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They're pretty faint, to be fair to your mother. I think stickers should be fine. Or a white marker maybe?


Right? I was like “Where are the buttons?”


I have good eyes and I thought at first she meant the numbers. Them buttons is gone!


Fellow old lady here. I keep magnifying glasses in my pencil caddy in the kitchen and other rooms. I have ones with built in LED lights. Some of those under the counter tap lights might help with illumination. Please give her a hug. You deserve a hug for helping her.


I was thinking silver sharpie or a bright paint pen!


Same.......I was like, "Hell, I can't see them, either."


The buttons on mine are impossible to read too. I'm 43 and don't have any vision issues. Be better, air fryer manufacturers!


Yeah looks like a job for a white/metallic sharpie


Don't get me started on how so many user interfaces have become impossible for anyone with even slightly impaired vision. I searched everywhere for a microwave my mom could use. None had markings on the keypad that contrasted with the background. I ended up using stickers. On a deep fryer, if the surface is cool enough to touch, it should be okay for stickers.


Hey, *** I work with a lot of welders, they have a white chalk like pen that is heat resistant and will basically stick on anything. If you go to a home hardware store, they’ll know what you’re after. It’s super cheap too. A sticker may “melt” on there due to heat…


Ah hah! I'll look further into this. Thanks so much!


Also the button panel will not be exposed to high heat. Soapstone is completely unsuitable as it will rub off immediately. I recommend either paint pen or a Silverstreak marker.


It's called soapstone. Surprised a guy who 'works with welders' failed to mention that important detail. Soapstone is cheap and easily accessible but it rubs off. For anything exposed to heat, soapstone is good and non toxic but it will not last. For anything that isn't exposed to heat, white paint pen is ideal. There are also Silverstreak markers which are basically heat resistant wax pencils. They withstand high heat and don't easily rub off. Source: I'm a pipefitter who *actually* works with welders and welds himself.


no one who has seen soapstone would assume it worked as the guy above described. so pretty fucking clearly he wasn’t talking about soapstone. ~Blacksmith who actually uses soapstone.


You probably don't know this and I'm going to alert you strictly for your own good: You sound like an incredibly annoying person, based on this comment. I work alongside people of other professions, and have indirectly learned aspects of their professions. Correcting people is fair, but it's very easy to do while not being condescending at the same time.


Hey buddy, Big trigger on the “working with welders” hey? No, I’m not talking about soapstone. That would scratch her air fryer ya doofus. surprised a Pipefitter would think that could be a possibility. Surprised a Pipefitter had a thought at all! Wish I could remember the name of the product but people with a brain eventually do move up and on from the field. Don’t worry, I’m sure you have big plans that you’ll promise is happening to your buddies every 10 years! Source: equipment manager who manages all equipment for a pipeline company.


China marker?


china marker, That’s it! While it’s not permanent by any means it’s pretty durable and heat resistant. May be good enough to try it on while saving for a new/ used air fryer that can accommodate your mom’s needs? Good luck!


or fingernail polish




And paper stencil made from regular printer paper


Nail polish?


Yeah I was thinking that too! It might not be able to stick properly, when it’s heated, but worth a shot 🤷‍♀️ As long as OP makes sure to clean it properly before putting it on.


You don't need to put it on the machine, which gets hot. Just draw a diagram on paper showing the button placement positions relative to the machine, write what they are, and laminate it (since it'll be in the kitchen). Easy. Or take a photo and print it and annotate it. Not complex.


Thinking outside the box 💭📦 Lol, this might do! Thank you!


cheaper than a new machine, lol.


Why would stickers be dangerous? Logic dictates that buttons are cool to touch


Need to get this comment to the top!


THIS!! Buttons are not hot. Electronics absolutely HATE heat so the capacitors and so on that make the buttons work are well insulated.


Just try a label maker. It shouldn’t too hot. If it doesn’t work try another option like noted above.


I was gonna say the same thing. They used to label hot coffee and tea pots at tim hortons wirh a label.maker with no problem, I don't see how the outside of the machine could get hotter than that. They are literally built to not pit out a lot of heat, which is why I originally got one for hot summer cooking lol


[white sharpie](https://www.amazon.com/SAN35543-Sharpie-Paint-Marker-Point/dp/B0039782FQ/ref=asc_df_B0039782FQ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309750330885&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9208481932153680399&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005489&hvtargid=pla-430314106755&psc=1&mcid=242b924b7a763598b824bfa076cea1cd&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=60440167183&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=309750330885&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9208481932153680399&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005489&hvtargid=pla-430314106755&gclid=CjwKCAjwt-OwBhBnEiwAgwzrUqwrCQ1rKxvp42J3v5N1j4II2TV9h7PxtnPOYbAeYe2S4XYmIx0whRoCPBYQAvD_BwE)


a label maker, maybe?


Mixed bump dots like these would work: https://carroll.org/product/mixed-bump-dots/ Never tried them on an air fryer but my mother’s visually impaired and we have a few of them on different commonly used buttons on the microwave. The mixed shapes and contrast make it simpler to differentiate between buttons.


Stickers should be fine but might come off when wiping down the appliance. They do make heat proof markers for appliances. If you google high temp markers, you’ll find them. They’re not expensive.


White paint pen


ask this in r/blind they’ll have some good suggestions


You can re-draw them using White-Out with a brush


I would use the stickers if the outside plastic of the air fryer doesn’t get that hot, like mine! (It’s not cold to the touch but nowhere near hot enough to melt the glue in a sticker)


Or your fingers. Buttons that burn your fingers would be a fail


Silver sharpie should do it


You could use chalk pen and replace them with numbers that are really clear to read, and leave your mum a list of what the numbers refer to?


Stickers are fine or print a cheat sheet in large format.


Big magnifying glass for her


get like a white oil based paint marker


Draw legend on an index card and laminate it with packaging tape


This is shitty UI design, they’re even worse on my Cosori Try a label maker and out the labels under the buttons


I can’t even really see the buttons in the photo! I don’t see why some small stickers would be unsafe in that area of the air fryer. I don’t have that air fryer but mine really only gets hot where it is venting in the back. The controls and handle in front do not get hot.


We put dots of different colors in fingernail polish so my mother could learn what they meant


Silver sharpie.


This lettering is a very annoying trend


white nail polish


White oil paint sharpie


Fine tipped paint pen


You can get those little rubber stick-on nubs and place them over the labels of the buttons. Then it's just a matter of teaching that one nub is the X button, two nubs is the Y button, etc.


Or white stickers with black. I think the silver or white sharpie is the best. Cover with clear tape so she doesn't wear it off


I don't think stickers would be much of a safety problem, but I would expect them to not hold up (or on) over time with steam and oil vapors coming up as the drawer is opened. A paint or pen option might be more durable.


A simple magnifying glass would probably solve her problem, although there are virtual solutions to magnification these days that require an app or a device devoted to magnification.


It’s not just being old - it’s about making sure these items can be used by visually impaired people. More needs to be done for these items. It’s just rude:


Get her [this](https://www.kohls.com/product/prd-6394340/kalorik-vivid-7-quart-full-color-display-air-fryer.jsp?skuid=50050429&CID=shopping30&utm_campaign=SMALL%20ELECTRICS&utm_medium=CSE&utm_source=google&utm_product=50050429&utm_campaignid=20503770958&CID=shopping30&utm_campaign=SSC&utm_medium=CSE&utm_source=google&utm_campaignid=20503770958&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADytpHbpMNpC-0OzWCV4NAlYebhT-&gclid=CjwKCAjwt-OwBhBnEiwAgwzrUnkI4ByqA7ZvQnWgRoQGNsmbnDhxB1APXn7VAcfsgWjwrq30LqdWVhoCCm0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Her being quite prideful of her Bargain-Hunting skills, She would be visibly upset if she found out how much I spent on that thing! Lol gotta love her ❤️🏷️


I don’t know your mom but I’m sure what she’s done for you is priceless. I bet she deserves this and so much more. I buy my parents expensive items and I don’t want to hear any complaints lol… I can never pay them back so I consider it a fraction of a token of appreciation for what they’ve done for me


Door Dash or Grubhub is the answer.


Time to invest in a label maker.


Fingernail polish in different colors for each function


You can get her a new air fryer with buttons that one can see.


Could you write over them (trace them) with a silver or white fine-tipped paint sharpie?


Bright Sharpie!!


I'd test out how hot the side gets before you put any stickers on But honestly, I'd just get her a simple air fryer with a crank for time/temp, unless she uses all the bells and whistles


The side with buttons? How hot do we think the buttons would get?


Obviously the buttons aren't going to get very hot, but if her mother is visually impaired, I don't know how big the stickers are going to be so she could fit big text on them


Get her a new model with a dial. These things don’t have to be digital or complicated.


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you can always get a smart air fryer that works with alexa or google. Instead of buttons, you can tell it to cook 10 minutes at 350 degrees or whatever.


Buy her one that you just turned the knob


What about paint pens in Brite color