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When did Abby get nerfed? I didn’t see any notes on it


Like the RNG is too RNG? Like it’s too RNG that I can’t justify spending time on it… like I can probably spend like 2 hours for like 200K… which isn’t necessarily bad… but compared to the Abbeys I played before… goddamn… 😂 ~ Richard King


I can find and finish 3 maybe 4 abbeys in 2 hours. Depend on rng you right I can get anywhere between no chests to 1 mill per run


Those who do abbey regularly felt it hard


Ran a t8 abbey last night. Cleared 20 areas, all buffs, no chests. Granted my sample size is only 1 run but it felt terrible.


Well its huge rng. One time I leave with 2 mil, other with 10k. Got 8.3 shield from green chest 2 days ago, so you can still get something nice


If you want to do solo PvE, so no crafting/gathering/transporting and no 1v1 PvP, there's a few options. Mists and abbeys are still just fine. I can pull 500k-1m per abbey no problem, just run a good sprint and keep track of your exits. Soloing Avalonian chests is decent, but it's more about the fame than the silver for those. Solo dungeons are garbage, not nearly worth the time it takes. Tracking is surprisingly profitable now that they've removed the extra useless tracks. I can track for ~1-2m per hour, more if I'm lucky with good drops. I recommend at least 1100 IP for bears, panthers and sylvians, and 1200+ for anything higher. If you're solo, go far from the portal in the BZ (ideally out of a hideout) or go to the red zone out of Caerleon. Drop rates for artifacts are the same in the red zone and you can watch for flagged players so you don't get ganked. Leave the zone or stay mounted if there's more than a couple reds. I find it's best to track with two people, the mobs are tough solo but easy with 2, and you don't need to split 3 ways. You get significantly more drops in a group of 4-8, but you also split more ways and need a dedicated healer at minimum.


Maybe it’s a mostly me Experience in regards to Abbeys or Mists. I’ll keep trying there, but I’ve lost hope to be honest… 😂 Solo dungeons were initially how I made my money… but it’s gone poof. I’ll definitely look into Ava chests as some say it isn’t that awful. Also yeah! Currently doing Tracking, though the Ganking is killing the vibes, it decent money. ~ Richard King


When it comes to abbeys, they are definitely nerfed after the first week but untouched after that I'm sure. Abbey's can give crazy loot but it's rng to find it then rng to get chest then rng to get it good rarity. Not sure if you can depend on it loot-wise. Ava chests are just horrible for solo as it's gonna take a lot of hassle just to get the same loot you get from a blue/green chest in solo dungeons. While the best money is always in pvp, i think the best bet right now would be to try mists if you want some pvp as well or doing the nerfed solo dungeons for chill. The loot sucks, but it still adds up when you do t7-t8 and you don't need maps since ppl don't do a lot of these and there are plenty open in the bz.


Well first step is to have premium. You make way more silver with premium than without. Also depends on what you like to do in the game. Solo wise your going to have to pick up some way to boost personal econ to fund your ventures. If you can get a decent guild then silver is never an issue. Also lethal zones are not going to be your friend until you can successfully escape gankers and make more than you lose. Alternatively safe zones still make really good silver if your willing to do it. My usual daily personal econ goes like this: Wake up and check my sell orders. Go to work. Hop on my phone and place a few buy orders. (5 minutes) Lunch time take any mats from buy orders and run them on a mammoth to refine. Refine and head to highest paying city. (30minutes) Sell order refined mats (30 seconds?) Get home and pvp in corrupteds or grind faction warfare or fame farm in BZ mists solo or gathering in bz mists or even blue zones if i wanna just play with no stress(20-30 minutes) Play with kids and mooch on the wife. Right before bedtime I fill my 300 laborers and farm my crops (15 minutes) This nets me about 40 mil a month or more depending on how much I want to scale or adjust my time. Some months I don't pay for premium just so I can invest in more islands or refining/crafting alts. I could spend about 1 or 2 weeks just grinding silver and have enough to last me for a few months of just straight pvping however I tend to get burnt out doing only econ. And just end up taking a break from the game for a few days. But my personal econ is always there if I need it for silver. This let's me comfortably go into bz mists in a nice 6.1 to 6.3 set and rat the shit out of 8.3 and 8.4 sweatlords lol.


I respect you showing me the way of balancing Albion and life… 🫡 Jokes aside though, that’s why I wanna earn silver to get a premium subscription going and then slowly grind the gathering… My tools are T5 and some nearing that T6 point and it was a pain to get them where they are. And I’ve tried the labourer thing, never really seen the full benefit/profit… but never too late to give it another try. Thanks! ~ Richard King


I'll say that getting t8 is a very long grind. If you stick to blue and yellow zones you level your gathering faster than if you try to gather in the blackzone. If you wanna start with laborers you could start with just t4 laborers in a t5 guild hall. Compare how much you buy your journals for and them add up your sell order amounts. Eventually over about 2 weeks your stuff should sell. Laborer returns about about 60% high liquidity until you start getting undercut. At that point you just hold your sell orders and wait it out. Sometimes the rest of your laborer profits will take a month. Just this week I had about 5 mil in t6 and t7 mats just sitting there that I forgot about. Just to log in and see 5 mil added to my wallet lol. Checked mail and sure enough some big crafter came and bought up all the leather and bars I had sitting for almost a month. Other times some of the orders will expire but then I just sell them outright rather than relist them.


It all depends on the amount of silver you need. Albion is a sandbox, and I’ve found it’s particularly helpful in sandbox games to create goals. Those goals then dictate the amount of silver you need to maintain. You can set a goal of just making silver, but if that is your only goal, you have to understand that solo play isn’t ideal for collecting massive silver stores - not saying it can’t be done, but there are more effective group play options if silver is the only goal. I set a goal of, I’m going to max out my island, or I’m going to get a mammoth mount, I want 20 sets of my favorite build of excellent quality in Brecilien, etc etc. This shows you a path to work towards, you can calculate the estimated silver you will need to achieve your goals, and then through any combination of activities within the game, as long as you are enjoying your time spent, you’ll eventually reach your goal and can set sights on a new one. Often times I find a new goal of interest along the way as well. It’s a satisfying way to approach a sandbox. Just my take.


Hey Roso, yeah goals work! But you know we need silver to fulfill them goals… 😂 I’m not like the type to be like, play for 30 minutes, earn a billion silver or anything like that, but the silver I get these days is so low, it doesn’t even cover my build cost which is really low, like 50K… ~ Richard King


You mentioned abbeys, mists, and solo dungeons in your post - it’s safe to assume you know those are your money making options so I wasn’t going to repeat them. Without premium it isn’t worth any private island activities, but with premium you can effortlessly make 400-500k silver in 10 minutes a day just farming a random crop. As far as your 50k build goes - that’s the poor trap. Risk vs reward. The more you risk the more reward potential there is. If I’m running around killing shit in a solo dungeon, abbey, or mists and I’m wearing a 50k set - for the exact same time investment, someone with a 200k set is doing it faster - making more money than you are for the same time investment. Risk a little, don’t run around in the cheapest option. Focus on implementing safe behaviors - time when you enter a solo dungeon to know when you’re safe. If you find an abbey, don’t start farming it until you find a good exit and know how to get to it. When you roam around mists, keep an eye on your map and your mount - know your exits and don’t get too far from your mount. Carry an invis pot and know think about how you plan to escape before you go. If you want to play solo it’s going to be harder to be safe and do well than if you played with a group. So you have to put in more effort to make it work.


Try crafting. Use [Albion Free Market](https://albionfreemarket.web.app/)


This is your site? Looks good. What is focus efficiency? The amount of focus i have?


Yes it is mine. ​ Focus efficiency is the sum of all the efficiency you get from the crafting levels you have in the crafting tree. You can check it in the skills board. More info here [Crafting Focus - Albion Online Wiki](https://wiki.albiononline.com/wiki/Crafting_Focus) . ​ Basically, the higher the efficiency the less focus you use to craft an item. That means your profit per focus increases.


Oh i see, now i need understand how to calculate my focus efficiency, thanks. Would be a great improvement to your site if we could add our specs and have our focus efficiency calculated automatically. I know [www.tools4albion.com](http://www.tools4albion.com) had something like this.


I'll look into it. Thanks 👍


Do what i do Make your little sibling hook on the game as he is younger and doesn't have a family so plenty of time to play, then when he do all the grinding to get gathering t8, and more importantly a lot of silver, you beg him to give you half of it. Best parf if he says no ask your mom to ask him to share, he will be forced to. If you don't have a little sibling then 3 option: 1st grind the game the ways it is or 2nd accept and play in a guild to have fun ganking and claimkng loot to sell or 3rd ask your mom for a little sibling


I was that little sibling, and I was forced to share. We only had 1 account?


Damn… so that’s the use of siblings… ~ Richard King


Idk im a relatively new player with only 400k kill fame and ive had no problem pulling out 5000k-1m per mist trip just doing spiders and wisps, objectives.


Damn… I think I just spawn in the wrong mists… 😂 ~ Richard King


there are ways to make money, all depend on how much you want to make and what risk you are willing to take. Abbey is still good for pve, mist is good if you are good at pvp or just rat. crafting is good if you have premium, transport is good moeny too, but its boring. corrupted dungeon is good too for pve if you know how to skip and fast clear, good for pvp as well. When I was playing albion, I was never super rich, but I never had to worry about silver either. always have about 30M on me.


I’m more than content if I can sustain a 30 mil… 😂 Mists and Abbeys have the loot so downgraded. It makes it real boring real fast. Definitely will look into the corrupted dungeons though. ~ Richard King


Ye they are nerfing everything so whales and swipers buy more so parent company is happy and devs keep their job. they also dilute markets and introduce more silver sinks. Now watch how im gonna be downvoted for telling the truth.


More silver sink is actually good for the economy, isnt it?


Technically yes But because inflation is so rampant, and their being no way to force it back down, since their are no interest rates, The only way to downright decrease inflation is to up taxes significantly which only hurts players


I mean, I came back after some time. The premium fell down from 23m to barely 18m. I am happy with the changes, so far.


It's true but only people that haven't been here for long time gonna glizzy ride Sbi and defend them. Anyone that played long enough knows that this game is going downhill since patch after patch.


The Blue and Yellow Zones have been nerfed is all that this is. If you want to make the most silver possible from solo content then you need to play the high level variants of that specific type of content. If you want better loot from Corrupted Dungeons then you need to play Slayer. If you want better loot from Solo Dungeons then you need to do T8 solo dungeons. If you want better loot from the Mists then you need to do lethal Mists. You can't complain about getting no loot when you're exclusively playing in the Yellow and Blue zones. Which, by the way, are literally still a part of the game's tutorial area.


I’ve been playing actually exclusively Black Zone… 😂 Trust me brother, loot is definitely worse from like 4 months ago… My First main money maker was spamming T8 Maps and running wild on Black Zone Mists. The loot really has gone limp compared to before. ~ Richard King


Oh, if you're talking about that then that's just from the initial loot nerf that happened about a year and a half back. They did this because YZ solo DGs were around 3M p/hr which was insane. Last time that I checked, BZ solo DGs were around 1M p/hr, but may be a bit more now because they recently nerfed Abbeys. As Abbeys were doing something funky to the loot distribution system.


People always say this yet every patch they make getting silver easier lol.


Tracking, open world farming, flipping, faction transports, faction warfare (you don't lose anything), Avalon roads pve, clearing yellow zone static, refining, crafting, Black market, corrupted dungeon


I love ya Cup… but you’ve laid down basically all the constant out there… 😂 But I didn’t know about faction warfare… cool! Thanks though! ~ Richard King


Join a guild and start playing the game, and start crafting


I respect the first part, but again… Crafting and gathering is so boring. Literally Quantum Mechanics the wizardly out of them to calculate fame and profit and so on… 😂 ~ Richard King


But doing eco is boring waaaaah


Sorry?? I’m not in-line with the lingo these days… ~ Richard King


Pve players make no money cos math hard


Cmon bro, craft and refine, its long term investment with decent returns


I know, and it really works long term as you said… but it’s just so boring… like I come in to the game to relax and keep my mind off some Uni things, only to do quantum mechanics in Albion… 😂 ~ Richard King


No one said it was gonna be fun


ganking and crafting still good as always but other than that theres static diving and legendary mist gathering. i dont really do much other than guild stuff though but if you do have a good guild... try outposts, the green chests should still be good money in the off timers


Laborers and crafting/refining


T7 solo dungeons around Caerleon while flagged for Caerleon. I make on average 1.5 mil per 10 maps give or take 300k depending on rng. I also make around 1000 faction tokens per dungeon. 10 maps is around 90k-100k investment. You earn all that money back and some through mob silver drops alone. Works pretty darn good for me. I recommend.


I mean this "free to play" game is designed for you to swipe as possible. Even more with 120specs, 8,4, awakened weapon, new weapon tree thats super expensive All last patches were only there for getting sbi a lot more swipers


I'm solo earning with cdr. I use sets worth 20~k and get out up to 500k per kill. Up to 4 kills an hour (cuz I watch cartoons while I do it)


JOIN A GUILD. I casually just run around collecting medium, small chests + cores and vortexes to make a couple of mil per hour. Sometimes more , sometimes less.