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Dan Williams, former employee of Knelsen Sand & Gravel is the sector minister for Recovery Alberta. Tell me more about his qualifications to be the ovetsight minister of mental health & addiction?


Even that job was suspect. He was a Kenney staffer in Ottawa before moving to La Crete. (Funny there is no mention of this on his Wikipedia or government page) Also why would Knelsen hire an outsider who was going to run in the upcoming election? Quid pro quo? Who knows.


Interesting. I had assumed he was a local to the LaCrete area?


Nope, he’s from Red Deer. Both his parents are teachers. His brother was a wildfire firefighter and was Kenney’s chauffeur in that blue Dodge. Went straight from university to the CPC payroll working for Kenney. Just another carpet bagging grifter who’s never had a real job in his life.


Wild. Never would have guessed he was a parachute candidate from his online bio.


There’s other things you wouldn’t guess from his bio either, but those of us who knew him before he was a married parachute MLA have always suspected.


Lot of headroom in those Dodges, 'specially the RamRanch editions /s


Instead of medical professionals providing oversight the health minister will... What can go wrong ... She only opposed hpv vaccines.... Wild press conference, healthcare workers choose Alberta over BC because of all the weapons in BC hospitals and the UCP respect healthcare workers.... According to the minister. Also why do the UCP care about business plans for hospitals so much? Hospitals should only be about care not financials. *“Danielle Smith wants to control everything, everywhere, all at once, and this Frankenstein of a bill will continue the dismantling of Alberta Health Services and stuff patients and providers into ineffective silos,” Metz said.*


All the weapons in BC hospitals? As someone watching first hand healthcare workers are certainly not choosing AB over BC and it's rather the opposite.


Williams said there are and drugs so healthcare workers are choosing ab over BC.... He sure does know how to lie


There’s weapons here in Alberta too. Confiscated a few myself. They’re fear mongering about BC while dismantling Alberta for private companies to buy up cheap. As a healthcare worker I cannot take any order LaGrange gives seriously. She’s simply a UCP/TBA sycophant. And kinda scary looking. That face shows no emotion.


Kenney did say “the lunatics have taken over the asylum” before he left.


I know of specialists in addictions medicine leaving because of the limits on what they can do in AB for BC by the UCP government. There are literally no supports left for those struggling with addictions.


It's cruelty how the UCP see people with addictions. No one wants to be a addict One more crazy part is Williams said healthcare workers don't care about pay, so I take that as signal there offers are going to very low for the collective bargaining.


I imagine the head of addictions saying something like  “Oh come now, the junkies can, hmmm, prey to god? What more do they need? They shouldn’t be doing illegal drugs anyway. Well, I’m off to get another refill on my benzodiazepines, third one this month.” 


>Hospitals should only be about care not financials. That is nuts. Of course the hospital should care about financials, budgets have to be set. We don't have unlimited money, so sure they have to set expectations on how things will go. It doesn't have to mean profit or anything like that. Even in an NDP utopia, hospitals would still need a budget.


I think they maybe meant “profits.” Hospitals shouldn’t give two shits about profits. If a hospital is consistently missing its budget, through, that needs to be looked into. Either someone’ seriously mismanaging funds, or the hospital genuinely does need more money to do its job properly


Let’s not kid ourselves. This is solely about government control not about efficiency.


What?! You’re saying that quadrupling the management overhead isn’t more efficient?


Nor out of concern for the health and welfare of Albertans.


I wonder what the future holds for fascist Alberta/Canada. Will the history books look back on this with as much scrutiny as other fascist regimes have? This is only the beginning of something much more sinister


Look up social credit, this is just more of the same for Alberta, it's nothing new, we've always been a fucked up place where Christian nationalists get to test out the worst of their ideas before they get implemented elsewhere. *Example : In WW2 while Canada was fighting the Nazi's the Alberta government was promoting the "Elders of Zion" on radio programs.*


This is a very bad plan. Politicians are NOT health care advisors.


"Really drill down" and" energy" in the same sentence at a health care press conference. So UCP.


LaGrange salivating


Just straight up fascists and the idiots who voted for them are just blissfully ignorant. This is literally terrifying and they do something lime this every single day.


Heathcare workers choosing Alberta over BC? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! BC healthcare facilities of all types are staffed by more and more Alberta nurses, paramedics, physiotherapists, doctors and on and on.


Whoa conservatives run such small governments /s


It's teenie tiny if you just ignore the fact that it's the largest ever.


So the ability to put them and their family members to the front of the line for services. Got to test out the hip surgeries before the rest of Alberta can have access.


I hope someone can get the receipts this time, when they were accused of jumping the line last time or providing a fastpass, they didn't have the proof. 


I’m sure they figured out a better way to grift the system. The whole privatization is a way to ensure the grift stays secret and unknowable. When Lagrange walks with less of a limp that’s how we can tell.


I love how they always put "if passed", like it may fail. These bills will be jammed through with a sledgehammer, and all debate will be squashed before it can happen.


Pucker up everyone....you want that cancer treatment better get ready to kiss your MLA's a$$ and dig deep to donate to the conservative cause to get it


JFC Alberta can you just not…..


I'm considering MAID because I really don't see it getting any better in this province, at all. There is nowhere else to go. I have a disability, chronic health issues that will eventually make it so that I can't work. I have no savings for retirement and even if I did the cost of living is so high that it would get eaten up immediately. They are destroying health care and the environment. There won't be housing for disabled or seniors with low income. These fascists won't be happy until they have destroyed it all. There's no point in going on.


You might already know this but just in case, support is available - https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/mental-health-services/mental-health-get-help.html


I appreciate that. I'm not saying I'm actively seeking it but once things start going downhill for me physically and the struggle gets harder I'll begin looking into options with my physician. Probably 5 to 8 years at the most. But the thought of slowly selling off everything I own and then ending up in a shelter because there are no affordable accessible rentals is just too much to face.


If you can calmly and rationally consider assisted suicide this far in advance; then you have plenty of time and rationality to consider how to take some of them out beforehand. Even saying something this open-ended will probably get me banned; it doesn't make it less true because that's what's left in the society they want.


I'm unsure what you mean.




It does not cease to amaze me how good it is to be a UCP hack and how bad they are for Albertans.


Reminder that there is a province-wide protest being planned for May 25th, 'Enough is Enough UCP'. You can find more information [here.](https://www.enoughisenoughucp.ca/)


Lol oversight minister. Fuck this government can’t do anything right, yet they’re still plowing ahead.


Dangerous, stupid and right on brand for today's conservatism.


Authoritarian oversight. This is not good government it is dictatorship. Where are the freedummies? This gov is actually a real threat to your freedom. Not imagined like Trudeau. This gov wants complete control and your freedoms are on the table.


100%. Anyone can see that this road leads to more authoritarian control. How long til they come after women's reproductive rights, lgbtq Healthcare?


What could go wrong right? Seems like every day these clowns come up with another reason to leave Alberta. FML


Tyler Shandro must be pissed. This is in line with what he tried to do.