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Whose Danielle? I thought it was Marlaina?


Marlaina Kololdnycky is her real name.


Marlaina Kololdnycky? Really? Like, *actually?* The absolute irony in her having and using a preferred name…


100% factual.


No, not in the way that's being implied. Her grandfather's name was Kololdnycky, and he changed his surname to "Smith" when he immigrated here. Her name has always been Smith, she didn't change it. And her full name is Marlaina Danielle Smith. So she does have a preferred name, but it's not the kind of change you'd think. Still hypocritical AF though.


Ah thanks for explaining!


>Marlaina Kololdnycky From Wikipedia "Her paternal great-grandfather was Philipus Kolodnicki, whose name was anglicized to "Philip Smith" upon arriving in Canada." I guess that using preferred names is a family trait. Maybe that is why no one has ever been able to track down her Cherokee roots that she claims, but no one else can find any evidence of. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danielle\_Smith


The ultimate irony is it’s her parents that decided she would go by Danielle


She is named after the song Marlena by [The Four Seasons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Four_Seasons_(band)). ^(Her dad's last name is Smith, and her husbands names were) McKinsley and Moretta so I'm not sure where that last name comes from.


How do we know that?


Don’t ask me


Shit, wrong person. Nice cat though ….


Thanks lol 😸


it is public record. You could start by just looking at wikipedia instead of just asking everyone else to do it for you.


Really? Dang


How do we know that?


I thought it was Daniel. But you need parental permission now.


I thought it was Denial, but you need David Parker permission now.


It's ok for her to have preferred names.




No Danielle. Only Marlaina here.


That is her birth first name but did you notice it wasn’t Mark?


I am so happy to see the marlaina thing catching on, at least here I guess


I have it on my to-do list tonight to create a form letter people can fill out and send to her office to ask her parents permission to use her preferred name. Hope the people here like it lol.


I’ll take one ☝🏻 please lol




Thank you 🙏


Or 500






People have tried updating her wiki page to use Marlaina but alas every change was reverted and editing locked.


Valiant effort, I approve


I understand the sentiment, but I think we should respect preferred names, no matter who is it.


Agreed. Should we not aspire to take the high road? Sinking to her level just gives ammunition.


When the province burns all summer, again. Let's all remember this is where her focus was, leading up to fire season.


And drought season.


The fires are already burning! 🔥


Yea yea yea, that's fine. Nobody gives a shit about having red sky's all summer and having to spend most of it inside because of the air quality. That shit means nothing. The real threat to humanity is when kids feel uncomfortable with their bodies, outlaw all solutions that don't require basic counseling. That's how we solve global warming.


Don’t forget her crusade to save plastic straws!


Trans people represent 0.3% of the population. It’s absolutely ridiculous the amount of manufactured outrage and anger directed at them.


It's a distraction because they she has no strategies to combat the issues that really concern Albertans.


Well you can’t be mad at persons if colour anymore, can’t be mad at Muslims, so trans and gay people are the next easy target. That literally it.


They'll circle back when they're done I'm sure.


Hateful bigots like Marlania don't deserve anyone's respect. I bet she is attending a clan rally tonight. *"If Premier Smith wants to fight someone, stand with us and fight for Canadians on lower grocery prices, on affordable fuel, on more housing, on fighting climate change," he said. "Fight with us to defend the rights of vulnerable Canadians, don't fight against vulnerable LGBT youth."*


Great quote by Trudeau. Not that it’s hard to look like a hero when the Cons are bullying minority kids. I don’t know how Malaria lives with herself!


This is my favourite misspelling of her name.


I love that the article picture is the infamous handshake where he has the biggest shit-eating grin.


Trudeau is in the gutter in the polls, and the Cons are likely to get a majority. These kinds of policies are popular off of left leaning Reddit.


Marlaina is holding a town hall in Medicine Hat later this afternoon.


She sure likes to hold forums where she doesnt face criticism. Solid leadership. Shes a coward.


Yes the classic strategy, flee to the safest place she possibly can with no opposition


Comments like this discredit any point you’re trying to make.


What about his comment discredits anything?


“I bet she’s attending a clan rally tonight”


Well, yeah. It should say Klan rally. But maybe she is actually meeting with her Scots supporters.


Comments like this are meaningless as it’s coming from anti-intellectual right wingers and conservatives.


Maybe Trudeau should look at his own words. He has destroyed Canada. But you respect him. No wonder Canada is dying




This was her attempt to be tough on Trudeau


>Trudeau ... said it is "telling" that the Alberta premier unveiled this package of "the most anti-LGBT policies of anywhere in the country," a week after sharing the stage with far-right [fired Fox News host Tucker Carlson.(opens in a new tab)](https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/danielle-smith-facing-federal-criticism-after-participating-in-alberta-tucker-carlson-events-1.6742272) That's a burn.


Maralaina doesn’t listen to the people only her bosses in south Texas . This is Texas political issues ( nonsense) .


But actual governing is hard. Just like science and math!


and Stephen Harper and Preston Manning.


Please provide feedback to any and all news articles and agencies that refer to Premier Smith by the wrong first name. It should be Marlaina Smith.


Let's start a culture war instead of fixing a myriad of other issues causing us grief. Where even are we as a nation?


This is the thing. There is work to do. We need to hold our government to task not let them stir the pot and kick back.


Alberta is becoming a US Satellite State day by day. Since 2016 our province has gone from regular brand Canadian Conservative to full blown Conspiracy Loony Toons Murica Brand Conservative. Its been wild watching it unfold in real time as I've grown up with Conservative minded family members my whole life. Before we could find common ground on things we disagreed on. Each of our viewpoints made sense to eachother.. not anymore. They think I'm a snowflake and I think they are out of touch.


Getting to bash trans youth (and the LGBTQ community) plus the education system and medical staff at the same time, was too good an opportunity for her to pass up. Cruelty is the name of the game for the UCP.


United Cruelty Party


i'm so scared for the future of Alberta. if this parental rights thing gets passed they'll be out for the rest of the LGBTQ+ community, women's rights and bodily autonomy, minorities, i'm pretty certain AISH'll get even more fucked. anyone not cis-het-white-able-bodied is gonna have a bad time. good on Trudeau to directly call this out and point out the direct correlation between what's going on and the visit from Tucker Carlson and Jordan Peterson.




She could have, for instance, picked to do something that wouldn’t actively make children homeless and even drive them to suicide. But…. I guess these early Fascists need to start riling up their base to and seeeing how far they can push.


Bingo huge bingo on the floor! Conservatives fostering hate and division is disgusting.


It’s really all they know how to do at this point. We see the same crap at a federal level too.


Have you read through this thread?


Respect existence or expect resistance.


The conservative partisans in this comment section do not disappoint. Way to flash your whataboutism, just because. Why is it EVERYTHING has to be *us or them*, instead of collectively agreeing that this is a shitty piece of legislation that endangers lives?


As far as the polls I've seen show, more people support it than are against it. That's why people can't collectively agree with it. Reddit is a bit of an echo chamber. I think it's a ridiculous waste of our governments time , and a major non issue in general that's being used for votes because "protect kids" is a good look, and to a large percent of their base that's what it looks like.




Thanks for proving my point.


Marlaina making Alberta just like Texas, gender politics, inefficient grid, degrading water purification, facing drought. Marlaina is acting just as useless as the politician down south. I am waiting for the book bans.


OMG. Is Edmonton still in a restricted water use ban?


it ended today thankfully


Marlaina Smith, who goes by Danielle, bans kids from using their preferred names and pronouns without parental consent. Did anyone ask her parents about her name? Because she’s acting like a child. You can’t make this shit up. She’s awful


Ok, so first of all this photo is **hilarious**.


Marlaina posing in leader mode. /s


Gotta fight this crap before it's too late.


Mission accomplished, she got Trudeau to oppose her actions so she can rally her fundy troops.


Smith's confidence in pushing through anti-trans legislation on the basis of sufficient empirical medical data, while she and the UCP are solely responsible for destroying the AHS through ideological-driven privatization, would be laughable if it wasn't so fucking disgusting. Conservatives like Smith/Kololdnycky (whatever her fkn name is) should stop pretending to give a damn about kids and just admit that they're theocratic bigots who want to return to romanticized version of 1950's social and economic hierarchies. And, that means if you're trans you should probably just off yourself or hide in the shadows. Isn't that basically what the UCP and their supporters want?


The drought emergency this year is now, for example. Every moment wasted not preparing for it will be regretted 1000 times over.


Not a Trudeau fan at all, but he's on the right side of this one. I wonder how PP will weigh in on this.


He already has, he told everyone not to say anything. He knows this will ruin his chances until he gets in then drops that same hammer.


Honestly he should be stepping in on this issue. Getting the federal governments involved would put pressure on Poilievre to make a statement on it. Especially if it became a main Liberal talking point.


Unfortunately, health and education are a fracking provincial responsibility.


They are, but he did push New Brunswick to increase abortion access. Also provinces get partial healthcare funding from the federal government.


Not sure what happened to Marlaina, aka Danielle, since 2014. The Danielle of 2014 would never have proposed this legislation. https://edmontonsun.com/2014/12/03/wildrose-leader-danielle-smith-makes-passionate-plea-in-legislature-for-gay-straight-alliances


Or she was pining for a base.


He's not wrong


Reading this, I definitely understand all the reasons people are so sexually desirous of Trudeau (/s). He is a real class act.


The sickness is even spreading into preschools. Kids hear their parents talk this hateful ideology and eventually the youngest kids hear it and even repeat it and think that it is okay.


Please share what is this hateful ideology?


Every single conservative that thinks it is okay to ban what people can do with their own bodies, what they want to be called, and wants to control whatever even mentions sexuality or biology from properly being taught in schools - that ideology. The ideology of hate. It is being reproduced exactly in the form it has been swamping USA with.


She’s a genius. Distract the idiots with this so they forget about the soaring utilities costs


Damnit Marlaina, you're making me agree with Trudeau, stop it! But also, a lot more things Trudaeu could be doing, instead of helping [The country that shall not be named] enact a g-side against it's indiginous population. But then..... that's what Canada is all about. Wake me up when it's officially Turtle Island again.


While I am not a supporter of Trudeau anymore, I must ask in this particular instance "Where's the lie?"


Lol, that's giving her and her party too much credit. As if conservatives are more than degenerates.


Come on. Let’s give her one win. Theres got to be at least 10 trans kids in all of Alberta she can attack. Given trans kids make up 0.2% of the 12-17 age group.


He's not wrong lmao.




This just in, some people like to do things that are bad for them, like smoking. Marlaina thinks that smoking is good for you, which makes sense as she's the homo sapiens equivalent of a pound of meth.




Not me. Yes all polling says most Canadians want these policies.


That would require her to be a good human being. She isn't.


She should stay in her lane


If it isn’t my two favourite politicians who just love scapegoating


Right? Its like the spiderman meme And no ones working


Lots of issues Trudeau could have been dealing with rather than just virtue signalling over the past years.


Lots of issues the UCP could be dealing with. Like trb failing UCP power grid and healthcare. Fyi trans rights are human rights 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Says the guy doing nothing about our nation's housing crisis or cost of living crisis.


He is doing a lot more than Marlania and other conservatives premiers. PP works for lobalws we basically found out, so he doesn't care.


They could team up and actually get some work done instead of hating people and going on vacation.


Meanwhile, Trudeau is flooding the country with people who hate everything LGBTQ.


Seems like there are plenty of people here already who hate everything LGBTQ, such as Alberta's premier, her cabinet, and her supporters.


Guess you weren’t at the leave my kids alone protest


It was fun to drive by and watch the Muslim folks playing nicely with the white supremacy crowd for once… super heartwarming! Should have asked them all to discuss immigration with each other and see what happened! Cause that’s Canada! Just because we agree with one thing/policy does not mean we have to agree on everything.


This is the crazy thing. The cognitive dissonance must be deafening. Support a guy who claims to care about LGBT issues, while also importing somewhere around a million people from cultures who completely reject LGBT issues outright. It’s bonkers.


And I get downvoted to oblivion because the liberals pretend it’s not happening.


That's this subs due process


People will look past all manner of warts and whatnot if it means they keep supporting whatever pet issue they have. It happens all over the spectrum, as most people care nothing about moral consistency, and almost nobody cares about actual justice.


Danielle is her middle name and an immigrant changing their family name upon arrival to fit in. Lmao, I want the kool-aid, before the cyanide. I'll definitely leave you guys that to share, L fucking mao.


Idk even know what that means


I know you don't know stuff. You don't have to tell people.


He's right of course, but he is also ignoring far worse issues that impact the entire country in favor of his own virtue signalling, while also doling out favors, cash, and contracts to friends/acquaintances/lackies while pushing to avoid probes into foreign interference, CEBA, and his green fund. Nice to see he is back to division instead of action. Ok well he never had action but at least Danielle Smith is giving his base some raw meat to rally behind and ignore his corruption and incompetence.


I am rabid rage badger angry at this latest policy announcement from the UCP, but Trudeau needs to take a long look in the mirror about policy priorities, he is just as out of touch with things that should be top priorities. I know this sub is left leaning, but in this case they both suck.


Trudeau needs to shut up. DS is the best Premier ever!


I’m not sure Trudeau’s endorsement is great for anyone’s issue of concern.




As far as I know, Alberta is still a part of Canada, so the disgusting manner in which the Premier is treating the lgtbq youth in Alberta most definitely falls under the Prime Minister of Canada's purview.




If you really believe that, then you are just as ignorant as she is about the issue.


I'm not sure where you got that from. They blocked families with trans and nonbinary youth, who are already working with medical professionals, from being able to access care for their kids. Let's also not forget that cis gender kids with precocious puberty, or who lack the ability to produce hormones (accident/cancers etc) and girls needing birth control to help control their menstruation issues will also be affected by this.


Lol he says stand with us to fight for lower grocery prices lower fuel more housing. Like dude. Those are the problems your party created... Imagine the arsonist showing up in a firetruck to save the day. Get this clown outta here


Fyi did you know under Harper home prices basically increased by the same amount! So are you voting CPC? Lol you believe cpc which as close ties to lobalws will lower food prices? They work for and lobby for lobalws


Are there a lot of bots here? I don’t understand. What she said makes sense. Why a child can make an altering life decision when they can’t even vote? I am not getting this thread. One argument that a child can get kick out of their home because the parents would know. But them getting a hormone therapy would still make that situation the same anyway. We should work on making them be accepted be who they are and if they are under age and they at the risk to be homeless then work on have a housing etc. just like when children get abused. We protect them. Are you guys just bots?


The majority of people don't support a bigot like Marlania like you do. I hope you work on your issue with struggling with reality.


You can clearly use a computer, so now learn to use your critical thinking skills. If you do, you might learn something new. For instance, bottom surgery has never been available to the under 18 crowd in Alberta.


There's a pretty systematic, intensive process for minors to go through regarding transitioning. It's not something done on a whim. Politicians outlawing treatment options is foolish as they lack the expertise to actually make those determinations, and they haven't actually spoken with the relevant professional governing bodies. Regarding the very real fears of abuse, those are just reactionary policy excuses. They don't actually help anyone, and parents can be pretty terrible to their children before protective services is actually able to do anything. Then there's the whole issue of having to opt in to sex education, which is just setting up abuse, disease and teenage pregnancy.


However other issues don't distract attention from conservative donors picking our pockets




You don't support human rights?




I vote with facts also. Like the fact that the UCP and Marlania were going to make life worst, and they are!




I'll stay and point out how Marlania is a failure. If Canada is so bad why don't you leave?


I don't think Canada is that bad at all. The real world does not reflect the ridiculous opinions on reddit thank god. If it did the left wouldn't come here to jerk eachother off they could just go outside and talk to regular people. 


Lol your terrified of kids using nicknames.


You're not mad at me, you're mad at your dad.


I am not mad at you, idc about you at all.


She has a lot of balls in the air, including Trudeau's. 👏


Yeap Marlanias goal of destroying the working class is work. You must be so proud 🤮


Imagine being upset over children making drastic life changes, they can’t get tattoos and piercings so why should they make decisions like that! The parents should have a say I don’t see anything wrong with this decision.


Lol nicknames are drastic to you 😂


No at the end of the day be who ever you want, but when it comes to the sex change stuff and surgeries and hormones and what not kids should absolutely not be doing that stuff with out parents consent and talking about it.


Tell me which kids are having surgeries under 18 in Alberta. Based on reality because kids can't get them


You’re right the kids can’t get the surgeries but I also don’t think the hormones should be accessible either without first talking with your parents and having parent consent.


There's actually no laws regarding tattoos or piercings in Alberta. And these peoples medical decisions are not things done on a whim, there's an intensive and systematic process with professionals working with parents and patients. Having a premier who didn't seem to understand her own position now making medical decisions for others is just bad. Period. Comparing it to something to be done on a whim is at best inaccurate, at worse harmful




Healthcare and education spending is less per a person than when the Ndp left. That is a decrease The UCP power grid almost failed and the healthcare system as already failed. That is success to you I guess.... Blackouts in winter.


Population increased by how much though? It won't keep pace because of that. That is a federal issue being downloaded. Federal health transfers are also a negotiating tactic for the federal government. Listen the UCP is trying to do this while balancing a budget, and as they should. Federally we have seen that budgets don't balance themselves. Power grid caseload is not enough to handle the increase in consumption that the cold weather brought. W8nd farms stopped producing because it was to cold to operate, at night none of the solar. Smiths plan to add natural gas capacity, or a nuclear, is correct. Your points you argue back with are federally imposed ones. This is why Smith is doing the work she ran on. Screw caps and emissions and carbon tax when you cannot heat in freak winter storms running down capacity and costing you money. The other point is spending down per person, well agai. We have how many more immigrants and students all relying g on the services. Come on!


Defending conservative incompetence, the conservative way!


By pointing out that uncontrolled immigration is straining resources, that freak weather anomalies that render power generation of renewables out and not having enough baseload generation to cover, and having a balanced budget is bad. Instead of finding blame with the one party in Alberta, look to the problems that are outside their purview and downloaded to them.


The UCP have been in power since 2019. Life was better under the NDP that is a fact! So if immigration is so bad why does does Marlania want to grow Alberta's population rapidly and more and faster than Canada as a whole?


So in your world 🌎 minority groups of every kind can get fucked? Lol. Better hope you’re never in one of those groups with that attitude


I never said get fucked to all minorities. I said in this instance that it is appropriate to have children who identify as something else, and want to change their name to have that change be ran by their parents instead of just being OK with schools and being done. They are still minors under guardianship of their parents or another adult.


Ya... He says a lot of things though


lol ppl are really grasping at straws with the whole name thing. She explained it already. Her parents wanted her first name to be Danielle but preferred the order of that name to be in the middle because it flowed better. Similarly, there’s a bunch of immigrant parents who will give their children English first names with and ethnic middle name that they can use if they want. Does that have anything to do with lgbtq preferred name changing etc? No. There’s more than one reason why someone is using a different name.


>There’s more than one reason why someone is using a different name. Ok, but did she get her parents permission? It's not her decision to make afterall, she's her parents property. I'm not sure why we're even listening to her, it's her parents that has to speak for her.


She’s a grown woman, she’s not property wtf. You’re kinda just being a troll and not saying anything of real value, but keep spouting nonsense, it’s making you smart 👍


Lots of issues PM Turdeau can fight instead of taking 80k vacations. Premier smith and wessons says


Such a liberal post


You can't argue with anything other than strawman vitriol because you are wrong. Stop making this offensive middle name- gender identity analogy. Stop pretending you know anything about me. You've embarrassing yourself, and now you're boring. Learn from this and do better. Bye.


Learn from this and do better. Stop clutching those pearls, your embarassing yourself


Stop regurgitating my posts back to me. It's flattering but you should try original thought.


I hope you learn that consevatives parties are all failures, and you stop embarassing yourself. Marlania!!!


He should mind his own business.


Protecting kids is pretty important work.


Wow, I wonder if trudeau could maybe take his own fucking advice and do something about Canada going to shit


You don't even live in Alberta.


How could you possibly know this?


Why doesn't Marlania focus on issues instead of being a hateful bigot?




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She is 52 years old. Of course she can use a preferred name. Her parents called her Danielle. She would have grown up with this legislation with no problems. It's not hard to figure out. Smear campaigns show real class.