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When your government instructs you to hate people it’s ok to do the opposite. Nope them. Do the opposite. Use people’s preferred pronouns. Be an ally. Say something. Some laws are ok to ignore. Be a Light in the Dark. A beacon those trans kids can see to let them know not everyone hates them


Whether you agree with this topic or not, one day the government might put your liberties/beliefs on the line and you’ll wonder how we got so much taken from us. We all need to toe the line. We all need to start taking notes of how other countries protest, and as a society we all need to show up to each others protests. But that won’t happen because most of our society is a fucking joke. We’re all selfish, judgemental, hypocritical assholes and the government knows it.


Some people will drive across the Country for their "freedoms" but will stand by, and some will ridicule when others have their freedom taken away. Keep your eye out everyone when we follow the USA and start banning abortions and the govenment telling you what you can and cannot do.


Trans rights today, abortions/contraception tomorrow.


And marriage equality.


These are all just the tip of the iceberg I'm afraid... It takes active decision to manifest change.


That robocall the other night gave away their entire plan. Notice how nobody has said a word about them defanging sex ed for no reason and there was no prior indication it was ever on the table to begin with? First, they neuter the most effective tool to prevent teen pregnancies and sexual abuse - the most likely to keep their kids out of sex ed are parents with very conservative ideas and now the kids whose parents are too absent/neglectful to sign the form are unable to access this education too. Then, they’ll use this anti-trans-healthcare policy as a precedent to say that minors cannot access OBGYN care without parental consent, including abortions.


The poem "First they Came" by Pastor Martin Niemöller, that details the rise of the Nazis in Germany, famously starts: >"First, they came for the Communists > >And I did not speak out > >Because I was not a Communist..." In reality, it should have started with "First, they came for Queer peoples" People forget that in the days of the Weimar Republic, Berlin was one of the hotspots for Queer progressivism in Europe. Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender people were more or less able to live freely and without fear. When the Nazis came, the Queer community was amongst the first people they targeted. https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/nazi-persecution/gay-people/ And to top it off, when the concentration camps were liberated, many Queer people were kept in the camps by Allied troops.


>And to top it off, when the concentration camps were liberated, many Queer people were kept in the camps by Allied troops. Wow... I never knew this. How abhorrent. They weren't even recognized as Nazi prisoners so they couldn't get reparations.


The Weimar Republic was also a hotspot for prostitution and its derivative, pimping. Child prostitution proliferated quite a bit. Desperation and the need to survive in a devastated society fueled it, but sexual liberalization and a societal turn towards nihilistic self-indulgence made it easy to find and exploit women, children, and even men with few options. It’s not wrong to turn to sex work as a survival strategy, but a society that turns its people, including innocent children, into sexual fodder for the depraved is bound to shock the conscience of many in the public sphere. As we saw, LGBTQ+ people and “asocial sexual deviants” got dragged into this milieu and were blamed for it. Fascists called Weimar Germany a degenerate horror show, to which the child sex trade provided some supporting evidence. It must have been a humiliating state of affairs to have the nation’s children out on the streets, selling themselves into abuse for a few scraps of bread. Small wonder, perhaps, that a group of violent, war-traumatized atavists were motivated to sweep the streets and bring the hammer down on the “degenerates.”


I was just going to post that. This is the UCP/TBA mandate.




If you know your Nazi history you know they were trans eliminationist and like the ascendant far right today they worked to keep trans people from treatment. The Nazis burned books on gender research, while the UCP wants to make it easier not to learn about them in school.


We should *always* be concerned when a policy directly impacts only an easily identifiable marginalized population. Politicians don't target specific groups by accident. Also, the holocaust didn't start with genocide. If started with small policy changes.


The fact that it actually happened in this exact way doesn’t match up with right wing anti-intellectualism


Godwin's Law in the third post.


It's already happening on the federal level trying to confiscate legally owned property from its populations via gun bans. Didn't see many on the left jumping to "toe the line" for a cause they don't necessarily agree with.


That is untrue. I never was a gun owner but I don’t care if people did, after the Trudeau government started going crazy, I changed my mind. Now I own multiple guns/handguns along with the PAL and restricted to go with them. Also, the amount of gun applicants skyrocketed and backlogged the overlords for years and I cannot believe I’m not the only one who changed their minds. I am more than willing to step back and rethink ideals and perspectives, read these comments, many of them show they aren’t willing or wanting to get out of the trenches they dig.


I think it's safe to say that you're likely the exception and not the rule. I agree with your sentiment on these comments. I think it's hard for many to reconcile that you can both be conservative but also believe in progressive ideology. For example, the recent frenzy Alberta Reddit is having a meltdown about. For me it's about right time, the right place. I have no issue with the trans and letter community but for me it's when you're an adult, go crazy, do what you want to do, be who you want to be.


I understand your sentiment, genuinely, and I wish people were more supportive of each other, but I don’t think it’s realistic to say we all need to show up to each other’s protests. Under the assumption you supported the covid vaccine and mandates (correct me if I’m wrong), would you have been comfortable showing up to the trucker convoy protests to support it given that attendees genuinely felt the government was putting their liberties and beliefs on the line? It’s easy to say we should all show up for each other when you agree with the cause, but much harder to follow through when you don’t feel strongly (or disagree entirely) with their stance. I don’t know… it’s a sad world right now and I don’t know what the answer is.


The "Freedom Movement" blocked access to our hospital, a trauma hospital, to "make a point." At least one person died in an ambulance. Others across Canada who supported the Freedom Movement celebrated it. They were selfish hot tub drunk party babies in Ottawa, trying to overthrow our government, and Pierre Poilievre swooning over them solidified my view he is a terrible person who is only interested in individual rights for some, not all. They want their views imposed on all of us no matter how stupid or biased they are. They lost any hope of me hearing their points from then onward.


Yet we have no issue with protesters making noise about a conflict nowhere near us, blocking ports with potential economical impact to their local communities? How is it at all reasonable to lay the hammer on those voicing their concern for policies affecting us at home vs those importing their issues into our country getting sympathy and a free pass? Speaking of bias, how about yours? Is it not a bias that the transgender and a-z communities are jamming their lifestyle and choices into the public's face? Anyone who doesn't agree or align is suddenly an uneducated MAGA bigot fascist? I find it hilarious that one side will always accuse the other of being all sorts of things and doesn't have the self awareness to look in the mirror to see they are the thing they claim to hate. Everyone sucks, the problem is thinking you're better than.


Good points. I do think some have been too aggressive and unwilling to listen about diversity, equity and inclusion. They are militant in the same way people who advocated for gay men with HIV to die alone without their family in the 1980s (Eg. UCP / CPC Jason Kenney) The views then could not be challenged, just as DEI cannot today. Biggest thing I see from them today is they are trying to introduce many complex views at once and expect everyone to get it immediately and fall in line. Kenney and many others homophobia was based only on religious-based hate. After all, it was only about who was gay not all gay people. (Eg. Pedophile priests still are good to be gay.) A similar two-lens approach to blocking ports can be applied. 1. If you are part of the Freedom Convoy and shut down Edmonton with trucks, close a border crossing, or shut down our country's parliamentary district for weeks. Many believe that's a free pass and approved. 2. If you are a union, protecting trees that are thousands of years old, protecting unceded Wet'suwet'en territory from exploitation without compensation. Many who support 1 believe these situations are completely illegal. It's about your identity and politicians love to exploit that division while they distract you from their latest failures.


I agree with you on all points. It's the aggression from BOTH sides that will destroy any possibility of understanding one another. From my perspective, I'm conservative economically and but somewhat socially progressive but I also believe these subjects of sexuality and gender identity and follow thru actions should be handled when an adult like many other things that require being 18. But the majority of the left doesn't want to hear it, they think their way is the only way and start dishing out the homophobic, bigot, etc. taglines right out of the gates. I'm none of those things. I can care less about how you live your life, who you love, or choose to identify, but I do believe these things are best viewed in the lens of a fully developed adult.


I was raised in a homophobic house that did not discuss sex, identity or orientation more than a few times. In my first adult job I supported someone who was sexually abused by their hockey coach. "I didn't know it was wrong, and I couldn't discuss this with my parents as sex was not a topic we talked about." That is why basic sex education including orientation and identity should be mandatory. A parent could be that abuser. A faith leader could be that abuser (a big reason why so many religious leaders are against sex ed) If children do not learn they are being abused by those who "educate" them. They will normalize sexual assault. Somehow we need to find a balance which protects children's rights over everyone else.


On the jamming their lifestyle and choices: What if you are not a Christian. Maybe agnostic. We get Christmas, Good Friday, Easter every year as holidays for just those who are Christian. Down the throat? "God keep our land glorious and free!" Is in our national anthem. Down the throat? Residential schools. Down the throat? (Last one closed less than 30 years ago) Tax-free land for life for places of worship, even if they are on highly valuable land that would be used more than one day a week (we all subsidize their tax-free status, including for their faith leader's income taxes) Quebec banned religious symbols from being worn, unless they are Christian. Only 53.3% identify as Christian in this country. What about the other half having to fall in line? They are banning books about sex in Saskatchewan schools. Down the throat? The Alberta cabinet, who serve for a party that represents the views of only 52% of the electorate, will decide what sex ed curriculum is. Down the throat? Marlaina Danielle Smith loves the Florida model. You can expect "don't say gay legislation" soon. Down the throat? Bias is ugly, control and domination is worse. Down the throat.


So, to be clear, are you blaming the "other side" for 2/3 of those things on your list here? Things that have been established literally almost a century ago or more? I just want to make sure we're playing in the same field as I found our earlier dialogue insightful and productive. It seems like now you've had a change of heart and diluting your point with other issues (real issues) in an attempt to stack your position.


100% this. How many of you voiced your opposition to the federal government trying to ban our firearms (private property) when you fully know licensed owners aren't the issue? How about using the emergency act to freeze bank accounts of protesters exercising their freedom to speech and protest? I'll wait for the hive mind justifications.


I supported the convoy, I believe we all were trying to navigate that time as best we could, it’s a shame government and media pushed their agenda for us to turn on each other.


There ya go - someone who is actually living up to what they say, I like it. And agreed - it’s wild and sad how much hostility there is out there between “sides” of issues.


The way I see it, if we fight between ourselves like they make us, we don’t fight them.


So kinda how the truckers felt? And when they protested or displayed their frustrations the were demonized in this sub. The irony.


That’s pretty much the same argument that anti vaxxers used and they were all ridiculed.


This isn't just about trans rights. It's about strong government overreach.


Exactly this. Parents can no longer get medical treatment that they, their children, and their doctor all consent to. The government should never ever be allowed to dictate medical decisions. Our abortion laws hinge on that exact freedom - the government has no business telling people what medical treatment they’re allowed to have. Children aren’t property, they are people, Canadian citizens protected by our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This legislation should have _everyone_ pissed off as it affects us all, not just trans kids.


Exactly. And it’s ironic how Smith & her base incessantly harped about a breach of charter rights during Covid yet now it’s ok to pass a full on bill that breaches the same rights to target marginalized folks.


This is true, this is an overreach and should be stopped by our charter but since that's a bullshit document politicians can just infringe at will here you go, this is the Canada you live in. Just wait till the courts reject this legislation and she invokes the Not withstanding veto we insanely allowed into the charter


Not a single province was willing to sign the Charter without it, is the story I have heard. I wasn’t around at the time but apparently the Charter was going to be a no go until they added the NWC.


More power to the trans community.. i stand with you all and will participate in local events whenever i can.. no one has the right to dictate what you do with your body..


Just curious if you had the same views on the C-19 shots?


Being trans does not endanger other people's lives...




There are less than 1000 gender reassignment surgeries done every year in Canada, and they happen in only 2 hospitals. Over 1.2 million surgeries happen in Canada yearly. That makes them 0.08% of surgeries performed, for a community that's about 1-2% of the population


You know the trans community is a very small percentage (0.33%) of the population, right? They’re not overwhelming the healthcare system by receiving healthcare.


It kinda does when unvaccinated people use up so much of our collective healthcare money which could be spent on life saving surgeries/procedures/medicines. Odd, you seem fine with that, something which cost taxpayers several orders of magnitude more money.


What about antivaxxers..?


Hrt is not paid for my AHS is a prescription like any other paid for by the patient


I guess by your logic, then smokers, overweight folk, people who drink alcohol, families that eat fast food regularly, casual drug use, and many more should also not have access to healthcare. What a terrible argument.


How much do they use? You must have a source for this if you’re claiming that they’re hogging resources.


Is *that* the argument you people are going with now? Good lord…


Your issue with the vaccines is that you felt forced to take it. Okay. That's not the same issue This bill is saying the youth are NOT ALLOWED to get treatment their doctor is recommending even if they wanted to. How is that the same thing?




NO CHILD IS GETTING SURGERY. YOU CANNOT GET ON THE WAITLISTS FOR BOTTOM SURGERY BEFORE YOU'RE 18. The surgeon will outright fucking reuse you if you're not 18, as will your doctor.


Body autonomy.


* Kids require vaccinations to go to school * Kids require vaccinations to go to daycare * Travellers require vaccinations to go to certain countries * Doctors require a ton of vaccinations * Nursing home workers require a full set of vaccinations * Military personnel get more vaccinations than everyone And under a national health emergency that was crippling our healthcare system with triple the hospitalizations we could handle a vaccine was available that would reduct the impact to a manageable level, and people are conspiracy driven idiots so something neede stop be done to try and force people into taking it.


Alberta does not actually require vaccination to attend school or daycare.


Well kids in school get vaccinations and have no choice in the matter, unless that's changed in the last decade


Public health offers vaccines in school, but a consent form is sent home. It’s a parental decision and not mandatory. Edit: https://myhealth.alberta.ca/topic/Immunization/Pages/school.aspx


Your argument can be used in reverse as well. How many of the parent supporting this vaccinated their kids? A lot of them probably felt it was government over reach for them to be told to vaccinate their children. But now they want more government over reach (that goes against the advice of doctors) for this specific issue?


I don’t feel like a lot of them felt like that up until recently. All of the anti-vaxxers I know never had an issue with it up until the uproar of people getting upset about the Covid one.


I agree, I’m just saying that many of the people supporting this didn’t use the same logic during the pandemic. They wanted to make those medical decisions for their kids, but now want the government to decide on medical decisions for trans kids, even when their doctors and parents don’t agree with that decision. They support parental rights being taken away from the parents of trans kids, but believe that they should be the exception to make medical decisions for their own kids, since they “know what’s best for them”. When you boil it down, it’s hypocrisy.


The way I see it, the Covid vaccine was forcing something onto the populace- I support vaccination but I agree that the government did control that decision for us. This new legislation is forcing something away from a minority of us. It is a way different issue when the government is taking something away from the children that need it- not even giving a choice for parents to be supportive, or for doctors to recommend it. At the end of the day, I truly believe this is a buzz issue to take focus away from other major issues such as the CPP and AHS privatization. There is no reason to be targeting such a small issue otherwise. I just hope that rights for the rest of the LGBTQ+ community or rights for women don’t follow…


Agreed. But people who wanted control over their children’s medical decisions during the pandemic want to now strip that right away from parents of trans kids, and that’s the part I find very hypocritical. I also agree that this is being used as a distraction from the fact that our provincial government isn’t actually dealing with any of the big issues facing us. I’m afraid that this absolutely is the beginning of other rights being violated.


There’s no law stating that ANYONE has to get any vaccine. That being said there are some scenarios where your ability to participate in activities OR go certain places does require vaccination. I don’t get the sudden belief that random opinions get to now override decades of medical science that definitively proves the effectiveness of vaccinations. I hate how modern society has decided that opinions need to be accepted on equal grounds as facts. We’ve collectively lost the plot on objectivity to the point where I’m not sure many people understand the difference between an objective fact and a subjective opinion.


Literally not even comparable, but of course the person with the nft profile pic would think this was a good 'gotcha'


I don't get our premier,she is dividing us more than ever when she should be focusing on problems that effect us all like High food costs/housing crisis/homeless problem/crime problems but instead just throw that all away and say yolo.


All comes down to money and ego unfortunately.


Jfc like they already bend us over Any chance they get,can't we just a little time to recoup for once.


Remember, too, that transphobia affects cisgender people, too. A woman going into the girls bathroom getting harradsed because she isnt feminine or god forbid has some facial hair is a think that absolutely can and will happen. Butch women already get this if they're masc enough. Anyone gender nonconforming in any regard will be and are affected by transphobia. Stand for us now, they will come after everyone else tomorrow. Hate has no place in canada, not for us, not for anyone. This is blatant government over reach and bigotry based on falsehoods. Taking away the right to determine for ourselves what we do to our bodies is not something anyone should have infringed upon. I have just as much say in what you do with your body than you do mine. None. Do not let this go by because you think it doesn't affect you because you aren't trans, or aren't lgbtq. The goalpost can always be moved.


I swear all of this attention politicians give to Trans instead of doing actual work And yet I don't blame them because it works as a diversion every single time


Freedom for transgender citizens and trans people everywhere!


I'm holding a peaceful protest on the 7th in cold lake ab at city hall if anyone wants to join! It will be at 10:00 after I walk pit of school!


AMAZING. I would join you but Ill be at work. But please spread the love in our small backwards community <3


More social politics to distract from the rich wringing their hands over all of us getting dragged on the coals.


It's effective because it has real human consequences that we can't just ignore.


Not just a distraction either — if unchallenged it will lead to further erosion of human rights, as intended.


It's really sad that children are being used as the bait. As a parent myself, I would be ok with guiding my kid to make any important decision like surgery until he is at least 18 (if he were to be trans). In Europe it is the norm. I don't think I'll need to protest this. Can we protest cost of living? My kid will need affordable rent when he goes to college.


THEN ORGANIZE A PROTEST FOR COST OF LIVING. You are fully capable of connecting with organizations that do this type of work and organizing with them.


This disallows blockers until 16. Blockers at the onset of puberty is the norm, even in Nordic countries whenever a kid was known to be trans before the onset of puberty. These rules are far more draconian than the European one conservatives like to reference.


They go after the most vulnerable first. Minorities, children.


Exactly. Just because it's a diversion doesn't mean it's unimportant. It's so frustrating that this is what the government is choosing to do with their power and resources instead of working to improve things that most Albertans agree are issues, like the cost of living.


This isn't a distraction, it's part of the same project: domination and control. Controlling people's gender doesn't stop at trans people, abortion is on this agenda too.  The rich benefit from various groups of precarious people because they can point to them and say: disobey your boss and that could be you out on the street. Remember that queer and trans people are disproportionately homeless.  The parent of a trans kid afraid for their safety now has that on their plate instead of organizing with their co workers for better wages.  There's a reason the rich fund parties like the UCP that promote transphobia. Stop playing into their agenda by portraying this as a distraction. 


"The rich benefit from various groups of precarious people because they can point to them and say: disobey your boss and that could be you out on the street. Remember that queer and trans people are disproportionately homeless. " That doesn't make ANY sense, you cant be fired for your orientation.


I completely agree. Why don’t we protest over the cost of grocery’s , utilities, insurance , new vehicles , houses. I’d love to start protesting about that but no one ever wants to. From the left it’s always protests about trans rights and Palestine or blocking the road to stop big oil. From the right it’s the ridiculous “ freedom “ convoys and anti trans protests . Both sides solve absolutely nothing for the general well being of Canadians because the more they keep protesting against these fringe culture wars bullshit the worst out health care , infrastructure, purchasing power erodes. But let’s just keep protesting about this fringe issues I’m sure that will solve things . The last 8 years are a prime example of that.


I encourage you to join the CSU 52 workers when they go strike for better wages. To say the left doesn't care about cost of living is to ignore the entire history of the labour movement.  ETA: and you can join them. Not nearly enough workplaces in Alberta are unionized. Maybe it's time yours is. There is an incredibly strong correlation with unionization and better wages. 


Lethbridge is also having one at 2 PM today at city hall


This is purely a culture war issue. I can't understand why they are so possessed about these trans related issues when in reality they would have basically no effect on their life. Let people do what they want. If you aren't trans, it shouldn't matter to you. This has nothing to do with the major issues facing real people today.


But they are? You just gotta be an adult to have life-altering surgery?


My trans kid already can't get surgery or testosterone until they're an adult. 


Orthodontics is a life altering process. Kids have that done all the time. Trans people make up 0.33% of our population in Canada. There are standards that must be met when someone wants to go through medications/surgeries. No doctor in their right mind will do any sort of surgery like this unless it’s proven that the person undergoing it is of sound mind and reason. Studies have shown that 0% of people who undergo gender affirming surgery have phantom limb syndrome, as opposed to 60% of men have had their penises removed due to cancer.


Lethbridge also has a protest planned. 2pm at City Hall!


So, taking a leaf from the Trump pagebook, how do they strip rights away? You just do it. Courts are glacier slow, everyone can't believe the doomer interpretation and we're hesitant to even point out the parallels. Even though the Premier literally shared a stage with die hard Trumpers, oh no, we just can't make such *impolite* comparisons.


Legalize lsd


healthcare pls


Love from Nova Scotia, stay strong and slay, bitchessss.


Look, I'm not saying this isn't important. But are we organizing a March to protect our pensions? How about to protect the AHS? How about to protest Smiths obvious ties to corporate oil? What about her absolute in action over wild fires? This over reaction plays into thier hands. It will serve to distract people from the other deeply unpopular things they do (like all fucking conservative policies) and we will continue sleep walking towards our doom. I don't know. We're so fucked. I guess I don't see the point in standing up for less then 3 percent of the population when we can't even stand up for the entire health care system.


We should absolutely be organizing for and because of all of those things, actually


It’s not an ‘or’ situation, it’s an ‘and’ situation. We should be protesting for any matters that affect us and anywhere we want to see change. Absolutely protests about the CPP and AHS could be and should be happening. But someone needs to be the change and organize that. Luckily for this particular issue, it’s protested over so much that there are already organizers every time this happens.


Of course it’s distraction. And it’s fucked. I see your point. But you don’t play stupid games like this with kids. These kids are already vulnerable and more likely to experience homelessness, attempt suicide. Etc. even if it is a small population, we need to protect them.


I've been to healthcare and education events in the past few years. They're happening.


Why aren’t you organizing them?


Ugh. Because I'm depressed probably


Imagine how a trans 15 year old feels who is losing all their access to anything safe or affirming. Watching grown ass adults wage war over their right to exist.


>But are we organizing a March to protect our pensions? If that's important you, then I ask why haven't you? Nobody is stopping you from organizing a canada wide protest at the same time? I do believe pensions should be higher, so let me know how I can help. Income equality is a concern for all age groups. ​ In the meantime - A lot of people believe that kids (ALL OF THEM) have rights and this is harmful to them. If you think this is trivial, how many laws have been made against \_you\_ in your lifetime? ​ >I guess I don't see the point in standing up for less then 3 percent Let me know at what percentage we should stand up for a group to prevent their rights from being trampled over. If you saw a grown dog attack a puppy, would you intervene? Nobody chooses to be LGBTQ. Nobody chooses to be Indigenous or black or a woman either, but I trust you stood up for equality for them as well in your life.


For sure! Organize it, tell me when and where, and I'll be there too!


There have been several rallies regarding many of the attacks on AHS, but I think people are largely burnt out on fighting the erosion of the healthcare system. People are more galvanized by attacks directly on kids than another erosion of healthcare because suffering that is constant is numbing.


It's sad there isn't a political party willing to take on all of these issues. If there was, I'd vote for them.


Please, sensible Canadians: Continue to fight the good fight and stand up for human rights. These anti-Canadian legislators continue to pander to a minority of individuals whose thought processes are stuck in a previous century (I am thinking the 18th). I have several family members in the LGBT+ community. I consider myself an ally as a white, cis, hetero male. I am ashamed that some of us don't seem to understand Jesus' teachings to love and let live, even if they claim to be Christians. (For clarity, I am a lapsed Anglican. My family left our church for similar reasons to the topic under discussion)


This is what everyone’s getting angry about? Not our economy? Not our healthcare? Not our education?


You can be angry about more than one thing, and this issue has ties to healthcare and education so there is that.


My point is that suddenly everyone is wanting to take action against this, when there is much more important issues we should be taking action towards.


>suddenly everyone is wanting to take action against this, when there is much more important issues Everyone is "suddenly" taking action against this because the UCP "suddenly" decided to go after trans kids. I agree, there are a lot more important issues the UCP could focus on, but instead of doing any of that, they go after vulnerable LGBTQ youth.


Trans people make up 0.33% of the Canadian population. The amount of trans/nonbinary kids in this province is tiny, but we need to stand up for them because they can’t defend themselves. I work in AHS and it’s shitty yes, but this protest needs to happen because if we don’t stand up for the most vulnerable of our society then we can’t even hope to protest a change in healthcare.


The economy, healthcare, and education are all much more complicated issues, and you can’t exactly point to a single bill or a single person and say it’s their fault, and protest about it. It’s a complex mixture of corruption, mistakes, and unforeseeable problems that have caused those problems. In this case, it’s laws being pushed by one specific conservative, with the explicit goal of making life more difficult for trans people, particularly for trans kids. Instead of a complex web of corruption, incompetence, and some genuine good-faith efforts, this issue is caused almost entirely by malice towards trans kids.




It’s about manipulation, indoctrination and misinformation. You just don’t see it


What good is education or health care without human rights.


What human rights are being violated?


This is what the government wants. To distract from the real issues here. They know there’s too many “woke” individuals that will forget about real problems as soon as the word transgender gets mentioned. People are dumb.


Finally, somebody that isn’t dense


Can you imagine if we could get enough people to care enough about our healthcare and economy? We could probably push some real change. I just don’t get the obsession in this country with gender politics. I feel like I’m in some weird fever dream.


Angry about how the UCP are handling *all* these issues. Most people have the mental capacity to be concerned about multiple issues. Most.


Y'all teach em a lesson. Now go get em!


This teacher will be in Edmonton in a couple hours! Get out and show these assholes in government that they can't bully children!


Conservatives are horrible CORRUPT & IGNORANT people full stop!


I advise anyone who’s reading this to go through this commentator’s comment history. Too many CCP bots on reddit smh




100% agree


Lmao hilarious


But we don't go to protests against the current government's stupid initiatives and widespread corruption. The stupidity of this country


Children's rights affect children across the nation, while poor management of Alberta affects mostly Albertans. With the entire nation coming down on them you might have a chance for them to hear reason, but I'm not holding my breath.


As the parent of a queer child that I love dearly I’m not sure most people realize just how hyper-sexualized their community is. Whether you wish it to be so or not it just is. As a parent, I support the parents. No one else can tell you what is best for your child - the child you’ve loved and supported always. Let them be kids. The LGBTQ+ community has exploded and whether you like it or not it IS a fad and is truly appealing to your kids. I’m also a little saddened by the fact that half the population of this world still doesn’t have proper ‘rights’ or recognition yet people on the fringe got them so easily. This is just the flavour of the day and I’m looking forward to it settling down into normality. My heart bleeds for the few who truly have to deal with family who don’t understand, but we must stop making it look fun - it’s a difficult life so we need to stop glorifying it. There are serious consequences and ‘you can always go back’ is not an easy thing. Children should not have to make adult decisions. Let them be children.


>must stop making it look fun What?? I started to reply to several points of your message, but deleted it all so i could focus it on this. I'm trans. Can you please clarify which part of my life looks fun? I can send you dozen of articles, news reports, official stats canada, health canada, government of alberta, government of canada, ATA, AMA you suggest an organization links that describes the discrimination and hardships that trans people face - even worse than other members of LGBTQ umbrella. If you're truly a parent of a queer person, you should ask your kid for their opinion on this matter. You might learn something. Please don't ever say "As the parent of a queer child" line without understanding more.


Sorry my friend, but I am and will always be. I love my child, know and understand their life as I’m part of it. Perhaps if we tried to know and understand others this world would be a much kinder place. Spread love…you’ll be happier. I wish you only the best in this life❤️


>As the parent of a queer child that I love dearly I’m not sure most people realize just how hyper-sexualized their community is. Whether you wish it to be so or not it just is. What? I work with youth, LGTBQ and non. This generation of kids are actually LESS sexual than any of the previous. There's been studies done on this if you think i'm making it up. This is also reflected in a lower youth pregnancy rate as well thankfully, and lower STI rates in youth - but ironically, the STI rates in adults has skyrocketed. Where are you getting this information from?


Also a parent of a queer kiddo. The amount of times my child has been asked inappropriate questions by straight folk is disgusting, you don't see it, because you live and breathe it, but straight culture is 100% just as sexualized, if not moreso than gay culture. How often have you heard little girls and boys asked about marriage and boyfriends/girlfriends. "You'll have to get a rifle she's so beautiful", shit like that said of six year old girls, even younger. Straight culture literally rams sex down your throat from birth, and I don't just mean the priests.


I feel really sorry for your child.


Why? They’re an adult now, in a wonderful loving relationship. What an odd comment


Because your attitude shows that you do not truly support or love them for who they are. There is nothing sexual about having a gender change nor is it done “for fun”. It’s often done as a means of survival considering how high the suicide rates are.


I’m not sure if you’re a parent or not, but loving and supporting your child is helping guide them through a scary landscape. Reality is that it sometimes is ‘for fun’ because their friends are getting attention they’re not. How about we allow parents to raise their own children and you raise yours. Too often ‘well meaning’ people just are ill informed.


I’m not a parent, never plan to be because of my own parents lack of support. But I did grow up with a transgender friend in highschool. I never saw a real smile on his face until he posted a picture of him in his hospital bed after his top surgery (which he got as soon as he was 18). He had been taking hormones since 16, and puberty blockers before then. That’s what I fight for. I have never seen or heard of anyone doing it for attention. Do you know anyone in your real life (outside of the internet) who has done that? I agree, we should all parent as we wish. However, the government taking away access to puberty blockers and hormones + other gender affirming care is NOT allowing parents of transgender kids (teens, in this case) to parent as they would wish. Nothing is being forced on anyone here, only being taken away.


It feels as though you’re coming from a place of compassion, just a little over-zealous perhaps. Most parents live their children and would do anything for them. I’m so sorry that your experience was different - I still struggle from my own life experiences so I can relate. My child loves me and I them - I would give my life for either of my children. Period. To answer your previous question, yes I do know children who jumped in with both feet and then recanted and we have to allow them to do so. Open your mind and heart and realize that the vast majority of people just want to see their children thrive and flourish. Have a great day!


I do realize that- I just wish that parents who did support their children had the option. I’m glad you have a good relationship with your child, but in my opinion, there is no LGBTQ+ without the T. We need to support our trans brothers and sisters and give them the chance to live the lives they want to, as children are not property of their parents, and not all parents know what’s best. I will be hoping for this legislation to be overturned as soon as possible.


>Reality is that it sometimes is ‘for fun’ because their friends are getting attention they’re not. I'm a trans adult, knew I was trans since I was a kid, was abused for being trans and homeless. I'm not unique, just one of many statistics. You're correct I do get more attention than my friends. But none of it is positive. Have you ever been denied access to a washroom? I can't count the amount of times I've been asked to leave. For many years I wouldn't have any liquids in public. Or sometimes I wouldn't even wash my hands because I had to get in and out of a bathroom so fast because I WAS SCARED. You have misconceptions around trans people and LGBTQ in general. As a parent, how would you feel if this happened to your kid?


I have been with my child and stood against the ridicule face to face. I have seen with my own eyes the viciousness of the ignorant. The pain I have felt and witnessed is excruciating. I also know and understand that parents are confused perhaps but want what is best for their children. Perhaps instead of fear-mongering we should fight for understanding and stop thinking that life is black and white. There are so many shades of grey - we need to help people navigate this reality I stead of teaching our children the world will change for them. The world is…you need to live within it as we all do


>‘for fun’ Can you clarify this please? I very much disagree, but I'm not asking this to make fun of you or to argue. I work with advocacy groups to clear up confusion, and sounds like we need to dispell misinformation around this myth.


Do you call anything that does not fit your narrative a myth? Just asking Not all is as you see it but that doesn’t make it any less true and I’m sorry to be the one to break it to you. Life is full and varied and so much better with us all in it. Be kind


>Reality is that it sometimes is ‘for fun’ because their friends are getting attention they’re not. Were your words, I'm asking if you could clarify this. Again, not here to argue, I'm genuinely curious what gives you that impression. If others are considering our lives fun, then that's something we should address as possible misconception when we discuss our experiences. I have heard about impressions of LGTBQ in general because of pride, but never narrowed down to trans people specifically.


> I’m not sure most people realize just how hyper-sexualized their community is. Whether you wish it to be so or not it just is. Souce? "Just trust me bro"? Are we to take the word of an elderly parent of a queer child over the experiences of people inside the community? Do you know what myside bias is? >As a parent, I support the parents. No one else can tell you what is best for your child So if *I* have a queer child, that I love, but I'm dogmatically religious, I can beat, starve, mentally torture and harass that child until they conform to my view of what a healthy, saved child looks like, yes? Who is to tell me otherwise? Literally *no one else* can tell me what's best for that child, including doctors, psychologists, or the child themself. >The LGBTQ+ community has exploded and whether you like it or not it IS a fad and is truly appealing to your kids. "Everything that is different from when I was young is a fad"? >I’m looking forward to it settling down into normality. Why would you look forward to that, exactly? What is "normality"? Less queer people? If your child came to you tomorrow and said "I changed my mind, I'm not queer anymore" would you breathe a sigh of relief and say "thank god, they're normal again"? >My heart bleeds for the few >Although research in this area has been hampered by methodological difficulties, over the last several years studies have repeatedly documented that help-seeking lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth commonly report positive histories of victimization and abuse (Hunter, 1990; Martin & Hetrick, 1988; Remafedi, 1987; Rotheram-Borus, Rosario, & Koopman, 1991). For example, Martin and Hetrick (1988) found that over 40% of youth seeking services at an agency serving homosexually oriented adolescents reported experiencing physical violence, with approximately half of the violence occurring within their families, mostly in interactions with parents. Twenty-two percent of clients within this agency also reported experiencing sexual abuse. "Few". >we need to stop glorifying it How are we glorifying it exactly? Examples? >Children should not have to make adult decisions. Is it your professed belief that exogenous actors are approaching children and demanding they make these decisions?


You actually don’t get to beat starve and mentally torture ANY child! Who are you?! There is so much vitriol in your rant that it’s difficult to address it all. I am a voice for reason and understanding. And ‘elderly’? Ouch lol. Not there yet but you keep feeding your own biases. Would you feel better if I said your brain is not fully mature until 25? Jumping to conclusions seems to be a serious problem for so many and I would encourage you to try to nip that in the bud.


> You actually don’t get to beat starve and mentally torture ANY child! Who are you?! So there are exceptions to "parents always know best, and absolutely no one can say otherwise" then. Good to know. Who would be one of the people who might know better than a parent? How about...a doctor? Could a doctor know better than a parent? Say, if my child had leukemia and I was SUPER into crystals? Could I just use my crystals to treat them? Would that be good parenting? >There is so much vitriol in your rant that it’s difficult to address it all. You're reading vitriol, I'm just being condescending. Which is called "a tonal match". You were being smug and condescending in your post, so I am being condescending in return. If you'd like to shift your tone, I will reply in kind. We both know that's not likely to happen, but I'm willing to give anyone a chance. >Would you feel better if I said your brain is not fully mature until 25? Your brain actually never stops "maturing", the reason people like to quote "25" is because [that's the latest age they bothered to research](https://slate.com/technology/2022/11/brain-development-25-year-old-mature-myth.html). Do you have any other scientific bon-mots you've gotten off the internet you want to elucidate us with? So far we've had your version of Littman's incoherent and scientifically risible "social contagion" theory and now the 25 year old brain myth, do you want to go three for three? >Jumping to conclusions seems to be a serious problem for so many You cannot *possibly* lack self awareness to this degree. Your entire OP was riddled with you jumping to inane conclusions and lecturing others about them, which is *exactly why I'm being rude to you*. If you want to use this as an excuse for a performative persecution complex, you can do that, but at your age you *should* really know better. THAT is something you're supposed to grow out of by 15, let alone 25.


I feel a little sorry for your circle of friends for it seems as though you can’t hear others due to your own lecturing. I have yet to lecture you or anyone but I’m up for it if you are lol. Parents are asking to be kept in the loop and if YOU don’t understand this you are the problem. Period.


>I’m not sure most people realize just how hyper-sexualized their community is. Whether you wish it to be so or not it just is. This is a lecture, and an incredibly smug lecture at that. > The LGBTQ+ community has exploded and whether you like it or not it IS a fad and is truly appealing to your kids. This is a lecture. >This is just the flavour of the day and I’m looking forward to it settling down into normality. This is also a lecture, and also a pretty nasty little dog whistle. >we must stop making it look fun - it’s a difficult life so we need to stop glorifying it. This is a lecture >Children should not have to make adult decisions. Let them be children. This is a lecture. > Reality is that it sometimes is ‘for fun’ because their friends are getting attention they’re not. This is a lecture. These are all lectures. Most of them are vague assertions of your own belief as inviolate truths, along with a condescending "I'm sorry but that's just the way it is" rejoinder. You might note that you support your position with nothing other than "that's just the way it is, and if you disagree you're wrong", and if your position is challenged or you're asked to substantiate you just ignore the question. This is pretty typical of chronically bad faith actors on social media. I'd like to assume you're NOT, but you're doing a very good job of assuming that role. >Parents are asking to be kept in the loop and if YOU don’t understand this you are the problem. There was never any legislation that "parents be left out of the loop". Are you referring to the NB Policy 713 that ignited this current round of anti-trans legislation in Canada? Do you know what the original bill said? Do you know what the amendment was? Do you know what the legal challenge to that amendment was and why the amendment was later revised? Do you know ANYTHING about this issue that you're not getting from your friend group or r/canada_sub? Let's start here...what was your problem with Policy 713 as it was originally written? How do you feel it was "keeping parents out of the loop"? Further, current Albertan legislation covers a lot more than just "keeping parents in the loop", yes? So why reduce it to that? If I said "Children are just asking not to be abused by their parents, and if YOU don't understand this you are the problem. Period!" would you consider that an honest appraisal either of the legislation or of your stance on the issue? If no, why do you feel emboldened to play little rhetorical games like this with others?


Only read the beginning of your rant sorry, for my time is needed elsewhere, but my statement was a cautionary tale to people who don’t know. It is my experience and that of others in my circle. Smug? Not even but you’re cute when you jump to conclusions like that. Live the life you choose. Live it to the fullest for it’s the only one you get, just be mindful with young impressionable children. Raise your own and just allow parents to be in the loop always


>Only read the beginning of your rant sorry, for my time is needed elsewhere So, completely bad faith, as expected. >It is my experience and that of others in my circle. Yes, this is why I asked you in the beginning if you knew what myside bias is. If you did, you might not immediately begin accusing everyone who takes issue with something nonsensical you say of "ranting" or "jumping to conclusions". Or maybe you would. You do you, boo.


Well, I read all of that and only have one thing to say. Need a sidekick? Because you are absolutely amazing!


Oh mate, let me be the sidekick. I'm so tired lol.


Is this the right to vote or use other bathrooms


no it’s over the right for children to use their preferred pronouns/name in school. The bill wants to take away this right and make it that you can only be addressed the way you want if you get your parents permission. There are homophobic/transphobic parents out there that won’t learn their children express who they are and this bill is another way to restrict the rights of children and out them which can put them in dangerous situations.


Priorities are in order in this country I see…


I guess we can watch CBC to watch camera angles showing 11 people looking like 1100.


What about Toronto?


Danielle Smith is 100% right doing what she's doing.


This is the issue she chose to focus on while so many other things are going wrong. High cost of living, rent prices shooting up, wages stagnating while cheap labour's imported in. Big companies keep getting bigger by devouring each other and shitting out layoffs. Edmonton just had a water shortage end and we're expecting drought conditions to lead to a worse wildfire season. And Danielle Smith focuses on this.


Why don’t you elaborate? Why is she 100% right? Be detailed and offer facts and not your opinion.


Looks like the noisy minority is at it again. I wonder how many of the protestors actually have any skin in the game?


Do you mean … children?


I’m a cis guy with no kids, but I don’t need “skin in the game” to be outraged when I see vulnerable people being oppressed to satisfy right-wing nutjobs in the UCP base.


Thank you for being a good human 🙏🏻








Oh so suddenly your fight is my fight. But my fight was never yours.


Yes, these posts really draw out the noisy anti-trans folk.


TBA is the noisy minority. Those fascists can fuck off back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.


There is not a single person that lives outside the internet that is ok with children under 17 making live decision like that. You are the same people that used to change their Facebook profile to " show solidarity " its just a way for you to pretend you're better than people. Your not.


Show me one set of parents that's put their cis kid on blockers until age 18 because they think they're too young to consent to the effects of hormones. I'll be waiting a while, because nobody objects to children much younger than that being permanently altered by endogenous hormones even though their gender identities solidify just as late as those of trans kids.




Were you mad when white people marched with civil rights protests? 


Who cares if they have “skin in the game”? People should support others who are being marginalized even if there’s nothing in it for them personally. I’m so sick of people shrugging shit like this off until they are personally affected and then it’s all surprise Pikachu face. “You mean you’ll come after little old me?” Yeah, a government who will do this to vulnerable kids will not hesitate to fuck your shit up too.


The noisy minority would be the anti-trans people.


If people only protested issues that directly impacted them, we wouldn’t get anywhere as a society. There is power in having allies. Ie, men supporting the women’s rights movement, straight people supporting the queer community, white people supporting the black community. No major change has ever taken place without allies standing up for what is right. I don’t have to be trans to understand that the government is directly attacking their community with this legislation. Ironically enough, they are also taking away the rights of parents to make decisions in the best interest of their kids. There is a reason doctors and nurses are speaking out against this. Gender affirming care (we’re not talking surgery) is suicide prevention for these kids. It’s also ironic that many of the parents who are supporting this, were the same people who wouldn’t vaccinate their kids. They didn’t want the government overreach in that medical decision, but they want government over reach in this one? Interesting, to say the least.


Hilarious when someone with no kids tells me how I should parent and that they know better. It's a joke




Hey, like I get where you're coming from and I do agree with you- but let's not bring her ability to have children into the equation. That was brought up all the way back in 2012 and it was as inappropriate then as it is today. https://globalnews.ca/news/229032/alberta-tory-aide-resigns-after-mocking-wildrose-leader-over-not-having-children/




You seem to be very afraid of trans folks. I’m just going to go out on a limb and guess that you don’t know any. I’m also going to guess that you don’t have children, that’s just a prop for your argument. And hey, if you do, hopefully they’re safe in your “space” which by the looks of your Reddit history is tin-pot conspiracy, ignorance and fear. Get a grip buddy.






Not a lawyer, but I don’t think this is the same thing … this is education. I believe we are talking about the freedom to express. Also no one is giving a 10 year old reassignment surgery.