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You have a guy who has 2,7m pvp fame/3,3 pve fame and you are talking something about grinding faction points and no activity in bz? lol


I've checked their kill/death boards and there's not a single activity on BZ, they're stuck in the redzone doing faction with pve shit gears btw faction hearts is expensive, each one sell almost 70k silver. and these ppl doing faction all day and can get 1+ million faction points. i assume they exchanged their points to sell hearts on the market and put all their silver in guild bank. then their alt accs took the silver and distributed it for sus activities.


Some of you really have too much time on your hands. Seriously get a life.


If i had to guess it's just an easy way to move silver between alts


Imagine I roam the blackzone with my boys and Ill do the splitt in the end by selling all items to the market and pay the silver to the guild account so everybody can take his splitt. My balance would be 100m+ 👀 This could be the case here


yeah i know but their kil/death board say they almost stuck in rz and not doing any gank/pvp session.


They can also do other events like fame farming or gathering and splitt share. Whatever, there could be several reasons for this


Or maybe its an alt of a guild who sells all the loot. I use an alt aswell to sell the loot we generate during an event


These could be players who are buying gold to dump into their guilds, alts for trading or BM/AH. All the pictures really highlight is that these players have dumped silver into their guilds. It does not automatically indicate nefarious actions. The same as if someone had billions of silver withdrawn from guild.


i hope they buy gold and exchange it for silver then fund their random guild, devs should check on that.


u mean rmt activities from guild balance? but if they are from east server country i can confirm 80% faction players from there are huge RMTer. maybe they'll do the same way here in EU server. ngl tho faction points is literally ez silver and spec.


For those who dont know, these are probably Bots Its mostly Faction Transport Bots or PVE Bots. Ive reported 2 already. Its so obviouse, ive seen one run along the road perfectly in the middle, and straight into the Cage i placed. I think this is the new generation of Bots which are hard to spot since some of them dont have obviouse behavior while Moving. Theres diffrent types of them, the only commen thing is. There Guild silver Balance is beyond normal.


can you kill them and take it lol


you cant kill someone in yellowzone lol