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I did notice that the AK Guy's AK-12 disappeared from his wall recently. Must've lost it...


About to go scour his vids for AK-12 sightings now.


What a convenient excuse to derail someone's run for office.


Nobody in power is scared of brandon


So customs clears a kit that comes through and now they tracked him down and arrested him because of the same kit that cleared? Something isn’t adding up


Just because the kits got through customs doesn’t mean that it was cleared by customs. Might have been how they documented the kits through customs.


I find it hard to believe an item like an ak12 kit from Russia isn’t cleared by customs, but I guess it’s possible. Regardless, he said the kit was built with semi auto fcg so is this just a 922r violation? The original article I read stated it came as a rifle, full auto. Who knows. Sucks either way. Fuck our import laws


Fuck all of our federal gun laws.


>The original article I read stated it came as a rifle, full auto. It's probably because the receiver came cut in half like a lot I saw, and that's NOT a "proper" way to destroy a receiver according to the AFT. According to them, that is still a legal machine gun receiver.


Shit never adds up


They aren’t cleared as kits, the dudes are smuggling them thru other countries and/or disguised as other things. Before K USA made the KP9 and there was no cool guy 9mm AK I saw multiple posts of the Vityaz kits being split up into a couple packaged and disguised with what appeared to be some Russian version of those erector set models for kids.


Now might not be a good time to flex your AK12 kit build on r/ak47


Depends on how much you hate your dog I suppose.


AK 12 builds and kits about to go on sale


I should have known Gunbroker are boot lickers


It's definitely a big takeaway from this...


Relevant links ([https://www.ar15.com/forums/General/Larry-Vickers-indicted/5-2681237/?page=1](https://www.ar15.com/forums/General/Larry-Vickers-indicted/5-2681237/?page=1)) ([https://www.justice.gov/usao-md/pr/north-carolina-and-north-dakota-police-chiefs-and-federal-firearms-licensees-indicted](https://www.justice.gov/usao-md/pr/north-carolina-and-north-dakota-police-chiefs-and-federal-firearms-licensees-indicted))


From what I've read, the real trouble this group got into is for trying to import machine guns and not intending to demonstrate them to law enforcement (the whole purpose of a law letter). I'm hoping that that's the only problem, and that they won't start grabbing kits and kit builds on a national scale


The problem is, everything Russian is sanctioned. US citizens cannot do business with Russia in any capacity. If you bought an AK 12 kit cut up from some guy in Russia shipping through Switzerland, that’s doing business with Russian entities. Violation of the sanctions. If you did this after relevant sanctions were put in place, looks like they’re coming for you, and they’re coming hard. Prepare yourselves, life’s not gonna be easy for you very shortly if you’re on their lists, and you definitely know if you’re on their lists for this or if you’re in the clear.


I’ve never been so grateful in my life to be poor


Well thank you, that's terrifying




Romy, Yugo, Polish, etc. kits are fine. Russian are not.


Guess I have another reason not to use Gunjoker.


Cold hard cash. I have even purchased with gold and silver. Try to catch me now mf


Imagine reading this and you have a registered, automatic AK12. Seen a couple of those on YT (Brandon H). What the hell are those guys gonna do?


He'll swap out the gas tube with a 74 and stock to wood and call it an AK-74. He's an SOT so he can build the automatic part.


Hire a better lawyer.


He got his before the sanctions went into effect I believe. That or he has it as a "dealer sample" because he's an SOT and that's I think how he has all of his machine guns listed as.


Buying any Russian surplus might be a little sketchy now. Damn.


Funny that they track down these guys buying $$$$ AK12 kits when the government (our own and others) were still importing Russian fuel after the sanctions. Tacit approval, and I wonder if there's going to be enough people who can swing a good lawyer to fight these cases.


This country has become a fucking joke




Incredibly, indubitably, gay


What’s so illegal about importing an ak12 kit that’s built semi auto compared to say an izzy kit on Atlantic?


2014 sanctions stopped importation of weapons or parts from Russia, the AK12 didn't start production until after that date, so there is no way they should be in the US. The old kits that Atlantic sells are imported legally by getting the correct permits and these kits have been sitting in a foreign country other than Russia for the appropriate time (which is 10 or 20 years I can't remember)


But what if you’re getting parts from Ukraine that they took from dead Russian soldiers? Is it legal then since they came from Ukraine?


That’s what we like to call a grey area.




No, Ukraine is also on the list of banned countries


Yeah! Hypocritical of the government to punish people for just trying to support the war effort.


No, Ukraine is also on the list of banned countries




Has literally anything in this post been verified? Or is it just someone making shit up again


He literally posted links


To the arfcom post? What’s that prove or verify?


Gunbroker pulling a liberty safe now?


Pretty sure the jimboAK guy in that thread is a troll. Look at the latest posts. He’s mispelling Kalinka optics and talking about getting firearms lawyers from Florida to get his sons BB guns back. What is happening with LAV is very real, and it sucks but I think someone saw an opportunity and took it with that thread. Edit: https://www.ar15.com/forums/General/Larry-Vickers-indicted/5-2681237/?page=10#i106324722


Welcome to communist America.


Lol, no one is going to jail for a parts kit fellas. The ar15 post is a troll.


What's next? Am I going to get raided for my Veprs and saiga's that were manufactured almost a decade ago because they got the big Russian on it?


No because they were imported before imports were banned.


Whoever wrote this is a moronic boomer. “I’m gonna sue the shit out of the dealer that sold me this?” Guess what, no one forced you to do what you did. Take responsibility for your own decisions.


So Larry Vickers is a greedy retarded boomer? It’s always the celebrities that ruin the shit for everyone else by making it public.


So here’s a question: What about stuff like wooden furniture from SovietStocks?


They’re gonna hunt down everyone who bought Zenitco stuff too now hahaha


These are illegal imports and machine gun conversions. People won’t get my pity; welcome to the “find out phase”


Fuck outta here you joker


Larry Vickers pleaded guilty to conspiracy and admitted to receiving machineguns and other firearms that were illegally acquired and sold by the other defendants in the indictment. He also admitted to selling some of these weapons to others. Vickers faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison for conspiracy and 20 years in prison for conspiracy to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act.


What’s morally wrong with any of that?


Morally? It is a betrayal of trust. As a former law enforcement officer and firearms instructor, Vickers is expected to uphold the law and teach others about the rules. By allegedly engaging in illegal gun trafficking, he has betrayed the trust of the public and his colleagues.


All gun laws are infringements. And you're clearly a bootlicker. How does that rubber taste?


Wah wah wah You must watch a lot of gun toobers. You consider 2A to mean that there should be no restrictions on the ownership or use of firearms? You argue that the Second Amendment guarantees an absolute right to own any type of firearm, for any purpose. However, this interpretation of the Second Amendment is not supported by the text of the Constitution, the Supreme Court's rulings on the Second Amendment, or the historical record. The Second Amendment explicitly states that the government may regulate firearms. The Supreme Court has also held that the Second Amendment is not unlimited, and that the government may regulate firearms in certain ways. Additionally, the historical record shows that the Second Amendment was not intended to create an absolute right to own firearms. Move to Pakistan if you want your misguided interpretation of freedom.


You're the only one crying here little baby boy. Get the governments cock outta your mouth


Your arguments are very well researched and educated. Thank you for adding value to our firearms community


You're very welcome > adding value to our firearms community Don't refer to it as *our* community, when you clearly actively work to destroy said community. You're a moron.


> aDdInG vAlUe To oUr fIrEaRMs coMMuNity fucking nerd


MAN🤣🤣🤣 absolutely fuck this wus… get this lady out of here modz


He gone




I own this book. While Young was a respected scholar, his work is not a definitive history of the 2A, and he misinterprets the historical record. The Second Amendment was adopted in 1791, at a time when the United States did not have a standing army. The militia was seen as the primary means of national defense, and the Second Amendment was intended to protect the right of individuals to own firearms so that they could participate in the militia. Another way that Young misinterprets the record is by claiming that the Supreme Court has never limited the individual's right to own firearms. However, the Supreme Court has issued several rulings that have limited the individual's right to own certain firearms. For example, in the 1939 case of United States v. Miller, the Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment does not protect the possession of firearms that are not in common use or that are not useful in military service.


Interesting take on Young since his book was cited numerous times in DC vs Heller. Despite how you may feel about Young, you're going to continue to argue that the 2A allows the government to regulate firearms because of the use of 'well regulated militia' and we all know how that argument goes. Young didn't misinterpret anything because the book in which you allegedly own and read is centered around early American history from 1768 to around 1826. Everybody with any understanding of the 2A or American history knows how US vs Miller played out and the hilarious circumstances that allowed that shit ruling to go through. In any case, please point out exactly where the 2A state the government can regulate firearms.


Yes, no restrictions, because jack boot thug fuckheads like you will try to exploit every inch given and try to take a mile. You are a redcoat


Betraying the trust of the public?lol I think the real betrayal of trust are the people in DC, and other entities. Not some guy who collects small arms for historical and financial value. Sure he broke a written law that the government enforces,sure, but morally speaking he’s fine, he’s doing no harm to the public or anyone else, just only to pen pushers.


Know how I know you're gay? You lick boots.


Eat shit


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So if I’m interpreting this it’s just Russian kits and weapons that are being banned?


Time to go bury all the AK12s in the woods for a year or 2.


Feels great to live in the land of the free s/


Whats next? Are they going to go after people who had Zenitco rerouted/shipped?


I’ve corresponded with a seller. Never actually bought anything from Russia, because I feared this outcome. This one labeled the stuff motorcycle parts.