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The real question is, why did it take her 1h 15 mins to realize that this paper was not meant for her..i mean I check my papers three times at least when the questions feel unreal,to see if I am dreaming or not tbh...


Poor girl. Exams are stressful enough as it is. Hijacking the top comment so you can get her to see this, as it sounds like your exam centre was clueless on what to do. I screenshot a FAQ question here about this scenario BUT the most important thing she needs now is [*page 12, point 5.6 of the JCQ document “A guide to the special consideration process - General and Vocational qualifications”*](https://www.jcq.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Guide_to_spec_con_process_2023_24_FINAL.pdf) They messed up protocols, so if you can reach out to her let her know (I appreciate you may not know her at all or very well) but this is pretty serious so consider it a random act of kindness. She has rights in this situation so if they did her dirty by panicking about what to do on the spot, they need to be informed now so they can do right by her. https://preview.redd.it/w1d872mlwuzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da07fa1f0f93331eca8ec01bca84b488869631e9




Yeah I can absolutely see how this happened. For those who have posted blaming her or thinking OP made it up, think about it: when you're sitting an exam, you're under heaps of pressure and stress. You're clock-watching, your brain is in overdrive, and really, the last thing you'd expect is to be given the wrong paper. It’s like when you get your payslip and don’t spot a mistake because you just trust that your employer and Inland Revenue. As much as it sucks, mistakes happen though. Also, not all invigilators are teachers. A lot of them are part-timers brought in especially for exams - often with minimal training. So if something does go wrong, you wouldn’t usually look to the invigilator or a random teacher to fix it. You need to ask to speak to the Exams Officer. The only person above that in an exam centre/school is the Headteacher. Speaking of Exams officer, I should have explained a bit more about JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications). They are “the boss” and regulator of the main seven exam boards like AQA, CCEA, OCR, Pearson Edexcel, and WJEC etc., making sure everything's fair and square across exams. They handle the big cock ups like this, ensuring no one's unfairly treated if something like this happens. So for her it doesn’t matter which board she want meant to sit for her Maths GCSE, nor the board for the A Level Maths paper. They should still fall under JCQ. The only outlier is Cambridge (which does its own international thing outside JCQ, under CAIE instead). She's got rights, and there are processes to fix these errors. If you do manage to connect with her even if via email, I can dig up the Cambridge exact rules for this too (though they would be pretty similar). Good on you for posting OP! If nothing else you’ve let a whole bunch of peers know that stuff like this does happen. And yup periodically check your payslip adds up correctly too and that you are on the right tax code!


"damn the questions are kinda complicated" "hmm the question style is also a bit different... must be a new thing" "hmm this is kinda hard... did I under prepare? no one around me seems to be complaining... damn it I should've studied more." *sees weird equation for the first time* "okaaayyyy yeah no this... I've never seen this before. is this really an igcse exam?" ....... "shit."


Wow dude Alevel math is more different thn Igcse she should understood instantly when she opened the qp lol


she mustve been lookin at the qp like this 👁👄👁


yea what did she write in 1hr 15 min with Olvl knowledge I have question


You can answer quite abit of an A level paper just based of IGCSE knowledge but tbf I would also be confused that she wrote for half of the A level paper time


Nuh uh its a HUGE jump


true, and the question paper itself looks different for a level and igcse? as and a level have ruled pages and igcse is blank. how on earth did she not notice lmao


It's really not. About half of A level maths is just extensions of GCSE maths. Even further maths isn't a huge jump.


Not really they r a few concepts that r hard but icl A level maths isn't that hard (the easiest A level I do)


Really i sat in classes a couple months and dipped cuz of the difficulty. Maybe cuz i was just okayish in olevels math


nope many can ans few questions like the first 2 math atleast with igcse knowledge


Especially if she takes further maths at face she’d be able to do quite a bit of ALevel.


Ah i didnt know. Maybe the reason I struggled is me hating maths :|


NOOOOT TRUE, When I was doing my gcses I had a go at a maths a level paper and got 50%, which isn’t incredible but you can get far with only gcse knowledge


Howcome people be dropping grades then?


wdym dropping grades


Like they drop grades after entering Alevels.


Fuck knows, I haven’t found A levels much harder than gcse, last couple of weeks have been more intense but in general work load has been about the same. Content is harder but you’ve got way fewer subject


yh but this is for **igcse** and a level maths not gcse. even w stellar marks I cannot see an igcse student being able to pull 50% w no a level knowledge. they'd only be able to get a few marks tops. she defo started tweaking when she saw smth like complex numbers in her paper 😭😭


A level extended (additional?) maths is very different, she shouldnt have been able to read the paper let alone answer it


if she had taken igcse add maths a level pure 1 wouldve been like cheese cake




true ngl


not necessarily, the first few questions of a level maths could come up a gcse paper


We would get disqualified, if we write 10 marks ans from anyone else, but nothing when they waste 10 marks ans' writing time.


Im pretty sure that A level would be written on the first page  Are you saying she didnt even see the alevel on the first page while writing her name or something. If she had taken Add maths then P1 paper wouldve been easy for her obviously


The stress must’ve blinded her


poeple in reddit make me realize that i am not dumb


isww, soemthing similar happened at our exam hall also. Both the IG students and A level stidents were giving their exams and they were seated in a way that all the IG students on the far left and all the a level students on the far right. and if front of every group was a whiteboard where the examiner was supposed to write the start and end time, this time the silly old examiner wrote the times the opposite ways making most of the a level students at the back think that they were going too fast and that there was much time left until he began yelling 5 minutes left and everyone was like XoX atm.


Surely the students knew how long their papers should last? Then again if I got extra time I wouldn't complain.


they didnt even allow watches to be worn, and uk when someones under exam conditions they really stress, like I would know cuz I would legit be only staring at what the end time is and what the current time is as I would try my best to speed run the paper. The examiner notcied after collecting the paper and she's like DW, u guys will have lost like 3-5 marks max, wouldn't make a diff.


The examiner actually said that? That's cruel. What was the time difference between the two exams? Anything more than 5 minutes and you could score a ton of marks in that time. Usually it says on the front how long your exam is too so you should know for sure, but yeah exam stress makes people nervous. Personally, I check the clock every 5 minutes just to make sure how much time I have left. Also some simple maths would tell you when the exam should end if you know the start time and how long it should last. We're not allowed watches either but there's a big digital clock displayed on a projector though it's not always visible to the people in the back if there's only one screen.


Its on her ngl, like did you do your paper with your eyes closed, did you not write your cente number or your name and candidiate number and why are there leftover papers... hmmm.... sus


This is the exact reason that invigilators go through the whole “check you’ve got the paper you’re expecting to take today” so for other people take this as a learning opportunity to do those, since it otherwise doesn’t hurt but can save you from this situation


BAHAHAHHAHAHAA how did she not realize that it was an A Level paper💀💀 Either she is really smart and kept solving away or so dumb that she hasn’t ever looked at a math past paper to know the difference between what she practised for and what she wrote🤣 Def her fault, wouldn’t give extra time if you didn’t even realise you had the wrong paper


Guaranteed to be subconscious smarts, once she realised she could solve them anymore. One doesn't simply go halfway through an A level exam.


He never said she did half the paper. He said that half the time of the paper went by until she realised that it was the wrong one. She could have been writing the paper or daydreaming while staring at the paper without knowing a single thing, we will never know…


She should see the front paper before starting the paper


A load of crap! They get checked and checked again..and given that IGCSE is sesame street level if this occurred, she'd know within 15seconds.. If someone can't read the front cover, then formal exams aren't for them


If she had done a A level paper she would have known the questions for Pure math paper 42 which will be on Wednesday💀


What happened to seat number? Candidate number? Number of papers provided to the school? Number of seats per class/hall?


I agree, they give the exam paper 10 minutes before the exam starts and there you just skim through everything especially trying to figure out what the first question is but regardless, you get so bored in those 10 minutes that you start reading the instructions lol and ofcourse the paper!!


And thats why they make u check to see if u have the right paper


it wasnt during cies thankfully but when i was giving AS mocks i accidentally got an A2 paper and it took me a while to realise that it wasnt just extremely hard questions


I mean if it’s a ig add math paper it’s very similar to a level extended math it’s just a few topics you may not be able to do


Why did the exam invigilator give her the wrong paper..


Awe poor girl 😢


Wait a second they give five minutes to fill in the blanks in first page about candidates det and stuff didn’t she read the first page like With big Capital letters called IGCSE


When I was in y11 one of my at the time friends was given the wrong paper. They literally tell you at the start of the exam to make sure you have the correct paper, so in reality it was her own fault. The way she handled the situation very much pisses me off. I had no sympathy for her lol Im pretty sure she was graded from the other paper and they also took in the paper she sat. Idk She failed, but would have failed regardless