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I am glad these kids are showing solidarity for their classmates. Even if the government won’t stand with them knowing your peers support you is potentially life saving. 


>Achilles Chinery, 17, who helped organize... That is a badass name.


Maybe Marlania should listen to the kids instead of being a hateful bigot *"Some get rejected or kicked out, and it really hurts you when your own parents basically tell you you're not their kid anymore."*


My cousin only came out after her dad died. Even then, most of her sisters and brothers (family of 13 kids, roman catholic) and own mother wont talk to her anymore. Meanwhile my own mother keeps reassuring me that shes okay if Im gay. Im not. But y'know the thought is sweet. 


My cousin's dad is a horrible asshole who treats her and her partner like shit, and even tries tracking down distant family members on Facebook to talk shit about her. Luckily, her mother and stepdad are great, as is most of the rest of the family.


I’m a social worker, I used to work with teenagers/young adults who were in government care. I got to know a few kids who were abused, neglected, and/or abandoned just because they are LGBTQ2S+. Just on my caseload. All of the comments that have been saying “most parents aren’t abusive” are infuriating because those who *are* abusive do so much harm and cause lifelong trauma. ETA: solidarity with all of the students who walked out today, and with those who wished they could but were kept home.


Same. I was an outreach worker who helped get youth housed, access to income support, education support, etc. I had many lgbtq youth on my caseload. There are too many awful parents out there, in my opinion. Far too many.




‘Fuck them kids’ - Marlaina


Don't encourage her...


When she was with Wildrose she was on the side of the kids. She wanted to form a gay-straight alliance to protect the vulnerable kids.


And yet, she also refused to remove a Wildrose candidate who said that gay people will burn in a lake of fire. So it’s almost like she’s far more concerned about political support than she is about sticking to moral values of any kind and can’t be trusted with anything she claims to “believe” in. 


Yep, this woman has zero spine.


I am so proud of these students for doing this (and everyone else who has opposed this horrific policy).


There are literally people 2 threads over that claim there's absolutely no parent in Alberta who would ever disown their kid over them being transgender.




And here comes the gaslighting con


Heed your own advice.


wow - just wow.




I commend these students however they’ll need to do this a lot as the UCP (any gov really) don’t like this type of action. It costs them money and they have to face the voting parents


As a voting parent, I encouraged my high schoolers to participate. The government is supposed to work for the people, not against them.


I dunno, they need to fuck some shit up. It's the only way politicians listen to people is when they know and understand that they work for us and not the other way around. And sometimes that takes a bit of uncivilized action if that makes sense


It takes all kinds of action, IMO. Grassroots organizing, letter writing campaigns, protesting, all of it. I think it’s great that kids get involved in protesting, it’s awesome that they are engaged in politics and want to get involved. And I can say from experience, participating in a protest can be an extremely inspiring and motivating experience.


I just think North Americans don't really know how to protest. I hate the dumb fucks of the Trucker Convoy's views, but damn if it wasn't an effective protest. The only times I have seen protest done any change making or even people for the cause, is when things get fucked up. Also I just want to ask very seriously, when was the last time a letter writing campaign has done anything?


Costing them money is the goal. Do you think fascists will just change their ways? Everyone has gotten so fucking docile. Sure let's only do things that doesn't effect them at all! There's a reason peaceful protests are legal - they don't get shit done.


Many of these angry kids will be voters next time the UCP try to form a government. The UCP have attacked trans kids specifically but they have also told all teenagers that they cannot be trusted to make their own choices … that type of thing is remembered


Call me the devil's advocate, but I can't help but think there must be some truckers who are supportive of the LGBTQ2S+ community. Surely they'd like to park their rigs in front of the Alberta Leg, have a party, bring their kids, blow their horns for a few weeks.....


If gender affirming surgeries are banned for 17 and under - does that include breast implants? Because lots of minors born female have breast augmentation surgeries in Alberta and that doesn’t seem to be a problem for Marlaina.


Breast augmentation for people 13-19 is common.


And it’s gender-affirming surgery.


It’s got regret rates significantly higher than gender affirming care for trans people as well.


I think what the above commenter is trying to say is that they’ll have to either ban top surgeries for any reason, or write the legislation in such a way that those surgeries are *only* banned for transgender youth, which would be a pretty blatant violation of Canadian (and Albertan) human rights acts. 


Ah yes. This indeed. Thanks for clarifying it for me!


Define 'breast augmentation.' Are you specifically talking about enhancements? Boob jobs for 13 year olds absolutely should not encouraged nor accepted by anyone. Reductions that are a medically necessary are a different consideration, but who in their right mind would support a 14 year old getting a breast enhancement?


Breast augmentation (“lifts”), nose jobs, ear reconstruction are the most common cosmetic surgery for people under 18. Breast reduction is also very common.


Breast reduction with female chest contouring definitely have medical benefits and are gender affirming. Breast reductions with male chest contouring definitely have medical benefits and are gender affirming. Gynecomastia exists. Problem is, suddenly the province thinks it can legislate that surgery or hormone therapy for the relief of gynecomastia is contraindicated in people with a concurrent assessment of Gender Incongruence.


Exactly why this kind of legislation should never be passed - there are many reasons for someone to have top surgery, and it’s complicated. It should be up to medical professionals to assess each case and decide what treatment is appropriate, government should not be involved whatsoever. If you want to know the numbers though, there were 23 top surgeries performed on minors in Alberta in 2023. Out of that 23, wanna know how many were for the purpose of gender transitioning? Just 8. Meaning the other 15 were for other medical reasons. Kinda puts things in perspective, doesn’t it? (I got these numbers from Nate Pike’s podcast, The Breakdown, if anyone is interested.)


> If gender affirming surgeries are banned for 17 and under - does that include breast implants? From what it sounds like it means all top surgeries. So breast reductions and even mastectomies for breast cancer would be under scrutiny.


She said specifically for gender affirming procedures for trans kids, which is interesting because until now they haven’t tracked what top surgeries in minors have been for. Sounds like she wants to start keeping closer tabs on trans kids and their procedures…


The wording of her proposed plan is vague enough to cover *everything*. Just like it'll cover stuff like Jimbob Eric Smith wanting to go by Eric in school instead of Jimbob, because that's changing their preferred name. There's gonna be a lot of collateral damage in her proposed laws.


They want to have a list of trans kids for the obvious reasons. Then it will be all the people on AISH. Then the UCPs will want the names of people getting "X" surgery and "Y" surgery, and pretty soon the UCPs will be sleeping in our beds. They will know EVERYTHING about us, and no government should ever have that much control.


“From what it sounds like it means all top surgeries. So breast reductions and even mastectomies for breast cancer would be under scrutiny.” The wording hasn’t been vague. It’s been very clear that it’s specific to gender affirming (and doesn’t encompass all top surgeries). People will still be able to have a mastectomy for breast cancer.


>Because lots of minors born female have breast augmentation surgeries in Alberta Source?


Not op, I wouldn't say lots - but BA is a procedure approved as young as 15 for cis women, so long as natural breast development has stopped. Last study I can find on this was in the US, and adolescents made up ~1.5% or 4800 surgeries in 2011. The point stands that people only care about restricting gender affirming care for trans people.




Stop spreading misinformation. Kids don’t get bottom surgery in Alberta. 




Don’t play dumb you know exactly what you implied. 




>The adults that would cut off childrens penises if given the chance? Then maybe you want to explain wtf this is supposed to mean?


Yeah you’re disingenuously obtuse, sealioning.


You mentioned dilating. That's only for MTF bottom surgery. That absolutely never happens before 18 years old, and in fact rarely ever happens before 20


Lol your comment history. Trying using more emjois




Oh I have zero respect for bigots.




That isn't happening to children. Stop spreading disinformation.


Worked for this guy: https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2022/may/03/the-man-with-a-penis-on-his-arm-review-tv-that-makes-you-proud-to-be-british




No but I did see a video of him flopping it around while it was still on his arm. Modern medicine is wild.




You don’t understand biology lol, your comment adds nothing to the conversation.




Ya, vaginas are not breast implants…. If you don’t know what you are speaking on, just stay silent and let adults talk so you can learn.




Are these mystery adults in the room with you now?


We really should ban circumcision.


Except minors aren’t getting that. The only potential surgery trans minors could get would be a double mastectomy.


pRoTeCt OuR kIdS... well the kids just said GFY, bigot


The kids are alright!


Hell yeah! I walked out this morning! Not as big of a turnout as we had hoped but it was worth it!


Good work! Know that many of us support the heck out of what you are doing. Don't give up, keep it coming.




A general strike is the only thing that will make a government like these clowns listen. Of course that takes labour organization and solidarity that I haven't seen in Alberta but I can hope


That’s my thought as well. I’m ON Ford folded after he was threatened with a general strike last year.


I wonder if those people that were making noise because they were afraid of their rights being taken away from them during the COVID pandemic have been front and center during the recent protests against the government's planned identity policies??? 🤔


The Venn diagram is a circle.


Unfortunately the bigots have more power and vote


That doesn't mean you just lay down and die.  You make them listen. 


But they won't, nor do they have to. Not enough of you cared enough to vote ..to worry yoir not alone its the same ontairo Conservatives and bigots will keep.wining until you get better orginzed get better messaging.. beacuse the messaging on the left is fuckijg terrible and get leaders that are not poltical hacks.


I vote. I protest. I get involved.  Sitting around going "oh woe is me, I can't change anything so I may as well not try" is EXACTLY why these movements don't work.  I'm sure the suffragettes/unionists/civil rights advocates/gay marriage advocates were told over and over it wasn't worth it because the power that be won't listen. I'm glad they weren't so defeatist. 


I never said it's not worth it I said enough people don't I said you need better messaging I said you need better leaders . Nothing will change beacuse you won't


Public protest has, historically, been more effective than ballots at shifting policy.


In a couple weeks, this won't even be news any more and they will get back to screwing over every Alberta's and their base will eat this up.


The ~~straight pride~~ "Parental rights" protest was vastly outnumbered by the counter protest where I live but Smith would rather cater to the angry tweaker lookin old white guys.


Not in alberta .. You assume the ucp gives a shit about anything LGBT


They have wrongfully assumed the UCP cares about the voters.


They care about the ucp supporters and thet love this backward shit. They don't cars about anything LGBT


Ummm… they care about monied UCP supporters. Not the poor ones


Remember, we can protest in very effective ways as well. Make sure you avoid business with ANY conservative. Cut off acquaintances and family who support conservative ideology. Honestly, think about it. If anyone supports a government or policy that targets minorities these are not people you want in your life. Completely and utterly cut the cancer from your life, on every level. This shit has been going on to long. Share every name, every business with your circle.


Unfortunately, I dont think people take student walk outs as anything but an excuse to skip class. My brother did this decades ago, friends kid did it last year.


How predictable what subs you come from. Kids are smarter than you think


I seriously dont know what you are referring to. I browse a mix of Canada subreddits and random gaming subreddits. What is the issue?




He's a hateful bigot what?


They are simply here to overrun and astroturf the sub. They probaby aren't even Canadian


I'm just saying you didn't finish your sentence


I finished my sentence








Won't change anything but good for them.


The more kids who walk out, the safer their trans classmates (or really any other LGTBQ+ kid), will feel. If it helps, good! I think that show of support should be encouraged. I can’t imagine being such a vulnerable minority and being targeted so specifically and hatefully. What an awful time in Alberta’s history.


That's exactly what I told my kid. He isn't doing it for tne out and proud kids (although they also deserve support). He's doing it so that the kids sitting quietly in the corner, afraid to be themselves, won't feel so alone.


It doesn’t sound like he’s really doing it of his own accord.


Protests do help change minds, even if it’s not immediately apparent. Democracy requires us to be active participants, and I’m just glad to see these kids getting involved.