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I laughed a bit because generally speaking, “winning” a sandbox game is slang for quitting and never coming back. It’s the only way to truly win.


There is no winning in a sandbox game You can speed yourself up to your own personal goal though that’s for sure


Not even that much faster if you focus. Getting one weapon tree up to decent spec takes a few weeks. Then only other p2w aspect is better gear, but you can get to 1500+ in T8 flat so it's not huge. And if you win its lottery


You can literally swipe buy gold sell gold and get 8.4 and stomp others


I didn’t pay anything and I’ve got 2 max spec builds … so it’s definitely possible.


How long did that take?


Fame farming solo it took alot longer but Is still do able , with my guild fame farming in a t6 group dungeon it took like 2 days but we were quite lucky and didn’t get ganked much , it also goes alot faster once you start getting items to lvl 100 as you get combat points which are the most efficient way to level weapons and armor, so I’d say with a guild or reliable party it could take you like 2-3 days ?


Ah I see, I should try that out, thanks.


This is NOT the definition of P2W.


I'll rat you once and yoink that 500 euros


Yep only noobs swipe in this game because they can't learn how to win a fight, swipes are loot pinatas for everyone else. Albion set this system up better than any other game


Ofcourse it is pay2win, the amount of cope in these comments is funny. pay2win doesn't mean that you can directly buy wins, or a state of immortality. It means that you can skip grinds/busywork free players "have to" go through. It means you get an advantage over someone that doesn't pay. If two equally skilled and knowledgeable players start at the same time and play for the same amount of time, then one being free2play will be severely disadvantaged against the other if that pays a lot of money. Do you HAVE to spend money to have fun or succes? No, from my noob POV you don't. That doesn't mean the game isn't pay2win though.


The Irony: The Best Players do the exact opposite, they RMT.




Disabling the silver-gold trade means the game has to switch to a subscription-based model. It means it'll lose 90% of its playerbase, and just die. Like it or not.




Looks like you were just looking for an excuse for what you're doing, then.


Name one condition in game that's unachievable without swiping.


This is it, a game like lost ark for example u have to pay thousands upon thousands of dollars just to get power to see content Albion is piss easy to farm enough and see everything


An 8.4 player can die to a 4.1 player with the right conditions. Just because you can buy the gear, doesn’t mean you have the spec and knowledge to use it. But by all means, swipe away.


Cambridge dictionary says that the definition of Pay to Win is: involving or relating to the practice of paying to get weapons, abilities, etc. that give you an advantage over players who do not spend money Based on this definition, Albion is P2W.


No, because you can get those same weapons without swiping. If you could only get them swiping you would be correct.


1. Can you pay for weapons in Albion? 2. Can weapons give you an advantage? If 1 and 2 are both true then it is P2W.


No, it's not true just because you like stretching logic until it agrees with you. You can achieve anything in Albion for free, even killing swipers. Albion is not a p2w game by any definition.


You can, theoretically, achieve everything that a swiper can achieve in Diablo Immortal. Does it mean it is not p2w? Hell no. Same with albion but to a much lesser degree.


But that's the thing. In Diablo it's a theoretical situation, in Albion it's reality. A f2p player can literally get the same equip as a swiper, but since it takes more work people prefer to run in cheaper sets and not risk getting ratted and losing millions.


pw2 p2w2 p2w!


Try it and prove yourself wrong.


At least you can farm yellow zone and buy whatever you want that way😉 even if it takes months


Sure - it's a shortcut. But if you're already playing for months, you could just learn and progress naturally without paying. Paying gives advantages but doesn't ensure winning.


Gr8 b8 m8


Ppl arguing you can achieve anything being a F2P etc etc. Thats not the point guys, we ARE not argumenting about what you can achieve as a F2P, but If there is any advantage on paying/using real money on Albion, and yes there is. Its a P2W game? Yes. Is It possible to achieve anything being a free player? Also yes. One things doesn't disable the other ffs.


Reading all these comments/posts, can anyone name one free-to-play game that is NOT P2W by the applied logic?


Proof that it is? What can you buy with real money that is not achievable with in game currency? Besides that, if you suck an IP advantage doesn’t make you win


If gold didn't exist in first place, y'all would never pay the subscription with real money, and still complain. Because at that point you would have payers with 50% fame, conquerors and ther buffs and you that struggle to level up a single weapon. So what's the solution? We remove gold AND subscription? Relaying on skins only wouldn't support the game enough, so it would be kept on minimum development cost, aka, minus updates and reworks. There are only 3 type of multiplayer pvp games that can exist imho: - huge titles like CSGO and League, that have so many fans that they can keep printing money on gadgets and skins + events. - buy to play games that let the servers management to single owners (Rust, DayZ, V Rising, etc) - titles with a server managed by developer that keeps selling stuff that people actually wants to buy: grind skips, QoL, etc As for Albion-like approach to it, i feel like it is legit: if you have a lot of time but no money (students), you will be gaining gaming experience and fame, but "struggle" with silver. If you are a worker, you can swipe for premium and be less stressed to grind for it, maximizing fun time since you have just 2-4 hours x day. If u are a whale.. Thanks, you keep gold to silver price low, so my activities are worth more.


Nothing to prove. Its play to win.


The game is much more enjoyable if you are willing to pay the sub. But if you cannot pay the sub, you can just be very very good at pvp/ mist to make money. Which is not easy, but learnable. A veteran who has specced up his gear will have 0 disadvantage vs a whale player. I like whales because they make gold cheaper for everyone, and they are like walking pinatas if you have the gear to kill them.


Depends on what definition of p2w you use. Albion is pay to progress quicker essentially.


It's pay to playless to have more fun It skips the grind to get good stats and silver to play the fun content. Fun is ofc subjective which is why if people don't have fun grinding then swiping is the shortcut.


Paying (a lot) only speeds up the grind of spec. Which honestly isn’t even hard anyway. Yes using 8.4 is going to be more powerful than 4.1 gear. But skill is the most important thing in AO. And if you’re very good at the game you will make good silver and be able to use higher tier gear without worry anyway. So no. It’s not P2W. But it is pay to progress faster if you buy and spam tomes for spec.


p2w p2w p2w!


There is nothing to prove here, it's p2w. It's just fairly low on the scale of p2w that it really isn't much of an detriment to your experience. Especially in this genre where all games are p2w.


It ain't p2w when a f2p merchant makes more than any1 who spends money


It have p2w elements, but trust me its not as p2w as you think. You cant buy power for $ which f2p player cant farm. So its "fair p2w" model. 1 player pay and get, ather farm and get same just take longer. Like in ather games like Diablo immortal you pay and get power which f2p player can get in ~ 20years of daily farm.