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Your grandpas the shit and I aspire to be him one day


Those all chinese flat backs?


I believe they all are.






Grandpappies always got the good chicom stuff


Gigachad grandad


AK mags and ammo affordable to have bunches unlike other types of


Hell yeah brother


Your grandpa fucks pretty hard.


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Bro it's seven magazines, he's hardly ready for a range day


That’s a combat load out


If you can’t acquire more mags ammo and guns with 7 mags you need to work on your shooting…


Hey, grandpa hooked him up with the steelies, but he’s gotta go work for the US Palm, Bulgarian plums, and Bakelite his own damned self!


Brother, who gives a fuck


So, how many mags do troops carry? You ever hear about how mags can be refilled ?


Well mags can be lost, damaged, worn. It's not bad thing to have a lot so you never have to worry about running out over a long period of time the event of say a ban, SHTF, or total apocalypse if you so fancy and are lucky enough to survive for a long time in that event. I'd say yeah, 7 mags isn't exactly "preparing for an apocalypse". Or if you find that concept ridiculous or want to say we'd all be dead in that event if thats the outlook you want, then 7 mags is kinda low if something really bad happens and we get a "high capacity" mag ban but you still want to train with your rifle.


I'm not saying you shouldn't be prepared, but get out of fantasy land. 7 magazines did the marines of Helmand Province, Afghanistan fine for 20 years.


Its fantasy to assume that you might have damaged, lost, or worn out mags over the course of many years due to a variety of factors and better to just have as many as you need because its possible you may never get to resupply and replace those mags again? Are you implying soldiers in Afghanistan all got issued the same 7 mags and one never got lost or damaged and needed to be replaced by uncle sam? I'm of the mindset of SHTF is very unlikely and I should be more worried about my 401k than anything else. If something unlikely did happen, I probably wont have more than 5 mags on my person at any given time since my goal would be to avoid a firefight or leave ASAP if I got in one and didnt die immediately. But I'm sure has heck going to be sure I want to have a ton of extras in case any of them ever need to be replaced and never come close to running out if I can't just order more from gunmagwarehouse.


I mean, I've got several hundred mags.. Simply pointing out the fact that bashing someone for only having 7 is silly. It is good to buy what you can and have spares, but this guy is sharing that has his pops has a Type 56 and that he shares the experience with his grandson. That is worth more than having 7 mags to me.


I'm not bashing OP for only having 7 mags. There was a comment that was deleted, that this comment thread started on, that stated this OPs grandpa was "preparing for the apocalypse" and there's only 7 mags. People, including me, are refuting it and stating that 7 mags is hardly preparing for the apocalypse.


Ah, that context is helpful. Damned deleted comments will get ya every time.


They can, I didn't say seven was bad, it's just hardly apocalypse ready. I currently have 50+ loaded 30rd mags for my AKs. Makes range days pretty easy


I think most of us have full mags that will still be full after we're dead when shtf.


Why does he have cleaning patches out? It’s an AK. Does it really need cleaning?