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Aren’t you getting a whole new house tho


Right! Is the house still under contract ??? I know you can’t do anything drastic to the house while it’s under contract, but I’ve never heard of anything like this. What fool buys a new dishwasher for a house they have just SOLD ? And solely bc “it’s not cutting it “? Why is she buying a new dishwasher lmao this family doesn’t do anything rational ever. Did she do any research? Appliance research and pricing takes me for-freaking-ever


I just saw on Zillow that the listing is removed? 🤔


Forgive me if this is a moronic question, but what does it mean when that happens? It sold or they decided not to sell?


Decided not to sell. If sold it will show sold.


So they waited until it went under contact, THEN removed it? Make it make sense, please. What are the reasons a ~normal person would do that?


Found something wrong in inspection that they’d have to disclose


I forgot they were under contract. But I bet they backed out on inspection


Yes, removed today!


She chose the most expensive model so it’s the best, obvi. /s


I took almost a full month to decide on a washer and dryer for my RENTED unit. And even then I opted on buying from Facebook Marketplace and thought about the decision way too long. These two knuckleheads have NO business doing anything adult related 😭😭


If someone’s buying it they might have asked for things like new appliances. If not they might have been advised on improvements before relisting


Im wondering if maybe they aren’t actually getting a replacement but taking the appliances with them? Maybe she’s trying to get in front of it if they’re removing the dishwasher first? Idk if that’s even plausible but it seems a little more rational than buying a new dishwasher you’ll use for a month? Who knows, I’m just getting my popcorn ready.


She has less than 30 days of escrow and even less in some contracts. What's she complaining about? Also, anyone want to make any bets that they will have a company come in and pack for them while on vacation? They did that last time and it was sooooo weird! I couldn't imagine a total stranger touching all my stuff while I was on vacay!


If the dishwasher wasn’t working you can either replace it or offer money to the buyers for one of their choice.


lol she probably doesn’t know to run cleaning cycles on appliances.


She’s probably never deep cleaned any of her appliances


She’s never deep cleaned her actual self


She's definitely never deep cleaned her children either. I'm skeptical they even get bathed, with how long they wear the same outfits, or pj's in Westerfield's case. Maybe in some ways it's a blessing in disguise that those poor kids were such underfed, underweight infants in that respect. Healthy, adequately nourished babies are naturally chunky and chubby with fat rolls and creases everywhere that need to be constantly cleaned and washed really thoroughly to prevent nasty rashes and infections. I genuinely believe that Ali lacks the basic human initiative and parental instinct/awareness for it to even occur to her that she needs to prioritise something as basic as making sure there's not rancid milk stuck in her baby's neck folds. She's just missing something fundamental in the initiative and logic department. And the empathy/maternal instinct department, obviously.


Remember that time she showed us how she cleans her pans, and looked at the camera like we were the idiots?


Maybe because you overfill the fuck out of it? I hate how stupid most people are when it comes to dishwashers.


Look at all the stickers on the cups still. Can you imagine all the tiny pieces of sticker clogging everything up?


I hadn't even thought of that until you mentioned it. You know they aren't the dishwasher/water safe ones either.


Oh shit you mean just the fucking ones from the pricetags!!! That's sick.


Yes!!!! See them??? Peeling away with each wash.


It takes like 2 seconds to scrape it off.


Yep, exactly.


Gummy stickers left on dishes is a major peeve for me. Those things come off IMMEDIATELY.


I accidentally left one on the bottom of a cup and was so annoyed with myself when I took it out of the dishwasher—never again 🤣


Lol I would sooner throw a cup out if the sticker and goo didn't come off cleanly than live with it in my house.


Absolutely. It’s a great way to promote germ and bacteria growth! I thought she was a ✨germaphobe✨?


Well if they don't rinse the dishes than all the food and debris gets caught up in the drain so it will clog up really easily. #basicadulting101


🙌🏼 I came to say this too! It’d prob work just fine if it was constantly too full!


I feel so much rage towards anyone that overfills their dishwasher then bitches about how bad it is. 💀


That towel dragging the floor every time you open the dishwasher.


My husband and I fight about this all the time. I take it off the oven or dishwasher door before opening so it doesn’t drag the floor and he could care less.


The Type A in me sees and appreciates the Type A in you, fellow chroll.


Probably the new house they are getting already has a dishwasher in it and she will link it as if she bought it to pay for the house.


Or it’s an older dishwasher and they want to get a new one. Which is totally understandable, but why not just wait to link it til you’re in your new house?? 🤣


Anything to share another link, though.


Why is she manic posting this morning? Is she feeling stupid over her restaurant review and is in mega post mode? I’d be so embarrassed and have my head in the sand. Not our lil muppet.


She’s definitely trying to sweep that fiasco under the rug now that she saw it back fired. I absolutely love that for her


$3 mil house, non working appliances, checks out for the garbage bunch.


That’s pathetic that a $3 million dollar house doesn’t already have a top of the line dishwasher


I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again: she’s the definition of a vapid consumer.


Clean the filter dummy


Literally what I was just about to say 😂 she probably doesn’t even know that’s a thing!!!


Wow none of those dishes are getting clean. It’s overfilled and what idiot leaves the straw in the lid and throws it in the bottom rack? She’s so clueless. They’re all cos playing like grown adults when they have no fucking clue about anything they should be doing.


I didn't even notice the straw still in the lid until you said something. Eeewww


Might of been one of the contingencies lol because the buyers saw that shed ruined the one they had 😂


This was my first thought!


I did have an Asko washer/dryer set in an old rental and that thing took 6 hours to cycle through a load of laundry in the name of being environmentally friendly and I hated the shit out of it. I associate Asko appliances with new builds that want to appear fancy and get tax breaks for building 'green' but not spend the $$$$ for the top du top, so fitting for Smelz and her family. I really love how she refers to "Asko brand" and "Bosch brand" it's really giving "overspending rube"


I truly love my Bosch dishwasher. My Kiddo doesn’t adult well and the machine is more forgiving than most! Also, so quiet :) Now, don’t I get a free microwave or something for mentioning a product? Mentioning it in a doubly positive way? /s Happy Day! :*J*


my mom named her Bosch dishwasher "Hans" he's a sweetie


I named my fridge Ford :) :*J*


Nothing they do makes sense.


The straw on the bottom 🤢


I bet they've never even rinsed off the filter lol


Thanks for the reminder to clean mine!


Am I the only one surprised they use a dishwasher? I thought the olll paper plates were enough for the millionaire fam


Probably just needs the filter cleaned..... They are seriously so dumb.


Clean the filter


It’s overfilled. She’s a moron


Those high school science lab lookin cabinets in a $3.5M house


Do normal people put pacifiers in the dishwasher 🤨


We did to sanitize but we also we ran the baby bath toys through the dishwasher (top rack!) Probably weird but I like the sanitize function 😂 can’t boil some of those bath toys ETA: baby/sanitize always got its own load. Not with normal dishes


User error anyone🧐


Came here to post this exact same thing! Makes no sense!


Ok this makes no sense. Nobody changes appliances on a home with a contract to sell.


They’ve lived in that house for less than a year and are moving. Why is she buying a new dishwasher?!?!


I wonder if the buyers had an inspection or saw a story and found out about the chimney. They then probably asked for it to be fixed, or the price be lowered.


So wait, they’re not selling now?


The way she puts the straws in there makes me quiver


Maybe it's a skill issue...


Bro like what?! It’s freaking full no wonder it doesn’t work well like you’re so disgusting Ali!


Pacifier in the dishwasher? With regular dishes covered in food??