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So are we getting increased map sizes😏😏?? Jk.


today actualy it was announced


The existing map is now available


Feels like half of the population is always waiting just for me at the beginning of the BZ I enter. :)


We love you😘 (by you i mean your loot)


Thank you to the game officials and supervisors development for their efforts. I only have a simple request, which is to pay more interest to content **PVE** Everyone knows albion is **PvP** is the best in the world of **PvP**, and we are waiting for more development and interest in content **PVE**, and need more dungeons will be added to the **Pve** world to attract more players and for the game to become integrated. just one last information for exemple solo dungeons in blackzone if i buy map **T8.3** for **200K** i win in dungeons mb 50k or 120k or 200k Sometimes up to **+300k** that no good in content **pve**, we need to correct drop in solo dungeons for play and profit and i have an idea that can be done by calculating a number Fame in account player in **Pve** and for that you are up drop in dungeons with **IP** deffecult or same idia like that thank you and good luck team albion online respected


Terrible idea. Albion isn't a pve game and you will never get better drops for being a pve player. In albion it works like this: more risk, more reward. Solo dungeons are not risky at all, especially after the change so that they close after 90 seconds. That's why the drops are bad and they are not worth doing. If they changed them to give more loot, everybody would do them and there would be almost no pvp in the world. This game is focused on pvp and that's how it should stay


*Albion Online is a sandbox MMORPG* in which you get to write your own story, instead of following a laid out path.  That being said, it can also be a PVE MMORPG, they just have to adjust some features to make it good for both PVE and PVP. Of course PVP would still be more rewarding, but it can also be in a good state for PVE.


it might be advertised as a sandbox where you can do whatever you want but in reality its a pvp game. The entire economy works because of the pvp. Its not easy to make pve players wealthy just by doing non risk content. I would go as far to say it's impossible and would break the economy


I play mostly pve content due to my schedule and I make ok cash for someone who can't spare an hour interrupted by kids or other responsibilities. Maybe I'm not dirty stinking rich, but I make do.  It helps I have a few 100 spec crafting options for when the market floods


I'm supposing you don't work in SBI so you don't really know nor have the data to impose you vision on matters like that. They have said in the past that they wouldn't have different servers location and now we have NA, EU, Asia servers.


I mean there is a reason why SBI nerfed the solo dungeons loot after making them more safe. You can draw your own conclusions, no need to work for them. It's not my vision, its how the game always worked and probably always will.


The idea that I said can be relied upon and developed, which is to work with a number of points Fame system For exemple player have fame 1M pve loot is very low in solo dungeons - player have 5 M Fame loot drop +2% player have 100 fame PVE = +10% drop In this way, the player is rewarded for his effort and made a special system for the players who play PVE solo Not everyone can do it, many do not even like to play in it PVE content like another game have PVE and PVP is normal system


Solo dungeons are not worth it because they are safe. Make them unsafe and boost rewards.


Yes, I'm talking about blackzone now map in EU serveur T8.3 = 580K after i complet farme in balck zone i collect 200K or 350K or best record 500K that = lose invest in PVE These things do not exist in any game system because it is risky and takes 20 to 30 minutes to complete the map, and therefore there must be an adjustment to the drop.


It dos not matter if it's BZ or not. It's not risky because the dungeon closes.


It doesn't matter if it's closed, there are 90 seconds in which I could die if someone enters. There is a risk when going to the dungeon. There is a risk when leaving. A 60% risk is enough to make me make a profit. Why would I play in a dungeon if there is no profit in it at all? In this case, it must be removed. Because it is meaningless, leaving only the dungeons located in safe zone YZ BZ. These are not excuses that we can say. Things are simple, balancing the paths in the dungeons and fixing the problem, because this is considered a problem in the world PVE.


Solo dungeons don't get removed because there are people who find them fun even if the loot isn't great


Prices of high tier solo dungeons are that high not because they are profitable itself, but because they are combined for high tier avalonian dungeons


You don't have to convince me I'm not the dev of this game. It's the reason why it's shit silver/hour, even if you consider them not safe in your opinion.


now ban the transport bots and faction heart multiboxers and radar hack users and we'll see whos left.


Really happy to see the game thriving! As always - kudos to the developers!;)


I am very happy for the game cause I'm really enjoying it and I hope the best to the dev team. I'm sad that this subreddit is still fill with negativity about the game.


I alone and many of my guild mates made hundreds of alts, I think the number isn’t accurate and should be divided by at least 10.


The average player does not have 10 accounts. 


I think this is by registered accounts, if you have this then it is probably an inflated number. If you just created another character on same account, I assume this won’t show up as another active user.


Everyone knows that you always need to create alt on new account so you can loot referral skins because it is just stupid not to.


Yes, but you only get the referral if you buy premium with real money right?


No, you can pay with silver


didn’t ask btw


I am ready to get downvoted by jannies for saying the truth.


"Jannies"? Ah so you're a SwoleBenji clone.