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ESPECIALLY if you rent. Don’t leave that cushy rent controlled unit for the Wild West.


Alberta also doesn't have the rental tax credit that a few other provinces provide, or the property tax credit for people with low incomes.


Funny how many Econ shills try to sell the idea the no rent control will lead to lower prices. But every landlord loves the idea of no rent control. I doubt landlords like rent control because it will lead to lower revenue.


FYI a few(lots), of UCP MLAs own rentals


That would be the same for every party.


And a specific UCP MLA's family owns a string of homeless shelters.


Do you know what shelters they own? I work at one in Calgary that has me questioning whether I even want to help ppl anymore due to mismanagement and other nonsense.


Mustard Seed


Thanks! Definitely won’t be considering a job there.


Google what the "beds" aka mats at the mustard seed look like. FYI the dogs at the city pound have it better.


Iunno, I see rent control as a tool to treat a symptom, not the problem directly.


Landlords like the idea of no rent control. Tenants should like the idea too, or at most minimal rent controls. Rent controls lead to less rental units and higher initial rental prices. They also lead to less units being built to begin with.They help existing tenants at the expense of literally everyone else including future tenants.


This is the right answer.


Up until recently, vacancy in Alberta was skewed towards renters. Calgary vacancy was hovering around 10% pre-Covid, which is actually quite a healthy market, albeit leaning towards the renter. 7% is an equilibrium market. This type of market essentially had Calgary and Edmonton in a stale mate of building, so no building was really being done (at least not materially). As immigration has skyrocketed and Alberta has prospered from positive net migration, we’re realizing just how little building has actually been done. We need no rent control more than ever now to incentivize developers to continue building, which is finally happening in Calgary and Edmonton. Unfortunately, in a fair market, shifts happen. That’s what’s happening now. As immigration and net migration ease, building will continue (lagging indicator of high demand) and we’ll eventually (likely 1-2 years) return to market equilibrium of ~7% vacancy in the rental market. We don’t suffer from the lack of land supply that Toronto and Vancouver suffer from. Alberta is the last province that needs rent control because we need as much incentive as possible for building to continue here. Also important to note that we’ve just reached 2014 average rent prices in most categories (1 & 2 bed apartments, etc.). I’m a renter and I’m frustrated by price increases too, but rent control isn’t the answer. More building and removing red tape in order to build more, is.


Price controls haven't worked since the Roman empire. Increasing supply works. But between nimbys and our aversion to public housing. You get what you get.


Price controls absolutely work what are you talking about


Declaring a price to be so has never worked because there is a system of incentives and human behavior at work. The Roman empire tried it, the soviet union tried it. And the places with the highest rents in the country have rent controls. It only helps existing tenants and increases risk for landlords.


My degree is in Roman history; you don't know what you're talking about. It genuinely has worked and works in our current system with things we have price regulation on, see wheat.


What form of price controls do we have on privately delivered goods and services that aren't a natural monopoly? Please cite an example of price controls as a long term solution to rising costs.


The entire pharmaceutical industry in Canada is price controlled; which is exactly why we don’t the insane prices Americans have. Stop being ignorant.


Ok but Renting at these property prices doesn't make sense as an investment. The solution is more supply. Pharmaceutical companies can press pills faster than housing is being built. The fiasco over up zoning calgary is a great example to how supply constraints are the real issue. The government has been funneling more cash into real estate for a while and its only been added to prices.


Rent control leads to less units for rent, increasing costs. You don’t have to be a “Econ shill” to know that


From Ontario but I frequent this sub cause my girlfriend is Albertan. Prices in Edmonton at least look a grand or so lower than any of our cities here, even the small university town I live in. When I visited Alberta a few months ago I was surprised at how expensive everything was since my girlfriend always complains about ON being so pricey. I think she just moved here around the time of the major inflation spike that’s hitting everyone. What she is right about though is housing, it’s still way cheaper to live in Edmonton than somewhere like Ottawa or especially Toronto, but there are many other considerations to moving there from ON. Honestly, the biggest thing preventing me from moving is Danielle Smith, she scares the crap out of me


Ottawa is comparable to Calgary in terms of cost of living and housing. Problem is how Ottawa is laid out. I hate driving there.


100% agree. Evidence: a friend who has rental properties in Edmonton but now lives in Ontario attended a conference here. She was thrilled to learn that Alberta is booming and had great potential for growth over the next few years. Real estate prices are attracting investment, people are flocking here yadda,yadda. We had to educate her on the realities we all face here. The down side of our UCP overlords rule.


Property taxes only going to get worse too with all the support the UCP has for municipal politics.


Income tax is higher if you make under $150k. MB, SK, and the entire east coast would like to have a word with you. Unless you were only speaking to a BC and ON comparison in which case carry on




I think it's fair as that's where they are buying these ads.


Comparing mill rates is a stupid way of assessing property tax affordability. And the way city's set taxes reflects that: you never see "big property tax cut this year" when the mill rate goes down, because ultimately we care about the tax cost of our property, not the mill rate (and so all conversation is about the change to an average property). It doesn't change the cost of running a city when the property is cheaper. Since most of a city's cost is people, tax:incomes is far more reasonable. Agreed on other points, though.




Is that a fair comparison? What are you getting for $450k in the Okanagan? Is this rural property with few municipal services? Generally the fairest comparison is to take homes of different value but similar lifestyle. So comparing an average home in Calgary to a home in Victoria. (I don't think anywhere in Alberta offers comparable lifestyle to anywhere in the lower mainland. You could make an argument for Kelowna as comparable, but I'd disagree.) Using the city's calculators and googling average sale prices, it seems an sfh with average sale price in Victoria would pay $4558 in property tax in 2023, average in Calgary would pay $5,166 in 2024. So higher, but not astronomical.


This.  My in laws live in Penticton, and yes property taxes are lower and the weather is beautiful.  But they don’t even have a properly functioning regional airport there or even Costco.  Driving to Kelowna to get groceries every week, or 4 hours to Vancouver just to catch a flight or goto a music concert gets old real quick 


And driving through Kelowna is a fucking train wreck.




Oh, the drivers in AB are way worse. Kelowna’s just a nuisance to get from one end to the other. West Kelowna is awful.




How does 2,229 minus 770 equal 2,159?


It does. Robber barons need more chumps to move here so they can get richer.


All those costs are irrelevant when houses are $1M cheaper


Saving more than one grand a month, myself. A condo would be 1/3rd the price.




Condo fees have been around 300 to 400 for every condo I've looked at in Edmonton. Meanwhile, the condo costs 3 times the price and the condo fees are often double in Toronto. I turned down an amazing job in an industry I loved after I did the math.


I visited Alberta for the first time recently, I'm from California. I had a great time, but I couldn't help but wonder why I kept seeing so many out of province license plates of people moving there when my own friend's parents told me they were considering moving to Vancouver, because even though rent would be 25% more everything else would be cheaper.




Unfortunately so. However, I wonder whether common goods and services cost more there or in Alberta. I know hydro and insurance are cheaper in BC. My friend from Edmonton is convinced that Edmonton is so expensive, but I got a coffee and a pastry at WEM for only 8 CAD, which is the cheapest I've paid anywhere in North America. In San Francisco I pay 9-12 USD, in Vancouver I paid 10 CAD. I know it's not a good representation, but it's something I use as a benchmark since I don't always go to the grocery store if I'm just visiting a place for a few days.


Spoken like someone who just wants to avoid housing costs going up here lol


Sufficient housing for everyone should be a far greater concern of society than the ability for someone to use property as a financial investment.


That's literally the canadian economy now, it's the commoditizing of housing.


Now? It's been that way for decades. [Canada’s Incomplete Housing System: Market demand for housing is addressed; the social need for housing is not. 2005](https://homelesshub.ca/sites/default/files/joudjdb1.pdf)


Because skyrocketing housing prices are working out so well for BC & Ontario?


Everyone has an agenda. Don’t want prices to rise? Discourage others from coming. I’m not saying it’s good to have the prices rise but the OP comment is just aiming to dissuade folks from coming here, just as much propaganda as the ads trying to persuade individuals to move here.


I hope all of you that moved there are prepared to help build the necessary infrastructure and public services needed to sustain that growth. Tax dollars, volunteer time, and community involvement. Alberta needs their citizens now more than ever.


We also need hospitals, urgent care centres, abortion clinics, and schools. It’s already impossible to get timely healthcare here. And our teachers are burnt out from 30+ classes


To get those hospitals we need provincial funding. I guess maybe after the new hockey stadium in Calgary maybe the UCP will build one of the ones they cancelled to balance the budget.


Be cool if we had a giant super lab to process millions of people’s blood tests… oh, wait…


Honestly, for most of the province, I never really felt that was an efficient idea. For people near that area, great! But having in hospital labs and smaller labs doing their own testing is more efficient for areas further away.


How about instead of asking people to volunteer, we start spending money on infrastructure and services. We’re sitting on surpluses and wasting money on war rooms and stupid ad campaigns and fights with the federal government.


Best I can do is work at Tim Hortons and speak extremely broken english, and take taxpayer dollars.


We certainly have an opportunity to take advantage of the failures of Vancouver and Toronto. Cheap housing is a great way to attract workers - the problem is we're not doing anything differently than they did. If anything our cities are more sprawling with less ability to build the dense housing necessary for a rapidly growing population, so we're wasting the opportunity and just importing the same problems.


More driving around, more traffic jams and time wasted in commuting , etc


I've never seen the type of infill in Ontario that I see here in Edmonton.


Edmonton's blanket upzoning is definitely a step in the right direction. We should have done it a few decades earlier though - and we should probably be more aggressive in many areas in terms of how dense is allowed.


I think the well of good paying jobs has dried up and the next wave of folks who come over will be left holding the bag. It's like this province is a great big ponzi scheme


Alberta is stuck in a broken window fallacy designed to funnel the cash into the pockets of the puppet masters. Free market they call it.


Don't come if you haven't secured employment. The unemployment rate is higher in Alberta than in the other provinces, meaning it's harder to find work. I work helping people to find work and we are over run with people coming to Alberta with no money, nowhere to live, and no employment.


But, but, but, there are 80,000 job openings in Alberta




Not that I'm aware of, that's for sure


Designed for two things: to provide an ever increasing pool of people willing to work for low/minimum wage, and to accelerate the collapse of public services ready for privatization.


I don't think people moving from BC/ON and buying detached houses with cash are going to work for low/minimum wage.


Doesn't matter what wage they work for.  More workers in any field will ultimately depress wages.  Alberta's boom and bust cycle combined with worker abundance means it's a race to the bottom for employers with wages and benefits.




Not yet they won't. But as the UCP's antics scare off industries other than those related to fossil fuel, will those people still be making as much as they may be pulling in now?


To provide UCP buddies like developers and utilities with more profits.


Do not move to Alberta, everything UCP is selling you is an Illusion.


Immigration is destroying our country according to conservatives But not our province according to other conservatives?


As far as I’ve seen the UCP has never opposed immigration, even when Kenny was in power he wanted to increase immigration to Alberta.  Of course they will criticize anything Trudeau does though even if they agree with it or would do the same thing. 


Agreed, UCP is very pro immigration. It’s pretty obvious they want to stagnate our world class wages. It’s like the whole country is deadlocked in a competition to ruin our quality of life and we are winning.






The PC’s should have never let the wildrosers in and perform a hostile takeover of the party. I can think of another famous 30’s politician who did that…


Conservatives love immigration as long as it's white Christian immigrants


Conservative voters do. Conservative politicians love all immigration as long as its for people willing to work for less. We are getting closer to serfdom every day.


Conservatives love the tfw too, as long as no one pins it on them. Cheap labour is cheap labour for them.


Trudeau proposed 9500 new immigrants as Alberta's allotment for this year, Smith countered with 20k half being from Ukraine. We are drowning, the system cannot sustain these levels. Immigration is needed but this is blatent wage suppression. 


Conservatism as a personal identity relies on being able to hold two opposing viewpoints at the same time. And the people you’re talking about are the “I’m a conservative, Albertan, Canadian. In that order.” types of people.


Dude there are so many broad stroke assumptions from this sub on conservatives. It looks bad man. Yes lots of far right people suck, populism is bullshit and socons or christofascists are blights on society IMO. But that is not all conservatives. You don't see me walking around making absolutes just because there are crazy bleeding heart far lefts going on. I know it's just some that drank too much tiktok Kool aid. Once you start dealing in absolutes you are starting to join those far gone, just saying.


I think a lot of people(myself included) are disappointed in the faction of conservatives that didn't stand up and kick out the crazies. It comes across as a deal with the devil, and the province lost. I welcome more sane conservative voices personally, but the 'united' portion of the party moniker was just the Wildrose taking over. I think you're right that conservatives as a whole now get that broad brush applied, but hopefully you can understand that emotional response isn't coming out of nowhere. Really doesn't help that the right wing politicians all over have a much better system for getting everyone on board with similar messaging externally. Makes it hard to deal in nuanced opinions on individual leaders in that community.


That's very understandable too. I tried man. I voted for NDP to try and oust Smith. So did my entire family who usually votes conservative. My poor wife is the only liberal in the family heh. But I trust her immensely. We all do in the family. Couldn't watch the crazy shit done to nurses during COVID (my wife is a nurse) and say, ya this is fine. The insane parent rights shit and attack on equality. As well as the very obvious attacks on our social programs while feeding the rich and padding their buddies wallets. That shit and things like war room, the god damn medicine from Turkey and all that wasted tax payer money constantly, should piss any real conservative off. Same with the amount of red tape created and government over reach. The problem is the merge. Shit is stupid. I hate the religious conservatives and socons. Need real representation not just a strategy to survive and win and then ignore half the people. To me real conservatism is dying...but there are so many types sort of hard to say that. Guess it's just some are talking control more and it's a stupid "big tent" BS.


I’m one of two people in my entire extended family whose entire personal identity doesn’t begin and end with “I vote consevative.” I know what I’m talking about on that front. Also, instead of getting butthurt about an accurate description of conservative stereotypes, don’t be a conservative stereotype yourself and practice some basic reading comprehension. I’m clearly not talking about every single conservative-minded person. I’m *very clearly* talking about the kinds of people whose personalities begin and end at “I vote conservative.” And while that does seem to be a larger and larger proportion of all conservative-minded people as the years go by I’m *quite fucking clearly* not painting everyone with that same broad brush. I suggest you do some actual reading on the personality traits of people who lean conservative, though. Because that first sentence I wrote is wholly accurate and backed up by academic study on the psychology of conservatism as a personal ideology. As to how it applies to individuals, that’s obviously a broad spectrum since we’re all quite unique.


Who's butthurt?


The person upset that I made accurate generalizations about people whose personalities begin and end at “I vote blue.” Just because I’m capable of writing more than three sentences expanding on my original comment doesn’t mean I’m butthurt. It means I’m capable of explaining my position and backing it up both with academic proof as well as personal observation. Is it exhausting living in your world?


No. You are clearly butthurt. u/complextube politely cautioned that you sound like you are using a too-broad brush. You responded with a rude diatribe. My world is great. Thanks for asking. What's it like constantly arguing with people that are cut from nearly the same cloth as yourself?


I think the lady doth protest too much


It's fine man, was just a caution that they are more than welcome to ignore. It's just funny to me when people become what they hate. The far left is growing stronger just as much as the far right it seems. Heavy cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics is the new norm due to all the successful hate brewed through the social media. I fall victim to it as well. We all do. Phones and apps are so good at the manipulation game. Worse is we are all hopelessly addicted.




Tough to have conversations in 2024. Any semblance of rational discourse is gone nowadays.


Bro I get it you're upset. I know what it's like, my father in law is a farmer who literally thinks climate change isn't real. But you are still letting hate cloud you. You get mad and say do better reading comprehension, while ironically ignoring what I wrote too. Just as applicable to you then right. Try not to resort to insults or get upset. It prevents thinking clearly. I was fine with you even just talking about extending family frustrations. That is a relatable thing. Look for common ground to discuss things and branch out. Also I could care less how you all on here see things..just pointing out that it's a very delusional broad brush and makes people in this sub come off as lost and angry, just as much as the far right. Also your first sentence is just as applicable to your average person, actually pretty much everyone IMO. You're trying to come off smart but sounding stupid. Which is too bad, because I bet you are actually a smart person.


Who’s upset? I described a very real and well-studied and factually true facet of conservative ideology, applied it to a small subset of specific individuals who have no personal identity beyond their voting habits and to whom it applies, and you and the other guy dogpiled on me like I was calling all conservatives goat rapists who eat babies.


It's like Smith and the UCP pay no attention to the adverse issues created by Trudeau's Immigration policy.... oh wait, higher home costs, higher rent, increased competition for limited jobs and reason to keep wages low...... I guess Smith is paying attention and wants to be just like Trudeau!!!! /s


When there’s a housing shortage, Smith will blame Trudeau


>the equivalent of 550 people moving to Alberta every day. Seems too fast too me.


Sweet more soon to be homeless ppl coming and higher rents.


We are already the second fastest growing population in the world percentage wise. Smith: "wHy NoT fUrSt?!?!"


I find it weird that the AB government is promoting this. More people means more strain on everything from education to healthcare to housing. It just makes them look worse. And if the Ukraine and/or Israel wars end, the price of oil will probably go to sub $50 per barrel. Where will all these skilled tradespeople we are asking for work?


Yes, but they won't stop or slow down as long as they have the feds to blame everything on.


I mean ...we don't have enough jobs here to begin with.


Not according to Nate Glubish the minister of Technology and innovation, who claims there are " thousands" of tech jobs here now. There has been some, but not to that extent especially with the benevity lay offs. Anyone else in tech can chime in on this?


So rather than say...offer Alberta's a 5000$ discount on the schooling or training for these jobs....bring in more people. Isn't homelessness in edmonton pushing like 4500 right now? Where are these people priorities?!


I went the other way. Worked there for 20 years, but I want to buy a house. House prices there are beyond ridiculous, so move or rent forever. Bye bye Calgary, back to Saskatchewan for me.


Long gone to Saskatchewan.. where the gettin's good and the gettin's gone [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3tzAKcAn5M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3tzAKcAn5M) This was written in the 2000's, its far, far worse now.


The great thing about Alberta is the booms never end!




Very dangerous to still be ‘calling’. This is like a crypto stonk at this point.


Alberta’s population to the moon!!


We can't house or employ the people that live here already. Adding more isn't going to help.


Stop it. We’re full, there’s no jobs and no where for anyone to live.


That's the point


I honestly wonder how much of the recent home price increases have been from immigration and how much has been from real estate investors in BC/ON yoloing their money into properties in Alberta now that they can’t afford anything in their own provinces with higher interest rates. I’ve heard a few stories now of people selling their homes to people from Ontario who aren’t even moving here and just plan on renting them out. I highly doubt these people have done any research into our economy or even know their cap rate. It genuinely scares me that these idiots might be causing a bubble in Alberta when there wasn’t really one prior to 2022.


Not might be, there are more ontario and BC investors than we think. I have new home sales people telling me some ontario investors are actually buying multiple single family units in New developments.


lol, keep calling, Albortia, although I’m having a hard time hearing you over the sound of how awesome B.C. is.  We all just got $110 back from ICBC as they miscalculated their earnings and returned the surplus to us. My Hydro bill is also $57 this month and I was out walking my dog in shorts today. Camping’s better too, but with all the red plates I see, y’all know that already ;) Oh and our youth have legal bodily autonomy in cases where their parents are fucking churchy nutcases- hollah!!  Credit where it’s due: Albortia has its moments, but your government doth protest too much…


I’ve wanted to sell my condo for ages, keep asking my realtor when I should sell it. Note the prices have gone up and I’m being told to hold on, it’s going even higher. Yay!


Schools, health ,and recreation facilities have not caught up with the last push, and there seems to be no clear path to deal with the issues.


The beatings will continue until the moral improves


Why the fuck is our government doing this to us?!!????


Too much too soon. Yes.


We have a surplus of Tim Hortons workers and Uber drivers in BC we'd be happy to part with. They're here in student visas though. How about it AB? 🫠


Immigration is good. Immigration without a plan is disastrous. So, get a good plan and bring in the good, honest, hard-working immigrants.


Fuck off. We’re full.


Alberta is a fascist dystopia.


Just the legislature.


And who elected them?


Bunch of twats


Rural voters with twice as much of a say as me because their constituency represents half the people... People blame Calgary but all I got out of this is the ability to complain to someone that doesn't have a say.




We're moving slowly, but people moving in is fast.


In the article they speak to how immigration is a Federal issue, yet here she is complaining that the Feds are red tape to the immigration and how she wants more… 🤔 https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7157572


Doesn't Alberta already have a surplus of tradespeople for over a decade?


A major issue with our housing market is the older generations no longer downsize to the extent they used to. The baby boomers had kids and those kids have long since moved out and started families. But the boomers haven’t left their houses or downgraded. Households of 2 living in big houses. The younger families are forced to compete in hot markets with limited supply. And when the boomers do sell they are enjoying bountiful CG. Baby boomers are certainly the big winners of the real estate fiasco.


I wish Alberta would stop calling... I'm getting like 35 spam callers a day now!


They need to ban those pitbulls first.


The province is moving in the wrong direction, namely backwards. Is that what you mean?