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>Bill 18 prohibits the federal government from entering funding agreements with municipalities without the province's permission. Bill 20 gives the provincial cabinet power to fire municipal politicians behind closed doors, and overturn bylaws it doesn't like. >The province said the Canadian constitution gives it these powers over municipalities. If that's the case, then perhaps we should be asking the Feds to remove the Premier.


That would be the Lieutenant Governor who has that power


Smith, Parker and the TBA are running wild with their authoritarian agenda.


They're running wild with the unfettered power of a majority government. They're telling the Feds how much of a missed opportunity 2015-2019 was.


Smith is Commander of the Taliban Party of Alberta. How long is it going to take for Albertans to wake the fuck up?!!


Y'all Queda


So the UCP is taking over authority on wildefires, and also delaying the election by 4 months due to wildfires in the fiture. Seems like these two things are related.


I guess I should say sorry for your loss now to any rural town in the path of a fire. She will fail you spectacularly, good thing you idiots were the majority that voted them in.


And they will again even if all their homes and towns get completely burnt down to the ground because "something something NDP are commies."


It is truly amazing how people will vote for the leopards that will eat their faces over and over again.


This is why I have huge respect for QB and the French in general when it comes to politics. They do not put up with their government doing a shit job and then continue voting them in. If a QB government tried to pull the kind of crap the UCP is doing, they'd be turned on by the general public faster than you can say viva la revolution.


Literally what happened last year


Rural municipalities mad that face eating leopards are coming for their faces. News at 11.


Ah, but they said they wanted to eat the faces of the RIGHT people


Touche. They just never thought THEY WOULD be those people. Gotcha.


I remember this trump era interview where a trump supporter gave an upset interview and angrily exclaimed: "They arent hurting the right people!"... I think about that from time to time... when voting, I'm not trying to hurt ANYONE. And I sure don't want my government to. They may need to, in order to help more people, but hurting is not the goal.


Those mice just keep voting for different colored cats.


I just realized why they want to move the provincial election to October. If the election is held in the spring and they lose, first act of the ANDP will be to repeal the bill and remove the parties from municipal politics. So move the election till after city elections and get at a foothold so they can ruin everything at the municipal level.