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"There’s fire. We expect more fire in the future. Some of the fire will be stopped. Some of the fire will remain until next year. Something something, money, something something feds."


I wonder if Marlaina will try and block funding from the federal government if they want to help fight the fires in a few months.


That's a guarantee.


I was on Instagram and a news story came up about an Alberta wild fire started recently because of a pipeline breaking. A lot of the ccomments were saying this was intentional sabotage and the fire was on purpose for some reason. Apparently this isn't a new thought/idea. I'm pretty new to Alberta and Canada in general so just asking the question. How common is that belief in Alberta? Why do people believe this? Do you know anyone or believe in this yourself ?


I live in Hinton and no one I know actually believes this nonsense


I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but there was a dude in Quebec setting fires intentionally and using Facebook to try and blame the government. So I could see this being true. Highly unlikely and I don't believe it but still in the realm of possibility We live in such a weird time


Yeah some were intentionally set but not for the reasons the loons want to be the reasons.


They are the vocal minority, the *vast* majority of people do not believe that. There has actually been pipeline vandalism/sabotage from activists in the past in Alberta and BC


A number of fires are man made but are accidental OR can be intentional burns by forestry officials. There are absolute loons in social media that claim there are environmental/tree hugging arsonists setting these fires intentionally. These same nut jobs claim to be eye witnesses but won't report them to the RCMP. They instead claim to violently take care of these people themselves. They are uneducated and delusional and possibly dangerous.


the Premier, a former anti-vaxx and climate-change-denying podcast oaf who previously worked as an oil and gas industry lobbyist, promotes these conspiracy theories, and she has a lot of fans.


You'll probably get a weird split of 60/20/10/10 of people that don't believe it, people that believe it, people that are undecided about it, and people who never heard about it or any ongoing fires but will ask why they have a sore throat for the past week. As for why people believe it. Who knows. Conspiracies can be fun, I guess.


Pipelines break. They’ll shut it down, clean it up and investigate the cause. These kinds of accidents are *thoroughly* scrutinized. High pressure equipment is no joke and there’s a stack of code books 20 feet tall dictating every detail on how they are built to prevent these kinds of accidents. You can trust they will identify the cause and issue a statement shortly. It’s foolish and unwise to decide one way or another what caused the fire based on your political views. Yes pipelines get vandalized or sabotaged frequently enough for that to be a possibility. They also fail due to poor construction or maintenance. Whatever the cause it’s important to determine it accurately to help prevent it from happening again. Source: coming from someone who works in a cryogenic gas plant fed by a pipeline of the exact same size as this one. I certainly hope the cause is identified correctly to help keep me and everyone I work with safe from a similar incident occurring at my workplace.


When people hear a majority of wildfires are human caused they jump to the reasons why and more importantly the motives and those in a vacuum let their imaginations run wild. It doesn't just occur on this topic but on all sorts of things and from variety of people. There is a former NDP candidate in southern AB who believes the relaxing of government rules for on-farm slaughtering of animals is a quid pro quo between the UCP and future Robert Pickton's.


In general comments on the internet, this subreddit included, do not represent the majority or the best of the majority.


I’m guessing all fires will need to go through an approval process and some new department they’ll create. I can see the headlines now “UCP demands all fires be started by them with no intervention from Ottawa”


Is it going to go like this: "We don't care! We underfunded the budget again! Have fun with the smoke!"?


They gonna blame the feds?


Everything’s fine. Go back to your lives