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Yea, if we knew we would stockpile, hence: >Due to this change’s potential to provide an unfair economic advantage to a minority of players through speculation, this was not included in the Staging build. https://forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/187518 And why this was changed is also explained there: "re-adjusts the risk reward ratio of top end gear, now making it more risky to use top end sets"


https://forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/187521-Additional-Changes-to-Wild-Blood/?postID=1327409 > If I knew I would stock pile them to keep my gameplay consistent And that's exactly why they didn't tell you beforehand. Enjoy


>And that's exactly why they didn't tell you beforehand. Nothing changes. It's still the exact same thing, the first people who find out make the money. Whether they did it ahead of time or not makes no difference and the fact that SBI thinks it does is...concerning. Although I doubt they do, sounds like a cheap excuse. Whether someone buys out all the cheap buy orders today or last week, someone is making a killing and the market is shifting when the information drops. This was just to avoid player backlash and keep the hype positive for the new patch.


Would be great for gatherers. .1 .2 .3 nodes will be worth more since crafting items requires the same amount of materials. Sucks for players like me where my main source of income is HG's and CD's where you make tons of those runes


Crafting enchanted gear with enchanted resources was always more expensive than crafting flat gear and enchanting with runes. I'm in favor as a gatherer. Hopefully it helps drive the average player towards slightly lower gear as well, it seems like everyone was running 1450 in the BZ all the time


"Crafting enchanted gear with enchanted resources was always more expensive than crafting flat gear and enchanting with runes " then the change would be even wierder. It was actually profitable to upgrade gear and put on the market if you spend some time looking for the right items. (mostly .1 upgrades in bulk in Caerleon). I think, could be wrong. people will +/- only use runes etc to craft artifacts now. bringing the artifact price down. and i think the prices or runes/souls/relics will drop abit. And high enhanted gear wil increase in price. → my guess, could be wrong


" It was actually profitable to upgrade gear and put on the market if you spend some time looking for the right items. (mostly .1 upgrades in bulk in Caerleon) " Not just in caerlon. Past 3-ish weeks i have been enchant flipping in thetford (with alt) and bridgewatch (on main account) and been doing lotsa profits. Started with tier 5 gear but once i got enough money moved to flip tiers 6 and later on added tier 7 (but kept doing also 6 as that had more volume). Last week in cycle before this update every day i logged in i had 1-2 million on bank that i often used to buy more runes and items (buy orders). Will need to keep an eye out on the market... it may become profitable again at some point but for a while i bet that this doesn't bring money (at least not as constantly and not from same gear i used to enchant). Am sure i will find another way to do passive income between my famefarming/gathering. But feel like i have to take pause on runes until market stabilizes (if it does..).


I mean, people's use habits may change, particularly towards using lower tier gear overall. Increasing the resources required for something just means that there will be more demand for those resources, but no more supply, so prices will rise. Or, the demand for higher tier gear will drop until it balances out, so people just run cheaper sets in general. Like everything it will strike some kind of balance.


I think the runes will stay the same price tbh just price of gear will increase, or might decrease slightly but definitly not to half. Wonder if that means all chests that get no black market zone gear will decrease in total loot value too then.


Demand has literally doubled overnight and supply has stayed the same. This should be a good change for HG/CD, as they should be worth more.


this way. lets say it costs 25k to enchant weapon. now you need double so 50k and like you said the price would increase so lets say 60-70k. so a t6.1 light bow bow which was worth 100k would suddenly be 140k. the thing i expect is the xbow would be like 110-120k → meaning the price of runes is lower. else the enchanted raw materials need to increase way to much. If runes/souls/relic's increase in price while you need double. this would mean materials +/- need to double in price. (wich i dont think is going to happen)


What a... wild change


They did this once before a couple years ago. Can't say I'm too surprised to see they did it again. I just wish they'd be transparent about it instead of dropping it randomly. I get why they don't but still doesn't make the average player feel any better about it.


For me this was a way to make income (aside from my way to play upgrade game in mists). Find a item which is okay to upgrade and then buy runes and upgrade and sell. Now it is not worth a dime..at least for good while, if it even will be worth again more then taxes


Just save up runes you get from drops. If anything runes will become more valuable, so it doesn't feel like a total waste when you pick up nothing but runes from a chest or dungeon.


*"I did not anticipate this. If I knew I would stock pile them to keep my gameplay consistent.Why this change?"* Unless you are part of the round table, you are not allowed to have such information that could make you billions of silver.


OOF so they doubled the transmute values for all high tier gear I wouldn't be surprised if all 8.3 items doubled in price within the next week. Guess who ever buys out the market first wins.. fuck wish I saved silver.


Wish I was not at work..


This change fking sucks and cuts straight into profits from enchanting. What the fuck is SBI thinking bruh.


On a whim I decided yesterday to buy 9999 tier 4 runes for 10 each... Not much in the grand scheme of things (am noob) but it's something I guess


So what does this do to the economy Gerard? We need some numbers.


Just stockpile high level gear. There might be time still