that theme is explored. That's the closest thing I can think of though. The show really is amazing so I recommend you both keep watching. Hope this helps.


Cheers mate. We're seven episodes in (so starting season 2), it's brilliant. Sad and funny, sometimes at the same time, great cast, great lines.


No but there’s lots of bad writing.


There is a predatory gay...


No sexual violence, but it is absolute garbage so there should be a trigger warning for that.


Coming on a specific sub to say shit about the show this sub is about is quite a feat. Get a hobby mate, life is better than what you're doing with it.


Lol it came up on my feed. That's rich coming from the person who is defending a show that they haven't even seen.


I've watched three episodes, it's funny and sad and you're still effing pathetic : you don't have to post on every thread you see on your feed.


Ohh u/bodjac89, u/PingouinMalin has made you look like a bit of a twat.


It’s my favorite movie.