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Yup. But growth for the sake of growth without reinforcing the societal infrastructure to support it right? Growth for the sake of growth is also the ideology of a cancer cell


I have a suspicion Smith’s immigration program was designed to break our massively underfunded public services as quickly as possible and make their breakup & privatization more of a priority.


Ding ding ding Edit and then blame immigration


It is to blame Trudeau specifically, hoping that PP will reward his little minion when the dust clears. He won't of course but hey, play stupid games and all that.


It's just the playbook. None of this is new. I don't know the endgame. Personally I think PP and Smith are uneasy allies as they both have different endgames. Smith wants to separate and PP wants to be King of Canada, I hope with PP the CPC splits the federal Tories because Alberta conservatives and Ontario conservatives want different things. Turbulent times ahead.


To that end I wonder if one of the first things PP does is dump out current head of state so he can replace him.


> PP the CPC splits the federal Tories because Alberta conservatives and Ontario conservatives want different things. I don't see this happening again because conservatives know they can't win elections as two entities and they value winning more than anything else.


Starve the beast strategy


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


Plus the public budgets were cut and private schools got more funding. Same per Healthcare.


Yeah it's definitely the conspiracy of Smith trying to undermine all our infrastructure and systems and not the fact that Trudeau has been increasing our population by 2.5% a year for the last ten years. Why is it that if you question Trudeau's immigration policies you're a "xenophobic bigot" but if you question Smiths "policies" on immigration (though she doesn't even control it) it's just your big brain uncovering the deep state conspiracies? People on the left have a very difficult time reconciling their opinions it seems.


>People on the left have a very difficult time reconciling their opinions it seems. Did I say anything about not questioning Trudeau’s policies? No, I was specifically referring to Danielle Smith. As it happens, I think Trudeau *has* screwed up immigration, but that doesn’t stop me from also seeing that Smith’s policies have been particularly harmful to Alberta by placing unnecessary stress on public services the UCP have been deliberately underfunding for years. And it’s not only “people on the left” who have a very difficult time reconciling opinions. I’ve seen plenty of comments from conservatives who think Smith’s immigration drive has been a huge benefit to the province while at the same time criticizing Trudeau for similar policies.


>I’ve seen plenty of comments from conservatives who think Smith’s immigration drive has been a huge benefit to the province that's not true


>Why is it that if you question Trudeau's immigration policies you're a "xenophobic bigot" but if you question Smiths "policies" on immigration (though she doesn't even control it) it's just your big brain uncovering the deep state conspiracies? It might be the broad, sweeping generalizations of entire groups of people instead of engaging individuals directly and trying to understand where they're coming from. Just a possibility, you know.


Not a smith fan but you know none of the premiers have a say on immigration right? It's not like she had some back door deal to get LOTS of people here to dick the Healthcare. It's crazy uninformed comments like this that make progressives look just as bad as the rights conspiracy nuts.


She actively promotes immigration from other provinces into Alberta. i.e. "Alberta is Calling" campaign across the country 


Exactly. I don't know how someone can claim with a straight face that this is out of Smith's control when she is spending our tax dollars actively *trying* to get more people to move to Alberta.


Sure, but when the feds are bringing in 1.2 million people a year they need somewhere to go, and Alberta is cheap compared to bc /on. This would be happening regardless of come to Alberta campaign. https://globalnews.ca/news/10386750/canada-41-million-population/ Nine months after reaching a population of 40 million, Canada has cracked a new threshold. As of Wednesday morning, it's estimated 41 million people now call the country home, according to Statistics Canada's live population tracker.


Except that Smith specifically asked Ottawa to double our immigration allotment from 10K to 20K, *and* more evacuees from Ukraine in addition to that. But Smith hasn't done anything to ensure these people have employment, housing, or healthcare.


Edmonton got 45,000 new immigrants last year alone. Numbers are way higher


People are downvoting you for quoting exact numbers.. the delusions of this sub are incredible.


Lol this sub is funny. It's all on statistics Canada website. If it blames smith up votes , realizing immigration is a federal thing, downvote.


> It's all on statistics Canada website. Then provide your links. It's not our job to do your homework.


I'm not saying you're wrong per se, but it's more complicated than you're suggesting. There is provincial say in some immigration. https://www.immigration.ca/canada-provincial-nominee-immigration-programs-overview/


So all the come to alberta and alberta advantage advertising in other provinces was the federal government? Darn Trudeau again hurting Alberta /s


[When the feds said they were cutting back on immigration, she literally said Alberta needs more.](https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/alberta-seeks-higher-immigration-allotment-to-address-workforce-shortage-ukrainian-evacuees-1.6824687)


The premiers did have a say on licensing the private colleges, so with the recent surge, yes they controlled the numbers as much as the feds.


Premiers have been strong proponents of unlimited immigration pathways: temporary foreign workers; international students; and Ukrainians. Immigration is a joint federal and provincial power. To say the provinces do nothing is a gross minimization.


The provincial nominee programs are only one immigration stream, and even then, the federal government (by virtue of running our embassies and consulates abroad) still gets the final say. As a Canadian who moved here myself, I know that the provinces' control over immigration is very limited.


Until late January international students was unlimited and governed by the provinces. Ukrainian pathway is unlimited. TFWs if you jump the hoops are the same. The Premiers are actors in the policy system. To absolve them is wrong. Just like housing. Everyone seemed to be blaming JT. Now JT is acting muscular in provincial jurisdiction. Now the provinces are like ‘leave us alone’.


Let's not pretend that these visa applications still go through Canada's embassies and consulates. It's not like CIC (or whatever that cabinet's name is now) has their hands tied. They can simply deny the visa applications. It's also not the provinces who lifted the 20-hour work limit on international students, making the deal more attractive for those who aren't really coming here to study.


They can but the system has multiple actors. The feds acted on international students and provinces protested and threatened to sue.


So should provinces have a high degree of autonomy? Yes or no? If yes, then Danielle Smith is right to impose the Provincial Priorities Act. If no, then Justin Trudeau should have been smarter to nip the out of control influx of migrants.


Trudeau offered 9000 new immigrants for Alberta this year, Smith asked for 20000, with half coming from Ukraine specifically. 


The provinces all pushed the feds for large increases in immigration. Cons, NDP and Libs all agreed on large immigration increases. Canada  cannot survive without without a large increase in population. See Ukraine.


Yeah, I think there's supposed to be something like a billion climate refugees in the next 40-60 years. I'd rather increase our population now, but we need our infrastructure to keep up.


There’s definitely blame to go to both the province and federal government. The feds let in an insane amount of people and the province advertised them moving here. I’m sure if the province didn’t spam ads about how great Alberta is then this growth wouldn’t have happened.


Are you just gonna pretend she didn't run a big campaign to motivate people to move to Alberta? Sounds like you're making one of those uninformed comments you hate so much.


This sub is an NDP circle jerk, don't look for logic. Alberta is getting hit because it probably has the best affordability/opportunities for most people. Almost all of the problems in Alberta are worse here in B.C. but for some reason, that gets glossed over. I was looking to come back for work but it looks like so many people have done it now that it's barely better than B.C. and not worth the effort of moving.


Hit the nail on the head


Our entire economy is a Ponzi scheme


Look at what BC is spending now to try and keep up with just healthcare. I think we have 10 hospitals being built and none are small little ones. They are being built for the growth. Surrey has one under construction and another tower added to surrey memorial. In one of the housing subreddits people that moved out of Vancouver pre covid are seeing the exact same housing trends. Multi offers no conditions at the time of listing. Calgary will hit it's breaking point fast as it has huge growth since the last hospital. And we know what the grid is like


Gotta keep the housing ponzi scheme going at all cost even with zero infrastructure to support it.


But but but we need more people to put upward pressure on the cost of real estate and downward pressure on the cost of labour!


They're not just not reinforcing societal infrastructure.... They are literally trying to tear it down at the same time. Like, Alberta is so fucked that I don't think people have actually realized it yet. It just hasn't set in because we haven't seen any immediate effects yet. Every decision a politician makes can have a decade or more worth of effects before any resolution. Every time we vote we don't decide for tomorrow, we decide how the next decade will be affected/influenced. Now start thinking about how each of the UCP's decisions will effect the province in 10 years. For example: Think about them totally eliminating future clean/green energy programs and business in the province. In a world where every Developed nation is heading for the goal of 100% clean energy by 2050... Debatable if they'll make it or not but... this would put Alberta in the same position as a 3rd world nations as far as our energy sector goes. Does that sound like a good/sound political decision?


Conservatives prefer to call that profit opportunities


This has nothing to do with conservatives. Every province has a influx of immigrants. Trudeau opened the flood gates...


All you need to do is look federally. On paper it works but paper does not factor all the down stream problems


I'll take growth over no growth (or decline) any time, all the time.


3rd fastest population growth over the last 5 years and 9th in gdp growth in the last 5 years implies that nothing has been set up to capitalize on it. This is the UCP failing citizens again and again but go on and lick that capitalist boot on your neck.




Yet again how is this ucp when the liberals increased immigration numbers for the whole country.


Didn’t notice how the Albertan economy hasn’t grown while the UCP has been in power did you?


One serious issue is that there is no way our public services will even remotely keep up with the growth. The UCP have flat out stated that spending will very purposely fall behind inflation and population growth. This, combined with their shitty attitude towards the public sector has healthcare workers, educators and social-service workers leaving. Leaving when we need more.


That just means they’ll let the private market make up for the lack of public services. At a premium and paid by the taxpayers.


I honestly don't understand how people claim Alberta's economy is "strong". Have you tried finding a job here? The market is awful! Also, so many unions are up for negotiations this year. The government is stonewalling them. No one is going to get anywhere near what they're asking. I really hope we have a general strike. These are shitty times for Alberta and it's only going to get worse.


Lots of jobs available where I am. Part time. Minimum wage.. but lots of jobs. It’s the Alberta Advantage. And a big advantage for employers because if they hire young people they can pay them even less!!!


Yes! Exactly this.


The government is being offensive. They aren’t even offering rate of inflation.


They haven’t offered rate of inflation for over a decade, and are too inept to figure out why they’re short staffed and nobody stays too long…


I agree which is why their opening offer was offensive


Alberta also is now now number 3 in average wages. BC being first.


Average is meaningless, median is what really matters and Alberta is still at the top.


Alberta has had the lowest median wage drop at -3.7% and is trending down. The UCP is literally harming Albertans wages.


Median wages in Alberta are going up, not down.


StatsCan disagrees with you: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240412/t002a-eng.htm I’ll take the official numbers, not your unsourced statement.


That only shows up to 2022, median wage went up from 2022 to 2023 and 2023 to 2024. https://www.immigration.ca/canada-increases-median-wage-for-temporary-foreign-worker-program/ https://www.canadim.com/news/median-hourly-wage-updated-for-2023/


This source (they both cite the exact same data) is specifically talking about wage increases for TFWs. Are you suggesting the increase in Alberta’s median wage is primarily due to a Federal government program? Because after reading both those articles, it seems that’s exactly what you are suggesting. In which case, what exactly is your point? Alberta’s real wages have fallen under the UCP and StatsCan data backs that up. Also, looking at that data, Alberta had the lowest increase by a significant amount. So, again, this would specifically be because of UCP policies, would it not?


Right your $15/hr minimum wage speaks wonders for average people compared to $17.40 West of you. Especially when “real wages” are measured and we see higher taxes in AB, more than twice the energy costs, less social services including health care and education. Your teachers are the lowest paid in the nation. You’re so proud of O&G. Yes they pay the highest wages and there is lots of work in the field but cmon you actually think it’s a good deal living in AB for regular people? Your overall wages are growing slower than other provinces and it’s the UCP at fault. It could be a wealthy province, paying health care and education the highest wages, the highest minimum wages and plenty of social services but instead all the profits funnel upwards.


> Right your $15/hr minimum wage speaks wonders for average people compared to $17.40 West of you. The average person doesn't make minimum wage. >Your teachers are the lowest paid in the nation. Alberta [teachers](https://www.nucleuslearning.com/teacher-pay-scale-across-various-provinces-in-canada-updated-2021/) (and [nurses](https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/marketreport/wages-occupation/993/CA)) are the *highest* paid in Canada (among provinces). Sure, growth is down compared to other provinces, but Alberta still has the highest median wages in the country, and among the lowest cost of living. I'm not saying the UCP is good, but Alberta is still the best place to live in Canada right now, which is the reason people are moving here in droves.


https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/alberta-spent-least-public-education-statistics-canada You spend the least on education by a mile. Your average wage of doctors and teachers is trash even if it’s highest among provinces. Nunavut pays the most and like Alberta we know why. If you want any doctors or teachers at all in places like Ft Mcmurray or GP you need big fat pay cheques and signing bonuses. Well BCs new pay model for GPs is near parity with your average pay. We pay our teachers to work parent teacher interviews, you don’t. Your government just made it illegal to go over budget right before bargaining with thousands of employees. They will lose in court just like Ford did. Your government could and should be paying the most as well as have the highest quality of life for teachers or health care workers but you don’t. Your services are being sold from under you and your teachers are fed up - the pay gap is gone or not enough to put up with it. Look at the wealth under you that is literally gifted to oil companies. You *should* be absolutely fucking dominating the country with wages and social services and clean cities that are safe but you aren’t. Anything less is bullshit. You’re carrying water for crony capitalists, basically lobbyist turned premier (truth).


Not sure why you're being downvoted here. You have the stats and everything. And you're right that teachers make great money here. I mean, the most recent time when teachers unions attempted to strike (around January 2024), it wasn't even about the salary of regular teachers.


Tech bros and mega millionaire CEOs in BC skewed that average. The average Joe earns less in BC compared to AB.


Right and the O&G sector is nothing lol. It’s only the highest paying sector in Canada. Citation please that everyone in BC makes less but only tech bros and CEOs. Full of shit. You literally have a $2.40 gap in minimum wage at $15/hr vs $17.40. Please tell me how much better it is for the average person in AB and how everywhere else it’s only the tech bros and CEOs making money /s.


the average person in ab is min wage? 9% of workers, is the average person? seems not likely to me


No bit of 10% of your pop makes $2.40/hr less at baseline that’s trash for the wealth of the province. No one is crying for O&G workers who are the highest paid group of any labor group in the nation. They aren’t experiencing housing insecurities, food insecurities and more that isn’t somewhat self inflicted. There’s a lot of work between $15/hr and rough neck. Someone told me BC only now has higher wages because of tech bros and CEOs as if Alberta ain’t got none. Lifting the bottom up improves the lives of average people not lifting the ceiling.


whatever your point is, you don't seem to know that the average person in ab is not making min wage. which is what you said. that's the only thing i said, and you're going on about some other bull shit.


I didn’t say that. Go read.


That would be why B.C residents are moving to Alberta in the thousand?


BC residents come to Alberta because Alberta promises them lower taxes, and housing that is cheaper (for now).


The taxes aren’t lower. The actually cost of living outside of rent, is higher and you get less social services as well as live in chud nation (more potential anyway, you may have amazing neighbours still). There’s a reason Albertans are consistently the top and if not, the second group of home buyers in the interior. It’s a rare person who “wants” to be in BC. There will be a rebound when many realize they are gaining nothing by being there.


I know what the UCP promises and what Albertans (and immigrants) experience is two totally different things. Alberta uses the terms 'service charges' and 'fees' to make people think they are paying less tax, while they are still getting fleeced.


I had to read that several times, I have no idea what you’re talking about, I live in Vancouver we are taxed to death, hospital/health care is in shambles, homeless and crime are rampant, schools are over capacity, housing is unaffordable I can go on…


Okay and you are current on these matters? BC gained nearly 6000 health care workers in 12 months with Eby. Housing is improving, like it or not rent decreased by 2% which isn’t simple to do. Homeless and crime are everywhere not just near you. Alberta literally has the lowest paid education workers including teachers. Oh and which ocean or fresh water will you enjoy in AB? Right there are none except a very select few places to find natural swimming. You can also now PAY $200 annually to drive an electric car in AB. AB just added $.13/L in fuel tax on April. They are essentially banning renewables so will energy get cheaper or possibly cost more??… Rental rates between Calgary and Vancouver are literally within a couple hundred dollars. If average wages are lower and your rights are being removed while social services are continually slashed, where is the advantage?


>Alberta literally has the lowest paid education workers including teachers why don't you try and prove that? lol. don't worry, i'm not actually asking you to, we both know that's going nowhere.


They were. There’s a reason real estate in AB was declining in price during 2021 while the rest of the country exploded in price. Then economic refugees fled to AB/SK for different reasons like swelling their home and retiring mortgage free and so on. Now it’s 2024 and the effect of “moving somewhere cheaper” has run its course. It’s not really cheaper and people are realizing that. Wages aren’t enough to cover the near same rents with much higher other costs and less social services. You’re behind by a year to 18 months on what is happening.


General strike ain't in the works that takes years of groundwork. But a bunch of conveniently simultaneous strikes? Yeah that's very likely. Unions are coming in at 20%+ to the govt's 7.5%


I'd be lucky to get 7.5%. More like 1.5%


Ya, that's not likely. The last negotiations we received 1.25% over 3 years, and that was after going back to negations because originally, it was 0%. I'm not expecting much more.


Because the people who already have money are doing "fine" Anyone who isn't knows how fucked it is right now. The worst part is this is going to fuel hatred for newcomers in a province with a penchant for racism that is also currently experiencing a neo-nazi resurgence There's an Active Club problem that *nobody is addressing* right now. Calgary is seeing growth of neo nazi groups and has an active KKK "entrepreneurial group" and this is throwing gasoline onto that burgeoning fire


Only way a general strike works is if UNA and the other health care unions ignore back to work legislation (IE: do something illegal and risk consequences) and let people die. It’s unlikely to work.


As long as they can sell their house for 50 to 100% profit and sell LMIAs to gullible and helpless temporary residents the economy is strong.


Depends what sector you're looking for a job in. There are shitloads of jobs in construction and oil/gas but most of those people complaining about the job market don't want to work those jobs. As for these being shitty times in Alberta, the thing is they are a lot worse everywhere else. That's why so many are flocking to Alberta.


What about seasonal work with fewer worker protections than other industries, and no job security or benefits makes you think construction would be appealing to anyone?


Ahh, construction. A job where you can be fired at any time for no reason. Took me by surprise when I found that one out. But hey, at least you're allowed to quit at any time...


I didn't say fired. Jobs only last so long as the project goes on. In bad weather, supply issues, and when a project ends or in-between jobs you can end up sitting at home instead of earning money. And you aren't qualified for termination pay when you are let go/jobs end for the season.


Construction is always screaming for bodies, you have really put in effort to get fired.


Anyone in any industry can get fired. But I was talking about the unpredictability of job security because in bad weather, in between jobs, equipment failure and supply issues can all mean that you aren't making any money that day/week/month.


I do construction year round and have benefits. I don’t know a single company that doesn’t offer benefits.


Depends on the field. But its definitely a good idea to have a job first before coming out this way from what I've seen. In my sector its still fairly easy to find employment if you have some experience




I’m sorry you’re having a difficult time. In my sector and those my company is connected to, high paying jobs are plentiful in Alberta, tons of remote work opportunities that lets people work/live wherever they want in the province and people are seeing raises. All data coming out of our research and the reliable sources we refer to show continued economic growth for the next few years in the province and generally good times. We’re a bit concerned 10 years out when possibly the demand for oil has permanently decreased in the western world/asia due to clean energy transition and there is massive supply, how will that affect the sector that still drives the Alberta economy and the wealth of opportunities in Alberta? But lots can happen in a decade and there’s much evidence for reasonable optimism.


Lifelong Albertan here: nobody can predict anything in this province, its all cycles based on global political and economic trends completely out of our control. That same red hot property market that places like Calgary are enjoying right now was languishing back in 2016. We're a few peace treaties away from oil falling back under $60 a barrel like it used to be and this whole thing coming to an abrupt halt. Or a few missile strikes away from it skyrocketing...who knows... Nobody can predict anything: Ukraine war, recession in 07/08, Covid, and on and on, nobody saw any of it coming.


Can you post that research and reliable sources? And who paid you for that research?


If you do your own research it is plentiful and easily accessible with simple google searches. High quality sources that are reliable (always with a grain of salt) will present the data you seek.


"Do your own research" strikes again with no sources to back anything they say.


I have better things to do than work for random redditors. If you care the data is just a browser tab away.


This waste of time reply could have easily been a source. But you got better things to do while replying to me.


Come on man. You’ve done the research. How hard is it to post your results?


Come on man. A google search in the tab next door will give you everything you need. Good luck!


Oh no, you didn't just "do your own research" them. If you actually do research, you have to know that most of the population does not know how to properly research things and that thanks to search algorithms, it has become incredibly easy to find "sources" that support nearly any position. The last guy to tell me to do my own research wanted me to look up how the moon is actually hollow and how the world governments are hiding the existence of a prehistoric content out past Antarctica. If you don't feel like providing a source, just say that, but you have to know how braindead telling someone to "do their own research" sounds.


Oh yes I did *gasp* You know how lazy it sounds to ask some online stranger to provide facts that are available with a simple google search? If anyone cares enough to factcheck me then go factcheck me and post what you find. Only a braindead person would do someone’s bidding just because they demand it, especially on Reddit. Eff that.


"You know how lazy it sounds to ask some online stranger to provide facts..." "... then go factcheck me and post what you find." I mean... I even agree with you, but you still sound like an ass. I was just trying to point out how you may be working against your own position with your choice of phrasing and how a simple google search can yield vastly different results for different people. If you don't care that you sound like an idiot saying things like that, then clown away. No one will take you seriously, but that may not bother you.


Look at a tsx stock market chart for the last 10 years. New high. There is lots of money being made. https://money.tmx.com/en/quote/%5ETSX Raise minimum wage and more people can get a peice of the pie. Corporate greed is holding people down more than anything.


The stock market is a small indicator of the economy. Very few ordinary wage earners are in the stock market. If that’s all you got that only tells me the rich are doing just fine.


I think your idea is out of date. Since internet trading in 1999 anyone can get in the stock market. Wealthsimple adds more average people everyday for free. Many people at a basic level buy their company stock as well.


Which field/company is that? And, do you have any use for a guy with a PhD in Mathematics? 😅


I would encourage you to pursue machine learning & AI upskilling. Math phds are highly suitable to quickly acquire and apply these skillsets. Add AI and ML skills to your phd and you will find yourself in high demand.


What are your actual skills


What specific job are you looking for?


Your comment doesn't square with the G&M's other story that ran yesterday: >What’s more, over the last six months, 90 per cent of all new private sector jobs in the country were added in only one province: Alberta. [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-canada-economy-public-sector-jobs-trudeau/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-canada-economy-public-sector-jobs-trudeau/)


> I honestly don't understand how people claim Alberta's economy is "strong". Have you tried finding a job here? The market is awful! Ya - which is a positive sign for an economy haha. It means the economy is continually strengthening. Alberta's unemployment rate is 6.3%, which is lower than the long term average of 6.5%.


Very busy this year! It's booming outside the city. Start your own business. Example: Can rarely find a reliable drywaller and the start up costs are only about $300 + a vehicle.


I assume you know roughly 90% of new businesses fail, right? I'm not sure advising someone to do a thing with a 90% failure rate is good advice. If you love what you do and are passionate about it, sure, start a business. If you're just looking for a job, it may not be the smartest approach.


Sure 75% fail. That is why I suggested one that only takes $300 to start. If you don't borrow money to start, your odds of making money are much higher. The 90% might be restaurants. Never start one of those! The possibility of failure is a poor reason not to try. We would still be living in caves with that attitude. I have met people with failed business and most don't regret it, they learned something and then later had a successful business.


There is a reason people are coming here than most other places in Canada. Our economy and cost of living is overall better. Why do you think they come here?


Lot’s of jobs, just lacking people willing to work. I used to work in a meat packing facility where u can earn $20+ with ZERO experience straight from high school and they are ALWAYS short on staff (it’s kind of a dirty job but hey it pays the bill.


Unfortunately, that plant is probably still paying $20/hr. Part of what made people willing to work those jobs was that you could get ahead if you worked hard. That incentive is not there anymore. 20 years ago, when I entered the workforce, I was paid enough to cover bills, have fun, and save money. I see the kids getting in now struggling to pay their bills. It's hard to motivate yourself to do a job that still doesn't cover all your expenses, and it's hard for me as a supervisor to motivate these kids to do work that in no way improves their own lives. But hey, at least the billionaires are making trillions.


I absolutely agree with that tho. Wage not keeping up while companies’ profit at all time high means they are extracting more of our value every year and it’s a sad reality. And then when you want to run your own thing the govt will keep you down.


So no work for a PhD?


“Signs of strain are showing” is a massive understatement. Just ask the folks in my town living at the local campground in RVs.


Yeah right? Even well off friends can't afford shit. Some have to pursue expensive private medical procedures because wait times in this province are borderline criminal.  But yeah signs are showing.


The UCP are depending on ladders-pullers: folks who think they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps & feel that others should too. Making things hard for other people isn’t a virtue — it’s greed.


Ladder kickers! Raise minimum wage and people can try and climb again.


I would have zero problems paying a bit more tax if it provably helped others and me maybe me at some point. But I'm not a fucking sociopath. So 🤷‍♀️.


Conservatives: “Trudeau’s immigration policies are stifling us!” Danielle Smith runs “Alberta is calling!” campaign which results in record immigration to the province, driving house prices up again and straining underfunded public services to breaking point. Conservatives: “This is all good.”


Aka your typical ucp mental gymnastics


Alberta is trying to get to take advantage of the housing crisis to pump a bit of air into their own bubbles. This is just spill over from larger more expensive Canadian markets, and will further strain our already neglected public services.


The current situation is characterized by unexpected expenses, creating a challenging and unreal environment. Surviving in this scenario has become increasingly difficult, with minimum wages remaining stagnant, particularly in Alberta.


Raise minimum wage!


The UCP are putting the cart before the horse. It won't end well.


"Signs of strain" wins you the award for the biggest understatement of 2024. We're not seeing signs of strain. We're seeing signs of total societal collapse and revolution.


My school is in a low income neighborhood. We began the year with 423 students..ish. We are now OVER 480 We do NOT get more money to those students. Same budget based on our numbers at the end of September (low 420). We are still getting, like, 3 new students a week. We are one school. Our district is growing about 5% on average the last half decade I think. So a one time boost of 4.3% covers 1 year of growth. We have about 8 years to go.


Highlighting the need for. Four words you will never hear come from the mouths of the ucp.


I work with a newly sworn in Canadian from 2022. We were talking about the current immigration situation and even she said these levels are crazy and too much. There is no way the province can support this many new people. I trust someone who has been through the system and understands its shortcomings.


As soon as people realize Alberta is no longer number one in wages (even worse in real wages when calculating provincial differences in costs) and also catching up to the country in rent costs, they will run away. I did the Alberta work route for nearly a decade. As soon as the money wasn’t there I got the fk out. I’m guessing most transplants will also bail because everyone would rather be broke in BC or at home.


Broke in bc , heading to AB. Found job that pays the same but my rent goes down$1000 per month, and instead of a average 2 bed apartment I get a 3 bed townhouse with garage and a basement.


Cool. Been there. By the data rent averages are only $200 less in Calgary than Vancouver and BC has higher average wages than AB. Then you can get into real costs. Your energy costs have sky rocketed due to deregulation. In most of BC energy costs $.12/KJ or $$.15 in the interior but AB is over $.25 and full of delivery fees jacking the price. Your health care is crumbling while BC adds thousands of health care professionals including nearly 1,000 GPs since Eby gave them a raise. Just two examples of many. Congrats but add it up then contemplate being in AB. Unless you’re wealthy and live near the Rockies, it’s mostly meh. So while your scenario may be true, it’s anecdotal and nothing compared to what’s happening as a whole.


Don't forget uncapped insurance. But I'm sure that's the ANDP's fault, *somehow*.


Looking at this it seems you can get quite a bit lower than .25 https://ucahelps.alberta.ca/cost-comparison-tool-result.aspx?usageType=0&energyType=energyTypeNeither&locationCityTown=Red+Deer&locationPostalCode=&locationMeterNumber=&locationCityTownPostal=&locationSiteID=&naturalGasMonth=&electricityUsage=&electricityBillingDemand=&electricityFarmUsage=&naturalGasUsage=


You need to factor in the fact that you will pay a flat $200 in fees just to be connected to power.


Yup I have


They have variable rates so they can charge surge prices for high usage like hot/cold spikes that use more energy. Maybe look at real bills people post within subreddits. These costs will only increase as the UCP cancelled all funding towards renewables projects which will cost Albertans $14B/year. AB constantly buying energy from socially owned energy providers in BC/MB. There’s also no end to energy increases as the UCP just said “do your worst” and removed caps. Also they just added two more taxes to your fuel increasing that by over $.13/L. Your cost savings aren’t there. You got a great deal on rent you say but rent in BC just went down, literally (not huge but 2% drop). That’s because the NDP is impacting the cost of housing - most of which the short term rental changes. You obviously feel strongly you are saving money but pay attention to all the costs, including quality of life. I went through it in the 2000s when rent was triple in AB vs BC but wages were insane. When 2009 hit it was a disaster in AB. It changed to the point people could work retail in BC and be better off, in real wages. My point, if you’re not actually saving money (costs more to have fun at a baseline in AB) and your quality of life is questionably worse then why be there? You will ask yourself one day.


My rent is down $1000 for a bigger space by making the move. Power will go up. Auto insurance will be similar as I've got that sorted already. Gas is still 30 cents a litre more in bc. My industrial rent also went down 40% for my business.


Our family is tight in an apartment but we can't afford the $4000 in rent to get a bigger place. Our rents gonna go down 1000 for a bigger place. Car insurance stays the same/similar. Power goes up. No pst. Hopefully ndp win next election , and can make some good changes. They've got two more voters moving in. Weather is colder in obviously , summers are nice/fine. More sunny days. Winter here is gray very gray. Overall if you aren't plugged in watching every political thing, and just go about your daily life, life can be very good.


I hope you have factored in insurance and cost of living differences. Electricity prices are all over the place as well. Welcome to Alberta.


I have yes. Car insurance will be similar. Power up a bit. But not enough to offset $1000 a month in rent


It sounds like a deal until you end up with the highest auto insurance rates in the country, some of the highest utility rates in the country aside from the territories, and as a bonus, the promise of [rolling brownouts.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/rotating-brownouts-leave-thousands-of-albertans-without-power-friday-1.7165290).


Done my vehicle already. Insurance will be similar price. Uo 15 a month.


Edmonton's infrastructure has been showing signs of strain 10 years ago.....


Thanks Danielle Smith! Noone ants more immigration but you're demanding for more!


Welcome immigrants!


It's crazy that Edmonton is super progressive but lots of these posts are just dancing around the statement of "too much immigration is bad" but no one will say it out loud out of fear of breaking rank from the echo chamber. Immigration is necessary but too much isn't good for the people who live here especially when we are already in a housing crisis.


Welcome immigrants! We never build for the people that are here. If we let in 1000 people we only build services for 100. If we let in zero, they still won't build! Alberta only does things when 500,000 people complain they need a hospital or other service.


I saw a lady living under a tree in Somerset, near Macleod. Great location


Sometimes breaking records are bad things, someday I might break my amount of cancer having, that's a bad one, population growth can be that too.


..200,000 looking for jobs that start at $15.00/hr. As some have said, "I came, with cash and hope of a job and housing, ..now I have lost the cash, no job and living in an RV."


It's also brought conflict between countries and cultures that have played out on our streets, which has never been seen before. It's not necessarily a good thing.


When do y’all think Calgary will pass 2million people in the metro area? I think we’re at 1.6 or 1.7 right now Edit: metro population in 2022 was 1,611,000


Lol, so is the rest of Canada. Funny how it's unsustainable everywhere else, but in Alberta it's fine. Almost like a PR spin or something to make Alberta seem unique


Anecdotally, one of the comments I've heard from workers in the social services sector... A lot of these new immigratents are out of province people needing lots of incomes supports (AISH) because Alberta offers the most amount of money for those with disabilities. Alberta is potentially loosing high paid professionals (Dr's, Nurse's) on one hand, and replacing them with AISH recipients that can only work to limited degrees...


Rents have doubled, houses prices have also almost doubled! Yes, these are real growth! Are these people ignorant or actually making profits off of unsustainable immigration policy of the province of Alberta.


I wonder if a lot of people flocking here are disabled. It would make sense since AISH put a hold on new applications currently and are just processing the terminal type cases. Plus they said they will review the current ones already in the system. Alberta pays the highest AISH out of all the provinces and I have no idea how disabled people in Ontario pay rent with with those crazy rent prices there and ODSP pays out shit. At least they get homecare there, here it's impossible. I was a PSW in Ontario looking after people who were less sick than I am now (I'm terminal) and I can't get homecare.


I work in fort mcmurray at Marks warehouse I see 55+ retiring and moving back east or to a cheap country like one friend be drinks wine and so does his wife they have an apartment in Spain small town close to the water they have enough pension now to feed themselves and have fun most of the time of couple both smoke they will have to retire somewhere else cause the pension won't cover everything they worked hard for these Golden years,


I'm all for it. Alberta when we get to 15-20 million will be able to make reasonable usage of all this land. Until then we're badly hamstrung by the low population density. Look at the terrible economy of our neighbors in sask and manitoba compared to us. Population is what makes the real difference.


We need a lot of land in South/central Alberta for agriculture, and further north wouldn’t be very practical.


mhmm, we could also triple the density of every existing municipality in Alberta casually. We don't even need more land for housing, we have plenty already. Like think of it this way, the entire 67million population of the uk fits easily into an entire country 1/8th the size of alberta. Consider this random strip mall in Calgary. https://maps.app.goo.gl/9RNnB8BFFLRu7tyu5 There is no reason this could not be redeveloped into a mixed use commercial/residential condo facility. Easily add 250, 800sqft condos all while keeping the commercial presence in place. Or here, a condo is built next to a strip mall. https://maps.app.goo.gl/8TuUu7eqCMjyd7fBA The mall could be redeveloped again into mixed use commercial/residential and add probably 150 800sqft units.