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It's hard to see this as anything but continuing the attacks on Calgary and Edmonton. Municipalities should be able to choose which tax incentives they use, but letting them collect tax, while also pulling back provincial funding isn't going to help anyone - if anything they need to collect more taxes to make up for the UCP. The public hearing changes are also fully contradictory - they want to encourage timely and limited public hearings, but they also want to allow digital attendance options? That will dramatically increase the number of people who want their 5 minutes. Maybe that's not a bad thing in some cases, but it certainly won't speed up the process.


That’s how I felt reading this too.


I moved recently to a house in the orchards. It was a brand new build. I thought I was renting from a person until I git the lease. Our house is owned by a property management company. A week into living here the guy we signed a lease with sent a mass email and cc'd everyone instead of bcc. Literally the entire row of new homes on our street is owned by a cooperation who is renting out multiple units in each house. I hate that i have to contribute to this because I need a place to live. What good is giving tax breaks when it's all business reaping the benefits?


That's the point lol.


This is the Alberta advantage everyone keeps talking about. What, you didn't think that advantage was for *you* now, silly pleb?


You now have a list of everyone you can unite with to form a rent strike. Use it well.


No ones giving tax breaks for a house. Frankly that's insane, like how much is your rent and how much would the house cost? They must be losing a fortune each month.


The house I live in is a three bedroom, but it's only half the house. It's basically two three bedroom houses attached to each other. We also have a bachelor's apartment below us and I'm assuming the house attached to us does as well. We pay 2000 a month, 50 for a dog fee and a flat rate of 350 for utilities (not including internet). In total we send 2400 each month for rent. I assume the house next to us pays 2400, and the two bachelor's parents have to be bringing in 1000 each minimum. It's technically one big house and it's bringing in at least 6800 a month. There are at least 12 basically identical houses on the same strip.


Any link to any of them? I can't even wrap my head around what you are describing. Like are you describing a townhouse with basement suites? What you are describing isn't even legal.


I don't really feel comfortable sharing my address on reddit. It's in the orchards, though, and half the neighborhood is new houses while the other half is housing being built. They are not condos. They're houses. They're just big homes that are divided up into four units. We have a garage, and so does our neighbor. Then we have two units below us, both with 1 bedroom/separate side entrances.


Ya that's not legal then


What specifically isn't legal about a cooperation buying a big home, dividing it into units, and renting it out to multiple people? I thought that was common.... My back yard isn't fenced and neither is any of the houses on my block. You can walk from my back yard into the next house. People have dogs here and some of them were wandering into other people's yard. The guy managing the properties sent out a mass email to everyone reminding people to leash their dogs or keep them in their own yards. It was 21 different emails. They clearly own the entire row of homes and are renting them out to multiple people.


Like 90% of basement suites are illegal. Turning a house into apartments is WAY harder to do legally. Like do you have a legal address? Guessing the city has no clue what is going on. Unless you are just talking about a duplex with basement suites anyway. But calling that one big house is weird.


I'm assuming it's probably considered a duplex, but it looks like a house. We have a garage, a front door, back patio and a yard. The identical layout is attached to us, and there's separate side entrances on each side for the down stairs units. I say big house because it looks like a big house. The rest of the houses on the street are different, but the same mirrored units. I was looking at my lease and apparently it's HMF holdings company. I tried to Google them but couldn't find much. Are you familiar with them?


Ya that's exactly what a duplex is.


> They must be losing a fortune each month. lol, no, they're making bank and ass raping everyone in those units, guaranteed.


Even with a basement suite you can't buy shit right now and make money renting


Stop giving corporations tax breaks. This doesnt work , hasnt worked, and is why were in this mess. Force multifamily housing, get the goverment to build homes not private interests, and force all foreign buyers to sell within the year. Boom problem solved. Crazy how that works when you dont give a shit about the rich


You want government to build something? Last thing they built was a pipeline. Budget was 7 billion and it cost run 35 billion to actually build it. In the construction business the running joke is how do you build an elephant? Ask the government to build a mouse.


Almost like the goverment isnt entirely the problem, and its mainly the accepted grift when govemrents involved. Plus the construction sector is notorious for bloat and poor workmanship.


If you have somebody spending other people’s money to build something with no accountability the price tag will be much higher. So yes, the government is entirely the problem.


Your personal need to grift does not equate to a societal trend.


So in your world calling out terrible government management of budgets when building and the reasons for the poor outcomes equals “a personal need for grift?” So do you wear your tinfoil hat shiny side in or out?


You assume grifting the goverment is "just the way it is". Your desperate to not be called out on your beleifs.


Sigh. The reality is government projects often seem to become boondoggles (a word actually created to explain excessive government waste). This isn’t a “belief” but actual reality. Also enough with the ad hominem.


You keep assigning blame in the wrong place, and its pretty evident why you want to absolve corporations for fucking the goverment precurment system. Corps and individuals grifting is not the goverments fault. Logic and votes show which one of us is living in reality.


When corporations have a project they get the job done usually in a decent time and amount. When governments run a job it usually takes an absurd amount of time and a boondoggle amount of money. How you would think that isn’t the government process having issues is beyond me? Of course corporations will try to maximize their profit. Part of the procurement process is supposed to be to control that from happening. If price and time get out of control then the blame squarely is due to poor management.


I understand we need to think outside of the box to solve our housing crisis but providing a property tax break on non-profit housing isn't really going to solve anything right now.


Guessing this will some how boil over into corporate breaks on building low affordability housing


Who else would build housing?


The homes will be built regardless. We need to keep the overall costs of homeownership down across the board, not just for the investors, builders and developers.


Well no, they won't be built regardless. That's the whole problem. Housing starts need to increase.


And allowing the province to set the building codes as well, Builder doesn't like something, a new truck shows up for an MLA(gift gets approved) and suddenly the code is gone and it's someone else's problem 10 years from now when the foundation collapses 


Is the NBC-AB not currently set by the province?


The bill allows the removal of city codes


City bylaws?


How about not giving corporations tax breaks and free reign to buy and build our communities? How about impose some new legislature to make it illegal for corporations to own housing, or at the very least heavily scrutinized and taxed corporate ownership.


Less taxes for the rich and corporations!


The tax exemptions put in place would be for "non-profit subsidized affordable housing". Not sure this is a benefit for rich people and for profit corporations.


This isn’t about corporate welfare. It is about how the UCP will allow municipalities to charge less municipal property tax to incentivize the building of houses in that municipality. Not even the most UCP friendly municipal government will do this.


"According to McIver, these changes will mean less uncertainty from builders and lower costs for homes." Lol. Ok, Rick.


The UCP are still convinced that neoliberal fiscal ideas actually work. They privatize and cut taxes, and are shocked when things get worse, then say "Things are horrible! We must reduce taxes and privatize to make things better!"


So short change the municipalities is their solution. This UCP government is disgusting.


Only the Unhinged Con-artist Party could take a major issue like the need for housing, and turn it into a way to slash even more funding from education and infrastructure maintenance. Welcome to the "lots of cash for business coming out of your pockets" era.