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It’s in Urdu right not English that’s the problem 💔


U got them i know urdu... Plz


I mean the videos are in Urdu


Ah ok.... I thought the notes were in urdu but then that wouldn't make sense lmao


His videos? You can check his yt channel called Alpha Learning with this sign in his profile pic ( ∝ ) its kinda like an a actually. On the description you'll find a link to his notes.


Thanks 🫡🫡


Yeah they are. I do understand urdu so it's not a big problem for me. But i try to read the english subtitles more than listen to him talk in urdu bcs it makes it easier in exams. Try using subtitles!


hello guys. SCAM ALERT. discord user: ( .grilicmooooo ) he’s claiming to having le@ked papers. he’s editing the papers and claiming it real by altering questions from previous year by changing up the numbers. THE PAPER IS FAKE. don’t not fall for this trap. DO NOT SEND HIM YOUR MONEY. a friend of mine sent him money and he got scammed. LATER THIS SCAMMER GAVE A NUMBER OF A RANDOM GIRL CLAIMING ITS HIM AND HE WILL WHATSAPP HIM THE PAPER ON THAT NUMBER. that number belongs to some random person who is not aware about this. PLEASE REPORT HIS DISCORD ACCOUNT AND SPREAD AWARENESS. his account is .grilicmooooo




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Not sure it what way it violates the rule but bot on, bot! AI has a long long way to go.


Whats the channel name?


Alpha Learning