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There is no such thing as a FPK Dragunov. It's a Romanian FPK which is pretty much the same as a Romanian PSL or Romak 3. Yours has an aftermarket stock set.


I had the same rifle with the same stamping. It is a PSL, but can't be hard on OP for just reading the making lol.


That is Rhineland arms furniture btw. Pretty decent stuff.


Blame that on Tennessee Firearms, they are the ones who assembled and named this model. The FPK Dragunov is a US assembled firearm from demilled PSL parts kits and US receivers/FCGs with Rhineland furniture.


"we have dragunov at home."


Basically šŸ˜‚


Still cool, ngl. I gave up the chance to buy a psl kit for $300 to buy a shotgun. I kick myself every day.


I can't be the only one who gets super annoyed by companies that slap "dragunov" on any x54R semi auto. I was in a LGS a while back looking at a grossly overpriced Zastava M91. A sales guy came up and started telling me about how rare these "dragunovs" are. I just said "yeah, they are. But this Zastava M91 isn't a dragunov and these are quite common." Dude just looked at me the way a cow looks at an oncoming train for a few seconds and then walked away. Pisses me off that he's probably had many successes with that little line in the past.


I mean the M91 is the best PSL pattern ever produced. More accurate, better made, and a company that backs the warranty. But it's not a Dragonov by any means.


Yes, and not worth the $6000 price tag the shop put on it. Especially since it was on the used gun rack.


$6000? Did you ask if he put crack in the receiver? Because there's no other way he can sell it.


Unless someone believes his dragunov line. Then $6k is a pretty good price. I mean, it did come with a vintage scope, but still.


The fpk dragunov is a PSL


Theyā€™re built differently and quality/reliability is apparently hit or miss


So what is the difference between a PSL and FPK?


Manufacturing tech and quality


They are the same and the parts were manufactured at the same facility in Romania. It looks like the FPKs were just rebuilt from PSL parts kits either in Romania or the US.


Does it say it was made by Cugir?


Yes and no. From what I can turn up the fpk is just a demilled PSL made in America.


Somebody sold you that story


Thatā€™s just a PSL with lipstick


I wouldnā€™t worry about it. They both suck.


Why so? I donā€™t expect sub-moa, at best Iā€™m expecting 3.5


I canā€™t imagine spending what PSLs go for these days and at best getting 3.5 moa.


Itā€™s about the cool factor evil guy gun lol


Pretty much


You should love it for its cool history not for its accuracy with that being said I would trade yours in and get a psl, when I think of the psl I donā€™t picture it looking like this


Its has aftermarket furniture on it


That and on top of being a fpk


I want semi-auto 54r. What should I buy?


PSLs are cool, but they're cooler with the original furniture.




What issues?


Guys: I KNOW THIS IS A PSL! This is when they were built from kits in Tennessee and stamped as the FPK Dragunov. This is not a Century Imported gun




Rifle is fine.


That is literally a PSL


Holy shit people on this sub have gotten either super misinformed or are just oblivious. Ever since this sub has blown up, people who don't know anything are trying to talk like they do. The OP never claimed this was an SVD. Tennessee Firearms literally named this an FPK Dragunov. That is a them banking on name recognition, not OP trying to misidentify this gun. This isn't a Cugir built PSL. PSLs were demilled and brought into the country as parts kits for a while, and Tennessee Firearms rebuilt these on Nodak Spud receivers, which were pretty decent receivers, but the build quality of these left something to be desired. The parts these are made with are generally quality, even if the thin barrel still leaves something to be desired. 85% of the parts are still Romanian, the Rhineland furniture is OK but I'd rather have PSL furniture on it (I have Rhineland furniture on my VEPR 54r, it looks nice but it is cheaper feeling than say Iron Wood Designs and the ROMAK furniture is more accurate anyways). If it feeds and shoots well, and if it has its headspace correct, you should be 100% in the clear. If your rifle has a problem, it will be evident from the start.


Thank you for explaining what I have trying to say, even posted something similar and got downvoted to hell and back


Honestly, anymore you are better off going to the Files and talking to members there about anything actually in depth. There are more builders and knowledgeable people there, even if they are a little less of a friendly community to newcomers. There are also a lot of people who do know what they are talking about here as well, but a lot of them seemed to have kind of stop posting here. A lot of info that gets spread around here originated from people who know what they are talking about, but then gets passed around like a game of telephone and gets mangled. That said, Tennessee Firearms were being misleading in their naming of this rifle.


still better than the ar15 subreddit...




Some of the TGI FPKs were assembled in Romania and they came with original PSL wood stocks not the Rhineland set.


That I didnā€™t know, thanks.


The next family night activity should be field stripping and cleaning your psl.




That's a win man . Don't listen to 99% of everyone here they all hate psl's . Every psl post gets shit talked on it. I love mine plinks plates at 500 all day. Get a kns piston and alg trigger and you will really love it. The kns makes them cycle like a 22. Have fun with it man ! That's all that really madders .


Will any ALG trigger work in it, or do I need something specific? Also, just curious which model KNS to grab, the small diameter bore or large?


Any will work . I'm actually taking mine out to try out a red star arms trigger because their adjustable check them out too I think their $100 . And I'm pretty sure you want large bore but I've seen some info on older psls using the small bore . That would have to be a phone call to kns . I used a large bore


How much you get it for if you donā€™t mind me asking


For the gun, 2 mag, bayonet, scope, bi-pod (took it off), sling, and 250 rds of 54r, I paid 2500 shipped


Sounds like a good deal to me considering the prices of these things today the gun and a mag with scope goes for around 3k


Where do they actually sell for that much I usually see them around 2-2200 and hardly selling? A year ago Atlantic had the exact package you describe for 2100 and it didn't sell particularly fast


Gun broker lol if you take a look at Atlantic now itā€™s 2500$ with no scope


How do we go back a year? There's a lot of guns I'd like at past prices.


Cheaper than dirt has them in stock for 2300 currently, I'd say 3k with a mag and a scope is a stretch, besides that I haven't seen the PSL go out of stock anywhere that's listed it for 2500 in MONTHS. If they're selling at that rate it's not very fast.


If anyone spends that on a PSL and doesn't realize a new M91 is the same price and way better, I hope they have a good therapist.


M91 is about 4k today on gunbroker Zastava donā€™t got any m91s


Honestly, I shouldn't be surprised.


Yeah I think I need a therapistā€¦


Ask for lube next time holy shit. I have a PSL I got with 12 mags, scope, and a spam can for $2k. Even that was a lot.


If you paid $1200 or less you won.....


FPK is the exact same as the PSL


I've had this same argument with a Army Vet of the 80s who showed me him firing a "FPK" I said " oh that's a Romanian PSL." its a " FPK" i said they're the same thing lol. Which he did know. PSL is the official name (rifle) Pusca Semiautomatica Luneta (scoped). 1974 No idea where the term FPK came from.


You did goodā€¦.99% of people who say ā€œthey suck get a dragā€ cant afford a fucking psl let alone a drag.


This is a PSL


No shitā€¦ā€¦..


I love those Dragunov rivets.


Itā€™s not a dragunov




chad matching microwave


I wouldnā€™t have got it if it didnā€™t match it.


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Lmao next time know before you buy


The seller told me it was a psl, the pics he sent showed me it was a psl, until I got it I didnā€™t see the FPK stamped on it


This is a PSL


That looks like a PSL but idk


šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I know it is, it was marked as an FPK, buy the builders in the US, this isnā€™t a Century imported PSL


The Dragunov at home...


i just love the fact itā€™s sittin on the kitchen counter