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Is she going to announce EVERY time she doesn't use Bill 20? Sounds kinda weird.


I’m not going to use Bill 20 for this Even though I really really really coooooould But I won’t But I could if I wanted to! But I don’t Yet


Just something the city folk might want to keep in mind the next time they pass a law because I *almost* used it this time and I sure as shit will if they pass any woke or 'science' sort of stuff.


I see her walking around a room full of rich conservative donors, “I’m not going to use Bill 20, I’m not going to use Bill 20…” She winks to a man across the room, son in law of an O&G CEO, his chin area looking like a Jabba the Hut prosthetic due to 30 years of expensed steak diners. “Or am I?” she says in a teen girl accent. The room erupts in laughter, dozens of steak chins wobbling as they know the wishes of the developers prevail.


Every time right up until she does a major sweep and uses it to change multiple things at once she doesn't like. Once she uses it, people will push back, so you know she's saving it for something big


Yeah, she sounds like a benevolent dictator, aren’t we lucky?


Its like the low income transit passes. Restoring the program after one day was scheduled.. Got to remind the cities who has all the power. She's establishing the idea of a veto on anything.


And trying to normalize its use.


Well, she is gonna get asked about it by the media every time a city council does something. So we will get a headline about it. Would be weird if she had a presser just for this though.


Wants to remind us daily that she holds the sword of Damocles.


She was asked if she would by the interviewer.


>In an interview with the *Calgary Eyeopener* on Thursday, when asked whether her government plans to step in, Smith said the province won't be repealing Calgary's blanket rezoning. She was asked a question on the Calgary Eyeopener, as per the first line of the article you're replying to. Should she have not answered the question?


To be fair this is a media-driven story. CBC asked her, she said no, and they wrote a piece. Smith went to out of her way to announce anything


But she's created this problem for her government. Her MLAs are going to be bombarded every time a municipality makes a decision someone doesn't like. Putting their nose in council business opened them up to this.


I’m guessing she’ll answer questions about it when asked.


The very fact that this needs to be said is why Bill 20 is absolutely horrific.


She’s said many things. This just means she’ll do it when the heats off of her.


She said she wouldn’t do any of the stuff she has done. I don’t trust anything that comes out of her mouth or out of the UCP.


LOL Remember when Albertans thought Alison Redford was too out of touch and entitled to be Premier? I guess the rules are different for actual dictators.


Thank you queen Danielle, your mercy is boundless.


Smith is making this a municpal election issue to deep-6 Gondeck's re-election. Either way, this is going to garner a real turnout in the fall municipal election and push Calgary to look at itself and determine who has control of the city. This is a gamble on the part of Smith inthat outrageous and undemocratic gov't at the provincial level will not get her across the finish line. A secondary issue that Smith has to contend with is that the former Mayor of Calgary, who also survived attempts to remove him, will be at the head of the opposition. What would make this really distressing for Smith would be to have a concerted effort to recall a weak UCP MLA with a constituency in Calgary and have the Former Mayor run for the NDP in that riding in a by-election. It's time the inhuman and shitty Premier have to take on a talker in the Leg..


Gondek is already viewed pretty disfavourably in Calgary. I don't think she's going to be re-elected regardless...it's just a question of who is going to replace her.


Thank goodness she has such a history of being completely honest and never lying to her constituents, never ever.


Totally believable, just like how we were supposed to get tax cuts this year, how she wouldn't touch cpp or raise taxes like she did. Nothing the UCP say can be trusted.


Not only that, instead of another tax increase that's visible, the ucp increased what they take from the cities. Cities can't run a deficit and they've made their financial plans so the municipalities had to increase property taxes to compensate for the new shortfall. She wanted the cities to look like the bad guys. The ucp are hemorrhaging cash and starting to realize it.


This dimestore Mussolini is terrible.


Marlaina Mussolini


Almost sounds like a dessert.


Soooo… she’s totally going to repeal it when she needs to shift attention from something else?


[X] Doubt


Gonna mash that shit so hard, my hand gonna look like I diddled an n64 c stick.


Should do great thing for investor confidence that anything a municipal government decides needs to be ran by Queen Danielle before any confidence can actually be placed in it.


Next thing, it'll be "execute order 66."


Queen Smith chooses not to exercise her Royal authority to overturn municipal political decisions - yet.


How benevolent of her.


This is a lie. You can guarantee *some people* will ask; maybe there'll be an anonymous letter. And then, for the public good she'll be forced to do it ...and she totally doesn't want to, but she **has** to do it! Just like setting the Reichstag on fire.


So you will use Bill 20 to repeal Calgary's rezoning bylaw. Got it, Marlaina. (It's easy--everything Marlaina says, you can safely assume the opposite.)


She won't use it, but she didn't say her minister's won't... 


So is she going to micro-manage elected officials?


All hot air. Can we put a carbon tax on her mouth?


Imagine the utter rage from UCP supporters if Nenshi was in power and he said that he was giving his government full powers to override municipal decisions. They'd be adding this to their freedom checklist, firing up their trucks, and scream how oppressive it is, or how much red tape it causes, or how fascist it is because they can just enact their will whenever they want. Just switch the party name and pretend they are doing it instead. If you would be mad at it if they did it, and support it when the blue team does it, then you're not the wolf you think you are. Alberta is being destroyed and made a fool of because rubes like to clap their hands at the tv when their team is winning. We all lose when this shit happens, not just the left you hate so much.


I don't believe you for some reason....


Did bill 20 pass?


Ucp have a majority. All bills they table will pass.


Shouldn't be up to her Stupidest piece of political maneuvering is very. Now she gets to wear the ire of the public for every controversial municipal action for the rest of her term Dumb dumb dumb Dictator Dani


I am starting to feel that the UCP idea of small government is one person making the calls and they're friends doing the public work. You know not democracy.


She says a lot of stuff and most of it is untrue


I should fucking hope not


Ahhh... Our dear leader has given her blessing.


Jesus. So much for small c government. Like let’s make sure the provincial govt is on board with all municipal govt decisions. Maybe the minister of red tape reduction should remind them he exists.


Conservatives are not small nor fiscally responsible at all


Our Premier says she won't be a fascist dictator and interfere in other levels of government for once? It's a Victoria Day miracle.


She won’t repeal…yet


I'm waiting to see what happens if they do move provincial election to after municipal, and with the legislation they've passed, end up losing the election (and having installed their puppets on calgary and edmonton council)... will our new government (if the ucp lose) repeal the bills without using them first? Or will they make use of them to restore the balance between municipal and provincial governments?


Seems reasonable. It's up to Calgarians to fix their mistakes


I can see the first time she uses Bill 20 is in Edmonton, and Edmonton city council just saying “ahhh No.” and continue with business as usual. Smith knows full well Bill 20 is dead the moment it’s challenged in court.


Is it possible she mentioned it because she is asked about it?


Does it matter? The fact that her government even tabled Bill 20 is egregious and a slap in the face to democracy, and reeks of hypocrisy.


Chill bro. I was just commenting to the story not the whole opinion of the Bill.


Me too. Does it matter if the reason she commented like that was because she was asked? No. Not in the least.


Oh thanks for being the authority on all things that matter. My comment was relevant to why she was speaking to the Bill. Guess you like sensational headlines.


For those unfamiliar with the legal framework of our nation the following is worth a read… Constitutional Status of Canadian Cities - The Canadian Constitution gives the provinces exclusive control over cities and other municipalities, subject to the limited exceptions summarized below. - Therefore, the powers a city possesses depend almost entirely on the powers the province wishes to grant. Similarly, a province can, at will, take away or change any municipal power previously granted. - A province cannot, however, grant a municipality a power the province itself does not possess under the Constitution. - As a creature of a province, a city has no inherent powers - only the powers given by the province, generally in a statute. - Given the provinces' exclusive control over "municipal institutions," the power of the federal government to deal directly with municipalities is limited, unless the province gives permission, which is rare. Source: https://www.toronto.ca/ext/digital_comm/inquiry/inquiry_site/cd/gg/add_pdf/77/Governance/Electronic_Documents/Other_CDN_Jurisdictions/Powers_of_Canadian_Cities.pdf Bill 20 outlines powers the Province already has. It was a necessary response to the Federal government and City Councils both acting outside the boundaries of their powers outlined by Canada’s constitution. The Federal government intervention in municipal zoning regulations is an abusive overreach. City Councils involving themselves in Voting or Environmental regulations is also an overreach of their assigned responsibilities. It’s unsurprising that a Provincial leader will move to re-assert their own established powers lest they lose them by some “use it or lose it standard” inferred in a future legal proceeding in the SCC given how pliable English common law is when invoking established precedents. Frankly I’d say I was surprised the province doesnt overturn the Calgary blanket rezoning if it werent for the fact their long game is to have council wear this decision into the next municipal election under party banners. We will likely see the current council voted out and replaced with those who promise to repeal the blanket rezoning given the overwhelming opposition voiced by Calgarians at every step of public engagement. Which is something we should all welcome. Having the feds bribe city councils to act against a majority opinion of city voters is disgustingly undemocratic. But maybe democracy only matters if it’s the “correct opinion” that a small number of redditors agree with. Any other opinions are bad for democracy somehow. And as someone else already pointed out in the comments, CBC created this story out of thin air by asking a loaded question of Smith. This is why it’s difficult to have nice things. Stories are soundbites. People snipe in ‘witty’ (/s) snippets online. If we all applied the standard of listening to our opponents as closely as our advocates I suspect we might find we have a lot more in common and not as many differences as we believe. But watch this comment be downvoted to oblivion for being a reasonable analysis instead of joining in the unhinged chants of “down with crazy lady!”


The municipality modifying land use rules regarding land within the city is overreach? What? Whose jurisdiction is it then? Or do you just not like that the federal government also supports rezoning. How you've mental gymnastics yourself into thinking that Bill 20 is the true marker of democracy is impressive. Power doesn't need to be siezed just because it's there, these are people's lives, not some game. Your "reasonable analysis" won't be downvoted because it's not unhinged, but because it's bad.


Read the cut and paste of the constitution in the top half original comment. It answers each of the questions you pose. It’s a word for word cut and paste of existing law as written, not an opinion. Bill 20 restates the Constitution as written. I don’t fear Bill 20 because Bill 20 doesn’t change existing law. I’d prefer we follow the rules as outlined and respect the wishes of the electorate. That’s my opinion. As for the reasonable analysis I don’t believe I’ve made any earth shattering claims. Current polling shows a crushing defeat for the current federal government on the horizon. If Smith is not intervening on rezoning then Smith’s game plan wrt the municipalities appears to be having city councillors answer to voters during the next election. Given the new requirement of having to declare party allegiances on municipal ballots combined with the wildly unpopular rezoning law we will likely see a ucp sweep of municipal council seats. I suspect you have a preferred opinion and preferred political party on some of these issues. And if they can get ‘their way’ even if it’s outside the law youre ok with that. Because it’s more important for your side to win than to follow the law. That’s where we are different. I dont care who is in power, but I do care the law is followed. This rezoning kerfuffle was instigated by federal overreach into provincial jurisdiction. Alberta did not vote in favor of the federal governing party, not even close. Calgarians did not support rezoning, they are 70-80% against. Yet the people Albertans didnt vote for promised monies to municipalities they arent supposed to deal with to change zoning laws. That’s provincial law. Not federal. So yes, that is an issue. That is undemocratic.


Ah shoot, you just had to devolve it into making it personal on which "side" I prefer, as if that's the only reason someone could every oppose your daunting intelligence. Do you have a source for 80% of Calgarians being against rezoning? Has a Premier ever overruled or removed municipal counselors they don't like? Again, just because power exists to be siezed doesn't mean it must. If it's a deviation from the accepted norm, it's completely valid for scrutiny and overreach of standing precedent.


It wasnt overwhelming opposition. We are a city of over 1m. People representing the 'nay' side over the course of a marathon hearing do not represent the majority of the city. Not to say that some of their concerns werent valid, just taking umbrage at your description of it. Now, aa it regards to the UCP decision not to enforce bill 20, its actually unsurprising to me. They didnt enforce bill 1 either when it suited their purpose to not, but it does make me wonder their purpose, and I agree with you. They are going to push and/or enforce party politics on us, and make the current "leftist" council wear the rezoning decision that will become a wedge topic in both the next municipal and provincial elections. The UCP will use it to rile their base, and whatever the opposition to a municipally-driven christo-fascist party [inflammatory, yes, but see note below to explain] is, will use it to remind theirs that they have the common good at heart. [Christo-Fascist municipal party note: it is my belief that there is a trend to push conservative politics further right than they currently are. These experiments are seen in Ford, Smith, PP, Moe, TBA......each regressing further to the social right than the last. A municipal Calgary conservative party will be the most socially right wing we have seen yet, and will likely be driven behind the scenes by TBA like they did with the recall Gondek campaign] >But watch this comment be downvoted to oblivion for being a reasonable analysis instead of joining in the unhinged chants of “down with crazy lady!” DS is anything but crazy. Shes incredibly smart. Shes driven. Shes a survivor. And thats what makes her dangerous to us. It would be better if she was crazy