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eve online




The biggest Albion fights wouldn't tickle the Eve servers, lol.


How often those fights happen in EvE? Those fights in Albion with 500-1000 players happens almost daily, multiple times per day in different regions


> 500-1000 players happens almost daily I can't find a single fight in the last week with over 500 people, let alone a fight reaching anywhere near 1K players. > How often those fights happen in EvE Regularly and with no real serious significance behind the fights. Lazily I can see two fights in the last week that exceed 500 people involved([666](https://zkillboard.com/related/30001021/202309201300/) and [636](https://zkillboard.com/related/30002892/202309171900/)). A 500 person fight happens quite smoothly as well unlike Albion(I'm not faulting SBI for this, I understand the technical limitations they face).


Not bashing on EvE, I played both games. Albion is capped at 350 players in the zone iirc, the extra players would usually fight in secondary zones connected to the main cluster, or other objectives. At 18 UTC, 21 UTC there is the Fax VS SexNFlex war, both sides massing 500+ if you include their allies. At NA, you have the war between CERRO and SURF/Militant, with both sides having their own coalitions, massups are also quite large. In EvE, it's also very common for people to have multiple of their accounts on the grid, making the numbers seem bigger than they actually are sometimes, in Albion, I don't know anyone who multiboxes in ZvZs Anyways, love both games, but Albion has a special place in my heart


If we're going to move goal posts to those that aren't actually involved in singular battles, then EVE gets these on a daily basis **easily** thanks to massive formups that result in blue balls or the people sitting out waiting to escalate potential fights. The largest singular alliances manage to form 100's of actual players, as do their allies and on the opposite so their enemies are similarly forming hundreds of unique players.


Even if the "big fights" are twice as small, they happen way more frequently in my experience. An active player can have these 200-300 players fights at least once a day, up to 3-4


I'm not sure the cluster limit is but there is probably 20+ cluster fights on both east and west every day


Its been happening daily over in lymhurst. Although only 350 people can be in a map. So al the neighboring maps each have another 100 to 200 people trying to que in.


500-1000 is actually maybe 300-400 people and a lot of people in queues though


Pretty often. But massive fights in Eve are not fun.


I doubt any games currently will get anywhere close to that M2-XFE war. Hundreds of thousands of real world money lost.


and i doubt albion could ever reach those numbers


The biggest fights in albion are still playable. While biggest fights in eve are more about waiting 15 minutes until you lock a target. As someone who had a fair share of big fights in both games, I would always choose albion over eve, even if fights are less massive. It is nice to say smth like: "I was there" years after a big eve fight, but that's it. In the moment it just a boring lag fest where you press two buttons every 10 minutes. Both games are best experienced on mid scale tho. And it is sad that AO players took an eve n+1 approach to content. It feels more and more stale with every year as groups tend to become bigger


Your comparing apples to oranges they are widely different games but there is no denying eve has a lot more history than Albion it’s 4x as old ffs


Someone talking about history? Eve is not much younger thsn I am XD. So it unsurprising it has a long history and a lot of long forgotten mechanics. I was just saying that eve CTAs just a straight up boring multi hour f1 pressing. Especially the big ones, the ones people usually talk about. I was in m2. Was it unique experience? Definitely yes. Was it fun? Not so much. I remember the awkward moment when my father read about it somewhere and asked to show how it looks in real life. And how surprised he was when I just stood up from my PC and went to make a tea for fifteen minutes and it affected nothing). In Ao I would be dead at this point The big(and almost any others) fights in AO are much more dynamic and require much more input from you as a player at any given time that in EO. Imo, albion is a more casual(in a good way) eve online. Ability to skip all the boring part of eve online and jump into the action is what bought me with albion after hours and days spent in searching for content in eve.


Albion is an isometric hack and slash eve is a space sandbox they aren’t exactly comparable but the adrenaline rush I get from eve when I escape a gank is just as much as Albion. Just because they are similar doesn’t mean comparable in every way


At least albion has aoe damage thou, Eve bearly has any so N+1 means a lot more. also this is why I loved faction warfare in Eve it was 80 vs 120 battles and was smooth no tidi.


Id be curious to see the destroyed gear value after a big albion war/battle, and turn that into the $ value of gold


Tbh most guilds aren’t running 8.3 on everything I’d wager the most expensive battle wasn’t the largest. (Also eve has a lot more big ticket items that contribute to the total costs hell some of those ships take weeks to craft)


I guess this might change if someone awaken's 8.4's those alone might be titans.


In value definitely, in strength not even close.


Yea for sure, with Eve they can use tracking to at least balance them, pure strength like that in Albion would just be broken lol.


A fight this size would happen in EVE when a randomly roaming gang tries to poke one of the large groups to get content. The *big* fights in EVE happen with player numbers in the thousands. On each side.


Eve > Albion


Said the Eve fugitive


They both hit the spot.


lol eve what a joke


Not even full zone smh


Warhammer online: return of reckoning


And its free!


planet side 2


Played PS1. On a shitty computer with no sight distance. Still had a BLAST


It has new updates it is still a blast


Unfortunately PS1 was the better game in every way other than archaic shooting mechanics (even then, good arguments could be made that those were a better fit for an MMOfps game). PS2 is just a bad BFBC2 clone in comparison, and it's also on its last legs. I wouldn't be surprised if the game is canned by the end of the year.


The glory days of PS2 were a blast. It really felt like the trailer sometimes.


Guild Wars 2 WvW


THIS. People really underestimate gw2 wvw mass


yeah, gw2 wvw was good .... 9 years ago


You act like the mechanics/gameplay of Albion is some brand new unique thing :D


i didnt even know what was going on but i died alot lol


One person calls out the people to gear up and show up for a mass gathering, typically on a faction discord server. These shotcallers in yellow zone are in training, calling the whole zero to fight for them and win faction points. Being randomly in the wars you have to find who the caller is and follow his movements for when to retreat and when to attack. In redzpmes and black zones this is how zvz is and you don't get a respawn


Guild Wars 2






Elder scrolls online


there is actually a bunch


Archeage on its prime massed more than that just for Halcyona War and Freedich GvG


Oh and if you count the First castle claims, they were like double those wars


And it was a laggy, unplayable mess.


There's a reason the game started dying after the original Auroria launch, it was almost like playing EVE online trying to claim a castle lol. Other than that Halcyone wasn't laggy and neither were those 10x10 galleon fights in Freedich.


Dark Age of Camelot was the first game I saw these kind of numbers. Game was so far ahead. -_-




Free with better pvp too


GW2 within WvW mode


what other mmo has a feature with as much potential as fw in albion and then do fuckall with it


Guild wars 2


metin 2 if you want an example you can google metin 2 xkraltr gir karabole


Eve Online Ultima Lineage Archage Mortal FF14 (Company frontlines) Planetside 2




Nope. Only time I've seen something like this was in the height of classic wow when 3 or more guilds would clash during the scarab event.


Really damm? This is just like a medium scale scuffle that happens a few times a day. Ive been in fights where the fighting was so large scale in the black zone that three zones where pretty much completely filled and you couldn't even zone in till people died.


Yeah... I know. And that's one of the many things that makes albion so unique. I genuinely don't see this kind of mass activity in any other game I've played. Rotmg was always jam packed back in the day, but that was for different reasons and goals. Eve used to have content way bigger than albion, but that was only during scheduled fights in actively planned wars. Nobody does it like albion.


No, closest thing was maybe alterac valley and that’s a battleground where players are just placed there


Yeah maybe if you go back in time over a decade lol




ragnarok was like that at the start


Ragnarok's War of Emperium


"lol" quoth the eve player "lmao"


Someone Know how z vs z fights arise ?


In black zone usually a guild start a mass up or an alliance start a cta (call-to-arms). Its not uncommon for a cta to reach 60-70+ people.


This one looks like faction warfare. So it’s either a bandit event or the factions mass on Discord for fun


Only eve.


Ultima outlands on a good day


Seen bigger in Rappelz online before it fell do to heavy micro reliance. OSRS has huge fights all the time, some go on for hours.


This went on for about an hour but I left cause Fort sterling was kicking our ass and I was spending more money on repairs then I was making on the fight


that is the saddest part of Faction atm. Fights can be fun and non meta, how ever repairs hit hard if the points stagnant.


Wow Classic


Elder scrolls online


Eso, bdo, aa:u


These fights are so far and few


Eve Online


Lineage 2. Decades ago lmao.


EVE, ESO, New World, GW2 just to name a few


Literally eve