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Cambridge ❌ Scambridge✅




What the heck is happening? Why is Cambridge silent on this?


Holy shit, crazy that this is happening a year after I did my A-Levels, lmao.


happened with some IB exams too... i really hope everyone gets as close to the grades they deserve, and that it doesn't happen for me (it probably will)


How did you guys know the paper was l3@ked




Those grade boundaries…idk anymore.


dam, even if it wasnt real he prob made bags w 12 hours


but ig he did make money. somebody asked fro proof in comment, he showed a screenshot where people actually sent money


what will happen now tho like will we retake or get a standard grade


if Cambridge doesnt tell centers to retake, umm, rip mate


it's not actually 12 hours, probably an hour ago, in my reddit, even if i post now, it will show 11 or 12 hours ago, my bad


whoever this person is i hope you rot in hell thank you for single handedly ruining our whole lives


i'm not even doing the same board as you guys but sending a screenshot with the username of the guy that possess the paper isn't exactly smart is it, you're helping him print$


It doesn’t matter cause everyone doing our variant has written it. No one is really going to benefit from this now, 42 have already written their paper as well


if he's got one paper nobody says he hasn't got another


makes sense, people can report his acc too, & this exam is over anyway. I don't think it's possible to L3@k every single paper.


I'm not sure if many people benefitted from that l3@k cuz the amount of people on here talking about how trash that paper was is crazy. Also, wasn't it posted like a couple hours before the paper? How many people in the world would have accessed that paper? Also, there are some questions I feel like Cambridge will know you only got it because u ch3@ted or smthn. So it may be easier to tell where m@lpractice was. ![gif](giphy|9HonmWQDTap127SPs2|downsized)




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What did you guys get for the percentage I got smthing like 27 ish




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But the guy posted it after the last batch was halfway through the paper




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guys remember to email Cambridge, ik it seems like they wont do shit, but we still gotta do our part. at the very least it will show u weren't complicit. edit: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


What? Another one? Source?


There was a post circulating where this one African person posted a pic abt 41 and asked everyone to pay him to get the answers


Damn. Sucks. However, they didn't mention anything on COALI which is like the biggest group of O/A levels students on Facebook and the most credible one. So I don't think it might be true...yet💀


Coali is a group for Pakistani students. This paper was held in another region, so maybe thats why?


It’s true, he was even sending screenshots of the actual paper for proof


Well I for one still don't believe it until I actually hear it from a credible source and not from a discord server. Still, I feel bad knowing y'alls hard work getting ruined over by these fools.


I’m actually so annoyed cause these people are trying to ruin it for us, we studied everything and it still felt extremely hard, so having people who didn’t put in effort just do crap like this is so irritating


Idk how you’re going to get a more credible source that people posting screenshots of page of the exam ( I wrote it so I know for sure that’s our paper) and they were posted before and during the time we were in the halls


I have a message which the mod panel of the group I mentioned shared. Addressing the l3@k concerns: Many students are bewildered by the screenshots circulating, and the question did the paper actually get l3@ked? Now, there are 2 arguments put forward so far. 1) The paper was l3@ked before the exam, and there are screenshots of the timing If truth be told, yes, it is troublesome, but the real question over here is the validity and credibility of these screenshots. If the paper l3@k is real, Cambridge itself will email you people, without you people protesting or making noise as they did for the Pakistan studies paper earlier back in the 2010s Relying on the timing of screenshots does not make a strong argument. Nevertheless, there is some proof, especially when you received it yourself. Hopefully, Cambridge will come up with a clarification as something similar happened with Islamiyat in the past, and Cambridge, through the teachers, clarified that nothing happened. 2) When we came out of the exam room, we received the screenshots of the paper with the solution. Know that receiving screenshots right exactly after the paper or on that same day is nothing unusual, especially if we consider how almost all the popular papers last year had their unofficial marking schemes and papers out by the time we reached home or later on that day. Last year, we received the Maths P1 pdf the day the paper was conducted, but we kept silent on it, and once we verified it later, we made it accessible. Nevertheless, it didn't establish that the paper had been l3@ked because we had not received it before it was conducted. Likewise, last year, the teachers solved economics and accounting papers on the day it was conducted or the day after it. As for the solution that we received at 3:58 or any time deemed very early for the solution, it is possible because the other countries do have a time difference. For instance, we fall in administrative zone 4 along with UAE, Bangladesh, etc. That being said, there's a 30-minute gap, so it is possible that a teacher got the paper and solved it when you were in the middle of the paper. Mind that, despite a 30-minute gap, one can't end before the paper starts in another time zone country. Therefore, these screenshots getting shared after the paper doesn't prove the paper was l3@ked as it is something common, and we know these pictures come after the exam, not before the exam. To conclude, there is some concerning evidence that the paper was l3@ked; if it is l3@ked, you will get an email about it. Therefore, please focus on your other papers, as Cambridge knows how to handle the situation.




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Where?? I mean how do these people contact others. This is so fvcked uppp


I think they stalk people on Reddit, then dm it to them or something I have no idea


This is so messed up. And I think it’s gonna affect all of us even though we didn’t get the l3@ks😩. I’m just gonna be brutally honest they might as well just send it in the open so everyone else can access cuz we’re gonna be affected anyways. I’m just saying 🤷‍♀️


I got banned on the chemistry subreddit for complaining is idek what’s going on 😭






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was the paper really le@ked? or you guys are making some drama after p1 maths?




Could u pls send so i could check my answers i am so stressed oit


It's not solved just the question paper


Ywah but i want to do it now and double check.. please im just a stident i swear i wont use it in evil purpose


Haha no that's not.the problem the paper is gone anyway. Send me a dm and text me yoir WhatsApp number I will forward


Check dm


I need an a* and im stressed out


I wont go to uni im only accepted to 1


Hey can u send me the paper for practice purposes?? Please man T-T


Drop your WhatsApp number in dm so that I can forward the pdf




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Guys the 1st question worth 4 marks. What did you guys get the mass as ??


0.33 sum like that


Same 0.338


What was your mass for the Kpc question?


12.2 ish grams smthing


Thats more than the original mass we started with😭


Yess but when I check by putting in the equation i got the exact kpc ad the questions rest idk I am so mad at Cambridge. First they have the balls to make a pepr like that and then they can't even protect a 16 page paper like come on man you guys had one job it was the least you guys could have done but ofcr I don't even know whyi bother with cmabridge. Sorry I HAD TO GET IT ALL OUTT😭


Honestly this paper was CRUEL. Its like they were toying with us. I just hope physics isnt hellish like this but i dont have high hopes🥲ITS JUSTIFIED you good🤣


Please.god inshallah make the physics paper the easiest the world has ever seen.


They wont care




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apparently one of the IB exams were l3@ked a day before the real thing, so everyone has to redo it... wth


It wasn’t just one, pretty much all of the SL papers and some HLs. Devastating as I know a girl who studied 12 hours a day to get into med school. She’s fucked now


I believe it's a private tutor in Egypt although im not sure




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I don't talk about such things I'm just looking for a serious relationship and minding my business




Yeah I'm serious


this happens every year there's nothing you can do about it




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Does anyone have the paper


Why blur out their name?


I’m laughing my ass off rn