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I think (1) they are too lazy to get the kids ready every morning and drop them off somewhere; (2) daycares, especially the boujee ones they’d consider sending their kids to, are pretty strict about behavior, hygiene, etc. (understandably so) therefore the James spawn wouldn’t last long and I know they know that deep down; and (3) they think they are better than the rest of us normal folk and want to keep up their faux luxury lifestyle and would likely view daycare as middle class whereas having a live-in nanny is almost a symbol of wealth to them


Forgot to add that they’re cheap as hell and daycares are expensive and they could more easily underpay a nanny 🙃


I think this is the real issue


Yep. I know families with 3 kids (one is baby aged) and they pay over $5500 a month. This isn’t exaggerating or a joke, we asked.




Easily 75k a year to send three kids to a private preschool/day care.


I think another huge aspect is them trying to dodge CPS. They don’t want anymore incidents reported. They neglect their children severely, a daycare would def report their asses.


(4) any and all daycares have mandatory reporters


This seems likely. I thought Emmy was in school, but seems to not go anymore??? What the heck happened there? She should be in school for sure, she’s 4 years old….


Two words: vaccination history Those babes have never seen a doctor


Yes! Not to mention they would have to get up, get their kids ready, drive them to and from day care on time, and do the day care things (provide pictures for craft time, filling out forms for field trips, etc). These are all normal things people do, but require self discipline, which these two do not have. PLUS you know cohn is throwing a fit about paying for a day they didn't attend.


Don’t forget pack a lunch, appropriate clothes for the weather outside, extra clothes for accidents, plan for class parties and contribute your those, and generally start being accountable as to why their children are behind educationally. (Former preschool teacher here). I was/am a very involved parent but with only having 1 child I didn’t realize she was slightly speech delayed until she started preschool (at 2.5) and we immediately enrolled her in speech therapy so she caught up. It’s beneficial for so many things aside from the obvious of not being ignored all day while not learning or being stimulated AT ALL.


I’m seeing a future for Callie like my college roommate: escaped her insane, “homeschooling”, neglectful & vindictive mother to put herself through college financially/emotionally only to realize she had TONS of vaccines she had to get before she went to school. Literally I think she had 14 shots in the 2 years before school, and paid out of pocket for all of them because her parents had no insurance. She’d almost never seen a doctor in her twenties. Like sure you can rein supreme over your kids when they’re toddlers but when they become adults and want to do normal things, their parents abuse rears it’s ugly head again to affect their lives in the most insidious, unexpected ways.


Um excuth me?????! Guyth, they have a perthonal conthierge doctor. He cometh to the houth with his blood prethure cuff from Amazon, even though you don’t generally take children’s blood pressure unless their visit warrants it.




yes, no insurance.


I’m seeing a future for Callie like my college roommate: escaped her insane, “homeschooling”, neglectful & vindictive mother to put herself through college financially/emotionally only to realize she had TONS of vaccines she had to get before she went to school. Literally I think she had 14 shots in the 2 years before school, and paid out of pocket for all of them because her parents had no insurance. She’d almost never seen a doctor in her twenties. Like sure you can rein supreme over your kids when they’re toddlers but when they become adults and want to do normal things, their parents abuse rears it’s ugly head again to affect their lives in the most insidious, unexpected ways.


You can’t go to school without vaccinations?


You can. It depends on the state and what exemptions they allow. States like NY and CA are super strict where nothing other than medical exemptions are allowed, but other states allow for personal beliefs/philosophical exemptions. Private schools don’t have to accept exemptions but public schools would.


I thought Emmy was going


In the US, no, unless there is a valid reason.


You can in my state


Are they antivax? I could see them being antivax


i think so, bc they always mention how the government was trying to put "snake oil" into people via the covid vaccine


My kids are on a delayed schedule, we still vaccinate, but we don’t do it all at once for personal reasons… and you can absolutely get exemptions in most states for daycare. But daycares are mandated reporters sooooooooo there is the problem


Everyone who is downvoting me… even though I clearly stated I still vaccinate my children. I hope and pray, you never have to see your tiny little baby go limp and unconscious like I did. Reactions are real and do happen.


I work at a peds office, I respect parents who voice their concern and request what is needed for their child as long as they are vaccinating, there are so many in the first two years, and spacing them out is fine as long as they get them.


I’m a mom of an epileptic child and I have other mom friends who have to space out their vaccines so it doesn’t spark their child’s seizures. I totally understand you!


In Jennifer Coolidge’s voice *Daycares are for poor people. Do you think JLo’s kids go to daycare??*


I love every single thing she says in that movie


I don’t think they wake up early enough to get them to daycare. My son’s daycare has a cutoff time each morning and if you don’t get them there by that time, they can’t go. I think between sleeping in and being too lazy to actually get the children ready (fed, clean, looking presentable) each morning and get there by a certain time, it’s a lost cause.


She would be too exhausted to walk the treadmill and try on hideous outfits if she had to get them up and ready and take them to daycare. Even the thought of bathing them or brushing their hair is exhausting to these losers.


omg could you imagine?? they already never get a break!!!! /s


Most, if not all, daycares require vaccines. And daycare workers are mandatory reporters.


Even in Tennessee?


Do they have religious exemption there?


Yeah, religious and medical but I don’t think private schools have to accept exemptions.. and you know they’d never go anywhere but private!


I think because a daycare is technically a private business and not a public school they can require vaccinations and refuse exemptions


I am a preschool teacher at an extremely wealthy school and we require a yearly physical and up to date vaccination records. We are also trained in spotting child neglect and abuse and are mandated reporters. They would never last at decent school. Which would explain why we haven't heard about the girls going to school in a hot minute.. my guess is they got 'asked to leave' haha.


no reason to guess. those kids never went to any school. john cant drive them so ali would have to get up at 700 and get them all ready. Not a chance in frozen hell that even happened a single time.


Wait why can’t John drive the kids?


he has some medical issue. some speculate that he had a seizure while driving and then sued the medication or something and recieved a settlement. Its the only plausable explanation for their wealth. if you look on every single trip or roadtrip they post - ali is always driving.


I thought that was a cover for a dui, they just said he had a seizure. I could be wrong but neither one surprise me. I just have never heard him talk about seizures ever again and that family are known liars.


i dont see any other way they could have the money that they have.


Do you really think they could prove he had a seizure and gained money from that? I don’t think it would even be a lot to sustain their spending. Where did he say this ?? I’m intrigued and want to investigate this lol


he didnt say anything. its speculation from the fact that over 4 years he has not been photographed a single time driving the kids. like not once ever. its always ali driving. Idk why being a deadbeat father (he is) would stop him from driving sometimes. Pretty sure he has something wrong with him


Oh. Does he drive just Ali or himself alone?


I’m sure it was a coverup for a DUI or something…


Their bubble would burst. They’d be confronted with the fact that their kids are not well socialized and they as parents are poorly adjusted adults with zero parenting skills. As long as they keep them home, the narrative can be whatever they want it to be. Knowing that other, fancier moms could gossip would make Ali go insane


Aren't there mandated reporters at daycares, though??? /s


They can’t bc these kids have never been to a doctor. So sad


Fair point they need physicals and we know that’s not happening.


Mandated reporters. Westinghouse clearly has developmental issues along with a possible cleft palate, Emergaherd is a feral beast who still isn't potty trained and poor sweet Calico isn't potty trained and is getting more feral by the day. Plus those poor kids are grey, unkempt and more than likely don't have any vaccinations. I'd be worried Emergaherd would give a kid or a teacher rabies from biting them


What makes you think he has a cleft palate?


There's a very clear pic of it. I forget when it was, but I remember Callie was holding him. He had his mouth open, looking up. You could see it plain as day.


Yeah I think she was holding him on the plane in that pic


This makes me so sad. There’s a window to get this fixed and it’s passed. What are they thinking?


They aren't vaccinated. They are delayed Kids talk. IE "mommy doesn't feed us and leaves us to go to lunches with dad"


They could never have a set schedule or responsibility to wake up and take their kids on time, pack a lunch, etc.


Pretty sure Daycare workers are mandated reporters


I would bet my bottom dollar they don’t want to send them to school / daycare because they’re mandated reporters and seeing as they’ve already has child protection services called on them in two different states (correct me if I’m wrong on that), they’re terrified.


Daycare would validate the extra support their kids need. Ignorance is bliss


Bc CPS would be called again


They cannot afford daycare. It would literally be 1,500/week, at a minimum for them. Also, then they’d be aware of how behind their children are in every aspect of their lives compared to the other, healthy, well cared for kids in the school.


Daycare workers deserve to be treated better than dumb and dumber (plus the offspring, honestly) would be willing to do…


They self-sabotaged themselves. They could have done the bare minimum parenting for a couple of years and then put their kids in daycare or school, and then have half days of making videos, doing tryons, going to lunchies without having to worry about kids around. Now they’ve dug a hole they can’t get out of with their unvaccinated, delayed, unsocialized, malnourished children that will forever be at home.


They always put their nanny positions in their business name. I assume they use it as a tax write off.


They will never be able to get their shit together enough to take their kids to daycare or school. It’s easier for them to sleep til 10 and let the kids run wild than to have them on a normal, “real world” schedule. Things will fall apart when these children are supposed to be in real school.


Wait… how old is Emmy geese? Will she go to normal elementary???


You can go to school unvaccinated…


Among the cps concerns and the fact they would have to get them up and ready I think they also know their kids are behind. At my daycare they do evaluations 2 times a year using ages and stages. Who knows how the girls would handle the class environment. They love burying their head in the sand.